14 resultados para hypermetabolism


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Objective: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV)-associated lipodystrophy syndrome compromises body composition and produces metabolic alterations, such as dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. This study aims to determine whether energy expenditure and substrate oxidation are altered due to human HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome. Methods: We compared energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in 10 HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy syndrome (HIV+LIPO+), 22 HIV-infected men without lipodystrophy syndrome (HIV+LIPO-), and 12 healthy controls. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were assessed by indirect calorimetry, and body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The substrate oxidation assessments were performed during fasting and 30 min after eucaloric breakfast consumption (300 kcal). Results: The resting energy expenditure adjusted for lean body mass was significantly higher in the HIV+LIPO+ group than in the healthy controls (P = 0.02). HIV-infected patients had increased carbohydrate oxidation and lower lipid oxidation when compared to the control group (P < 0.05) during fasting conditions. After the consumption of a eucaloric breakfast, there was a significant increase in carbohydrate oxidation only in the HIV+LIPO- and control groups (P < 0.05), but there was no increase in the HIV+LIPO+ group. Conclusion: Hypermetabolism and alteration in substrate oxidation were observed in the HIV+LIPO+ group. (C)2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Better understanding of body composition and energy metabolism in pediatric liver disease may provide a scientific basis for improved medical therapy aimed at achieving optimal nutrition, slowing progression to end-stage liver disease (ESLD), and improving the outcome of liver transplantation. Methods: Twenty-one children less than 2 years of age with ESLD awaiting liver transplantation and 15 healthy, aged-matched controls had body compartment analysis using a four compartment model (body cell mass, fat mass, extracellular water, and extracellular solids). Subjects also had measurements of resting energy expenditure (REE) and respiratory quotient (RQ) by indirect calorimetry. Nine patients and 15 control subjects also had measurements of total energy expenditure (TEE) using doubly labelled water. Results: Mean weights and heights were similar in the two groups. Compared with control subjects, children with ESLD had higher relative mean body cell mass (33 ± 2% vs 29 ± 1% of body weight, P < 0.05), but had similar fat mass, extracellular water, and extracellular solid compartments (18% vs 20%, 41% vs 38%, and 7% vs 13% of body weight respectively). Compared with control subjects, children with ESLD had 27% higher mean REE/body weight (0.285 ± 0.013 vs 0.218. ± 0.013 mJ/kg/24h, P < 0.001), 16% higher REE/unit cell mass (P < 0.05); and lower mean RQ (P < 0.05). Mean TEE of patients was 4.70 ± 0.49 mJ/24h vs 3.19 ± 0.76 in controls, (P < 0.01). Conclusions: In children, ESLD is a hypermetabolic state adversely affecting the relationship between metabolic and non-metabolic body compartments. There is increased metabolic activity within the body cell mass with excess lipid oxidation during fasting and at rest. These findings have implications for the design of appropriate nutritional therapy.


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Study Objectives: Chronic sleep deprivation of rats causes hyperphagia without body weight gain. Sleep deprivation hyperphagia is prompted by changes in pathways governing food intake; hyperphagia may be adaptive to sleep deprivation hypermetabolism. A recent paper suggested that sleep deprivation might inhibit ability of rats to increase food intake and that hyperphagia may be an artifact of uncorrected chow spillage. To resolve this, a palatable liquid diet (Ensure) was used where spillage is insignificant. Design: Sleep deprivation of male Sprague Dawley rats was enforced for 10 days by the flowerpot/platform paradigm. Daily food intake and body weight were measured. On day 10, rats were transcardially perfused for analysis of hypothalamic mRNA expression of the orexigen, neuropeptide Y (NPY). Setting: Morgan State University, sleep deprivation and transcardial perfusion; University of Maryland, NPY in situ hybridization and analysis. Measurements and Results: Using a liquid diet for accurate daily measurements, there was no change in food intake in the first 5 days of sleep deprivation. Importantly, from days 6-10 it increased significantly, peaking at 29% above baseline. Control rats steadily gained weight but sleep-deprived rats did not. Hypothalamic NPY mRNA levels were positively correlated to stimulation of food intake and negatively correlated with changes in body weight. Conclusion: Sleep deprivation hyperphagia may not be apparent over the short term (i.e., <= 5 days), but when extended beyond 6 days, it is readily observed. The timing of changes in body weight and food intake suggests that the negative energy balance induced by sleep deprivation prompts the neural changes that evoke hyperphagia.


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Nos últimos anos tem havido referências à limitação da resposta metabólica nas duas primeiras semanas após trauma cranioencefálico (TCE). Foi feita proposta de estudo a partir de experimento clínico em pacientes com trauma encefálico grave, que foram avaliados por volta de 7 dias após a lesão (M1). A segunda avaliação ocorreu 4 dias após (M2), e a terceira 3 a 4 dias após (M3). em um período de 2 anos, foram selecionados 28 pacientes do sexo masculino, com trauma encefálico grave, escala de gravidade de Glasgow entre 4 e 6. Dentre os 28 pacientes, 6 completaram o estudo proposto. Os pacientes foram acompanhados clinicamente durante toda a fase do experimento. em cada um dos momentos de análise, foram feitas análises da excreção nitrogenada e proteínas de fase aguda. da mesma forma foram feitas determinações da glicemia plasmática, N-amínico e triglicerídeos. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram não haver modificações no balanço nitrogenado, normalização da proteína-C-reativa e redução relativa da glicemia ao final do experimento. Os autores tecem considerações sobre os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na modulação da resposta metabólica e concluem que o hipermetabolismo, a basear-se na análise da glicemia e das proteínas de fase aguda, não persiste além do 13° dia do período de recuperação pós-trauma. São feitas sugestões de estudos futuros que possam elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na normalização do hipercatabolismo e hipermetabolismo observados nas duas primeiras semanas após TCE.


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A doença hepática crônica cursa, freqüentemente, com anormalidades metabólicas de macronutrientes que propiciam o desenvolvimento ou agravamento da desnutrição protéico-energética. O papel central do fígado no metabolismo dos substratos energéticos e de proteínas e aminoácidos é revisto, de modo relacionado à desnutrição protéico-energética, em pacientes com hepatopatia crônica. Aceita-se que a redução da ingestão dietética seja um dos principais componentes etiológicos da desnutrição, particularmente em pacientes alcoolistas. Acresce-se a iatrogenia pela indicação de dietas restritas e jejum prolongado aos pacientes hospitalizados. Como fatores agravantes, há má absorção intestinal de gorduras e o hipermetabolismo associado ao alcoolismo agudo. Hipoglicemia, resistência insulínica, esteatose e hipertrigliceridemia constituem achados comuns, assim como níveis elevados de alguns aminoácidos com conseqüências neurológicas. O entendimento desses mecanismos fisiopatológicos permite a intervenção nutricional apropriada reduzindo a morbidade e mortalidade desses pacientes.


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O estado nutricional de indivíduos portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal é frequentemente afetado, sendo agravado em função da carcinogênese promover ativação do processo inflamatório e consequente ativação do sistema imunológico, com produção de citocinas e proteínas de fase aguda, como proteína C- reativa, que resulta no hipermetabolismo, acelerando a perda de peso e progredindo para o quadro de caquexia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o estado nutricional e os marcadores clínico-bioquímicos em indivíduos portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal, atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB), em Belém-PA. Foi realizado estudo transversal, descritivo, observacional com pacientes adultos e idosos, portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal atendidos na Unidade de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia e na clínica cirúrgica do HUJBB, no período de dezembro de 2013 a julho de 2014. Realizou-se avaliação nutricional por meio de parâmetros antropométricos, que incluíram índice de massa corporal (IMC), percentual de perda de peso (%PP), circunferência do braço (CB), circunferência muscular do braço (CMB), área muscular do braço corrigida (AMBc), prega cutânea triciptal (PCT) e músculo adutor do polegar (MAP), parâmetros bioquímicos, por meio da classificação da hemoglobina, contagem total de linfócitos (CTL), albumina, transferrina, índice de prognóstico inflamatório-nutricional (IPIN) e parâmetros subjetivos, utilizando-se a avaliação subjetiva global produzida pelo paciente (ASG-PPP), além da identificação e classificação da caquexia. Foram avaliados 44 pacientes, sendo 63,30% do sexo masculino com idade média de 61,2 anos (±13,3). 95,50% eram naturais do Pará, 45,50% residentes no interior, 50,00% apresentavam escolaridade em ensino fundamental incompleto e 52,30% não possuíam renda familiar. Do total de pacientes avaliados, 63,60% possuíam neoplasia de estômago; destes, 50,00% estavam em estádio clínico IV e 73,30% em tratamento cirúrgico, com tempo médio de internação de 45,85 dias (±32,97). Na avaliação nutricional, verificou-se 20,50% de eutrofia para adultos e 42,30% para idosos, por meio do IMC, porém, em avaliação isolada dos compartimentos muscular e adiposo, verificou-se 59,10% de depleção grave por meio da AMBc, 54,50% por meio da PCT e 75,00% com presença de depleção em algum grau em CB e 68,18% em CMB. A perda de peso grave foi verificada em 61,36% dos pacientes avaliados e no MAP, obteve-se maior prevalência de depleção moderada (30,20%). Nos parâmetros bioquímicos, observou-se redução grave em hemoglobina em 61,40% dos pacientes, depleção leve em CTL em 56,80%, de albumina em 47,70% e depleção moderada de transferrina em 45,50%. Na avaliação do IPIN, verificou-se médio risco de complicação para 56,80% dos pacientes avaliados. Na ASG-PPP, 63,60% dos pacientes foram classificados em desnutrição grave e a presença de caquexia sintomática foi de 54,50%. No que se refere à análise de correlação, constatou-se que houve correlação positiva e significativa de IMC com CMB, CB, PCT, AMBc, MAP e Hemoglobina; CMB com CB e AMBc; CB com PCT, AMBc, MAP, e hemoglobina; PCT com AMBc; AMBc com MAP. Na análise de componente principal, verificou-se como métodos mais sensíveis para a detecção de desnutrição a avaliação de CB, AMBc, CMB, IMC, PCT, MAP, IPIN e avaliação da caquexia. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo evidenciam o comprometimento nutricional em pacientes portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal, por diferentes parâmetros, demonstrando assim que a desnutrição ocorre de forma global, com perdas tanto de tecido adiposo quanto de tecido muscular, assim como alterações a nível bioquímico.


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OBJECT: Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) imposes a huge metabolic load on brain tissue, which can be summarized initially as a state of hypermetabolism and hyperglycolysis. In experiments O2 consumption has been shown to increase early after trauma, especially in the presence of high lactate levels and forced O2 availability. In recent clinical studies the effect of increasing O2 availability on brain metabolism has been analyzed. By their nature, however, clinical trauma models suffer from a heterogeneous injury distribution. The aim of this study was to analyze, in a standardized diffuse brain injury model, the effect of increasing the fraction of inspired O2 on brain glucose and lactate levels, and to compare this effect with the metabolism of the noninjured sham-operated brain. METHODS: A diffuse severe TBI model developed by Foda and Maramarou, et al., in which a 420-g weight is dropped from a height of 2 m was used in this study. Forty-one male Wistar rats each weighing approximately 300 g were included. Anesthesized rats were monitored by placing a femoral arterial line for blood pressure and blood was drawn for a blood gas analysis. Two time periods were defined: Period A was defined as preinjury and Period B as postinjury. During Period B two levels of fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) were studied: air (FiO2 0.21) and oxygen (FiO2 1). Four groups were studied including sham-operated animals: air-air-sham (AAS); air-O2-sham (AOS); air-air-trauma (AAT); and air-O2-trauma (AOT). In six rats the effect of increasing the FiO2 on serum glucose and lactate was analyzed. During Period B lactate values in the brain determined using microdialysis were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the AOT group than in the AAT group and glucose values in the brain determined using microdialysis were significantly higher (p < 0.04). No differences were demonstrated in the other groups. Increasing the FiO2 had no significant effect on the serum levels of glucose and lactate. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing the FiO2 influences dialysate glucose and lactate levels in injured brain tissue. Using an FiO2 of 1 influences brain metabolism in such a way that lactate is significantly reduced and glucose significantly increased. No changes in dialysate glucose and lactate values were found in the noninjured brain.


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BACKGROUND Warthin's tumor or cystadenolymphoma (CAL) is a benign salivary gland tumor occurring almost exclusively in the parotid gland. CALs of other locations are rare. CASE PRESENTATION We report a laryngeal CAL detected in a positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) performed for breast cancer follow-up. The tumor was successfully treated by transoral surgery. DISCUSSION Only 14 cases of laryngeal CAL are reported worldwide. These cases confirmed our experience of an uncomplicated and mostly successful transoral resection. CONCLUSION CALs of the larynx are very rare. They are characterized by hypermetabolism in PET/CT. The increasing use of PET/CT investigations in cancer patients could give rise to more incidental findings of CALs at unusual locations such as the larynx.


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Sepsis is a significant cause for multiple organ failure and death in the burn patient, yet identification in this population is confounded by chronic hypermetabolism and impaired immune function. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) determine the ability of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and American Burn Association (ABA) criteria to predict sepsis in the burn patient; and 2) develop a model representing the best combination of clinical predictors associated with sepsis in the same population. A retrospective, case-controlled, within-patient comparison of burn patients admitted to a single intensive care unit (ICU) was conducted for the period January 2005 to September 2010. Blood culture results were paired with clinical condition: "positive-sick"; "negative-sick", and "screening-not sick". Data were collected for the 72 hours prior to each blood culture. The most significant predictors were evaluated using logistic regression, Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and ROC area under the curve (AUC) analyses to assess model predictive ability. Bootstrapping methods were employed to evaluate potential model over-fitting. Fifty-nine subjects were included, representing 177 culture periods. SIRS criteria were not found to be associated with culture type, with an average of 98% of subjects meeting criteria in the 3 days prior. ABA sepsis criteria were significantly different among culture type only on the day prior (p = 0.004). The variables identified for the model included: heart rate>130 beats/min, mean blood pressure<60 mmHg, base deficit<-6 mEq/L, temperature>36°C, use of vasoactive medications, and glucose>150 mg/d1. The model was significant in predicting "positive culture-sick" and sepsis state, with AUC of 0.775 (p < 0.001) and 0.714 (p < .001), respectively; comparatively, the ABA criteria AUC was 0.619 (p = 0.028) and 0.597 (p = .035), respectively. SIRS criteria are not appropriate for identifying sepsis in the burn population. The ABA criteria perform better, but only for the day prior to positive blood culture results. The time period useful to diagnose sepsis using clinical criteria may be limited to 24 hours. A combination of predictors is superior to individual variable trends, yet algorithms or computer support will be necessary for the clinician to find such models useful. ^


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Background and Objectives: Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare autosomal recessive lipid-storage disease caused by mutations in the CYP27A1. The purpose of this study is to determine the clinical characteristics, neuroimaging and mutation detect in a family with CTX systematically. Methods: Collecting history materials and detecting the routine clinical biochemical tests and imaging examination, and for the first time taking the whole body positron emission tomography (PET)-CT examination for probed in the world to research abnormal metabolism activities in CTX. To observe the effect of treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and stains before and after the intervention, using serum lipid level detection and neuropsychological evaluation. Genetic testing was carried out to screen the nine exons and exon-intron boundaries about 200-300bq of CYP27A1. Results: A 37-year-old woman with typical clinical characteristics of CTX. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain showed bilateral lesions in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, then, PET images revealed multiple abnormal hypermetabolism areas at distal tendon, and multifocal areas of hypometabolism in bilateral sides of cerebellar hemispheres, the frontal lobe and temporal lobe. Histopathology reveals accumulation of xanthoma cells and dispersed lipid crystal clefts in xanthomas. In genetic analysis, it shown an insertion of cytosine (77-78insC) located in the first exon of CYP27A1 in the proband. Conclusions: We found that a Chinese patient presented a typical clinical feature of CTX along with clear correlation on both structural and functional imaging had a novel mutation in the CYP27A1 gene.


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Adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats is associated with growth failure, hypermetabolism and accelerated protein breakdown. The aim of this work was to study the effects of adjuvant-induced arthritis on GH and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). Arthritis was induced by an intradermal injection of complete Freund's adjuvant and rats were killed 18 and 22 days later. IGF-I and GH levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Pituitary GH mRNA was analyzed by northern blot and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) by western blot. Arthritic rats showed a decrease in both serum and hepatic concentrations of IGF-I. On the contrary, arthritis increased the circulating IGFBPs. The serum concentration of IGF-I in the arthritic rats was negatively correlated with the body weight loss observed in these animals. Arthritis decreased the serum concentration of GH and this decrease seems to be due to an inhibition of GH synthesis, since pituitary GH mRNA content was decreased in arthritic rats (p<0.01). These data suggest that the decrease in body weight gain in arthritic rats may be, at least in part, secondary to the decrease in GH and IGF-I secretion. Furthermore, the increased serum IGFBPs may also be involved in the disease process.