985 resultados para hydraulic crane
Continuous loading and unloading can cause breakdown of cranes. In seeking solution to this problem, the use of an intelligent control system for improving the fatigue life of cranes in the control of mechatronics has been under study since 1994. This research focuses on the use of neural networks as possibilities of developing algorithm to map stresses on a crane. The intelligent algorithm was designed to be a part of the system of a crane, the design process started with solid works, ANSYS and co-simulation using MSc Adams software which was incorporated in MATLAB-Simulink and finally MATLAB neural network (NN) for the optimization process. The flexibility of the boom accounted for the accuracy of the maximum stress results in the ADAMS model. The flexibility created in ANSYS produced more accurate results compared to the flexibility model in ADAMS/View using discrete link. The compatibility between.ADAMS and ANSYS softwares was paramount in the efficiency and the accuracy of the results. Von Mises stresses analysis was more suitable for this thesis work because the hydraulic boom was made from construction steel FE-510 of steel grade S355 with yield strength of 355MPa. Von Mises theory was good for further analysis due to ductility of the material and the repeated tensile and shear loading. Neural network predictions for the maximum stresses were then compared with the co-simulation results for accuracy, and the comparison showed that the results obtained from neural network model were sufficiently accurate in predicting the maximum stresses on the boom than co-simulation.
The aim of the study is to obtain a mathematical description for an alternative variant of controlling a hydraulic circuit with an electrical drive. The electrical and hydraulic systems are described by basic mathematical equations. The flexibilities of the load and boom is modeled with assumed mode method. The model is achieved and proven with simulations. The controller is constructed and proven to decrease oscillations and improve the dynamic response of the system.
Includes index.
Includes index.
Includes indexes.
Includes indexes.
Includes indexes.
"1 May 1980."
"January 1989."
"July 1991."
The awareness and concern of our environment together with legislation have set more and more tightening demands for energy efficiency of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). Integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) has been developed in Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The elimination of resistance flow, and the recuperation of energy makes it very efficient alternative. The difficulties of IEHEC machine to step to the market has been the requirement of one IEHEC machine per one actuator. The idea is to switch IEHEC between two actuators of log crane using fast on/off valves. The control system architecture is introduced. The system has been simulated in co-simulation using two different software. The simulated responses of pump-controlled system is compared to the responses of the conventional valve-controlled system.
In this work an iterative strategy is developed to tackle the problem of coupling dimensionally-heterogeneous models in the context of fluid mechanics. The procedure proposed here makes use of a reinterpretation of the original problem as a nonlinear interface problem for which classical nonlinear solvers can be applied. Strong coupling of the partitions is achieved while dealing with different codes for each partition, each code in black-box mode. The main application for which this procedure is envisaged arises when modeling hydraulic networks in which complex and simple subsystems are treated using detailed and simplified models, correspondingly. The potentialities and the performance of the strategy are assessed through several examples involving transient flows and complex network configurations.
This study evaluated two different support materials (polystyrene and expanded clay) for biohydrogen production in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) treating synthetic wastewater containing glucose (4000 mg L(-1)). The AFBRs contained either polystyrene (R1) or expanded clay (R2) as support materials were inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated at a temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of approximately 5.5. The AFBRs were operated with a range of hydraulic retention times (HRTs) between 1 and 8 h. For R1 with an HRT of 2 h, the maximum hydrogen yield (HY) was 1.90 mol H(2) mol(-1) glucose, with 0.805 mg of biomass (as total volatile solids, or TVS) attached to each g of polystyrene. For R2 operated at an HRT of 2 h, the maximum HY was 2.59 mol H(2) moll glucose, with 1.100 mg of attached biomass (as TVS) g(-1) expanded clay. The highest hydrogen production rates (HPR) were 0.95 and 1.21 L h(-1) L(-1) for R1 and R2, respectively, using an HRT of 1 h. The H(2) content increased from 16-47% for R1 and from 22-51% for R2. No methane was detected in the biogas produced throughout the period of AFBR operation. These results show that the values of HY, HPR, H(2) content, and g of attached biomass g(-1) support material were all higher for AFBRs containing expanded clay than for reactors containing polystyrene. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of an Oxisol, using a neutron probe. The objective of this study was to determine the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, using a neutron probe, of a clay sandy Oxisol. The Study was carried out in the city of Piracicaba, kite of Sao Paulo, Brazil (22 degrees 42` 43.3 `` S, 47 degrees`37` 10.4 `` W, 546 m). The dimensions of the experimental plot were 45 In x 15 m, in which 40 aluminum tubes were installed in order to access a neutron probe to measure the soil water content at the depths of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 m and, then, calculate the soil water storage of the 0 - 1.0 m soil layer. The distribution of these tubes was made in grids of four columns by ten rows in spacing of 5 x 5 m. The K(theta) functions were determined in the 40 points from regression analyses of theta as function Int and h(z) as a function of Int, being K the hydraulic conductivity, theta the volumetric soil water content, h(z) the soil water storage in the 0 - Z m layer, and t the soil water redistribution time. The neutron probe proved to be an efficient equipment in determining soil water contents, in the instantaneous profile method for determination of the K(theta) function in homogeneous soil.
The van Genuchten expressions for the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties, first published in 1980, are used frequently in various vadose zone flow and transport applications assuming a specific relationship between the m and n soil hydraulic parameters. By comparison, probably because of the complexity of the hydraulic conductivity equations, the more general solutions with independent m and n values are rarely used. We expressed the general van Genuchten-Mualem and van Genuchten-Burdine hydraulic conductivity equations in terms of hypergeometric functions, which can be approximated by infinite series that converge rapidly for relatively large values of the van Genuchten-Mualem parameter n but only very slowly when n is close to one. Alternative equations were derived that provide very close approximations of the analytical results. The newly proposed equations allow the use of independent values of the parameters m and n in the soil water retention model of van Genuchten for subsequent prediction of the van Genuchten-Mualem and van Genuchten-Burdine hydraulic conductivity models, thus providing more flexibility in fitting experimental pressure-head-dependent water content, theta(h), and hydraulic conductivity, K(h), or K(theta) data.