873 resultados para impersonal exchange
In an experiment we study market outcomes under alternative incentive structures for third-party enforcers. Our transactions resemble an anonymous credit market where lenders can give loans and borrowers can repay them. When borrowers default, judges are free to enforce repayment but are themselves paid differently in each of three treatments. First, paying judges according to lenders votes maximizes surplus and the equality of earnings. In contrast, paying judges according to borrowers votes triggers insufficient enforcement, destroying the market and producing the lowest surplus and the most unequal distribution of earnings. Lastly, judges paid the average earnings of borrowers and lenders achieve results close to those based on lender voting. We employ a steps-of-reasoning argument to interpret the performances of different institutions. When voting and enforcement rights are allocated to different classes of actors, the difficulty of their task changes, and arguably as a consequence they focus on high or low surplus equilibria.
Most economic interactions happen in a context of sequential exchange in which innocent third parties suffer information asymmetry with respect to previous "originative" contracts. The law reduces transaction costs by protecting these third parties but preserves some element of consent by property right holders to avoid damaging property enforcement-e.g., it is they as principals who authorize agents in originative contracts. Judicial verifiability of these originative contracts is obtained either as an automatic byproduct of transactions or, when these would have remained private, by requiring them to be made public. Protecting third parties produces a sort of legal commodity which is easy to trade impersonally, improving the allocation and specialization of resources. Historical delay in generalizing this legal commoditization paradigm is attributed to path dependency-the law first developed for personal trade-and an unbalance in vested interests, as luddite legal professionals face weak public bureaucracies.
Amyloglucosidase enzyme was produced by Aspergillus niger NRRL 3122 from solid-state fermentation, using deffated rice bran as substrate. The effects of process parameters (pH, temperature) in the equilibrium partition coefficient for the system amyloglucosidase - resin DEAE-cellulose were investigated, aiming at obtaining the optimum conditions for a subsequent purification process. The highest partition coefficients were obtained using 0.025M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 and 25ºC. The conditions that supplied the highest partition coefficient were specified, the isotherm that better described the amyloglucosidase process of adsorption obtained. It was observed that the adsorption could be well described by Langmuir equation and the values of Qm and Kd estimated at 133.0 U mL-1 and 15.4 U mL-1, respectively. From the adjustment of the kinetic curves using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm, the adsorption (k1) and desorption (k2) constants were obtained through optimization by the least square procedure, and the values calculated were 2.4x10-3 mL U-1 min-1 for k1 and 0.037 min-1 for k2 .
The transmetalation between boron and zinc is of great importance for application in organic synthesis, since it allows the formation of new carbon-carbon bonds between organometallic units and electrophiles. The direct arylation of aldehydes or more scarcely ketones, in a catalytic, enantioselective manner using chiral catalysts has been described recently. The enantiomerically enriched diarylmethanols obtained in these reactions are valuable precursors for important bioactive molecules. This review provides a synopsis of this ever-growing field and highlights some of the challenges that still remain.
A homoenolate generated by tellurium/lithium exchange reaction was employed in a straightforward enantioselective synthesis of (+)-endo-brevicomin in 70% yield and 84.4% e.e.
There exist uniquely ergodic affine interval exchange transformations of [0,1] with flips which have wandering intervals and are such that the support of the invariant measure is a Cantor set.
Bounds on the exchange-correlation energy of many-electron systems are derived and tested. By using universal scaling properties of the electron-electron interaction, we obtain the exponent of the bounds in three, two, one, and quasione dimensions. From the properties of the electron gas in the dilute regime, the tightest estimate to date is given for the numerical prefactor of the bound, which is crucial in practical applications. Numerical tests on various low-dimensional systems are in line with the bounds obtained and give evidence of an interesting dimensional crossover between two and one dimensions.
The exact exchange-correlation (XC) potential in time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) is known to develop steps and discontinuities upon change of the particle number in spatially confined regions or isolated subsystems. We demonstrate that the self-interaction corrected adiabatic local-density approximation for the XC potential has this property, using the example of electron loss of a model quantum well system. We then study the influence of the XC potential discontinuity in a real-time simulation of a dissociation process of an asymmetric double quantum well system, and show that it dramatically affects the population of the resulting isolated single quantum wells. This indicates the importance of a proper account of the discontinuities in TDDFT descriptions of ionization, dissociation or charge transfer processes.
We derive a closed analytical expression for the exchange energy of the three-dimensional interacting electron gas in strong magnetic fields, which goes beyond the quantum limit (L=0) by explicitly including the effect of the second, L=1, Landau level and arbitrary spin polarization. The inclusion of the L=1 level brings the fields to which the formula applies closer to the laboratory range, as compared to previous expressions, valid only for L=0 and complete spin polarization. We identify and explain two distinct regimes separated by a critical density n(c). Below n(c), the per particle exchange energy is lowered by the contribution of L=1, whereas above n(c) it is increased. As special cases of our general equation we recover various known more limited results for higher fields, and we identify and correct a few inconsistencies in some of these earlier expressions.
Taste receptors for sweet, bitter and umami tastants are G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). While much effort has been devoted to understanding G-protein-receptor interactions and identifying the components of the signalling cascade downstream of these receptors, at the level of the G-protein the modulation of receptor signal transduction remains relatively unexplored. In this regard a taste-specific regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS), RGS21, has recently been identified. To study whether guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) are involved in the transduction of the signal downstream of the taste GPCRs we investigated the expression of Ric-8A and Ric-8B in mouse taste cells and their interaction with G-protein subunits found in taste buds. Mammalian Ric-8 proteins were initially identified as potent GEFs for a range of G alpha subunits and Ric-8B has recently been shown to amplify olfactory signal transduction. We find that both Ric-8A and Ric-8B are expressed in a large portion of taste bud cells and that most of these cells contain IP3R-3 a marker for sweet, umami and bitter taste receptor cells. Ric-8A interacts with G alpha-gustducin and G alpha i2 through which it amplifies the signal transduction of hTas2R16, a receptor for bitter compounds. Overall, these findings are consistent with a role for Ric-8 in mammalian taste signal transduction.
BACKGROUND: Xylitol bioproduction from lignocellulosic residues comprises hydrolysis of the hemicellulose, detoxification of the hydrolysate, bioconversion of the xylose, and recovery of xylitol from the fermented hydrolysate. There are relatively few reports on xylitol recovery from fermented media. In the present study, ion-exchange resins were used to clarify a fermented wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate, which was then vacuum-concentrated and submitted to cooling in the presence of ethanol for xylitol crystallization. RESULTS: Sequential adsorption into two anion-exchange resins (A-860S and A-500PS) promoted considerable reductions in the content of soluble by-products (up to 97.5%) and in medium coloration (99.5%). Vacuum concentration led to a dark-colored viscous solution that inhibited xylitol crystallization. This inhibition could be overcome by mixing the concentrated medium with a commercial xylitol solution. Such a strategy led to xylitol crystals with up to 95.9% purity. The crystallization yield (43.5%) was close to that observed when using commercial xylitol solution (51.4%). CONCLUSION: The experimental data demonstrate the feasibility of using ion-exchange resins followed by cooling in the presence of ethanol as a strategy to promote the fast recovery and purification of xylitol from hemicellulose-derived fermentation media. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.
Use of activated charcoal and ion-exchange resin to cleaN up and concentrate enzymes in extracts from biodegraded wood. Ceriporiopsis subvermispora was used for the biodegradation of Eucalyptus grandis chips in the presence or absence of co-substrates (glucose and corn steep liquor) during 7, 14 and 28 days. Afterwards, the biodegraded chips were extracted with 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.5) supplemented with 0.01% Tween 60. High activities of manganese peroxidases (MnPs) were observed in all the extracts, both in the absence (430, 765 and 896 UI kg(-1) respectively) and in the presence of co-substrates (1,013; 2,066 and 2,323 UI kg(-1) respectively). The extracts presented a high ratio between absorbances at 280 and 405 nm, indicating a strong abundance of aromatic compounds derived from lignin over heme-peroxidases. Adsorption into activated charcoal showed to be an adequate strategy to reduce the absorbance at 280 urn in all the extracts. Moreover, it allowed to maximize the capacity of an anion exchange resin bed (DEAE-Sepharose) used to concentrate the MnPs present in the extracts. It was concluded that the use of activated charcoal followed by adsorption into DEAE Sepharose is a strategy that can be used to concentrate MnPs in extracts obtained during the biodegradation of E. grandis by C. subvermispora.
In this paper, a supervisor system, able to diagnose different types of faults during the operation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is introduced. The diagnosis is developed by applying Bayesian networks, which qualify and quantify the cause-effect relationship among the variables of the process. The fault diagnosis is based on the on-line monitoring of variables easy to measure in the machine such as voltage, electric current, and temperature. The equipment is a fuel cell system which can operate even when a fault occurs. The fault effects are based on experiments on the fault tolerant fuel cell, which are reproduced in a fuel cell model. A database of fault records is constructed from the fuel cell model, improving the generation time and avoiding permanent damage to the equipment. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A simple calorimetric method to estimate both kinetics and heat transfer coefficients using temperature-versus-time data under non-adiabatic conditions is described for the reaction of hydrolysis of acetic anhydride. The methodology is applied to three simple laboratory-scale reactors in a very simple experimental setup that can be easily implemented. The quality of the experimental results was verified by comparing them with literature values and with predicted values obtained by energy balance. The comparison shows that the experimental kinetic parameters do not agree exactly with those reported in the literature, but provide a good agreement between predicted and experimental data of temperature and conversion. The differences observed between the activation energy obtained and the values reported in the literature can be ascribed to differences in anhydride-to-water ratios (anhydride concentrations). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Highly weathered soils represent about 3 billion ha of the tropical region. Oxisols represent about 60% of the Brazilian territory (more than 5 million km 2), in areas of great agricultural importance. Soil organic carbon (SOC) can be responsible for more than 80% of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of highly weathered soils, such as Oxisols and Ultisols. The objective of this study was to estimate the contribution of the SOC to the CEC of Brazilian soils from different orders. Surface samples (0.0 to 0.2 m) of 30 uncultivated soils (13 Oxisols, 6 Ultisols, 5 Alfisols, 3 Entisols, I Histosol, 1 Inceptisol. and I Molisol), under native forests and from reforestation sites from Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were collected in order to obtain a large variation of (electro)chemical, physical, and mineralogical soil attributes. Total content of SOC was quantified by titulometric and colorimetric methods. Effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was obtained by two methods: the indirect method-summation-estimated the ECECi from the sum of basic cations (Ca+ Mg+ K+ Na) and exchangeable Al; and the direct ECECd obtained by the compulsive exchange method, using unbuffered BaCl2 solution. The contribution of SOC to the soil CEC was estimated by the Bennema statistical method. The amount of SOC var ied from 6.6 g kg(-1) to 213.4 g kg(-1). while clay contents varied from 40 g kg(-1) to 716 g kg(-1). Soil organic carbon contents were strongly associated to the clay contents, suggesting that clay content was the primary variable in controling the variability of SOC contents in the samples. Cation exchange capacity varied from 7.0 mmol(c) kg(-1) to 137.8 mmol(c) kg(-1) and had a positive Correlation with SOC. The mean contribution (per grain) of the SOC (1.64 mmol(c)) for the soil CEC was more than 44 times higher than the contribution of the clay fraction (0.04 mmol(c),). A regression model that considered the SOC content as the only significant variable explained 60% of the variation in the soil total CEC. The importance of SOC was related to soil pedogenetic process, since its contribution to the soil CEC was more evident in Oxisols with predominance of Fe and Al (oxihydr)oxides in the mineral fraction or in Ultisols, that presented illuviated clay. The influence of SOC in the sign and in the magnitude of the net charge of soils reinforce the importance of agricultural management systems that preserve high levels of SOC, in order to improve their sustainability.