991 resultados para immunosuppressive DNA motifs
Immune cells respond to bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG motifs via Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9). Given the apparent role of TLR9 in development of systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE), there is interest in the development of TLR9 inhibitors. TLR9-mediated responses are reported to be inhibited by a confusing variety of different DNA sequences and structures. To aid characterization, we have provisionally categorized TLR9-inhibitory oligodeoxynucleoti des (ODN) into 4 classes, on the basis of sequence and probable mode of action. Class I are short G-rich ODN, which show sequence-specific inhibition of all TLR9 responses, and may be direct competitive inhibitors for DNA binding to TLR9. Class II are telomeric repeat motifs that inhibit STAT signaling, and thus are not specific to TLR9 responses. Because Class II ODN are generally made as 24-base phosphorothioate-modified ODN (PS-ODN), they also fall into Class IV, defined as long PS-ODN, which inhibit TLR9 responses in a sequence-nonspecific manner. Class III includes oligo (dG) that forms a 4-stranded structure and inhibits DNA uptake. The Class I G-rich motifs show the most promise as selective and potent TLR9 inhibitors for therapeutic applications.
[ES]El desarrollo de las estructuras reproductoras (cistocarpos) en macroalgas rojas se ve afectado por factores abióticos (fotoperiodo, salinidad…) y endógenos (reguladores del desarrollo como el etileno o las poliaminas (PAs)); siendo estas últimas las principales responsables de la inducción del cistocarpo. Las PAs son moléculas ubícuas sintetizadas a través de una reacción enzimática mediada por la enzima ODC; por lo que conocer los mecanismos reguladores a nivel transcripcional del gen ODC es clave para el conocimiento del proceso reproductivo. Así, en el presente estudio se han identificado in silico diversos motivos conservados en la región 5 'UTR del gen ODC en la macroalga roja Grateloupia imbricata (GiODC) y se discute brevemente su presencia y posible implicación en diversos procesos metabólicos.
Bacterial infection stimulates the host to mount a rapid inflammatory response. A 6-base DNA motif consisting of an unmethylated CpG dinucleotide flanked by two 5' purines and two 3' pyrimidines was shown to contribute to this response by inducing polygonal B-cell activation. This stimulatory motif is 20 times more common in the DNA of bacteria than higher vertebrates. The current work shows that the same motif induces the rapid and coordinated secretion of interleukin (IL) 6, IL-12, and interferon gamma (but not IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, or IL-10) in vivo and in vitro. Stimulatory CpG DNA motifs induced B, T, and natural killer cells to secrete cytokine more effectively than did lipopolysaccharide. Thus, immune recognition of bacterial DNA may contribute to the cytokine, as well as the antibody production characteristic of an innate inflammatory response.
Crossover motifs are integral components for designing DNA-based nanostructures and nanomechanical devices due to their enhanced rigidity compared to the normal B-DNA. Although the structural rigidity of the double helix B-DNA has been investigated extensively using both experimental and theoretical tools, to date there is no quantitative information about structural rigidity and the mechanical strength of parallel crossover DNA motifs. We have used fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent to get the force-extension curve of parallel DNA nanostructures to characterize their mechanical rigidity. In the presence of monovalent Na(+) ions, we find that the stretch modulus (gamma(1)) of the paranemic crossover and its topoisomer JX DNA structure is significantly higher (similar to 30%) compared to normal B-DNA of the same sequence and length. However, this is in contrast to the original expectation that these motifs are almost twice as rigid compared to the double-stranded B-DNA. When the DNA motif is surrounded by a solvent with Mg(2+) counterions, we find an enhanced rigidity compared to Na(+) environment due to the electrostatic screening effects arising from the divalent nature of Mg(2+) ions. To our knowledge, this is the first direct determination of the mechanical strength of these crossover motifs, which can be useful for the design of suitable DNA for DNA-based nanostructures and nanomechanical devices with improved structural rigidity.
DNA sequence and structure play a key role in imparting fragility to different regions of the genome. Recent studies have shown that non-B DNA structures play a key role in causing genomic instability, apart from their physiological roles at telomeres and promoters. Structures such as G-quadruplexes, cruciforms, and triplexes have been implicated in making DNA susceptible to breakage, resulting in genomic rearrangements. Hence, techniques that aid in the easy identification of such non-B DNA motifs will prove to be very useful in determining factors responsible for genomic instability. In this study, we provide evidence for the use of primer extension as a sensitive and specific tool to detect such altered DNA structures. We have used the G-quadruplex motif, recently characterized at the BCL2 major breakpoint region as a proof of principle to demonstrate the advantages of the technique. Our results show that pause sites corresponding to the non-B DNA are specific, since they are absent when the G-quadruplex motif is mutated and their positions change in tandem with that of the primers. The efficiency of primer extension pause sites varied according to the concentration of monovalant cations tested, which support G-quadruplex formation. Overall, our results demonstrate that primer extension is a strong in vitro tool to detect non-B DNA structures such as G-quadruplex on a plasmid DNA, which can be further adapted to identify non-B DNA structures, even at the genomic level.
DNA is a fascinating biomolecule that is well known for its genetic role in living systems. The emerging area of DNA nanotechnology provides an alternative view that exploits unparallel self-assembly ability of DNA molecules for material use of DNA. Although many reports exist on the results of DNA self-assembling systems, still few of them focus on the in vitro study about the function of such DNA nanostructures in live cells. Due to this, there are still a limited research about the in vitro functionality of such designs. To address an aspect of this issue, we have designed, synthesized and characterized two multifunctional fluorescencent nanobiosensors by DNA self-assembling. Each structure was designed and implemented to be introduced in live cells in order to give information on their functioning in real-time. Computational tools were used in order to design a graphic model of two new DNA motifs and also to obtain the specific sequences to all the ssDNA molecules. By thermal self-assembly techniques we have successfully synthesized the structure and corroborate their formation by the PAGE technique. In addition, we have established the conditions to characterize their structural conformation change when they perform their sensor response. The sensing behavior was also accomplished by fluorescence spectroscopy techniques; FRET evaluation and fluorescence microscopy imaging. Providing the evidence about their adequate sensing performance outside and inside the cells detected in real-time. In a preliminary evaluation we have tried to show the in vitro functionality of our structures in different cancer cell lines with the ability to perform local sensing responses. Our findings suggest that DNA sensor nanostructures could serve as a platform to exploit further therapeutic achievements in live cells.
Background: Haemophilus influenzae (H. Influenzae) is the causative agent of pneumonia, bacteraemia and meningitis. The organism is responsible for large number of deaths in both developed and developing countries. Even-though the first bacterial genome to be sequenced was that of H. Influenzae, there is no exclusive database dedicated for H. Influenzae. This prompted us to develop the Haemophilus influenzae Genome Database (HIGDB). Methods: All data of HIGDB are stored and managed in MySQL database. The HIGDB is hosted on Solaris server and developed using PERL modules. Ajax and JavaScript are used for the interface development. Results: The HIGDB contains detailed information on 42,741 proteins, 18,077 genes including 10 whole genome sequences and also 284 three dimensional structures of proteins of H. influenzae. In addition, the database provides ``Motif search'' and ``GBrowse''. The HIGDB is freely accessible through the URL:http://bioserverl.physicslisc.ernetin/HIGDB/. Discussion: The HIGDB will be a single point access for bacteriological, clinical, genomic and proteomic information of H. influenzae. The database can also be used to identify DNA motifs within H. influenzae genomes and to compare gene or protein sequences of a particular strain with other strains of H. influenzae. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Malgré les progrès des traitements des cancers du sein, ceux-ci demeurent la seconde cause de mortalité par cancer au Canada. Parmi les gènes associés aux cancers du sein, le récepteur des œstrogènes ERα est exprimé dans plus de 70% des tumeurs mammaires, qui prolifèrent en réponse aux œstrogènes, faisant de lui une cible de choix. ERα est un facteur de transcription ligand-dépendant, liant des éléments de réponse PuGGTCAnnnTGACCPy. Afin d’examiner la capacité des récepteurs nucléaires à reconnaitre de nouveaux motifs ADN, des mutants aux capacités de liaison modifiées ont été générés. Parmi les quatre résidus interagissant avec l’ADN, R211 ne peut pas être modifiée sans perdre complètement la liaison du récepteur à l’ADN. Néanmoins, les mutations combinées de plusieurs acides aminés contactant les bases de l’ERE ont généré des récepteurs capables de reconnaitre de nouveaux motifs, tout en conservant des niveaux de transactivation efficaces. L’utilisation potentielle des récepteurs nucléaires comme outils de thérapie génique hormono-dépendant, repose sur la prédiction des motifs de liaison efficaces. Étant donné son importance dans la carcinogenèse mammaire, ERα est une cible cruciale des thérapies anti-néoplastiques. L’anti-œstrogène total, ICI, induit la dégradation de ERα et l’arrêt de la croissance des cellules tumorales mammaires ERα-positives. De plus, la nouvelle drogue anti-tumorale HDACi, SAHA, module la voie de signalisation des œstrogènes et possède des propriétés prometteuses en association avec d’autres traitements anti-tumoraux. En effet, le co-traitement ICI et SAHA a un impact synergique sur l’inhibition de la prolifération des cellules mammaires tumorales ERα-positives. Cette synergie repose sur la coopération des effets de ICI et SAHA pour réduire les niveaux protéiques de ERα et bloquer la progression du cycle cellulaire via la modulation de la transcription des gènes cibles des œstrogènes. En fait, les fortes doses de HDACis masquent rapidement et complètement la signalisation transcriptionnelle des œstrogènes. De plus, les gènes cibles primaires des œstrogènes, contenant des EREs, présentent la même régulation transcriptionnelle en réponse aux fortes doses de SAHA ou du co-traitement, avec des doses utilisables en clinique de ICI et SAHA. En fait, ICI mime l’impact des fortes doses de SAHA, en dégradant ERα, potentialisant ainsi la répression de la transcription ERE-dépendante par SAHA. Finalement, la synergie des effets de ICI et SAHA pourrait augmenter l’efficacité des traitements des tumeurs mammaires.
Les facteurs de transcription sont des protéines spécialisées qui jouent un rôle important dans différents processus biologiques tel que la différenciation, le cycle cellulaire et la tumorigenèse. Ils régulent la transcription des gènes en se fixant sur des séquences d’ADN spécifiques (éléments cis-régulateurs). L’identification de ces éléments est une étape cruciale dans la compréhension des réseaux de régulation des gènes. Avec l’avènement des technologies de séquençage à haut débit, l’identification de tout les éléments fonctionnels dans les génomes, incluant gènes et éléments cis-régulateurs a connu une avancée considérable. Alors qu’on est arrivé à estimer le nombre de gènes chez différentes espèces, l’information sur les éléments qui contrôlent et orchestrent la régulation de ces gènes est encore mal définie. Grace aux techniques de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage il est possible d’identifier toutes les régions du génome qui sont liées par un facteur de transcription d’intérêt. Plusieurs approches computationnelles ont été développées pour prédire les sites fixés par les facteurs de transcription. Ces approches sont classées en deux catégories principales: les algorithmes énumératifs et probabilistes. Toutefois, plusieurs études ont montré que ces approches génèrent des taux élevés de faux négatifs et de faux positifs ce qui rend difficile l’interprétation des résultats et par conséquent leur validation expérimentale. Dans cette thèse, nous avons ciblé deux objectifs. Le premier objectif a été de développer une nouvelle approche pour la découverte des sites de fixation des facteurs de transcription à l’ADN (SAMD-ChIP) adaptée aux données de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage. Notre approche implémente un algorithme hybride qui combine les deux stratégies énumérative et probabiliste, afin d’exploiter les performances de chacune d’entre elles. Notre approche a montré ses performances, comparée aux outils de découvertes de motifs existants sur des jeux de données simulées et des jeux de données de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage. SAMD-ChIP présente aussi l’avantage d’exploiter les propriétés de distributions des sites liés par les facteurs de transcription autour du centre des régions liées afin de limiter la prédiction aux motifs qui sont enrichis dans une fenêtre de longueur fixe autour du centre de ces régions. Les facteurs de transcription agissent rarement seuls. Ils forment souvent des complexes pour interagir avec l’ADN pour réguler leurs gènes cibles. Ces interactions impliquent des facteurs de transcription dont les sites de fixation à l’ADN sont localisés proches les uns des autres ou bien médier par des boucles de chromatine. Notre deuxième objectif a été d’exploiter la proximité spatiale des sites liés par les facteurs de transcription dans les régions de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage pour développer une approche pour la prédiction des motifs composites (motifs composés par deux sites et séparés par un espacement de taille fixe). Nous avons testé ce module pour prédire la co-localisation entre les deux demi-sites ERE qui forment le site ERE, lié par le récepteur des œstrogènes ERα. Ce module a été incorporé à notre outil de découverte de motifs SAMD-ChIP.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Myogenin, one of the MyoD family of proteins, is expressed early during somitogenesis and is required for myoblast fusion in vivo. Previous studies in transgenic mice have shown that a 184-bp myogenin promoter fragment is sufficient to correctly drive expression of a β-galactosidase transgene during embryogenesis. We show here that mutation of one of the DNA motifs present in this region, the MEF3 motif, abolished correct expression of this β-galactosidase transgene. We have found that the proteins that bind to the MEF3 site are homeoproteins of the Six/sine oculis family. Antibodies directed specifically against Six1 or Six4 proteins reveal that each of these proteins is present in the embryo when myogenin is activated and constitutes a muscle-specific MEF3-binding activity in adult muscle nuclear extracts. Both of these proteins accumulate in the nucleus of C2C12 myogenic cells, and transient transfection experiments confirm that Six1 and Six4 are able to transactivate a reporter gene containing MEF3 sites. Altogether these results establish Six homeoproteins as a family of transcription factors controlling muscle formation through activation of one of its key regulators, myogenin.
The murine B29 (Igβ) promoter is B cell specific and contains essential SP1, ETS, OCT, and Ikaros motifs. Flanking 5′ DNA sequences inhibit B29 promoter activity, suggesting this region contains silencer elements. Two adjacent 5′ DNA segments repress transcription by the murine B29 promoter in a position- and orientation-independent manner, analogous to known silencers. Both these 5′ segments also inhibit transcription by several heterologous promoters in B cells, including mb-1, c-fos, and human B29. These 5′ segments also inhibit transcription by the c-fos promoter in T cells suggesting they are not B cell-specific elements. DNase I footprint analyses show an approximately 70-bp protected region overlapping the boundary between the two negative regulatory DNA segments and corresponding to binding sites for at least two different DNA-binding proteins. Within this footprint, two unrelated 30-bp cis-acting DNA motifs (designated TOAD and FROG) function as position- and orientation-independent silencers when located directly 5′ of the murine B29 promoter. These two silencer motifs act cooperatively to restrict the transcriptional activity of the B29 promoter. Neither of these motifs resembles any known silencers. Mutagenesis of the TOAD and FROG motifs in their respective 5′ DNA segments eliminates the silencing activity of these upstream regions, indicating these two motifs as the principal B29 silencer elements within these regions.
USF is a family of transcription factors characterized by a highly conserved basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper (bHLH-zip) DNA-binding domain. Two different USF genes, termed USF1 and USF2, are ubiquitously expressed in both humans and mice. The USF1 and USF2 proteins contain highly divergent transcriptional activation domains but share extensive homologies in the bHLH-zip region and recognize the same CACGTG DNA motifs. Although the DNA-binding and transcriptional activities of these proteins have been characterized, the biological function of USF is not well understood. Here, focus- and colony-formation assays were used to investigate the potential involvement of USF in the regulation of cellular transformation and proliferation. Both USF1 and USF2 inhibited the transformation of rat embryo fibroblasts mediated by Ras and c-Myc, a bHLH-zip transcription factor that also binds CACGTG motifs. DNA binding was required but not fully sufficient for inhibition of Myc-dependent transformation by USF, since deletion mutants containing only the DNA-binding domains of USF1 or USF2 produced partial inhibition. While the effect of USF1 was selective for Myc-dependent transformation, wild-type USF2 exerted in addition a strong inhibition of E1A-mediated transformation and a strong suppression of HeLa cell colony formation. These results suggest that members of the USF family may serve as negative regulators of cellular proliferation in two ways, one by antagonizing the transforming function of Myc, the other through a more general growth-inhibitory effect.
PBX1 is a homeobox-containing gene identified as the chromosome 1 participant of the t(1;19) chromosomal translocation of childhood pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This translocation produces a fusion gene encoding the chimeric oncoprotein E2A-Pbx1, which can induce both acute myeloid and T-lymphoid leukemia in mice. The binding of Pbx1 to DNA is weak; however, both Pbx1 and E2A-Pbx1 exhibit tight binding to specific DNA motifs in conjunction with certain other homeodomain proteins, and E2A-Pbx1 activates transcription through these motifs, whereas Pbx1 does not. In this report, we investigate potential transcriptional functions of Pbx1, using transient expression assays. While no segments of Pbx1 activated transcription, an internal domain of Pbx1 repressed transcription induced by the activation domain of Sp1, but not by the activation domains of VP16 or p53. This Pbx1 domain, which lies upstream of the homeodomain and is highly conserved among Pbx proteins, is thus predicted to bind a specific transcription factor. Surprisingly, the repression activity of Pbx1 did not require homeodomain-dependent DNA binding. Thus, Pbx1 may be able to alter gene transcription by both DNA-binding-dependent and DNA-binding-independent mechanisms.
The bithorax complex (BX-C) of Drosophila, one of two complexes that act as master regulators of the body plan of the fly, has now been entirely sequenced and comprises approximately 315,000 bp, only 1.4% of which codes for protein. Analysis of this sequence reveals significantly overrepresented DNA motifs of unknown, as well as known, functions in the non-protein-coding portion of the sequence. The following types of motifs in that portion are analyzed: (i) concatamers of mono-, di-, and trinucleotides; (ii) tightly clustered hexanucleotides (spaced < or = 5 bases apart); (iii) direct and reverse repeats longer than 20 bp; and (iv) a number of motifs known from biochemical studies to play a role in the regulation of the BX-C. The hexanucleotide AGATAC is remarkably overrepresented and is surmised to play a role in chromosome pairing. The positions of sites of highly overrepresented motifs are plotted for those that occur at more than five sites in the sequence, when < 0.5 case is expected. Expected values are based on a third-order Markov chain, which is the optimal order for representing the BXCALL sequence.