855 resultados para hydrodynamic stability


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The aim of inertial confinement fusion is the production of energy by the fusion of thermonuclear fuel (deuterium-tritium) enclosed in a spherical target due to its implosion. In the direct-drive approach, the energy needed to spark fusion reactions is delivered by the irradiation of laser beams that leads to the ablation of the outer shell of the target (the so-called ablator). As a reaction to this ablation process, the target is accelerated inwards, and, provided that this implosion is sufficiently strong a symmetric, the requirements of temperature and pressure in the center of the target are achieved leading to the ignition of the target (fusion). One of the obstacles capable to prevent appropriate target implosions takes place in the ablation region where any perturbation can grow even causing the ablator shell break, due to the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability has been extensively studied throughout the last 40 years in the case where the density/temperature profiles in the ablation region present a single front (the ablation front). Single ablation fronts appear when the ablator material has a low atomic number (deuterium/tritium ice, plastic). In this case, the main mechanism of energy transport from the laser energy absorption region (low density plasma) to the ablation region is the electron thermal conduction. However, recently, the use of materials with a moderate atomic number (silica, doped plastic) as ablators, with the aim of reducing the target pre-heating caused by suprathermal electrons generated by the laser-plasma interaction, has demonstrated an ablation region composed of two ablation fronts. This fact appears due to increasing importance of radiative effects in the energy transport. The linear theory describing the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for single ablation fronts cannot be applied for the stability analysis of double ablation front structures. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to develop, for the first time, a linear stability theory for this type of hydrodynamic structures.


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"Supported by Office of Naval Research [under Contract N6-ONR-27135]"


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A general transition criterion is proposed in order to locate the core-annular flow pattern in horizontal and vertical oil-water flows. It is based on a rigorous one-dimensional two-fluid model of liquid-liquid two-phase flow and considers the existence of critical interfacial wave numbers related to a non-negligible interfacial tension term to which the linear stability theory still applies. The viscous laminar-laminar flow problem is fully resolved and turbulence effects on the stability are analyzed through experimentally obtained shape factors. The proposed general transition criterion includes in its formulation the inviscid Kelvin-Helmholtz`s discriminator. If a theoretical maximum wavelength is considered as a necessary condition for stability, a stability criterion in terms of the Eotvos number is achieved. Effects of interfacial tension, viscosity ratio, density difference, and shape factors on the stability of core-annular flow are analyzed in detail. The more complete modeling allowed for the analysis of the neutral-stability wave number and the results strongly suggest that the interfacial tension term plays an indispensable role in the correct prediction of the stable region of core-annular flow pattern. The incorporation of a theoretical minimum wavelength into the transition model produced significantly better results. The criterion predictions were compared with recent data from the literature and the agreement is encouraging. (C) 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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The study of stability problems is relevant to the study of structure of a physical system. It 1S particularly important when it is not possible to probe into its interior and obtain information on its structure by a direct method. The thesis states about stability theory that has become of dominant importance in the study of dynamical systems. and has many applications in basic fields like meteorology, oceanography, astrophysics and geophysics- to mention few of them. The definition of stability was found useful 1n many situations, but inadequate in many others so that a host of other important concepts have been introduced in past many years which are more or less related to the first definition and to the common sense meaning of stability. In recent years the theoretical developments in the studies of instabilities and turbulence have been as profound as the developments in experimental methods. The study here Points to a new direction for stability studies based on Lagrangian formulation instead of the Hamiltonian formulation used by other authors.


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This paper presents results on a verification test of a Direct Numerical Simulation code of mixed high-order of accuracy using the method of manufactured solutions (MMS). This test is based on the formulation of an analytical solution for the Navier-Stokes equations modified by the addition of a source term. The present numerical code was aimed at simulating the temporal evolution of instability waves in a plane Poiseuille flow. The governing equations were solved in a vorticity-velocity formulation for a two-dimensional incompressible flow. The code employed two different numerical schemes. One used mixed high-order compact and non-compact finite-differences from fourth-order to sixth-order of accuracy. The other scheme used spectral methods instead of finite-difference methods for the streamwise direction, which was periodic. In the present test, particular attention was paid to the boundary conditions of the physical problem of interest. Indeed, the verification procedure using MMS can be more demanding than the often used comparison with Linear Stability Theory. That is particularly because in the latter test no attention is paid to the nonlinear terms. For the present verification test, it was possible to manufacture an analytical solution that reproduced some aspects of an instability wave in a nonlinear stage. Although the results of the verification by MMS for this mixed-order numerical scheme had to be interpreted with care, the test was very useful as it gave confidence that the code was free of programming errors. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Polarization curves experimentally obtained in the electro-dissolution of iron in a 1 M H2SO4 solution using a rotating disc as the working electrode present a current instability region within the range of applied voltage in which the current is controlled by mass transport in the electrolyte. According to the literature (Barcia et. al., 1992) the electro-dissolution process leads to the existence of a viscosity gradient in the interface metal-solution, which leads to a velocity field quantitatively different form the one developed in uniform viscosity conditions and may affect the stability of the hydrodynamic field. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether a steady viscosity profile, depending on the distance to the electrode surface, affects the stability properties of the classic velocity field near a rotating disc. Two classes of perturbations are considered: perturbations monotonically varying along the radial direction, and perturbations periodically modulated along the radial direction. The results show that the hydrodynamic field is always stable with respect to the first class of perturbations and that the neutral stability curves are modified by the presence of a viscosity gradient in the second case, in the sense of reducing the critical Reynolds number beyond which perturbations are amplified. This result supports the hypothesis that the current oscillations observed in the polarization curve may originate from a hydrodynamic instability.


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In this thesis we are studying possible invariants in hydrodynamics and hydromagnetics. The concept of flux preservation and line preservation of vector fields, especially vorticity vector fields, have been studied from the very beginning of the study of fluid mechanics by Helmholtz and others. In ideal magnetohydrodynamic flows the magnetic fields satisfy the same conservation laws as that of vorticity field in ideal hydrodynamic flows. Apart from these there are many other fields also in ideal hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic flows which preserves flux across a surface or whose vector lines are preserved. A general study using this analogy had not been made for a long time. Moreover there are other physical quantities which are also invariant under the flow, such as Ertel invariant. Using the calculus of differential forms Tur and Yanovsky classified the possible invariants in hydrodynamics. This mathematical abstraction of physical quantities to topological objects is needed for an elegant and complete analysis of invariants.Many authors used a four dimensional space-time manifold for analysing fluid flows. We have also used such a space-time manifold in obtaining invariants in the usual three dimensional flows.In chapter one we have discussed the invariants related to vorticity field using vorticity field two form w2 in E4. Corresponding to the invariance of four form w2 ^ w2 we have got the invariance of the quantity E. w. We have shown that in an isentropic flow this quantity is an invariant over an arbitrary volume.In chapter three we have extended this method to any divergence-free frozen-in field. In a four dimensional space-time manifold we have defined a closed differential two form and its potential one from corresponding to such a frozen-in field. Using this potential one form w1 , it is possible to define the forms dw1 , w1 ^ dw1 and dw1 ^ dw1 . Corresponding to the invariance of the four form we have got an additional invariant in the usual hydrodynamic flows, which can not be obtained by considering three dimensional space.In chapter four we have classified the possible integral invariants associated with the physical quantities which can be expressed using one form or two form in a three dimensional flow. After deriving some general results which hold for an arbitrary dimensional manifold we have illustrated them in the context of flows in three dimensional Euclidean space JR3. If the Lie derivative of a differential p-form w is not vanishing,then the surface integral of w over all p-surfaces need not be constant of flow. Even then there exist some special p-surfaces over which the integral is a constant of motion, if the Lie derivative of w satisfies certain conditions. Such surfaces can be utilised for investigating the qualitative properties of a flow in the absence of invariance over all p-surfaces. We have also discussed the conditions for line preservation and surface preservation of vector fields. We see that the surface preservation need not imply the line preservation. We have given some examples which illustrate the above results. The study given in this thesis is a continuation of that started by Vedan et.el. As mentioned earlier, they have used a four dimensional space-time manifold to obtain invariants of flow from variational formulation and application of Noether's theorem. This was from the point of view of hydrodynamic stability studies using Arnold's method. The use of a four dimensional manifold has great significance in the study of knots and links. In the context of hydrodynamics, helicity is a measure of knottedness of vortex lines. We are interested in the use of differential forms in E4 in the study of vortex knots and links. The knowledge of surface invariants given in chapter 4 may also be utilised for the analysis of vortex and magnetic reconnections.


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The stratified oil-water flow pattern is common in the petroleum industry, especially in offshore directional wells and pipelines. Previous studies have shown that the phenomenon of flow pattern transition in stratified flow can be related to the interfacial wave structure (problem of hydrodynamic instability). The study of the wavy stratified flow pattern requires the characterization of the interfacial wave properties, i.e., average shape, celerity and geometric properties (amplitude and wavelength) as a function of holdup, inclination angle and phases' relative velocity. However, the data available in the literature on wavy stratified flow is scanty, especially in inclined pipes and when oil is viscous. This paper presents new geometric and kinematic interfacial wave properties as a function of a proposed two-phase Froude number in the wavy-stratified liquid-liquid flow. The experimental work was conducted in a glass test line of 12 m and 0.026 m id., oil (density and viscosity of 828 kg/m(3) and 0.3 Pa s at 20 degrees C, respectively) and water as the working fluids at several inclinations from horizontal (-20 degrees, -10 degrees, 0 degrees, 10 degrees, 20 degrees). The results suggest a physical relation between wave shape and the hydrodynamic stability of the stratified liquid-liquid flow pattern. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of low initial aspect ratio direct-drive target designs is carried out by varying the implosion velocity and the fuel mass. Starting from two different spherical targets with a given 300?g-DT mass, optimization of laser pulse and drive power allows to obtain a set of target seeds referenced by their peak implosion velocities and initial aspect ratio (A = 3 and A = 5). Self-ignition is achieved with higher implosion velocity for A = 5-design than for A = 3-design. Then, rescaling is done to extend the set of designs to a huge amount of mass, peak kinetic energies and peak areal densities. Self-ignition kinetic energy threshold Ek is characterized by a dependance of Ek ? v? with ?-values which depart from self-ignition models. Nevertheless, self-ignition energy is seen lower for smaller initial aspect ratio. An analysis of Two-Plasmons Decay threshold and Rayleigh?Taylor instability e-folding is carried out and it is shown that two-plasmon decay threshold is always overpassed for all designs. The hydrodynamic stability analysis is performed by embedded models to deal with linear and non-linear regime. It is found that the A = 5-designs are always at the limit of disruption of the shell.


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In this article we consider the a posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement of discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximations of the hydrodynamic stability problem associated with the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Particular attention is given to the reliable error estimation of the eigenvalue problem in channel and pipe geometries. Here, computable a posteriori error bounds are derived based on employing the generalization of the standard Dual-Weighted-Residual approach, originally developed for the estimation of target functionals of the solution, to eigenvalue/stability problems. The underlying analysis consists of constructing both a dual eigenvalue problem and a dual problem for the original base solution. In this way, errors stemming from both the numerical approximation of the original nonlinear flow problem, as well as the underlying linear eigenvalue problem are correctly controlled. Numerical experiments highlighting the practical performance of the proposed a posteriori error indicator on adaptively refined computational meshes are presented.


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We present a comparative study of the physico-chemical properties, in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo antibody production of surface-complexed DNA in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE (50/25/25% molar) liposomes and DOTAP/DOPE (50/50% molar) lipoplexes. The study aims to correlate the biological behavior and structural properties of the lipid carriers. We used DNA-hsp65, whose naked action as a gene vaccine against tuberculosis has already been demonstrated. Additionally, surface-complexed DNA-hsp65 in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE (50/25/25% molar) liposomes was effective as a single-dose tuberculosis vaccine. The results obtained showed that the EPC inclusion stabilized the DOTAP/DOPE structure, producing higher melting temperature and lower zeta potential despite a close mean hydrodynamic diameter. Resemblances in morphologies were identified in both structures, although a higher fraction of loaded DNA was not electrostatically bound in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE. EPC also induced a striking reduction in cytotoxicity, similar to naked DNA-hsp65. The proper immune response lead to a polarized antibody production of the IgG2a isotype, even for the cytotoxic DOTAP/DOPE. However, the antibody production was detected at 15 and 30 days for DOTAP/DOPE and EPC/DOTAP/DOPE, respectively. Therefore, the in vivo antibody production neither correlates with the in vitro cytotoxicity, nor with the structural stability alone. The synergistic effect of the structural stability and DNA electrostatic binding upon the surface of structures account for the immunological effects. By adjusting the composition to generate proper packing and cationic lipid/DNA interaction, we allow for the optimization of liposome formulations for required immunization or gene therapy. In a specific manner, our results contribute to studies on the tuberculosis therapy and vaccination. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A stability-indicating method using MEKC was validated for the analysis of olmesartan medoxomil in tablets. Successful separation was achieved using a fused silica capillary (40 cm x 50 µm i.d.); background electrolyte consisted of a combination of 10 mmol L-1 borate buffer and 5 mmol L-1 anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (95:5; v/v) pH 6.5; hydrodynamic mode at 50 mBar for 5 s; 25 kV separation voltage at 25 ºC; and column temperature 25 ºC with detection at 257 nm. The proposed method, validated following ICH guidelines, was applied to the determination of this antihypertensive with good results compared with an LC method.


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While the simulation of flood risks originating from the overtopping of river banks is well covered within continuously evaluated programs to improve flood protection measures, flash flooding is not. Flash floods are triggered by short, local thunderstorm cells with high precipitation intensities. Small catchments have short response times and flow paths and convective thunder cells may result in potential flooding of endangered settlements. Assessing local flooding and pathways of flood requires a detailed hydraulic simulation of the surface runoff. Hydrological models usually do not incorporate surface runoff at this detailedness but rather empirical equations are applied for runoff detention. In return 2D hydrodynamic models usually do not allow distributed rainfall as input nor are any types of soil/surface interaction implemented as in hydrological models. Considering several cases of local flash flooding during the last years the issue emerged for practical reasons but as well as research topics to closing the model gap between distributed rainfall and distributed runoff formation. Therefore, a 2D hydrodynamic model, depth-averaged flow equations using the finite volume discretization, was extended to accept direct rainfall enabling to simulate the associated runoff formation. The model itself is used as numerical engine, rainfall is introduced via the modification of waterlevels at fixed time intervals. The paper not only deals with the general application of the software, but intends to test the numerical stability and reliability of simulation results. The performed tests are made using different artificial as well as measured rainfall series as input. Key parameters of the simulation such as losses, roughness or time intervals for water level manipulations are tested regarding their impact on the stability.


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A three-dimensional time-dependent hydrodynamic and heat transport model of Lake Binaba, a shallow and small dam reservoir in Ghana, emphasizing the simulation of dynamics and thermal structure has been developed. Most numerical studies of temperature dynamics in reservoirs are based on one- or two-dimensional models. These models are not applicable for reservoirs characterized with complex flow pattern and unsteady heat exchange between the atmosphere and water surface. Continuity, momentum and temperature transport equations have been solved. Proper assignment of boundary conditions, especially surface heat fluxes, has been found crucial in simulating the lake’s hydrothermal dynamics. This model is based on the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations, using a Boussinesq approach, with a standard k − ε turbulence closure to solve the flow field. The thermal model includes a heat source term, which takes into account the short wave radiation and also heat convection at the free surface, which is function of air temperatures, wind velocity and stability conditions of atmospheric boundary layer over the water surface. The governing equations of the model have been solved by OpenFOAM; an open source, freely available CFD toolbox. As its core, OpenFOAM has a set of efficient C++ modules that are used to build solvers. It uses collocated, polyhedral numerics that can be applied on unstructured meshes and can be easily extended to run in parallel. A new solver has been developed to solve the hydrothermal model of lake. The simulated temperature was compared against a 15 days field data set. Simulated and measured temperature profiles in the probe locations show reasonable agreement. The model might be able to compute total heat storage of water bodies to estimate evaporation from water surface.


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We suggest a time-dependent mean-field hydrodynamic model for a binary dipolar boson-fermion mixture to study the stability and collapse of fermions in the 164Dy-161Dy mixture. The condition of stability of the dipolar mixture is illustrated in terms of phase diagrams. A collapse is induced in a disk-shaped stable binary mixture by jumping the interspecies contact interaction from repulsive to attractive by the Feshbach resonance technique. The subsequent dynamics is studied by solving the time-dependent mean-field model including three-body loss due to molecule formation in boson-fermion and boson-boson channels. Collapse and fragmentation in the fermions after subsequent explosions are illustrated. The anisotropic dipolar interaction leads to anisotropic fermionic density distribution during collapse. This study is carried out in three-dimensional space using realistic values of dipolar and contact interactions. © 2013 American Physical Society.