989 resultados para hydrophilic surface


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The influence of chemical specificity of hydrophilic surfaces on the structure of confined water in the subnanometer regime is investigated using grand canonical Monte Carlo Simulations. The structural variations for water confined between hydroxylated silica surfaces are contrasted with water confined between mica surfaces. Although both surfaces are hydrophilic, our Study shows that hydration of potassium ions on the mica surface has a strong influence on the water Structure and solvation force response of confined water. In contrast to the disrupted hydrogen bond network observed for water confined between Mica Surfaces, water between silica surfaces retains its hydrogen bond network displaying bulklike structural features down to surface separations as small as 0.45 nm. Hydrogen bonding of all invariant contact water layer with the surface silanol groups aids in maintaining a constant number of hydrogen bonds per water molecule for the silica surfaces. As a consequence water depletion and rearrangement upon decreasing confinement is a strong function of the hydrophilic surface specificity, particularly at smaller separations. An oscillatory solvation force response is only observed for water confined between Silica surfaces, and bulklike features are observed for both Surfaces above a surface separation of about 1.2 nm. We evaluate and contrast the water density, dipole moment distributions, pi pair correlation functions, and solvation forces as a function of the surface separation.


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In the past, several modifications of specific surface properties such as topography, structure, chemistry, surface charge, and wettability have been investigated to predictably improve the osseointegration of titanium implants. The aim of the present review was to evaluate, based on the currently available evidence, the impact of hydrophilic surface modifications of titanium for dental implants. A surface treatment was performed to produce hydroxylated/hydrated titanium surfaces with identical microstructure to either acid-etched, or sand-blasted, large grit and acid-etched substrates, but with hydrophilic character. Preliminary in vitro studies have indicated that the specific properties noted for hydrophilic titanium surfaces have a significant influence on cell differentiation and growth factor production. Animal experiments have pointed out that hydrophilic surfaces improve early stages of soft tissue and hard tissue integration of either nonsubmerged or submerged titanium implants. This data was also corroborated by the results from preliminary clinical studies. In conclusion, the present review has pointed to a potential of hydrophilic surface modifications to support tissue integration of titanium dental implants.


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Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabric with highly and durable hydrophilic surface was fabricated using microwave-assisted glycolysis. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a catalyst was proven to be suitable for PET glycolysis under assistance of microwave. The modified PET fabric (0.5% NaOH, irradiation 120 s) showed high surface hydrophilicity with a contact angle of 17.4 ° and a wicking length of 19.36 mm. The exposure of the carboxyl- and hydroxyl-end groups on the surface of PET and the introduction of etches were confirmed by Methylene Blue staining and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), receptively. Although the strength of PET fabric decreased after modification, it was still high enough for textile applications. The thermal properties of the modified PET fabrics were well maintained. The high hydrophilicity and its original properties of PET could be controlled by changing the irradiation time from 60 s to 120 s and adjusting the content of sodium hydroxide from 0.2% to 0.5%. These results suggest microwave-assisted glycolysis with sodium hydroxide is an effective method for PET hydrophilic finishing.


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A new approach is developed to the fabrication of high-quality three-dimensional macro-porous copper films. A highly-ordered macroporous copper film is successfully produced on a polystyrene sphere (PS) template that has been modified by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). It is shown that this procedure can change a hydrophobic surface of PS template into a hydrophilic surface. The present study is devoted to the influence of the electrolyte solution transport on the nucleation process. It is demonstrated that the permeability of the electrolyte solution in the nanochannels of the PS template plays an important role in the chemical electrodeposition of high-quality macroporous copper film. The permeability is drastically enhanced in our experiment through the surface modi. cation of the PS templates. The method could be used to homogeneously produce a large number of nucleations on a substrate, which is a key factor for the fabrication of the high-quality macroporous copper film.


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The structures of liquid water and isopropanol have been studied as a function of the size of a hydrophobic patch present in a model hydrophilic surface via molecular dynamics simulations. A significant anisotropy extending into the first few solvent layers is found over the patch which suggests implications for many real-world systems in which nanoscale heterogeneity is found.


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Regenerated Bombyx mori (B. mori) silk fibroin is a type of widely used biomaterial. The β-sheet structure of it after methanol treatment provides water-insolubility and mechanical stability while on the other side leads to a hydrophobic surface which is less preferred by biological systems. In this work we prepare a novel type of nanoconfined silk fibroin film with a thickness below 100 nm. The film has a flat while hydrophobic surface because of its β-sheet structure due to the z-direction confinement during formation. Different types of lipid monolayers, DOPC, DPPC and MO, are assembled on the silk film surface. The lipid coating, especially the DPPC membrane, provides a much smoother and more hydrophilic surface due to the gel phase tails of the lipids, in comparison with the DOPC and MO ones which are in a liquid phase and have a much stronger interfacial association between silk film surface and lipid tails. Such a lipid coating preserves the biocompatibility and cellular affinity of the silk film which promises potential applications as surface coatings for materials for biological use.


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OBJECTIVE The first objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the impact of the hydrophilicity on the early phases of osseointegration. The second objective was to compare two hydrophilic implant surfaces with different geometries, surface roughness, and technologies achieving hydrophilicity. MATERIAL AND METHODS Twelve weeks after extraction, all four quadrants of nine minipigs received three dental implants, alternating between hydrophilic microrough surfaces (INICELL and SLActive) and a conventional hydrophobic microrough surface. After 5, 10, and 15 days of submerged healing, ground sections were prepared and subjected to histologic and histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS The histologic analysis revealed a similar healing pattern among the hydrophilic and hydrophobic implant surfaces, with extensive bone formation occurring between day 5 and day 10. With BIC values of greater than 50% after 10 days, all examined surfaces indicated favorable osseointegration at this very early point in healing. At day 15, the mean new bone-to-implant contact (newBIC) of one hydrophilic surface (INICELL; 55.8 ± 14.4%) was slightly greater than that of the hydrophobic microrough surface (40.6 ± 20.2%). At day 10 and day 15, an overall of 21% of the implants had to be excluded from analysis due to inflammations primarily caused by surgical complications. CONCLUSION Substantial bone apposition occurs between day 5 and day 10. The data suggest that the hydrophilic surface can provoke a slight tendency toward increased bone apposition in minipigs after 15 days. A direct comparison of two hydrophilic surfaces with varying geometries is of limited relevance.


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Resorcinol-Formaldehyde xerogels are organic polymers that can be easily tailored to have specific properties. These materials are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and have a surface that is very rich in oxygen functionalities, and is therefore very hydrophilic. Their most interesting feature is that they may have the same chemical composition but a different porous texture. Consequently, the influence of porous characteristics, such as pore volume, surface area or pore size can be easily assessed. In this work, a commonly used desiccant, silica gel, is compared with organic xerogels to determine their rate and capacity of water adsorption, and to evaluate the role of surface chemistry versus porous texture. It was found that organic xerogels showed a higher rate of moisture adsorption than silica gel. Pore structure also seems to play an important role in water adsorption capacity. The OX-10 sample, whose porosity was mainly composed of micro-mesoporosity displayed a water adsorption capacity two times greater than that of the silica gel, and three times higher than that of the totally macroporous xerogel OX-2100. The presence of feeder pores (mesopores) that facilitate the access to the hydrophilic surface was observed to be the key factor for a good desiccant behaviour. Neither the total pore volume nor the high surface area (i.e. high microporosity) of the desiccant sample, is as important as the mesopore structure.


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Résumé: Le développement de l’industrie des polymères fourni de plus en plus de choix pour la formulation de matériaux pour les couvre-planchers. Les caoutchoucs, le PVC et le linoleum sont les polymères habituellement utilisés dans l’industrie des couvre-planchers. Ce projet répond à un problème de facilité de nettoyage des couvre-planchers de caoutchouc qui sont reconnus pour être mous, collants et ayant une surface rugueuse. L’INTRODUCTION couvrira l’état actuel de la recherche sur les couvre-planchers, surtout en regard au problème de la «nettoyabilité». La théorie pertinente et les informations générales sur les polymères, les composites polymériques et la science des surfaces seront introduites au CHAPITRE 1. Ensuite, le CHAPITRE 2 couvrira la méthode utilisée pour déterminer la nettoyabilité, l’évaluation des résultats ainsi que l’équipement utilise. Le CHAPITRE 3, discutera des premières expériences sur l’effet de la mouillabilité, la rugosité et la dureté sur la facilité de nettoyage des polymères purs. Plusieurs polymères ayant des surfaces plus ou moins hydrophobes seront investigués afin d’observer leur effet sur la nettoyabilité. L’effet de la rugosité sur la nettoyabilité sera investigué en imprimant une rugosité définie lors du moulage des échantillons; l’influence de la dureté sera également étudiée. Ensuite, un modèle de salissage/nettoyage sera établi à partir de nos résultats et observations afin de rationaliser les facteurs, ou « règles », qui détrminent la facilité de nettoyage des surfaces. Finalement, la réticulation au peroxyde sera étudiée comme une méthode de modification des polymères dans le but d’améliorer leur nettoyabilité; un mécanisme découlant des résultats de ces études sera présenté. Le CHAPITRE 4 étendra cette recherche aux mélanges de polymères; ces derniers servent habituellement à optimiser la performance des polymères purs. Dans ce chapitre, les mêmes tests discutés dans le CHAPITRE 3 seront utilisés pour vérifier le modèle de nettoyabilité établi ci-haut. De plus, l’influence de la non-miscibilité des mélanges de polymères sera discutée du point de vue de la thermodynamique (DSC) et de la morphologie (MEB). L’utilisation de la réticulation par peroxyde sera étudié dans les mélanges EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA) afin d’améliorer la compatibilité de ces polymères. Les effets du dosage en agent de réticulation et du temps de cuisson seront également examinés. Finalement, un compatibilisant pré-réticulé a été développé pour les mélanges ternaires EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA)/ HSR; son effet sur la nettoyabilité et sur la morphologie du mélange sera exposé.


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Rigid lenses, which were originally made from glass (between 1888 and 1940) and later from polymethyl methacrylate or silicone acrylate materials, are uncomfortable to wear and are now seldom fitted to new patients. Contact lenses became a popular mode of ophthalmic refractive error correction following the discovery of the first hydrogel material – hydroxyethyl methacrylate – by Czech chemist Otto Wichterle in 1960. To satisfy the requirements for ocular biocompatibility, contact lenses must be transparent and optically stable (for clear vision), have a low elastic modulus (for good comfort), have a hydrophilic surface (for good wettability), and be permeable to certain metabolites, especially oxygen, to allow for normal corneal metabolism and respiration during lens wear. A major breakthrough in respect of the last of these requirements was the development of silicone hydrogel soft lenses in 1999 and techniques for making the surface hydrophilic. The vast majority of contact lenses distributed worldwide are mass-produced using cast molding, although spin casting is also used. These advanced mass-production techniques have facilitated the frequent disposal of contact lenses, leading to improvements in ocular health and fewer complications. More than one-third of all soft contact lenses sold today are designed to be discarded daily (i.e., ‘daily disposable’ lenses).


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In this paper, we present results on water flow past randomly textured hydrophobic surfaces with relatively large surface features of the order of 50 µm. Direct shear stress measurements are made on these surfaces in a channel configuration. The measurements indicate that the flow rates required to maintain a shear stress value vary substantially with water immersion time. At small times after filling the channel with water, the flow rates are up to 30% higher compared with the reference hydrophilic surface. With time, the flow rate gradually decreases and in a few hours reaches a value that is nearly the same as the hydrophilic case. Calculations of the effective slip lengths indicate that it varies from about 50 µm at small times to nearly zero or “no slip” after a few hours. Large effective slip lengths on such hydrophobic surfaces are known to be caused by trapped air pockets in the crevices of the surface. In order to understand the time dependent effective slip length, direct visualization of trapped air pockets is made in stationary water using the principle of total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface of the air pockets. These visualizations indicate that the number of bright spots corresponding to the air pockets decreases with time. This type of gradual disappearance of the trapped air pockets is possibly the reason for the decrease in effective slip length with time in the flow experiments. From the practical point of usage of such surfaces to reduce pressure drop, say, in microchannels, this time scale of the order of 1 h for the reduction in slip length would be very crucial. It would ultimately decide the time over which the surface can usefully provide pressure drop reductions. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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The orientational relaxation dynamics of water confined between mica surfaces is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The study illustrates the wide heterogeneity that exists in the dynamics of water adjacent to a strongly hydrophilic surface such as mica. Analysis of the survival probabilities in different layers is carried out by normalizing the corresponding relaxation times with bulk water layers of similar thickness. A 10-fold increase in the survival times is observed for water directly in contact with the mica surface and a non-monotonic variation in the survival times is observed moving away from the mica surface to the bulk-like interior. The orientational relaxation time is highest for water in the contact layer, decreasing monotonically away from the surface. In all cases the ratio of the relaxation times of the 1st and 2nd rank Legendre polynomials of the HH bond vector is found to lie between 1.5 and 1.9 indicating that the reorientational relaxation in the different water layers is governed by jump dynamics. The orientational dynamics of water in the contact layer is particularly novel and is found to undergo distinct two-dimensional hydrogen bond jump reorientational dynamics with an average waiting time of 4.97 ps. The waiting time distribution is found to possess a long tail extending beyond 15 ps. Unlike previously observed jump dynamics in bulk water and other surfaces, jump events in the mica contact layer occur between hydrogen bonds formed by the water molecule and acceptor oxygens on the mica surface. Despite slowing down of the water orientational relaxation near the surface, life-times of water in the hydration shell of the K ion are comparable to that observed in bulk salt solutions. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4717710]


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The adsorption and competitive adsorption of collagen and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were directly visualized and quantified using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and imaging ellipsometry. Chemically modified silicon surfaces were used as hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates. The results showed that collagen and BSA in single component solution adsorbed onto a hydrophobic surface two times more than that onto a hydrophilic surface. The competitive adsorption between collagen and BSA showed that serum albumin preferentially adsorbed onto a hydrophobic surface, while collagen on a hydrophilic surface. In the binary solution of BSA (1 mg/ml BSA) and collagen (0.1 mg/ml), nearly 100% of the protein adsorbed onto the hydrophobic surface was BSA, but on the hydrophilic surface only about 6% was BSA. Surface affinity was the main factor controlling the competitive adsorption.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study the competitive adsorption between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and type I collagen on hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicon wafers. BSA showed a grain shape and the type I collagen displayed fibril-like molecules with relatively homogeneous height and width, characterized with clear twisting (helical formation). These AFM images illustrated that quite a lot of type I collagen appeared in the adsorption layer on hydrophilic surface in a competitive adsorption state, but the adsorption of BSA was more preponderant than that of type I collagen on hydrophobic silicon wafer surface. The experiments showed that the influence of BSA on type I collagen adsorption on hydrophilic surface was less than that on hydrophobic surface.


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Fluid transportation in microfluidic system could be benefit from the slip on solid-liquid interface. Slip length on many kinds of hydrophilic/hydrophobic surfaces have been measured recently. The two common-used experimental methods for boundary slip measurement include: (1) surface force measurement, such as surface force apparatus (SFA), atom force microscope (AFM), and (2) velocity measurement, like microPIV/PTV (Particle image velocimetry / Particle tracking velocimetry), total internal reflection velocimetry (TIRV). However, the measured results are rather scattered, larger measured slip lengths were reported by microPIV/PTV experiments. In this paper, we will investigate the deviations of the measured slip length on smooth hydrophilic surface. After measuring detailed velocity profiles very close to hydrophilic glass wall, we give a discussion on the effects influencing the slip measurements.