860 resultados para humoral


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Background: Progress towards the development of a malaria vaccine against Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria parasite, will require a better understanding of the immune responses that confer clinical protection to patients in regions where malaria is endemic. Methods: Glutathione S-transferase (GST) and GST-fusion proteins representing the N-terminus of the merozoite surface protein 1 of P. vivax, PvMSP1-N, and the C-terminus, PvMSP1-C, were covalently coupled to BioPlex carboxylated beads. Recombinant proteins and coupled beads were used, respectively, in ELISA and Bioplex assays using immune sera of P. vivax patients from Brazil and PNG to determine IgG and subclass responses. Concordances between the two methods in the seropositivity responses were evaluated using the Kappa statistic and the Spearman's rank correlation. Results: The results using this methodology were compared with the classical microtitre enzyme-linked immnosorbent assay ( ELISA), showing that the assay was sensitive, reproducible and had good concordance with ELISA; yet, further research into different statistical analyses seems desirable before claiming conclusive results exclusively based on multiplex assays. As expected, results demonstrated that PvMSP1 was immunogenic in natural infections of patients from different endemic regions of Brazil and Papua New Guinea ( PNG), and that age correlated only with antibodies against the C-terminus part of the molecule. Furthermore, the IgG subclass profiles were different in these endemic regions having IgG3 predominantly recognizing PvMSP1 in Brazil and IgG1 predominantly recognizing PvMSP1 in PNG. Conclusions: This study validates the use of the multiplex assay to measure naturally-acquired IgG antibodies against the merozoite surface protein 1 of P. vivax.


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Exercise training has an important role in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, but its effects on the early metabolic and hemodynamic abnormalities observed in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents (FH+) have not been studied. We compared high-intensity interval (aerobic interval training, AIT) and moderate-intensity continuous exercise training (CMT) with regard to hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal variables in FH+ subjects. Forty-four healthy FH+ women (25.0+/-4.4 years) randomized to control (ConFH+) or to a three times per week equal-volume AIT (80-90% of VO(2MAX)) or CMT (50-60% of VO(2MAX)) regimen, and 15 healthy women with normotensive parents (ConFH-; 25.3+/-3.1 years) had their hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal variables analyzed at baseline and after 16 weeks of follow-up. Ambulatorial blood pressure (ABP), glucose and cholesterol levels were similar among all groups, but the FH+ groups showed higher insulin, insulin sensitivity, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), norepinephrine and endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels and lower nitrite/ nitrate (NOx) levels than ConFH- subjects. AIT and CMT were equally effective in improving ABP (P<0.05), insulin and insulin sensitivity (P<0.001); however, AIT was superior in improving cardiorespiratory fitness (15 vs. 8%; P<0.05), PWV (P<0.01), and BP, norepinephrine, ET-1 and NOx response to exercise (P<0.05). Exercise intensity was an important factor in improving cardiorespiratory fitness and reversing hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal alterations involved in the pathophysiology of hypertension. These findings may have important implications for the exercise training programs used for the prevention of inherited hypertensive disorder. Hypertension Research (2010) 33, 836-843; doi:10.1038/hr.2010.72; published online 7 May 2010


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Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that infects a variety of mammals and birds. T. gondii also causes human toxoplasmosis; although toxoplasmosis is generally a benign disease, ocular, congenital or reactivated disease is associated with high numbers of disabled people. Infection occurs orally through the ingestion of meat containing cysts or by the intake of food or water contaminated with oocysts. Although the immune system responds to acute infection and mediates the clearance of tachyzoites, parasite cysts persist for the lifetime of the host in tissues such as the eye, muscle, and CNS. However, T. gondii RH strain tachyzoites irradiated with 255 Gy do not cause residual infection and induce the same immunity as a natural infection. To assess the humoral response in BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice immunized with irradiated tachyzoites either by oral gavage (p.o.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection, we analyzed total and high-affinity IgG and IgA antibodies in the serum. High levels of antigen-specific IgG were detected in the serum of parenterally immunized mice, with lower levels in mice immunized via the oral route. However, most serum antibodies exhibited low affinity for antigen in both mice strain. We also found antigen specific IgA antibodies in the stools of the mice, especially in orally immunized BALB/c mice. Examination of bone marrow and spleen cells demonstrated that both groups of immunized mice clearly produced specific lgG, at levels comparable to chronic infection, suggesting the generation of IgG specific memory. Next, we challenged i.p. or p.o. immunized mice with cysts from ME49. VEG or P strains of T. gondii. Oral immunization resulted in partial protection as compared to challenged naive mice: these findings were more evident in highly pathogenic ME49 strain challenge. Additionally, we found that while mucosal IgA was important for protection against infection, antigen-specific IgG antibodies were involved with protection against disease and disease pathogenesis. Most antigen responsive cells in culture produced specific high-affinity IgG after immunization, diverse of the findings in serum IgG or from cells after infection, which produced low proportion of high-avidity IgG. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Leishmania (Viannia) shawl was recently characterized and few studies concerning modifications in cellular and humoral immune responses in experimental leishmaniasis have been conducted. In this work, immunopathological changes induced by L. shawl in chronically infected BALB/c mice were investigated. Infected BALB/c mice developed increased lesion size associated with strong inflammatory infiltrate diffusely distributed in the dermis, with highly infected macrophages. The humoral immune response was predominantly directed toward the IgG1 isotype. The functional activity of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed significantly increased TNF-alpha mRNA levels associated with reduced IFN-gamma expression by CD4(+) T cells and the double negative (dn) CD4CD8 cell subset. High IL-4 levels expressed by CD8(+) T cells and dnCD4CD8 and TGF-beta by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were detected, while IL-10 was highly expressed by all three cell subpopulations. Taken together, these results show an evident imbalance between TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma that is unfavorable to amastigote replication control. Furthermore, L. shawi seems to regulate different cell populations to express deactivating cytokines to avoid its own destruction. This study indicates BALB/c mice as a potentially good experimental model for further studies on American cutaneous leishmaniosis caused by L. shawi. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Foi estudada a reatividade tuberculínica e a resposta imunológica celular e humoral "in vitro", em 50 doentes de ambos os sexos, de 20 a 80 anos de idade, com tuberculose pulmonar ativa, internados no Parque Hospitalar do Mandaqui da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, São Paulo (Brasil), no período de maio a agosto de 1980. Para o estudo da reatividade tuberculínica foi utilizado o PPD, Rt-23, 2 UT, tendo havido 14,0% de não-reatores, 12,0% de reatores fracos e 74,0% de reatores fortes. O estudo da imunidade celular e humoral "in vitro" foi realizado pela quantificação de linfócitos T e B, transformação blástica de linfócitos, liberação do fator inibidor da migração de leucócitos (LIF) e reação de hemaglutinação passiva. Os resultados mostraram a validade do cálculo do número absoluto dos linfócitos T e B. A cultura de linfócitos e a técnica do LIF, foram capazes de detectar a sensibilização dos linfócitos ao PPD, mesmo nos doentes não reatores, e a reação de hemaglutinação passiva revelou a presença de anticorpos específicos na população estudada em títulos superiores aos encontrados em pessoas normais, independentemente da reatividade tuberculínica.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A campanha anti-rábica no Brasil é realizada anualmente utilizando a vacina de cérebro de camundongos lactentes Fuenzalida-Palacios. A resposta imune humoral de cães vacinados durante as campanhas foi analisada objetivando avaliar se os cães apresentavam título protetor (0,5 UI/ml), 12 meses após a vacinação, e quantos deles alcançam esse título 30 dias após o reforço vacinal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisadas 341 amostras de soro de cães domiciliados (259 do Município de São Paulo e 82 do Município de Paulínia), através da Técnica de Inibição de Focos de Fluorescência Rápida. A resposta imune foi avaliada considerando o estado nutricional do animal e o número de vacinações anteriores. RESULTADO: A maioria dos cães não tinha título de 0,5 UI/ml após 12 meses, independentemente do estado nutricional, e a resposta humoral ao reforço vacinal mostrou-se melhor em cães com duas ou mais vacinações prévias. DISCUSSÃO: São discutidos o referencial de 0,5 Ul/ml como título protetor para a espécie canina e a influência do estado nutricional e condição de saúde do animal como responsável pela resposta imune humoral.


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OBJETIVO: A doença pneumocócica invasiva é importante causa de morbi-mortalidade em crianças infectadas pelo HIV. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar quantitativamente a resposta com anticorpos aos sete sorotipos pneumocócicos da vacina em um grupo de crianças infectadas pelo HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado com 40 crianças infectadas pelo HIV, com idade entre 2 e 9 anos, em seguimento em ambulatório especializado no município de São Paulo, em 2002-2003. A dosagem de anticorpos IgG contra os polissacarídeos da cápsula pneumocócica foi realizada por meio de ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). Os anticorpos foram dosados imediatamente antes e um mês após a aplicação da segunda dose da vacina. Utilizaram-se dois critérios para avaliar a resposta à vacina: títulos de anticorpos >1,3 µg/mL na sorologia pós-imunização e aumento >4 vezes nos títulos da sorologia pós em relação à pré-imunização. RESULTADOS: Para o primeiro critério (>1,3 µg/mL), 26 (65%) crianças obtiveram resposta sorológica à vacina, 12 (30%) delas apresentaram títulos de IgG pós-imunização em níveis de pelo menos 1,3 µg/mL para todos os sorotipos. Para o segundo critério (incremento >4 vezes nos títulos para quatro sorotipos ou mais), obteve-se resposta sorológica para 15 (37,5%) crianças. CONCLUSÕES: A resposta à vacina foi considerada satisfatória, com aumento estatisticamente significante dos títulos geométricos médios pós-vacinais em relação aos pré-vacinais para todos os sorotipos estudados.


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C3H/He and C57B1/6 mice were inoculated with 500 Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes (Strain Y). During the acute phase infected mice presented parasitemia and enlargement of lymph nodes and spleens and intracellular parasites were observed in the heart. Examinations of cells derived from spleen and lymph nodes showed increased numbers of IgM and IgG-bearing cells. During the peak of splenomegaly, about day 17 post-infections, splenic lymphocytes showed a marked decrease in responsiveness to T and B-cell mitogens, parasite antigens and plaque forming cells (PFC) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Unfractionated or plastic adherent splenic cells from mice, obtained during the acute phase were able to suppress the response to mitogens by lymphocytes from uninfected mice. During the chronic phase. Disappearance of parasitemia and intracellular parasites in the hearts as well as a decrease in spleen size, was observed. These changes preceded the complete recovery of responsiveness to mitogens and T. cruzi antigens by C57B1/6 splenic lymphocytes. However, this recovery was only partial in the C3H/He mice, known to be more sensitive to T. cruzi infection. Partial recovery of humoral immune response also occurred in both strains of mice during the chronic phase.


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Realizamos um estudo comparativo entre o xenodiagnóstico e os testes sorológicos para a doença de Chagas. Cento e cincoenta pacientes de algumas áreas endêmicas foram estudados. Quatro deles pareceram revelar um estado particular com um xenodiagnóstico positivo e uma sorologia negativa, esta realizada com quatro diferentes técnicas clássicas (teste de immunofluorescência, ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, teste de fixação do complemento e teste de immuno-eletroforese). O soro de um dos pacientes que apresentou depressão humoral específica mostra elevada quantidade de antígenos circulantes comprovada pela técnica da immuno-eletroforese. Os Autores sugerem o uso de um teste sorológico para detectar a presença de antígenos circulantes de T. cruzi, além da utilização de testes sorológicos clássicos. Isto permitiria o diagnóstico da doença de Chagas em pacientes com uma baixa (ou mesmo inexistente) produção de anticorpos específicos.


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Os A.A. analisaram a resposta humoral nas lesões de 90 pacientes de Leishmaniose Tegumentar — causada por Leishmania braziliensis brasiliensis —, utilizando o método da imunoperoxidase para identificar nos tecidos a presença de IgA, IgG, IgM, fração C3 do complemento e fibrina. Constataram a presença de IgA, IgC e IgM nos plasmócitos tissulares, com predomínio de IgG. Admitiram aue a passagem dessas imunoglobulinas para os tecidos possibilitando a opsonização do parasites e/ou de seus antígenos, permitiria a ocorrência de fenômenos necróticos que representam um dos mecanismos eficazes de redução da carga parasitária. Efetivamente, nas áreas de necrose e nas paredes dos vasos inflamados identificaram depósito de imunoglobulinas, fração C3 do complemento e fibrina — elementos do hospedeiro que fazem parte dos imunocomplexos. Interpretaram essa necrose tissular como o resultado da ação de imunocomplexos na região de equivalência ou com discreto excesso de antígenos ítipos ABTHTJS). A presença de antígenos parasitários, expressos nas membranas dos macrófagos quando em contato com imunoglobulinas tissulares, na fase inicial da lesão, possibilitaria a instalação de uma reação antígeno-anticorpo, a qual explicaria o aparecimento da necrose na Leishmaniose Tegumentar.


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A study was conducted on 16 patients with pemphigus foliaceus, ten of them with the localized form (group G1) and six with the disseminated form (group G2). These patients were submitted to full blood counts, quantitation of mononuclear cell subpopulations by monoclonal antibodies, study of blastic lymphocyte transformation, and quantitation of circulating antibodies by the indirect immunofluorescence test, in order to correlate their clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory data with their immunological profile, and to determine the relationship between circulating autoantibody titers and lesion intensity and course of lesions under treatment. Leucocytosis was observed especially in group G2. All patients showed decreased relative CD3+ and CD4+ values and a tendency to decreased relative values of the CD8+ subpopulation. Blastic lymphocyte transformation indices in the presence of phytohemagglutinin were higher in patients (group G1+G2) than in controls. The indirect immunofluorescence test was positive in 100% of G2 patients and in 80% of G1 patients. The median value for the titers was higher in group G2 than in group G1. Analysis of the results as a whole permits us to conclude that cell immunity was preserved and that there was a relationship between antibody titers detected by the direct immunofluorescence test and extent of skin lesions.


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Leptospirosis severity may be increasing, with pulmonary involvement becoming more frequent. Does this increase result from an intense immune response to leptospire? Notice that renal failure, thrombocytopenia and pulmonary complications are found during the immune phase. Thirty-five hospitalized patients with Weil's disease had 5 blood samples drawn, from the 15th day to the 12th month of symptoms, for ELISA-IgM, -IgG and -IgA specific antibody detection. According their 1st IgG titer, the patients were divided into: group 1 (n = 13) titer > 1:400 (positive) and group 2 (n = 22) titer <=1:400 (negative). Early IgG antibodies in group 1 showed high avidity which may indicate reinfection. Group 1 was older, had worse pulmonary and renal function, and fever for a longer period than group 2. Throughout the study, IgG and IgA titers remained higher in group 1. In conclusion, the severity of Weil's disease may be associated with the intensity of the humoral immune response to leptospire.