979 resultados para imbalanced class problem


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The majority of multi-class pattern classification techniques are proposed for learning from balanced datasets. However, in several real-world domains, the datasets have imbalanced data distribution, where some classes of data may have few training examples compared for other classes. In this paper we present our research in learning from imbalanced multi-class data and propose a new approach, named Multi-IM, to deal with this problem. Multi-IM derives its fundamentals from the probabilistic relational technique (PRMs-IM), designed for learning from imbalanced relational data for the two-class problem. Multi-IM extends PRMs-IM to a generalized framework for multi-class imbalanced learning for both relational and non-relational domains.


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Traditional learning techniques learn from flat data files with the assumption that each class has a similar number of examples. However, the majority of real-world data are stored as relational systems with imbalanced data distribution, where one class of data is over-represented as compared with other classes. We propose to extend a relational learning technique called Probabilistic Relational Models (PRMs) to deal with the imbalanced class problem. We address learning from imbalanced relational data using an ensemble of PRMs and propose a new model: the PRMs-IM. We show the performance of PRMs-IM on a real university relational database to identify students at risk.


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Being an important source for real-time information dissemination in recent years, Twitter is inevitably a prime target of spammers. It has been showed that the damage caused by Twitter spam can reach far beyond the social media platform itself. To mitigate the threat, a lot of recent studies use machine learning techniques to classify Twitter spam and report very satisfactory results. However, most of the studies overlook a fundamental issue that is widely seen in real-world Twitter data, i.e., the class imbalance problem. In this paper, we show that the unequal distribution between spam and non-spam classes in the data has a great impact on spam detection rate. To address the problem, we propose an ensemble learning approach, which involves three steps. In the first step, we adjust the class distribution in the imbalanced data set using various strategies, including random oversampling, random undersampling and fuzzy-based oversampling. In the next step, a classification model is built upon each of the redistributed data sets. In the final step, a majority voting scheme is introduced to combine all the classification models. Experimental results obtained using real-world Twitter data indicate that the proposed approach can significantly improve the spam detection rate in data sets with imbalanced class distribution.


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La familia de algoritmos de Boosting son un tipo de técnicas de clasificación y regresión que han demostrado ser muy eficaces en problemas de Visión Computacional. Tal es el caso de los problemas de detección, de seguimiento o bien de reconocimiento de caras, personas, objetos deformables y acciones. El primer y más popular algoritmo de Boosting, AdaBoost, fue concebido para problemas binarios. Desde entonces, muchas han sido las propuestas que han aparecido con objeto de trasladarlo a otros dominios más generales: multiclase, multilabel, con costes, etc. Nuestro interés se centra en extender AdaBoost al terreno de la clasificación multiclase, considerándolo como un primer paso para posteriores ampliaciones. En la presente tesis proponemos dos algoritmos de Boosting para problemas multiclase basados en nuevas derivaciones del concepto margen. El primero de ellos, PIBoost, está concebido para abordar el problema descomponiéndolo en subproblemas binarios. Por un lado, usamos una codificación vectorial para representar etiquetas y, por otro, utilizamos la función de pérdida exponencial multiclase para evaluar las respuestas. Esta codificación produce un conjunto de valores margen que conllevan un rango de penalizaciones en caso de fallo y recompensas en caso de acierto. La optimización iterativa del modelo genera un proceso de Boosting asimétrico cuyos costes dependen del número de etiquetas separadas por cada clasificador débil. De este modo nuestro algoritmo de Boosting tiene en cuenta el desbalanceo debido a las clases a la hora de construir el clasificador. El resultado es un método bien fundamentado que extiende de manera canónica al AdaBoost original. El segundo algoritmo propuesto, BAdaCost, está concebido para problemas multiclase dotados de una matriz de costes. Motivados por los escasos trabajos dedicados a generalizar AdaBoost al terreno multiclase con costes, hemos propuesto un nuevo concepto de margen que, a su vez, permite derivar una función de pérdida adecuada para evaluar costes. Consideramos nuestro algoritmo como la extensión más canónica de AdaBoost para este tipo de problemas, ya que generaliza a los algoritmos SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost y PIBoost. Por otro lado, sugerimos un simple procedimiento para calcular matrices de coste adecuadas para mejorar el rendimiento de Boosting a la hora de abordar problemas estándar y problemas con datos desbalanceados. Una serie de experimentos nos sirven para demostrar la efectividad de ambos métodos frente a otros conocidos algoritmos de Boosting multiclase en sus respectivas áreas. En dichos experimentos se usan bases de datos de referencia en el área de Machine Learning, en primer lugar para minimizar errores y en segundo lugar para minimizar costes. Además, hemos podido aplicar BAdaCost con éxito a un proceso de segmentación, un caso particular de problema con datos desbalanceados. Concluimos justificando el horizonte de futuro que encierra el marco de trabajo que presentamos, tanto por su aplicabilidad como por su flexibilidad teórica. Abstract The family of Boosting algorithms represents a type of classification and regression approach that has shown to be very effective in Computer Vision problems. Such is the case of detection, tracking and recognition of faces, people, deformable objects and actions. The first and most popular algorithm, AdaBoost, was introduced in the context of binary classification. Since then, many works have been proposed to extend it to the more general multi-class, multi-label, costsensitive, etc... domains. Our interest is centered in extending AdaBoost to two problems in the multi-class field, considering it a first step for upcoming generalizations. In this dissertation we propose two Boosting algorithms for multi-class classification based on new generalizations of the concept of margin. The first of them, PIBoost, is conceived to tackle the multi-class problem by solving many binary sub-problems. We use a vectorial codification to represent class labels and a multi-class exponential loss function to evaluate classifier responses. This representation produces a set of margin values that provide a range of penalties for failures and rewards for successes. The stagewise optimization of this model introduces an asymmetric Boosting procedure whose costs depend on the number of classes separated by each weak-learner. In this way the Boosting procedure takes into account class imbalances when building the ensemble. The resulting algorithm is a well grounded method that canonically extends the original AdaBoost. The second algorithm proposed, BAdaCost, is conceived for multi-class problems endowed with a cost matrix. Motivated by the few cost-sensitive extensions of AdaBoost to the multi-class field, we propose a new margin that, in turn, yields a new loss function appropriate for evaluating costs. Since BAdaCost generalizes SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost and PIBoost algorithms, we consider our algorithm as a canonical extension of AdaBoost to this kind of problems. We additionally suggest a simple procedure to compute cost matrices that improve the performance of Boosting in standard and unbalanced problems. A set of experiments is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods against other relevant Boosting algorithms in their respective areas. In the experiments we resort to benchmark data sets used in the Machine Learning community, firstly for minimizing classification errors and secondly for minimizing costs. In addition, we successfully applied BAdaCost to a segmentation task, a particular problem in presence of imbalanced data. We conclude the thesis justifying the horizon of future improvements encompassed in our framework, due to its applicability and theoretical flexibility.


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We propose a new class of neurofuzzy construction algorithms with the aim of maximizing generalization capability specifically for imbalanced data classification problems based on leave-one-out (LOO) cross validation. The algorithms are in two stages, first an initial rule base is constructed based on estimating the Gaussian mixture model with analysis of variance decomposition from input data; the second stage carries out the joint weighted least squares parameter estimation and rule selection using orthogonal forward subspace selection (OFSS)procedure. We show how different LOO based rule selection criteria can be incorporated with OFSS, and advocate either maximizing the leave-one-out area under curve of the receiver operating characteristics, or maximizing the leave-one-out Fmeasure if the data sets exhibit imbalanced class distribution. Extensive comparative simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.


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Medical and biological data are commonly with small sample size, missing values, and most importantly, imbalanced class distribution. In this study we propose a particle swarm based hybrid system for remedying the class imbalance problem in medical and biological data mining. This hybrid system combines the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with multiple classifiers and evaluation metrics for evaluation fusion. Samples from the majority class are ranked using multiple objectives according to their merit in compensating the class imbalance, and then combined with the minority class to form a balanced dataset.

One important finding of this study is that different classifiers and metrics often provide different evaluation results. Nevertheless, the proposed hybrid system demonstrates consistent improvements over several alternative methods with three different metrics. The sampling results also demonstrate good generalization on different types of classification algorithms, indicating the advantage of information fusion applied in the hybrid system.

The experimental results demonstrate that unlike many currently available methods which often perform unevenly with different datasets the proposed hybrid system has a better generalization property which alleviates the method-data dependency problem. From the biological perspective, the system provides indication for further investigation of the highly ranked samples, which may result in the discovery of new conditions or disease subtypes.


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Data in many biological problems are often compounded by imbalanced class distribution. That is, the positive examples may largely outnumbered by the negative examples. Many classification algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM) are sensitive to data with imbalanced class distribution, and result in a suboptimal classification. It is desirable to compensate the imbalance effect in model training for more accurate classification. In this study, we propose a sample subset optimization technique for classifying biological data with moderate and extremely high imbalanced class distributions. By using this optimization technique with an ensemble of SVMs, we build multiple roughly balanced SVM base classifiers, each trained on an optimized sample subset. The experimental results demonstrate that the ensemble of SVMs created by our sample subset optimization technique can achieve higher area under the ROC curve (AUC) value than popular sampling approaches such as random over-/under-sampling; SMOTE sampling, and those in widely used ensemble approaches such as bagging and boosting.


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Log-linear and maximum-margin models are two commonly-used methods in supervised machine learning, and are frequently used in structured prediction problems. Efficient learning of parameters in these models is therefore an important problem, and becomes a key factor when learning from very large data sets. This paper describes exponentiated gradient (EG) algorithms for training such models, where EG updates are applied to the convex dual of either the log-linear or max-margin objective function; the dual in both the log-linear and max-margin cases corresponds to minimizing a convex function with simplex constraints. We study both batch and online variants of the algorithm, and provide rates of convergence for both cases. In the max-margin case, O(1/ε) EG updates are required to reach a given accuracy ε in the dual; in contrast, for log-linear models only O(log(1/ε)) updates are required. For both the max-margin and log-linear cases, our bounds suggest that the online EG algorithm requires a factor of n less computation to reach a desired accuracy than the batch EG algorithm, where n is the number of training examples. Our experiments confirm that the online algorithms are much faster than the batch algorithms in practice. We describe how the EG updates factor in a convenient way for structured prediction problems, allowing the algorithms to be efficiently applied to problems such as sequence learning or natural language parsing. We perform extensive evaluation of the algorithms, comparing them to L-BFGS and stochastic gradient descent for log-linear models, and to SVM-Struct for max-margin models. The algorithms are applied to a multi-class problem as well as to a more complex large-scale parsing task. In all these settings, the EG algorithms presented here outperform the other methods.


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A cell classification algorithm that uses first, second and third order statistics of pixel intensity distributions over pre-defined regions is implemented and evaluated. A cell image is segmented into 6 regions extending from a boundary layer to an inner circle. First, second and third order statistical features are extracted from histograms of pixel intensities in these regions. Third order statistical features used are one-dimensional bispectral invariants. 108 features were considered as candidates for Adaboost based fusion. The best 10 stage fused classifier was selected for each class and a decision tree constructed for the 6-class problem. The classifier is robust, accurate and fast by design.


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In this paper, we compare the experimental results for Tamil online handwritten character recognition using HMM and Statistical Dynamic Time Warping (SDTW) as classifiers. HMM was used for a 156-class problem. Different feature sets and values for the HMM states & mixtures were tried and the best combination was found to be 16 states & 14 mixtures, giving an accuracy of 85%. The features used in this combination were retained and a SDTW model with 20 states and single Gaussian was used as classifier. Also, the symbol set was increased to include numerals, punctuation marks and special symbols like $, & and #, taking the number of classes to 188. It was found that, with a small addition to the feature set, this simple SDTW classifier performed on par with the more complicated HMM model, giving an accuracy of 84%. Mixture density estimation computations was reduced by 11 times. The recognition is writer independent, as the dataset used is quite large, with a variety of handwriting styles.


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This paper proposes a new hierarchical learning structure, namely the holistic triple learning (HTL), for extending the binary support vector machine (SVM) to multi-classification problems. For an N-class problem, a HTL constructs a decision tree up to a depth of A leaf node of the decision tree is allowed to be placed with a holistic triple learning unit whose generalisation abilities are assessed and approved. Meanwhile, the remaining nodes in the decision tree each accommodate a standard binary SVM classifier. The holistic triple classifier is a regression model trained on three classes, whose training algorithm is originated from a recently proposed implementation technique, namely the least-squares support vector machine (LS-SVM). A major novelty with the holistic triple classifier is the reduced number of support vectors in the solution. For the resultant HTL-SVM, an upper bound of the generalisation error can be obtained. The time complexity of training the HTL-SVM is analysed, and is shown to be comparable to that of training the one-versus-one (1-vs.-1) SVM, particularly on small-scale datasets. Empirical studies show that the proposed HTL-SVM achieves competitive classification accuracy with a reduced number of support vectors compared to the popular 1-vs-1 alternative.


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Recent studies showed that features extracted from brain MRIs can well discriminate Alzheimer’s disease from Mild Cognitive Impairment. This study provides an algorithm that sequentially applies advanced feature selection methods for findings the best subset of features in terms of binary classification accuracy. The classifiers that provided the highest accuracies, have been then used for solving a multi-class problem by the one-versus-one strategy. Although several approaches based on Regions of Interest (ROIs) extraction exist, the prediction power of features has not yet investigated by comparing filter and wrapper techniques. The findings of this work suggest that (i) the IntraCranial Volume (ICV) normalization can lead to overfitting and worst the accuracy prediction of test set and (ii) the combined use of a Random Forest-based filter with a Support Vector Machines-based wrapper, improves accuracy of binary classification.


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An inverse model for a sheet meta l forming process aims to determine the initial parameter levels required to form the final formed shape. This is a difficult problem that is usually approached by traditional methods such as finite element analysis. Formulating the problem as a classification problem makes it possible to use well established classification algorithms, such as decision trees. Classification is, however, generally based on a winner-takes-all approach when associating the output value with the corresponding class. On the other hand, when formulating the problem as a regression task, all the output values are combined to produce the corresponding class value. For a multi-class problem, this may result in very different associations compared with classification between the output of the model and the corresponding class. Such formulation makes it possible to use well known regression algorithms, such as neural networks. In this paper, we develop a neural network based inverse model of a sheet forming process, and compare its performance with that of a linear model. Both models are used in two modes, classification mode and a function estimation mode, to investigate the advantage of re-formulating the problem as a function estimation. This results in large improvements in the recognition rate of set-up parameters of a sheet metal forming process for both models, with a neural network model achieving much more accurate parameter recognition than a linear model.


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I am researching equitable and socially just teaching practices when using technology for the mathematical learning of disadvantaged and marginalised students in junior secondary school. Using data gathered from teacher interviews and a meeting of teachers, I present a case study of one teachers’ practice. The case suggests that there are some equity considerations for the use of an integrated project approach to teaching mathematics and that whole class problem solving with technology can provide access to mathematical ideas when students have limited access or skills with technology.