830 resultados para inaugural
This study investigated the effects of factors like member satisfaction and social rituals on desirable outcomes such as attendance, intention to rejoin and merchandise sales. This study focuses on the inaugural members of a new team in Australia’s A-League to gain insight into how loyalty develops amongst fans of new sporting organisations. The results show the importance to sports marketers of satisfying members and building ritual behaviour, as both are correlated with all of the positive outcomes investigated here.
The first International Diabetic Foot Conference in Australia was hosted at Liverpool Hospital in Sydney during May 30-31, 2013. In response to the growing diabetes epidemic globally and more locally to Australia, the conference provided the perfect bridge for interaction between the multidisciplinary team members involved in diabetes care and the opportunity to assimilate the most up-to-date evidence-based medicine from some of the most respected researchers in the field.
WELL I HEARD it on the radio and I saw it on the television. John Howard said there would be no talk of a treaty between his government and Indigenous people. He is not the first government leader to hold such views. Let me consider some of the public and official conversations that the concept of a treaty has invoked and what they reveal about white sovereignty. My interest in such dialogues stems from the fact that the idea of a treaty between white Australia and Indigenous people is not new and in the year of the centenary of Federation the Australian nation is still having trouble discussing it. Australian culture is less white than it used to be, but Anglicised whiteness forms the centre where white men established and defend institutions encouraging a possessive investment in white sovereignty. My intention is to invoke critical thought about these conversations. White sovereignty is a subject that asserts its dominance on social, political...
This publication takes the form of a written version of my inaugural lecture, which was presented at Queen’s University Belfast on 10 March 2010. It is more personal and considerably more self-indulgent than would normally be acceptable in an article, with more of my own experiences and also my own references than would usually be considered proper. However, the bestowal of such a title as Professor of Island Geography is something of a marker of the maturity not just of myself but maybe also for island studies. After a section describing my path into island geography, the lecture deals with the negativities of islands and the seeming futility of studying them only then to identify a new or at least enhanced regard for islands as places with which to interact and to examine. Reference is made to islands throughout the world, but with some focus on the small islands off Ireland. The development of island studies as a discipline is then briefly described before the lecture concludes with reference to its title quotation on St Helena by considering that place’s islandness and how this affected/affects it in both the 17th and 21st centuries.
An invitation to the Inaugural Ceremony of the 61st Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Japan October 1974. The invitation reads: "The Japanese Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union has the honour of inviting you to attend the Inaugural Ceremony of the 61st Inter-Parliamentary Conference to be held in the Chamber of the House of Councillors on Wednesday the 2nd of October 1974, at 3 p.m. The Ceremony will be honoured by the presence of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan".
Esta lección inaugural pronunciada por el catedrático de Historia Contemporánea D. José Andrés-Gallego realiza un recorrido por la historia de la universidad en España a través de sus conquistas en los campos de la libertad, capacidad investigadora y de servicio público, una breve panorámica de la evolución del profesorado a lo largo de ocho siglos de historia y su modo de entender la libertad y el papel protagonista del alumno que necesita encontrar el sentido y resolver problemas de forma cada vez más autónoma.
Conferència inaugural del curs acadèmic 2001-2002 de la Universitat de Girona, on el Dr. Brugada obre la porta a la possibilitat de parlar per una banda de temes estricament mèdics, però, al mateix temps, d'abordar aquells aspectes polítics, socials i ètics relacionats amb la medicina... i encara no resolts
Rosa Congost recupera l'expressió 'pensar històricament' per començar la lliçó inaugural del curs 2003-2004, i que resumeix el pensament i les preocupacions no solament de l'historiador sinó també de l'ensenyant Pierre Vilar
Llicó inaugural del curs acadèmic 2005-06 de les universitats catalanes, a càrrec del Sr.Pere Cornellà. A partir de la formulació d'una premissa desenvolupa tot un discurs al voltant del cafè, la seva història, la manera d'entendre el cafè lligat amb la innovació, la universitat i l'empresa
En l'acte d'inauguració del curs acadèmic de la Universitat de Girona 2008-2009, el senador i president de l'Assemblea del Consell d'Europa, Lluís Maria de Puig, parla de la construcció europea i del desig que la Universitat de Girona s'insereixi plenament en aquest procés. Desenvolupa aquesta idea a partir de tres aspectes: el paper de la universitat avui, el procés de Bolonya, i la Universitat de Girona i Europa