920 resultados para in situ transesterification


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The objective of this work is to show the results of the in situ transesterification of sunflower seed oil with methanol on basic homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for the production of biodiesel. In homogeneous catalysis, the activity of KOH and K2CO3 were evaluated using the same oil:methanol ratio of 1:90. KOH showed to be more active than K2CO3, leading to total conversion in biodiesel after 1h reaction time. In the heterogeneous catalysis the activity of K2CO3/Al2O3 was comparable to the activity of K2CO3 bulk: 53.0 and 66.6% resp. The properties of samples of biodiesel produced by homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis were evaluated and are in accordance with the recommended fuel properties.


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With the growth and development of modern society, arises the need to search for new raw materials and new technologies which present the "clean" characteristic, and do not harm the environment, but can join the energy needs of industry and transportation. The Moringa oleifera Lam, plant originating from India, and currently present in the Brazilian Northeast, presents itself as a multi-purpose plant, can be used as a coagulant in water treatment, as a natural remedy and as a feedstock for biodiesel production. In this work, Moringa has been used as a raw material for studies on the extraction and subsequently in the synthesis of biodiesel. Studies have been conducted on various techniques of Moringa oil extraction (solvents, mechanical pressing and enzymatic), being specially developed an experimental design for the aqueous extraction with the aid of the enzyme Neutrase© 0.8 L, with the aim of analyzing the influence variable pH (5.5-7.5), temperature (45-55°C), time (16-24 hours) and amount of catalyst (2-5%) on the extraction yield. In relation to study of the synthesis of biodiesel was initially carried out a conventional transesterification (50°C, KOH as a catalyst, methanol and 60 minutes reaction). Next, a study was conducted using the technique of in situ transesterification by using an experimental design variables as temperature (30-60°C), catalyst amount (2-5%), and molar ratio oil / ethanol (1:420-1:600). The extraction technique that achieved the highest extraction yield (35%) was the one that used hexane as a solvent. The extraction using 32% ethanol obtained by mechanical pressing and extraction reached 25% yield. For the enzymatic extraction, the experimental design indicated that the extraction yield was most affected by the effect of the combination of temperature and time. The maximum yield obtained in this extraction was 16%. After the step of obtaining the oil was accomplished the synthesis of biodiesel by the conventional method and the in situ technique. The method of conventional transesterification was obtained a content of 100% and esters by in situ technique was also obtained in 100% in the experimental point 7, with a molar ratio oil / alcohol 1:420, Temperature 60°C in 5% weight KOH with the reaction time of 1.5 h. By the experimental design, it was found that the variable that most influenced the ester content was late the percentage of catalyst. By physico-chemical analysis it was observed that the biodiesel produced by the in situ method fell within the rules of the ANP, therefore this technique feasible, because does not require the preliminary stage of oil extraction and achieves high levels of esters


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Microalgae are microscopic photosynthetic organisms that grow rapidly and in different environmental conditions due to their simple cellular structure. The cultivation of microalgae is a biological system capable of storing solar energy through the production of organic compounds via photosynthesis, and these species presents growth faster than land plants, enabling higher biomass yield. Thus, it is understood that the cultivation of these photosynthetic mechanisms is part of a relevant proposal, since, when compared to other oil producing raw materials, they have a significantly higher productivity, thus being a raw material able to complete the current demand by biodiesel . The overall aim of the thesis was to obtain biofuel via transesterification process of bio oil from the microalgae Isochrysis galbana. The specific objective was to estimate the use of a photobioreactor at the laboratory level, for the experiments of microalgae growth; evaluating the characteristics of biodiesel from microalgae produced by in situ transesterification process; studying a new route for disinfection of microalgae cultivation, through the use of the chemical agent sodium hypochlorite. The introduction of this new method allowed obtaining the kinetics of the photobioreactor for cultivation, besides getting the biomass needed for processing and analysis of experiments in obtaining biodiesel. The research showed acceptable results for the characteristics observed in the bio oil obtained, which fell within the standards of ANP Resolution No. 14, dated 11.5.2012 - 18.5.2012. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the photobioreactor designed meet expectations about study culture growth and has contributed largely to the development of the chosen species of microalgae. Thus, it can be seen that the microalgae Isochrysis galbana showed a species with potential for biodiesel production


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar estudo comparativo dos processos de extração-transesterificação e transesterificação in situ para a síntese de ésteres metílicos e etílicos a partir da microalga Chlorella sp. Utilizando o processo de extração-transesterificação, a extração dos lipídeos foi realizada a partir da biomassa seca de Chlorella sp., pelo uso de três diferentes solventes, clorofórmio:metanol, etanol e metanol, sendo o maior rendimento, 12,3%, obtido com a mistura clorofórmio:metanol (2:1 v/v). Independente do solvente extrator utilizado, as frações lipídicas obtidas apresentaram altos índices de acidez que variaram de 39,39 a 112,76 mg KOH/g. Após, os ésteres alquilicos graxos foram obtidos através da transesterificação das frações lipídicas realizada com metanol e etanol (razão molar álcool:extrato lipidico, 30:1) na presença de 10% de H2SO4 como catalisador a temperatura de 100 oC por 4h. A transesterificação in situ (alcoolise direta) aplicada a biomassa de Chlorella sp, foi realizada a 60 e 100 oC por 4 h usando 20% de H2SO4 com base na biomassa seca. A reação foi realizada a partir de 50 g de biomassa seca na presença de 150 mL de álcool (etanol ou metanol) A partir do método de transesterificação in situ foram obtidos maiores rendimentos de ésteres alquilicos graxos (11,0%), quando comparado ao processo de extração-transesterificação (8,1%). Os produtos purificados apresentaram teores de ésteres que variaram de 75,4% a 99,8%. A variação da temperatura de reação da transesterificação in situ não teve influência significativa nos rendimentos dos produtos.


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High temperature processing of solvothermally synthesised MgO nanoparticles promotes striking changes in their morphology, and surface chemical and electronic structure. As-prepared NanoMgO comprised ∼4 nm cubic periclase nanocrystals, interspersed within an amorphous Mg(OH)(OCH3) matrix. These crystallites appear predominantly (1 0 0) terminated, and the overall material exhibits carbonate and hydroxyl surface functionalities of predominantly weak/moderate base character. Heating promotes gradual crystallisation and growth of the MgO nanoparticles, and concomitant loss of Mg(OH)(OCH3). In situ DRIFTS confirms the residual precursor and surface carbonate begin to decompose above 300 °C, while in situ XPS shows these morphological changes are accompanied by the disappearance of surface hydroxyl/methoxide species and genesis of O- centres which enhance both the surface density and basicity of the resulting stepped and defective MgO nanocrystals. The catalytic performance in tributyrin transesterification with methanol is directly proportional to the density of strong surface base sites. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biofuels are promising renewable energy sources and can be derived from vegetable oil feedstocks. Although solid catalysts show great promise in plant oil triglyceride transesterification to biodiesel, the identification of active sites and operating surface nanostructures created during their processing is essential for the development of efficient heterogeneous catalysts. Systematic, direct observations of dynamic MgO nanocatalysts from a magnesium hydroxide-methoxide precursor were performed under controlled calcination conditions using novel in situ aberration corrected-transmission electron microscopy at the 0.1 nm level and quantified with catalytic reactivity and physico-chemical studies. Surface structural modifications and the evolution of extended atomic scale glide defects implicate coplanar anion vacancies in active sites in the transesterification of triglycerides to biodiesel. The linear correlation between surface defect density (and therefore polarisability) and activity affords a simple means to fine tune new, energy efficient nanocatalysts for biofuel synthesis. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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An in situ XPS study of water, methanol and methyl acetate adsorption over as-synthesised and calcined MgO nanocatalysts is reported with a view to gaining insight into the surface adsorption of key components relevant to fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) production during the transesterification of triglycerides with methanol. High temperature calcined NanoMgO-700 adsorbed all three species more readily than the parent material due to the higher density of electron-rich (111) and (110) facets exposed over the larger crystallites. Water and methanol chemisorb over the NanoMgO-700 through the conversion of surface O2 − sites to OH− and coincident creation of Mg-OH or Mg-OCH3 moieties respectively. A model is proposed in which the dissociative chemisorption of methanol occurs preferentially over defect and edge sites of NanoMgO-700, with higher methanol coverages resulting in physisorption over weakly basic (100) facets. Methyl acetate undergoes more complex surface chemistry over NanoMgO-700, with C–H dissociation and ester cleavage forming surface hydroxyl and acetate species even at extremely low coverages, indicative of preferential adsorption at defects. Comparison of C 1s spectra with spent catalysts from tributyrin transesterification suggest that ester hydrolysis plays a key factor in the deactivation of MgO catalysts for biodiesel production.


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Neste trabalho, a produção de ésteres graxos da biomassa úmida da microalga Chlorella sp. foi investigada pelo método de hidrólise seguido de esterificação e comparado com o método convencional de extração/transesterificação. Na primeira etapa do processo de hidrólise “in situ” seguido de esterificação ocorreu à hidrólise, onde a água presente na biomassa (50 e 100% em massa) reagiu com os lipídios de reserva, na presença de H2SO4 (20, 40 e 60% em massa), sendo obtidos os ácidos graxos brutos. Na segunda etapa do processo, os ácido graxos foram submetidos à reação de esterificação por 1 ou 4 h na presença de metanol, na razão molar de 30:1 álcool:AG, com H2SO4 10% em massa a 60 ou 100 °C. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no processo de hidrólise/esterificação, os melhores rendimentos – cerca de 7,3±0,8% de FAMEs, em relação a biomassa inicial – foram obtidos na presença de 60% de catalisador e 50% de umidade, na etapa de hidrólise e 100 °C por 4 h na etapa de esterificação. No método convencional de extração-transesterificação, os melhores rendimentos – 7,1±1,8% de FAMEs em relação à biomassa seca – foram obtidos utilizando a mistura de clorofórmio:metanol 2:1 v/v. Em resumo os rendimentos obtidos nos dois métodos de produção de ésteres graxos foram próximos. No entanto, o processo de hidrólise “in situ” seguido de esterificação possui vantagens como a utilização da biomassa úmida.


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FISH has been used as a complement to classical cytogenetics in the detection of mosaicism in sex chromosome anomalies. The aim of this study is to describe three cases in which the final diagnosis could only be achieved by FISH. Case 1 was an 8-year-old 46,XY girl with normal female genitalia referred to our service because of short stature. FISH analysis of lymphocytes with probes for the X and Y centromeres identified a 45,X/46,X,idic(Y) constitution, and established the diagnosis of Turner syndrome. Case 2 was a 21-month-old 46,XY boy with genital ambiguity (penile hypospadias, right testis, and left streak gonad). FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 45,X/46,XY karyotype, leading to diagnosis of mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Case 3 was a 47,XYY 19-year-old boy with delayed neuromotor development, learning disabilities, psychological problems, tall stature, small testes, elevated gonadotropins, and azoospermia. FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 47,XYY/48,XXYY constitution. Cases 1 and 2 illustrate the phenotypic variability of the 45,X/46,XY mosaicism, and the importance of detection of the 45,X cell line for proper management and follow-up. In case 3, abnormal gonadal function could be explained by the 48,XXYY cell line. The use of FISH in clinical practice is particularly relevant when classical cytogenetic analysis yields normal or uncertain results in patients with features of sex chromosome aneuploidy. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):545-51


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This in situ study investigated, using scanning electron microscopy, the effect of stimulated saliva on the enamel surface of bovine and human substrates submitted to erosion followed by brushing abrasion immediately or after one hour. During 2 experimental 7-day crossover phases, 9 previously selected volunteers wore intraoral palatal devices, with 12 enamel specimens (6 human and 6 bovine). In the first phase, the volunteers immersed the device for 5 minutes in 150 ml of a cola drink, 4 times a day (8h00, 12h00, 16h00 and 20h00). Immediately after the immersions, no treatment was performed in 4 specimens (ERO), 4 other specimens were immediately brushed (0 min) using a fluoride dentifrice and the device was replaced into the mouth. After 60 min, the other 4 specimens were brushed. In the second phase, the procedures were repeated but, after the immersions, the volunteers stimulated the salivary flow rate by chewing a sugar-free gum for 30 min. Enamel superficial alterations of all specimens were then evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. Enamel prism core dissolution was seen on the surfaces submitted to erosion, while on those submitted to erosion and to abrasion (both at 0 and 60 min) a more homogeneous enamel surface was observed, probably due to the removal of the altered superficial prism layer. For all the other variables - enamel substrate and salivary stimulation -, the microscopic pattern of the enamel specimens was similar.


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The objective of this study was to assess the salivary residual effect of fluoride dentifrice on human enamel subjected to an erosive challenge. This crossover in situ study was performed in two phases (A and B), involving ten volunteers. In each phase, they wore acrylic palatal appliances, each containing 3 human enamel blocks, during 7 days. The blocks were subjected to erosion by immersion of the appliances in a cola drink for 5 minutes, 4 times a day. Dentifrice was used to brush the volunteers’ teeth, 4 times a day, during 1 minute, before the appliance was replaced into the mouth. In phases A and B the dentifrices used had the same formulation, except for the absence (PD) or presence (FD) of fluoride, respectively. Enamel alterations were determined using profilometry, microhardness (%SMHC), acid- and alkali-soluble F analysis. The data were tested using ANOVA (p < 0.05). The concentrations (mean ± SD) of alkali- and acid-soluble F (µgF/cm²) were, respectively, PD: 1.27ª ± 0.70/2.24A ± 0.36 and FD: 1.49ª ± 0.44/2.24A ± 0.67 (p > 0.05). The mean wear values (± SD, µm) were PD: 3.63ª ± 1.54 and FD: 3.54ª ± 0.90 (p > 0.05). The mean %SMHC values (± SD) were PD: 89.63ª ± 4.73 and FD: 87.28ª ± 4.01 (p > 0.05). Thus, we concluded that the residual fluoride from the fluoride-containing dentifrice did not protect enamel against erosion.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ changes in the alveolar crest bone height around immediate implant-supported crowns in comparison to tooth-supported crowns (control) with the cervical margins located at the bone crest level, without occlusal load. In Group I, after extraction of 12 mandibular premolars from 4 adult dogs, implants from Branemark System (MK III TiU RP 4.0 x 11.5 mm) were placed to retain complete acrylic crowns. In Group II, premolars were prepared to receive complete metal crowns. Sixteen weeks after placement of the crowns (38 weeks after tooth extraction), the height of the alveolar bone crest was measured with a digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test at 5% significance level. The in situ analysis showed no statistically significant difference (p=0.880) between the implant-supported and the tooth-supported groups (1.528 + 0.459 mm and 1.570 + 0.263 mm, respectively). Based on the findings of the present study, it may be concluded that initial peri-implant bone loss may result from the remodeling process necessary to establish the biological space, similar to which occurs with tooth-supported crowns.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a expressão de erbB-2 e dos receptores hormonais para estrógeno e progesterona (RE/RP) nas regiões de transição entre as frações in situ e invasoras de neoplasias ductais da mama (CDIS e CDI, respectivamente). MÉTODOS: oitenta e cinco casos de neoplasias mamárias, contendo regiões contíguas de CDIS e CDI, foram selecionados. Espécimes histológicos das áreas de CDIS e de CDI foram obtidos através da técnica de tissue microarray (TMA). As expressões da erbB-2 e dos RE/RP foram avaliadas por meio de imunoistoquímica convencional. A comparação da expressão da erbB-2 e dos RE/RP nas frações in situ e invasoras da mama foi realizada com emprego do teste de McNemar. Os intervalos de confiança foram determinados em 5% (p=0,05). Foram calculados coeficientes de correlação intraclasse (ICC) para avaliar a concordância na tabulação cruzada da expressão de erbB-2 e RE/RP nas frações de CDIS e CDI. RESULTADOS: a expressão da erbB-2 não diferiu entre as áreas de CDIS e CDI (p=0,38). Comparando caso a caso suas áreas de CDIS e CDI, houve boa concordância na expressão da erbB-2 (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, ICC=0,64), dos RP (ICC = 0,71) e dos RE (ICC = 0,64). Considerando apenas tumores cujo componente in situ apresentasse áreas de necrose (comedo), o ICC para erbB-2 foi de 0,4, comparado a 0,6 no conjunto completo de casos. Os ICC não diferiram substancialmente daqueles obtidos com o conjunto completo de espécimes em relação aos RE/RP: para RE, ICC=0,7 (versus 0,7 no conjunto completo), e para RP, ICC=0,7 (versus 0,6 no conjunto completo). CONCLUSÕES: nossos achados sugerem que as expressões de erbB-2 e RE/RP não diferem nos componentes contíguos in situ e invasivo em tumores ductais da mama.


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Since 1964, the Center for Geochronological Research - CPGeo, one of the interdepartmental centers of the Instituto de Geociências (IG) of São Paulo University, has developed studies related to several geological processes associated with different rock types. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Dilution (ID-TIMS) has been the technique widely used in the CPGeo U-Pb Laboratory. It provides reliable and accurate results in age determination of superposed events. However, the open-system behavior such as Pb-loss, the inheritance problem and metamictization processes allow and impel us to a much richer understanding of the power and limitations of U-Pb geochronology and thermochronology. In this article, we present the current methodology used at the CPGeo-IGc-USP U-Pb laboratory, the improvements on ID-TIMS method, and report high-precision U-Pb data from zircon, monazite, epidote, titanite, baddeleyite and rutile from different rock types of several domains of the Brazilian south-southeast area, Argentina and Uruguay.


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Interference by autofluorescence is one of the major concerns of immunofluorescence analysis of in situ hybridization-based diagnostic assays. We present a useful technique that reduces autofluorescent background without affecting the tissue integrity or direct immunofluorescence signals in brain sections. Using six different protocols, such as ammonia/ethanol, Sudan Black B (SBB) in 70% ethanol, photobleaching with UV light and different combinations of them in both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen human brain tissue sections, we have found that tissue treatment of SBB in a concentration of 0.1% in 70% ethanol is the best approach to reduce/eliminate tissue autofluorescence and background, while preserving the specific fluorescence hybridization signals. This strategy is a feasible, non-time consuming method that provides a reasonable compromise between total reduction of the tissue autofluorescence and maintenance of specific fluorescent labels.