965 resultados para immediate-early gene
Systemic injection of kainic acid (KA) results in characteristic behaviors and programmed cell death in some regions of the rat brain. We used KA followed by recovery at 4 degrees C to restrict damage to limbic structures and compared patterns of immediate early gene (IEG) expression and associated DNA binding activity in these damaged areas with that in spared brain regions. Male Wistar rats were injected with BA (12 mg/kg, ip) and kept at 4 degrees C for 5 h. This treatment reduced the severity of behaviors and restricted damage (observed by Nissl staining) to the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus and an area including the entorhinal cortex. DNA laddering, characteristic of apoptosis, was first evident in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex 18 and 22 h after RA, respectively. The pattern of IEG mRNA induction fell into three classes: IEGs that were induced in both damaged and spared areas (c-fos, fos B, jun B, and egr-1), IEGs that were induced specifically in the damaged areas (fra-2 and c-jun), and an IEG that was significantly induced by saline injection and/or the cold treatment (jun D). The pattern of immunoreactivity closely followed that of mRNA expression. Binding to the AP-1 and EGR DNA consensus sequences increased in all three regions studied. This study describes a unique modification of the animal model of ICA-induced neurotoxicity which may prove a useful tool for dissecting the molecular cascade that ultimately results in programmed cell death. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
Close homolog of L1, neural cell recognition molecules, c-fos, arg3.1, arc, immediat early genes, novelty, information processing, behavioral tests
Activating transcription factor 3 (Atf3) is rapidly and transiently upregulated in numerous systems, and is associated with various disease states. Atf3 is required for negative feedback regulation of other genes, but is itself subject to negative feedback regulation possibly by autorepression. In cardiomyocytes, Atf3 and Egr1 mRNAs are upregulated via ERK1/2 signalling and Atf3 suppresses Egr1 expression. We previously developed a mathematical model for the Atf3-Egr1 system. Here, we adjusted and extended the model to explore mechanisms of Atf3 feedback regulation. Introduction of an autorepressive loop for Atf3 tuned down its expression and inhibition of Egr1 was lost, demonstrating that negative feedback regulation of Atf3 by Atf3 itself is implausible in this context. Experimentally, signals downstream from ERK1/2 suppress Atf3 expression. Mathematical modelling indicated that this cannot occur by phosphorylation of pre-existing inhibitory transcriptional regulators because the time delay is too short. De novo synthesis of an inhibitory transcription factor (ITF) with a high affinity for the Atf3 promoter could suppress Atf3 expression, but (as with the Atf3 autorepression loop) inhibition of Egr1 was lost. Developing the model to include newly-synthesised miRNAs very efficiently terminated Atf3 protein expression and, with a 4-fold increase in the rate of degradation of mRNA from the mRNA/miRNA complex, profiles for Atf3 mRNA, Atf3 protein and Egr1 mRNA approximated to the experimental data. Combining the ITF model with that of the miRNA did not improve the profiles suggesting that miRNAs are likely to play a dominant role in switching off Atf3 expression post-induction.
CYR61 is a secreted, cysteine-rich, heparin-binding protein encoded by a growth factor-inducible immediate–early gene. Acting as an extracellular, matrix-associated signaling molecule, CYR61 promotes the adhesion of endothelial cells through interaction with the integrin αVβ3 and augments growth factor-induced DNA synthesis in the same cell type. In this study, we show that purified CYR61 stimulates directed migration of human microvascular endothelial cells in culture through an αVβ3-dependent pathway and induces neovascularization in rat corneas. Both the chemotactic and angiogenic activities of CYR61 can be blocked by specific anti-CYR61 antibodies. Whereas most human tumor-derived cell lines tested express CYR61, the gastric adenocarcinoma cell line RF-1 does not. Expression of the CYR61 cDNA under the regulation of a constitutive promoter in RF-1 cells significantly enhances the tumorigenicity of these cells as measured by growth in immunodeficient mice, resulting in tumors that are larger and more vascularized than those produced by control RF-1 cells. Taken together, these results identify CYR61 as an angiogenic inducer that can promote tumor growth and vascularization; the results also suggest potential roles for CYR61 in physiologic and pathologic neovascularization.
Trans-synaptic activation of gene expression is linked to long-term plastic adaptations in the nervous system. To examine the molecular program induced by synaptic activity, we have employed molecular cloning techniques to identify an immediate early gene that is rapidly induced in the brain. We here report the entire nucleotide sequence of the cDNA, which encodes an open reading frame of 396 amino acids. Within the hippocampus, constitutive expression was low. Basal levels of expression in the cortex were high but can be markedly reduced by blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. By contrast, synaptic activity induced by convulsive seizures increased mRNA levels in neurons of the cortex and hippocampus. High-frequency stimulation of the perforant path resulted in long-term potentiation and a spatially confined dramatic increase in the level of mRNA in the granule cells of the ipsilateral dentate gyrus. Transcripts were localized to the soma and to the dendrites of the granule cells. The dendritic localization of the transcripts offers the potential for local synthesis of the protein at activated postsynaptic sites and may underlie synapse-specific modifications during long-term plastic events.
Background: Endothelin-1 stimulates Gq protein-coupled receptors to promote proliferation in dividing cells or hypertrophy in terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. In cardiomyocytes, endothelin-1 rapidly (within minutes) stimulates protein kinase signaling, including extracellular-signal regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2; though not ERK5), with phenotypic/physiological changes developing from approximately 12 h. Hypertrophy is associated with changes in mRNA/protein expression, presumably consequent to protein kinase signaling, but the connections between early, transient signaling events and developed hypertrophy are unknown. Results: Using microarrays, we defined the early transcriptional responses of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes to endothelin-1 over 4 h, differentiating between immediate early gene (IEG) and second phase RNAs with cycloheximide. IEGs exhibited differential temporal and transient regulation, with expression of second phase RNAs within 1 h. Of transcripts upregulated at 30 minutes encoding established proteins, 28 were inhibited >50% by U0126 (which inhibits ERK1/2/5 signaling), with 9 inhibited 25-50%. Expression of only four transcripts was not inhibited. At 1 h, most RNAs (approximately 67%) were equally changed in total and polysomal RNA with approximately 17% of transcripts increased to a greater extent in polysomes. Thus, changes in expression of most protein-coding RNAs should be reflected in protein synthesis. However, approximately 16% of transcripts were essentially excluded from the polysomes, including some protein-coding mRNAs, presumably inefficiently translated. Conclusion: The phasic, temporal regulation of early transcriptional responses induced by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes indicates that, even in terminally differentiated cells, signals are propagated beyond the primary signaling pathways through transcriptional networks leading to phenotypic changes (that is, hypertrophy). Furthermore, ERK1/2 signaling plays a major role in this response.
The murine immediate-early (IE) protein pp89 is a nonstructural virus-encoded phosphoprotein residing in the nucleus of infected cells, where it acts as transcriptional activator. Frequency analysis has shown that in BALB/c mice the majority of virus-specific CTL recognize IE antigens. The present study was performed to assess whether pp89 causes membrane antigen expression detected by IE-specific CTL. Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to delete the introns from gene ieI, encoding pp89, for subsequent integration of the continuous coding sequence into the vaccinia virus genome. After infection with the vaccinia recombinant, the authentic pp89 was expressed in cells that became susceptible to lysis by an IE-specific CTL clone. Priming of mice with the vaccinia recombinant sensitized polyclonal CTL that recognized MCMV-infected cells and transfected cells expressing pp89. Thus, a herpesviral IE polypeptide with essential function in viral transcriptional regulation can also serve as a dominant antigen for the specific CTL response of the host.
Extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) and their substrates, p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs), phosphorylate different transcription factors, contributing differentially to transcriptomic profiles. In cardiomyocytes, ERK1/2 are required for >70% of the transcriptomic response to endothelin-1. Here, we investigated the role of RSKs in the transcriptomic responses to Gq protein-coupled receptor agonists, endothelin-1, phenylephrine (generic α1-adrenergic receptor agonist) and A61603 (α1A-adrenergic receptor selective). Phospho-ERK1/2 and phospho-RSKs appeared in cardiomyocyte nuclei within 2-3 min of stimulation (endothelin-1>a61603≈phenylephrine). All agonists increased nuclear RSK2, but only endothelin-1 increased nuclear RSK1 content. PD184352 (inhibits ERK1/2 activation) and BI-D1870 (inhibits RSKs) were used to dissect the contribution of RSKs to the endothelin-1-responsive transcriptome. Of 213 RNAs upregulated at 1 h, 51% required RSKs for upregulation whereas 29% required ERK1/2 but not RSKs. The transcriptomic response to phenylephrine overlapped with, but was not identical to, endothelin-1. As with endothelin-1, PD184352 inhibited upregulation of most phenylephrine-responsive transcripts, but the greater variation in effects of BI-D1870 suggests that differential RSK signalling influences global gene expression. A61603 induced similar changes in RNA expression in cardiomyocytes as phenylephrine, indicating that the signal was mediated largely through α1A-adrenergic receptors. A61603 also increased expression of immediate early genes in perfused adult rat hearts and, as in cardiomyocytes, upregulation of the majority of genes was inhibited by PD184352. PD184352 or BI-D1870 prevented the increased surface area induced by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes. Thus, RSKs play a significant role in regulating cardiomyocyte gene expression and hypertrophy in response to Gq protein-coupled receptor stimulation.
Long-term depression (LTD) is one of the paradigms used in vivo or ex vivo for studying memory formation. In order to identify genes with potential relevance for memory formation we used mouse organotypic hippocampal slice cultures in which chemical LTD was induced by applications of 3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG). The induction of chemical LTD was robust, as monitored electrophysiologically. Gene expression analysis after chemical LTD induction was performed using cDNA microarrays containing >7,000 probes. The DHPG-induced expression of immediate early genes (c-fos, junB, egr1 and nr4a1) was subsequently verified by TaqMan polymerase chain reaction. Bioinformatic analysis suggested a common regulator element [serum response factor (SRF)/Elk-1 binding sites] within the promoter region of these genes. Indeed, here we could show a DHPG-dependent binding of SRF at the SRF response element (SRE) site within the promoter region of c-fos and junB. However, SRF binding to egr1 promoter sites was constitutive. The phosphorylation of the ternary complex factor Elk-1 and its localization in the nucleus of hippocampal neurones after DHPG treatment was shown by immunofluorescence using a phosphospecific antibody. We suggest that LTD leads to SRF/Elk-1-regulated gene expression of immediate early transcription factors, which could in turn promote a second broader wave of gene expression.
Adult rats deprived of water for 24-30 h were allowed to rehydrate by ingesting only water for 1-2 h. Rats were then given access to both water and 1.8% NaCl. This procedure induced a sodium appetite defined by the operational criteria of a significant increase in 1.8% NaCl intake (3.8 +/- 0.8 ml/2 h; n = 6). Expression of Fos (as assessed by immunohistochemistry) was increased in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), subfornical organ (SFO), and supraoptic nucleus (SON) after water deprivation. After rehydration with water but before consumption of 1.8% NaCl, Fos expression in the SON disappeared and was partially reduced in the OVLT and MnPO. However, Fos expression did not change in the SFO. Water deprivation also 1) increased plasma renin activity (PRA), osmolality, and plasma Na+; 2) decreased blood volume; and 3) reduced total body Na+; but 4) did not alter arterial blood pressure. Rehydration with water alone caused only plasma osmolality and plasma Na+ concentration to revert to euhydrated levels. The changes in Fos expression and PRA are consistent with a proposed role for ANG II in the control of the sodium appetite produced by water deprivation followed by rehydration with only water.
Synchrotron Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) relies on the spatial fractionation of the synchrotron photon beam into parallel micro-beams applying several hundred of grays in their paths. Several works have reported the therapeutic interest of the radiotherapy modality at preclinical level, but biological mechanisms responsible for the described efficacy are not fully understood to date. The aim of this study was to identify the early transcriptomic responses of normal brain and glioma tissue in rats after MRT irradiation (400Gy). The transcriptomic analysis of similarly irradiated normal brain and tumor tissues was performed 6 hours after irradiation of 9 L orthotopically tumor-bearing rats. Pangenomic analysis revealed 1012 overexpressed and 497 repressed genes in the irradiated contralateral normal tissue and 344 induced and 210 repressed genes in tumor tissue. These genes were grouped in a total of 135 canonical pathways. More than half were common to both tissues with a predominance for immunity or inflammation (64 and 67% of genes for normal and tumor tissues, respectively). Several pathways involving HMGB1, toll-like receptors, C-type lectins and CD36 may serve as a link between biochemical changes triggered by irradiation and inflammation and immunological challenge. Most immune cell populations were involved: macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer, T and B lymphocytes. Among them, our results highlighted the involvement of Th17 cell population, recently described in tumor. The immune response was regulated by a large network of mediators comprising growth factors, cytokines, lymphokines. In conclusion, early response to MRT is mainly based on inflammation and immunity which appear therefore as major contributors to MRT efficacy.
To ensure the success of systemic gene therapy, it is critical to enhance the tumor specificity and activity of the promoter. In the current study, we identified the breast cancer-specific activity of the topoisomerase IIα promoter. We further showed that cdk2 and cyclin A activate topoisomerase IIα promoter in a breast cancer-specific manner. An element containing an inverted CCAAT box (ICB) was shown to respond this signaling. When the ICB-harboring topoisomerase IIα minimal promoter was linked with an enhancer sequence from the cytomegalovirus immediate early gene promoter (CMV promoter), this composite promoter, CT90, exhibited activity comparable to or higher than the CMV promoter in breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, yet expresses much lower activity in normal cell lines and normal organs than the CMV promoter. A CT90-driven construct expressing BikDD, a potent pro-apoptotic gene, was shown to selectively kill breast cancer cells in vitro and to suppress mammary tumor development in an animal model of intravenously administrated, liposome-delivered gene therapy. Expression of BikDD was readily detectable in the tumors but not in the normal organs of CT90-BikDD-treated animals. Finally, we demonstrated that CT90-BikDD treatment potentially enhanced the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents, especially doxorubicin and taxol. The results indicate that liposomal CT90-BikDD is a novel and effective systemic breast cancer-targeting gene therapy, and its combination with chemotherapy may further improve the current adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. ^
Herpesviruses exist in two states, latency and a lytic productive cycle. Here we identify an immediate-early gene encoded by Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)/human herpesvirus eight (HHV8) that activates lytic cycle gene expression from the latent viral genome. The gene is a homologue of Rta, a transcriptional activator encoded by Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). KSHV/Rta activated KSHV early lytic genes, including virus-encoded interleukin 6 and polyadenylated nuclear RNA, and a late gene, small viral capsid antigen. In cells dually infected with Epstein–Barr virus and KSHV, each Rta activated only autologous lytic cycle genes. Expression of viral cytokines under control of the KSHV/Rta gene is likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of KSHV-associated diseases.