1000 resultados para impacted area
We analysed the seasonal distribution of the zooplankton community in an anthropogenically impacted area (Paranagua Bay) and a non-impacted area (Laranjeiras Bay) of the Paranagua Bay Estuarine Complex. Large phytoplankton (>50 mu m) and zooplankton were collected every two months, between August 2003 and June 2004. The phytoplankton community was numerically dominated by diatoms (78%) and dinoflagellates (19%). Zooplankton abundance varied between 670 and 100,716 individuals m(-3), with a dominance of copepods, mainly the calanoids Acartia lilljeborgii, Acartia tonsa and Pseudodiaptomus acutus. A clear seasonal pattern was observed: copepods were significantly more abundant during the rainy than in the dry season. Significant differences in abundance between the two bays were detected only for cirripede larvae, which were more abundant in Paranagua Bay. This lack of difference between the two areas was probably a consequence of the water circulation along the estuary, which may have diluted and dispersed the pollutants from Paranagua Bay to other areas of the estuary.
The present study investigates the effects of drill cutting discharges on the structure of meiofauna communities in an area of the shelf break at Campos Basin, Southeast Brazil. Drilling activities were operated, in a first phase, with water-based fluid and, in a second phase, with synthetic fluid paraffin-based (NAF-III). A total of 135 samples taken at a pre-drilling situation (MS1) and two post-drilling moments (MS2 and MS3-3 and 22 months post-drilling, respectively) were analyzed. Effects on meiofauna were dependent on two main factors: 1-the impact received during drilling operation, if water-based or synthetic/water-based drilling fluid and 2-the background state, if it already presented signs of previous drilling activities or not. Based on univariate and multivariate analysis, there were evidences that the most affected area after drilling was those under the influence of synthetic-based fluid and that already had signs of previous drillings activities. The region impacted only by water-based fluid was less affected and the only one that completely recovered after 22 months. Nematodes and copepods had different responses to the impact. While copepods flourish in the impacted area and recovered 22 months after drilling, nematodes were adversely affected shortly after drilling and the community structure only recovered where hydrocarbons had been depleted.
Streams located in areas of sugarcane cultivation receive high concentrations of metal ions from soils of the adjacent areas causing accumulation of metals in the aquatic sediment. This impact results in environmental problems and leads to bioaccumulation of metal ions in aquatic organisms. In the present study, metal concentrations in different predatory insects were studied in streams near sugarcane cultivation and compared to reference sites. Possible utilisation of predatory insects as bioindicators of metal contamination due to sugarcane cultivation from 13 neotropical streams was evaluated. Ion concentrations of Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in adult Belostomatidae (Hemiptera) and in larvae of Libellulidae (Odonata) were analysed. Nine streams are located in areas with sugarcane cultivation, without riparian vegetation (classified as impacted area) and four streams were located in forested areas (reference sites). Metal concentrations in insects were higher near sugarcane cultivations than in control sites. Cluster analysis, complemented by an ANOSIM test, clearly showed that these insect groups are good potential bioindicators of metal contamination in streams located in areas with sugarcane cultivation and can be used in monitoring programmes. We also conclude that Libellulidae appeared to accumulate higher concentrations of metals than Belostomatidae.
The present contribution aims at evaluating the carapace width vs. humid weight relationship and the condition factor of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in the mangrove forests of the Ariquindá and Mamucabas rivers, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. These two close areas present similar characteristics of vegetation and substrate, but exhibit different degrees of environmental conservation: the Ariquindá River is the preserved area, considered one of the last non-polluted of Pernambuco, while the Mamucabas River suffers impacts from damming, deforestation and deposition of waste. A total of 1,298 individuals of U. cordatus were collected. Males were larger and heavier than females, what is commonly observed in Brachyura. Ucides cordatus showed allometric negative growth (p < 0.05), which is probably related to the dilatation that this species develops in the lateral of the carapace, which stores six pairs of gills. The values of b were within the limit established for aquatic organisms. Despite of the condition factor being considered an important feature to confirm the reproductive period, since it varies with cyclic activities, in the present study it was not correlated to the abundance of ovigerous females. However, it was considered a good parameter to evaluate environmental impacts, being significantly lower at the impacted area.
The semi terrestrial crabs are important elements of the fauna of coastal regions. The aim of this study was to analyze the population structure of Armases angustipes (Dana, 1852) at estuaries of the Ariquindá River, considered a non impacted area, and Mamucabas River, considered a few impacted area, on the south coast of state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The species occurred in all months of the year. The number of individuals per month varied, being higher in the months of transition between the seasons. This is probably due to significant seasonal variations of air and burrow temperature and burrow salinity. There was no sexual dimorphism in size of A. angustipes in the mangrove of Ariquindá River, but males were larger than females in the mangrove of Mamucabas River. In both estuaries, the sex ratio did not differ from Mendelian proportion, but showed a deviation for females. The analysis of temporal variation in sex ratio showed significant differences in some months of the year. These variations are due to cyclical events that act distinctly on each sex. In both estuaries, size classes of carapace width were equally represented by both sexes. The ovigerous females of A. angustipes occurred only in some months of the year, especially in summer, in both estuaries. Probably the high phytoplankton productivity observed in summer favors the reproductive activity, since these algae serve as food for the larvae. Specimens of the population of Rio Ariquindá are largest and wider than those of Mamucabas River. This fact, associated with the low abundance of crabs and the lower frequency of ovigerous females observed in Mamucabas River, is an indication that this population may be influenced by the environmental impacts that this estuary has received.
A new species of Simuliidae, Simulium (Chirostilbia) brunnescens, was discovered at Chapada dos Guimarães, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and nearby municipalities (Paranatinga, Rosário do Oeste and Nobres). This species is described here based on the adults, pupae and larvae. This species is closely related to Simulium (C.) subpallidum Lutz, but could be differentiated in all stages: females, leg colour pattern and frontal dilatation size; males, gonostyle shape; pupae, number of gill filaments; larvae, body size and colour, postgenal cleft, ratio between antenna and stalk of labral fan.
Podeu escriure el text directament o arrossegar-lo des d'un altre document L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'ús dels peixos continentals com a indicadors de l'estat ecològic a la conca Mediterrània. En el primer treball es va detectar que encara que tots els índex biològics estaven correlacionats significativament, els peixos integren i expressen els estressos de manera i a una escala diferents, aportant una informació complementària als altres índexs. Al segon article es van estudiar els cabals de sis conques catalanes. S'ha mostrat que els règims hídrics estan alterats amb una tendència a la disminució del cabal i del nivell dels aqüífers. S'ha detectat quatre mètriques de peixos que es troben significativament afectades en zones més castigades per manca d'aigua degut a l'activitat humana. Es discuteix la necessitat de conèixer en profunditat el règim hídric de cada conca abans d'utilitzar els índex biològics. Al tercer article es va detectar que la composició d'espècies capturades va variar significativament al llarg del buidat amb un augment de l'alburn (A. alburnus) a les aigües pelàgiques durant els dies de pitjor qualitat de l'aigua, confirmant que l'alburn és més tolerant a la mala qualitat de l'aigua que la madrilleta vera (R. rutilus) i suggereix el seu potencial com a bioindicador. La condició d'aquestes dues espècies va canviar significativament al llarg del buidat de manera molt estreta amb la qualitat de l'aigua. Al quart capítol es va estudiar la biologia dels peixos d'un embassament altament contaminat (Flix). El percentatge de DELT anomalies i la presència de paràsits externs era major en la zona impactada que als punts de control i els valors més alts de pes eviscerat i pes del fetge estaven als punts de control. Les respostes van ser diferents per cada espècie i la carpa va ser la que va mostrar més clarament els impactes.
A new species of Proceratophrys cristiceps group is described from western Brazil. The new species is characterized by absence of prominent palpebral appendages and postocular swellings, males measuring 44.2 +/- 2.1 mm SVL (41.1-47.3 mm) and females 56.4 +/- 2.8 mm SVL (52.7-59.8 mm), snout rounded in dorsal, and obtuse in lateral views, dorsal skin uniformly rugose, with no elevated warts, and tympanum defined as a depression on the skin. The new species was found in Guapore river drainage, a highly impacted area due to the construction of water dams.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Gabbroic xenoliths and diverse megacrysts (e.g., clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and plagioclases), which correspond to the lithology ranging from gabbro-norite to gabbro, occur in the Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The gabbroic xenoliths consist primarily of moderate-K2O plagioclase, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene and CaO-rich orthopyroxene; additionally, TiO2-rich amphibole (kaersutite) and Ti-Fe oxides might or might not be present. The plagioclase is the most dominant phase (approx. 60-70 vol.%). The xenoliths and megacrysts provide evidence for the modal metasomatism of the lower continental crust by the mafic magmas during the Pleistocene. The coarse grain size (up to 5 mm), moderate Mg# [=100xMg/(Mg+Fe(total)) atomic ratio] of pyroxenes (70-77) and textural features (e.g., poikilitic) indicate that the gabbroic xenoliths are consistent with a cumulus origin. The clinopyroxenes from these xenoliths are enriched in REE with smooth convex-upward MREE patterns, which are expected for cumulus minerals formed from a melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. The strikingly similar major and trace element variations and the patterns of constituent minerals clearly indicate a genetic link between the gabbroic xenoliths (plus megacrysts) and the host basalt, indicating that the xenoliths belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. On the basis of the textural features, the mineral equilibria and the major and trace element variations, the xenoliths appear to have crystallized from basaltic melts at the reservoir-roof environment within the lower crust (4-7 kbars) above the present Moho estimates beneath Jeju Island, where the xenoliths represent wall rocks. Following the consolidation of the xenolith lithologies, volatile- and incompatible element-enriched melt/fluid, as metasomatic agents, infiltrated through the grain boundaries and/or cracks and reacted with the preexisting anhydrous phases, which produced the metasomatic amphiboles. This volatile-enriched melt/fluid could have evolved from the initially anhydrous compositions to the volatile-saturated compositions by the active fractional crystallization in the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. This process was significant in that it was a relatively young event and played an important role in the formation of the hydrous minerals and the metasomatization of the lower continental crust, which is a plume-impacted area along the Asian continental margin. The major and trace element analyses of the mineral phases from the xenoliths were performed to define the principal geochemical characteristics of the crustal lithosphere segment represented by the studied xenoliths.
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology is beginning to have an impact on agriculture. Canopy volume and/or fruit tree leaf area can be estimated using terrestrial laser sensors based on this technology. However, the use of these devices may have different options depending on the resolution and scanning mode. As a consequence, data accuracy and LiDAR derived parameters are affected by sensor configuration, and may vary according to vegetative characteristics of tree crops. Given this scenario, users and suppliers of these devices need to know how to use the sensor in each case. This paper presents a computer program to determine the best configuration, allowing simulation and evaluation of different LiDAR configurations in various tree structures (or training systems). The ultimate goal is to optimise the use of laser scanners in field operations. The software presented generates a virtual orchard, and then allows the scanning simulation with a laser sensor. Trees are created using a hidden Markov tree (HMT) model. Varying the foliar structure of the orchard the LiDAR simulation was applied to twenty different artificially created orchards with or without leaves from two positions (lateral and zenith). To validate the laser sensor configuration, leaf surface of simulated trees was compared with the parameters obtained by LiDAR measurements: the impacted leaf area, the impacted total area (leaves and wood), and th impacted area in the three outer layers of leaves.
Los vertidos de aguas residuales son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación del medio marino. El objetivo principal de este estudio es determinar el grado de afección del vertido sobre el poblamiento de poliquetos asociado a fondos blandos. Las estaciones fueron distribuidas en dos transectos, uno de los cuales incluye la zona de influencia del vertido, y otro control a 4 km al sur. Se detectó una segregación del poblamiento de poliquetos en dos grandes grupos. Uno, caracterizado por una mayor proporción de fangos y materia orgánica; dominado por las familias Paraonidae, Lumbrineridae y Cirratulidae. El otro grupo, dominado por la familia Syllidae, se caracteriza por una gran heterogeneidad de los sedimentos Se observa una alta correlación entre los factores ambientales y la estructura del poblamiento de poliquetos.
The population structure, reproductive period, and juvenile recruitment of Panopeus americanus were studied in order to enhance knowledge of its life cycle and reproductive strategy and promote the maintenance of its natural stocks in an impacted region. Specimens were collected in the remnant human-impacted mangrove at Araca, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, at two-month intervals from January to November 2005, at low tide, with a capture effort by three people. The crabs were measured (carapace width, CW) and sexed. The total catch was 275 animals, including 132 males (48.0%); 127 females (46.2%), of which 39 were ovigerous (14.2% of total catch); and 16 individuals whose sex could not be identified (5.8%). No correlation was observed between water temperature and the number of collected individuals; however, there was a significant, positive correlation with salinity. Males were significantly larger than females. The size-frequency distribution was bimodal, reflecting the occurrende of more than one recruitment pulse and the differential abundance of adults during the period of study. The overall sex ratio was 1:0.97 favoring males, and was not significantly different from the expected value, i.e., this population fits the anomalous pattern of sex occurrence in size classes. Ovigerous females were captured in all sampled months, which explain the continuous recruitment observed. Expected low levels of individuals of different size classes in the population were not confirmed. All population aspects found here allowed us to infer that this population of P. americanus is well established in the impacted mangrove by virtue of its reproductive strategy.
This study evaluated biological aspects of Petrolisthes armatus inhabiting a remaining but disturbed mangrove area of Brazil. Samples were taken from March 2005 to July 2006, during low tide in the rocky-shore region. The size frequency distribution for all the individuals collected was bimodal. The sex ratio obtained was not different from 1: 1, and the population was classified as standard. A higher reproductive ratio and earlier ovigerous conditions were found in relation to another southern population; these can be hypothesized as adaptations to life in a stressed environment. Even though the population living in Ara has been subject to an environment frequently disturbed by human-produced pollutants, our results show no sign of negative effects on reproductive stages, recruits or members of the population in general. The population profiles of P. armatus show some peculiarities when compared to other populations inhabiting non disturbed environments.