994 resultados para in situ SECM hydrogen permeation


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Hydrogen interaction with oxide films grown on iron electrodes at open circuit potential (E-oc) and in the passive region (+0.30 V-ECS) was studied by chronopotentiometry, chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques. The results were obtained in deaerated 0.3 mol L-1 H3BO3 + 0.075 mol L-1 Na2B4O7 (BB, pH 8.4) solution before, during and after hydrogen permeation. The iron oxide film modification was also investigated by means of in situ X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) before and during hydrogen permeation. The main conclusion was that the passive film is reduced during the hydrogen diffusion. The hydrogen permeation stabilizes the iron surface at a potential close to the thermodynamic water stability line where hydrogen evolution can occur. The stationary condition required for the determination of the permeation parameters cannot be easily attained on iron surface during hydrogen permeation. Moreover, additional attention must be paid when obtaining the transport parameters using the classical permeation cell. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen interaction with oxide films grown on iron electrodes at open circuit potential (E-oc) and in the passive region (+0.30 V-ECS) was studied by chronopotentiometry, chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques. The results were obtained in deaerated 0.3 mol L-1 H3BO3 + 0.075 mol L-1 Na2B4O7 (BB, pH 8.4) solution before, during and after hydrogen permeation. The iron oxide film modification was also investigated by means of in situ X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) before and during hydrogen permeation. The main conclusion was that the passive film is reduced during the hydrogen diffusion. The hydrogen permeation stabilizes the iron surface at a potential close to the thermodynamic water stability line where hydrogen evolution can occur. The stationary condition required for the determination of the permeation parameters cannot be easily attained on iron surface during hydrogen permeation. Moreover, additional attention must be paid when obtaining the transport parameters using the classical permeation cell. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen permeation of 16Mn steel under a cyclic wet-dry condition was investigated by Devanathan-Stachurski's electrolytic cell with a membrane covered on the exit side by a nickel layer and the weight loss was measured for each wet-dry cycle. The results show that hydrogen permeation current change with different atmospheric environment: distilled water, seawater, and seawater containing 100 ppm H2S. The results show that seawater can induce an increase in the hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And after the increase, equilibrium is reached due to the equilibrium of hydrolyzation reaction effect and the block of the rust layer. On the other hand, H2S contamination also can induce an increase in the maximum hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And H2S contamination delays the time that hydrogen permeation is detected because of the formation of the FeS(1-x) film. The FeS(1-x) film can block the absorption of hydrogen onto the specimen surface. The surface potential change and the pH change of the metal surface control the hydrogen permeation current. And a clear linear correlation exists between the quantities of hydrogen permeated through the 16Mn steel and the weight loss. Based on the linear correlation, we monitored the corrosion rate by monitoring the hydrogen permeation current by a sensor outside. Good coherences were shown between results in laboratory and outside.


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This work was focused on studies of the metal hydride materials having a potential in building hydrogen storage systems with high gravimetric and volumetric efficiencies of H storage and formed / decomposed with high rates of hydrogen exchange. In situ diffraction studies of the metal-hydrogen systems were explored as a valuable tool in probing both the mechanism of the phase-structural transformations and their kinetics. Two complementary techniques, namely Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SR XRD) were utilised. High pressure in situ NPD studies were performed at D2 pressures reaching 1000 bar at the D1B diffractometer accommodated at Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble. The data of the time resolved in situ SR XRD were collected at the Swiss Norwegian Beam Lines, ESRF, Grenoble in the pressure range up to 50 bar H2 at temperatures 20-400°C. The systems studied by NPD at high pressures included deuterated Al-modified Laves-type C15 ZrFe2-xAlx intermetallics with x = 0.02; 0.04 and 0.20 and the CeNi5-D2 system. D content, hysteresis of H uptake and release, unit cell expansion and stability of the hydrides systematically change with Al content. Deuteration exhibited a very fast kinetics; it resulted in increase of the unit cells volumes reaching 23.5 % for ZrFe1.98Al0.02D2.9(1) and associated with exclusive occupancy of the Zr2(Fe,Al)2 tetrahedra. For CeNi5 deuteration yielded a hexahydride CeNi5D6.2 (20°C, 776 bar D2) and was accompanied by a nearly isotropic volume expansion reaching 30.1% (∆a/a=10.0%; ∆c/c=7.5%). Deuterium atoms fill three different interstitial sites including Ce2Ni2, Ce2Ni3 and Ni4. Significant hysteresis was observed on the first absorption-desorption cycle. This hysteresis decreased on the absorption-desorption cycling. A different approach to the development of H storage systems is based on the hydrides of light elements, first of all the Mg-based ones. These systems were studied by SR XRD. Reactive ball milling in hydrogen (HRBM) allowed synthesis of the nanostructured Mg-based hydrides. The experimental parameters (PH2, T, energy of milling, ball / sample ratio and balls size), significantly influence rate of hydrogenation. The studies confirmed (a) a completeness of hydrogenation of Mg into MgH2; (b) indicated a partial transformation of the originally formed -MgH2 into a metastable -MgH2 (a ratio / was 3/1); (c) yielded the crystallite size for the main hydrogenation product, -MgH2, as close to 10 nm. Influence of the additives to Mg on the structure and hydrogen absorption/desorption properties and cycle behaviour of the composites was established and will be discussed in the paper.


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Here, we report the clean and facile synthesis of Pt and Pd nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) by the simultaneous reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and the metal ions in Mg/acid medium. As-generated Pt and Pd nanoparticles serve as a heterogeneous catalyst for the further reduction of the rGO by the hydrogen spill-over process. The C/O ratio is much higher as compared to the rGO obtained by the reduction of GO by only Mg/acid. Overall, the process is rapid, facile and green that does not require any toxic chemical agent or any rigorous chemical reactions. We perform the catalytic reduction of 4-nitophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP) at room temperature by Pd@rGO and Pt@rGO. The reduction is complete within 35 s for Pd@rGO and 60 s for Pt@rGO when 50 mu g of hybrid catalyst is used for 0.5 ml of 1 mM of 4-NP. In case of ethanol oxidation, the current density for Pd@rGO is comparable to commercial Pt/C but is doubled for Pt@rGO. Overall, both structures show highly stable catalytic activity compared to commercial Pt/C. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of X56 steel and its relationship with hydrogen permeation behaviour in atmospheric environment containing H2S was investigated by hydrogen permeation tests at a slow strain rate. The results show that: the fracture strain decreases with the decrease of strain rate under the same experimental conditions; the fracture strain also decreases with the increase of H2S concentration under the same strain rate, and the increased concentration of H2S has no significant effect on the hydrogen permeation in the first wet, etc. dry cycle, however has lead to increased hydrogen permeation in the later cycles. The SEM images of the fractured surfaces show clear evidences of enhanced stress corrosion cracking susceptibility by H2S.


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It was found that the corrosion rate of steel in the sea mud with sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) could be as high as 10 times of that in the sea mud without SRB. And the hydrogen permeation reaction would occur when metals were corroded. So it is necessary to investigate the effect of living SRB on hydrogen permeation in the sea mud. Cathodic potential was often added to metals in order to protect them. But hydrogen permeation could be affected by the cathodic potential. So it is also necessary to study the effect of cathodic potential on hydrogen permeation. In this paper, the hydrogen permeation actions of APT X56 steel in the sea mud with and without SRB at corrosion and cathodic potential were studied with an improved Devanathan-Stachurski's electrolytic cell. Experimental results showed that during the growth of SRB, the current density curve of hydrogen permeation was accordant with the growth curve of SRB. But the hydrogen permeation current density of APT X56 steel hardly changed in the sterilized sea mud. Compared with the hydrogen permeation current density of APT X56 steel in the sterilized sea mud, the hydrogen permeation of APT X56 steel in the sea mud could be accelerated by living SRB. Experimental results also showed that the hydrogen permeation current density increased rapidly when the cathodic potential was added to the three-electrode system of the cathodic cell, and then the hydrogen permeation current density could obtain a stable value slowly. So the cathodic potential added to the cathodic cell could accelerate hydrogen permeation.


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Numerous methods are available to measure the permeation properties of concrete, which can be classified in terms of the diffusion, absorption and permeability properties. The results from these tests are generally used to infer 'quality' or relative durability. Some of these tests involve the laboratory assessment of a sample of concrete extracted from the structure. However, this Technical Note concentrates on the alternative methods appropriate for use on site. Guidance is given on the choice of an appropriate test method, which in most practical situations depends on the predominant mechanism acting on the concrete under consideration.


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This paper descirbes a simple test measuring the sorptivity (a measure of the absorption property if concrete) and the air and water permeability of concrete on site. Using this test, the decay of pressure is monitired for the air permeability test.whereas water penetrating into the concrete at a constant pressure of 0.01 bar and 1.5 bar are recorded for the sorptivity and the water permeability tests respectively. These tests are essentially non-destructive in nature and a skilled operator is not needed. It is possible to carry out a number of tests quickly and efficiently on site without prior planning. It has been found that statistically satisfactory results can be obtained from a mean of three tests. As the flow lines are largely concentrated within 40 mm from the surface, reasonably reliable results can be obtained by drying the surface even if the surface under test is initially wet.