995 resultados para human biomonitoring
Biomonitoring has become the ‘gold standard’ in assessing chemical exposures, and plays an important role in risk assessment. The pooling of biological specimens – combining multiple individual specimens into a single sample – can be used in biomonitoring studies to monitor levels of exposure and identify exposure trends, or to identify susceptible populations in a cost-effective manner. Pooled samples provide an estimate of central tendency, and may also reveal information about variation within the population. The development of a pooling strategy requires careful consideration of the type and number of samples collected, the number of pools required, and the number of specimens to combine per pool in order to maximize the type and robustness of the data. Creative pooling strategies can be used to explore exposure-outcome associations, and extrapolation from other larger studies can be useful in identifying elevated exposures in specific individuals. The use of pooled specimens is advantageous as it saves significantly on analytical costs, may reduce the time and resources required for recruitment, and in certain circumstances, allows quantification of samples approaching the limit of detection. In addition, use of pooled samples can provide population estimates while avoiding ethical difficulties that may be associated with reporting individual results.
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Genética), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
'Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives'
Antineoplastic drugs are a heterogeneous group of chemicals used in the treatment of cancer, and have been proved by IARC to be mutagens, carcinogens and teratogens agents. In general, chemicals that interact directly with DNA by biding covalently or by intercalating, or indirectly by interfering with DNA synthesis, were among the first chemotherapeutics developed. Also, these drugs can induce reactive oxygen species that can lead to DNA damage and, consequently, mutations. These drugs are often used in combination to achieve synergistic effects on tumour cells resulting from their differing modes of action. However, most if not all of these chemical agents are generally nonselective and, along with tumour cells, normal cells may undergo cytotoxic/genotoxic damage. The in vivo exposure to antineoplastic drugs has been shown to induce different types of lesions in DNA, depending on the particular stage of cell cycle at the time of treatment. Besides the patients that use these drugs as a treatment, workers that handle and/or administer these drugs can be exposed to these substances; namely pharmacy, and nursing personnel in hospital context.
There is a growing concern within public health about mycotoxin involvement in human diseases, namely those related to children. The MycoMix project (2012-2015), funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, gathered a multidisciplinary team aiming at answering several questions: 1) Are Portuguese children exposed daily to one or several mycotoxins through food? 2) Can this co-exposure affect children´s health? and 3) Are there interaction effect between mycotoxins? Mycomix results revealed that Portuguese children (< 3 years old, n=103) are exposed to multiple mycotoxins through food consumption. Cumulative risk assessment results revealed a potential health concern for the high percentiles of intake, specially for aflatoxins which are carcinogenic compounds. This fact assumes particular importance considering the interactive effects found in in vitro bioassays. These results highlight the need for a more accurate approach to assess the human exposure to mycotoxins6. Within the Mycomix project the assessment of mycotoxin exposure was based on calculations combining mycotoxin data in food with population data on food consumption. This approach does not consider some aspects as the inter-individual metabolism variation, the exposure through sources other than food and the heterogeneous distribution of mycotoxins in food. Exposure assessment of mycotoxins in Portuguese population through biomarkers is still missing and further studies are urgent to be developed. The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (EHBMI), a proposal within the European Joint Programme, aims to advance the understanding of the extent of exposure to environmental chemicals across Europe and the impact on human health, by gathering national expertise in human biomonitoring domain. At national level Mycomix project uncovered the potential health risk of exposure of Portuguese children to multiple mycotoxins. The risk assessment expertise acquired within Mycomix, namely in analysis and toxicology of chemical mixtures, will be brought together as a contribute to EHBMI objectives.
From human biomonitoring data that are increasingly collected in the United States, Australia, and in other countries from large-scale field studies, we obtain snap-shots of concentration levels of various persistent organic pollutants (POPs) within a cross section of the population at different times. Not only can we observe the trends within this population with time, but we can also gain information going beyond the obvious time trends. By combining the biomonitoring data with pharmacokinetic modeling, we can re-construct the time-variant exposure to individual POPs, determine their intrinsic elimination half-lives in the human body, and predict future levels of POPs in the population. Different approaches have been employed to extract information from human biomonitoring data. Pharmacokinetic (PK) models were combined with longitudinal data1, with single2 or multiple3 average concentrations of a cross-sectional data (CSD), or finally with multiple CSD with or without empirical exposure data4. In the latter study, for the first time, the authors based their modeling outputs on two sets of CSD and empirical exposure data, which made it possible that their model outputs were further constrained due to the extensive body of empirical measurements. Here we use a PK model to analyze recent levels of PBDE concentrations measured in the Australian population. In this study, we are able to base our model results on four sets5-7 of CSD; we focus on two PBDE congeners that have been shown3,5,8-9 to differ in intake rates and half-lives with BDE-47 being associated with high intake rates and a short half-life and BDE-153 with lower intake rates and a longer half-life. By fitting the model to PBDE levels measured in different age groups in different years, we determine the level of intake of BDE-47 and BDE-153, as well as the half-lives of these two chemicals in the Australian population.
Buccal mucosa (BM) cells have been used in human biomonitoring studies for detecting DNA adducts and chromosomal damage in an epithelial cell population. In the present study, we have investigated if human BM cells are suitable for use in the single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE)/Comet assay as an approach for estimating the exposure of epithelial cells to DNA-damaging agents. Our results indicate that only a few cells from BM cell samples yield comets that can be analyzed by current methods, and that the yield of cells with comets is independent of the percentage of viable BM cells in the sample. Data generated after enzymatic enrichment of viable cells and immunomagnetic separation of epithelial cells suggest that most of the BM cells that do form comets are probably leukocytes. Moreover, by reevaluating specific cells after running the Comet assay, we found that viable epithelial BM cells give rise to atypical comets that are not included in the analysis. Comparing DNA migration patterns between small groups of smokers and nonsmokers indicated that long-term smoking had no effect on the subpopulation of cells that yield typical comets. Our results indicate that the SCGE assay, as it is commonly performed, may not be useful for genotoxicity monitoring in human epithelial BM cells.
Antineoplastic drugs are hazardous chemical agents used mostly in the treatment of patients with cancer, however health professionals that handle and administer these drugs can become exposed and develop DNA damage. Comet assay is a standard method for assessing DNA damage in human biomonitoring and, combined with formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (FPG) enzyme, it specifically detects DNA oxidative damage. The aim of this study was to investigate genotoxic effects in workers occupationally exposed to cytostatics (n = 46), as compared to a control group with no exposure (n = 46) at two Portuguese hospitals, by means of the alkaline comet assay. The potential of the OGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism as a susceptibility biomarker was also investigated. Exposure was evaluated by investigating the contamination of surfaces and genotoxic assessment was done by alkaline comet assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes. OGG1 Ser326Cys (rs1052133) polymorphism was studied by Real Time PCR. As for exposure assessment, there were 121 (37%) positive samples out of a total of 327 samples analysed from both hospitals. No statistically significant differences (Mann-Whitney test, p > 0.05) were found between subjects with and without exposure, regarding DNA damage and oxidative DNA damage, nevertheless the exposed group exhibited higher values. Moreover, there was no consistent trend regarding the variation of both biomarkers as assessed by comet assay with OGG1 polymorphism. Our study was not statistically significant regarding occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs and genetic damage assessed by comet assay. However, health professionals should be monitored for risk behaviour, in order to ensure that safety measures are applied and protection devices are used correctly.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is used extensively in food-contact materials and has been detected routinely in populations worldwide, and this exposure has been linked to a range of negative health outcomes in humans. There is some evidence of an association between BPA and different socioeconomic variables which may be the result of different dietary patterns. The aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation of the association between BPA and socioeconomic status in Australian children using pooled urine specimens and an area level socioeconomic index. Surplus pathology urine specimens collected from children aged 0-15 years in Queensland, Australia as samples of convenience (n = 469) were pooled by age, sex and area level socioeconomic index (n = 67 pools), and analysed for total BPA using online solid phase extraction LC-MS/MS. Concentration ranged from 1.08-27.4 ng/ml with geometric mean 2.57 ng/ml, and geometric mean exposure was estimated as 70.3 ng/kg d-1. Neither BPA concentration nor excretion was associated with age or sex, and the authors found no evidence of an association with socioeconomic status. These results suggest that BPA exposure is not associated with socioeconomic status in the Australian population due to relatively homogenous exposures in Australia, or that the socioeconomic gradient is relatively slight in Australia compared with other OECD countries.
A replicate evaluation of increased micronucleus (MN) frequencies in peripheral lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (FA) was undertaken to verify the observed effect and to determine scoring variability. May–Grünwald–Giemsa-stained slides were obtained from a previously performed cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMNT) with 56 workers in anatomy and pathology laboratories and 85 controls. The first evaluation by one scorer (scorer 1) had led to a highly significant difference between workers and controls (3.96 vs 0.81 MN per 1000 cells). The slides were coded before re-evaluation and the code was broken after the complete re-evaluation of the study. A total of 1000 binucleated cells (BNC) were analysed per subject and the frequency of MN (in ‰) was determined. Slides were distributed equally and randomly between two scorers, so that the scorers had no knowledge of the exposure status. Scorer 2 (32 exposed, 36 controls) measured increased MN frequencies in exposed workers (9.88 vs 6.81). Statistical analysis with the two-sample Wilcoxon test indicated that this difference was not significant (p = 0.17). Scorer 3 (20 exposed, 46 controls) obtained a similar result, but slightly higher values for the comparison of exposed and controls (19.0 vs 12.89; p = 0.089). Combining the results of the two scorers (13.38 vs 10.22), a significant difference between exposed and controls (p = 0.028) was obtained when the stratified Wilcoxon test with the scorers as strata was applied. Interestingly, the re-evaluation of the slides led to clearly higher MN frequencies for exposed and controls compared with the first evaluation. Bland–Altman plots indicated that the agreement between the measurements of the different scorers was very poor, as shown by mean differences of 5.9 between scorer 1 and scorer 2 and 13.0 between scorer 1 and scorer 3. Calculation of the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) revealed that all scorer comparisons in this study were far from acceptable for the reliability of this assay. Possible implications for the use of the CBMNT in human biomonitoring studies are discussed.
L’évaluation de l’exposition aux composés organiques volatils (COV) recourt couramment à l’analyse des métabolites urinaires en assumant qu’aucune interaction ne survient entre les composés. Or, des études antérieures ont démontré qu’une inhibition de type compétitive survient entre le toluène (TOL), l’éthylbenzène (EBZ) et le m-xylène (XYL). Le chloroforme, qui est également un solvant métabolisé par le CYP2E1, se retrouve souvent en présence des autres COV dans les échantillons de biosurveillance. La présente étude visait donc à évaluer si le chloroforme (CHL) peut lui aussi interagir avec ces COV et évaluer ces interactions au niveau de l’excrétion des biomarqueurs urinaires associés, soit l’o-crésol, l’acide mandélique et l’acide m-méthylhippurique pour TOL, EBZ et XYL respectivement. Afin d’obtenir des données humaines, cinq volontaires ont été exposés par inhalation à différentes combinaisons de COV (seuls et mélanges binaires ou quaternaires) où la concentration de chacun des composés était égale à 1/4 ou 1/8 de la valeur limite d’exposition (VLE) pour une durée de 6h. Des échantillons d’air exhalé, de sang et d’urine ont été récoltés. Ces données ont ensuite été comparées aux modèles pharmacocinétiques à base physiologique (PCBP) existants afin de les ajuster pour l’excrétion urinaire. Certaines différences ont été observées entre les expositions aux solvants seuls et les coexpositions, mais celles-ci semblent majoritairement attribuables aux remplacements de participants à travers les différentes expositions. Les valeurs de Vmax pour EBZ et CHL ont été optimisées afin de mieux prédire les niveaux sanguins de ces COV. À l’exception du modèle pour EBZ, tous les paramètres pour l’excrétion urinaire ont été obtenus à partir de la littérature. Les modèles adaptés dans cette étude ont permis de simuler adéquatement les données expérimentales.
The etiology of hormone-induced cancers has been considered to be a combination of genotoxic and epigenetic events. Currently, the Comet assay is widely used for detecting genotoxicity because it is relatively simple, sensitive, and capable of detecting various kinds of DNA damage. The present study evaluates the genotoxic potential of endogenous and synthetic sex hormones, as detected by the Comet assay. Blood cells were obtained from 12 nonsmoking and 12 smoking women with regular menstrual cycles and from 12 nonsmoking women taking low-dose oral contraceptives (OC). Peripheral blood samples were collected at three phases of the menstrual cycle (early follicular, mean follicular, and luteal phases), or at three different moments of oral contraceptive intake. Three blood samples were also collected from 12 healthy nonsmoking men, at the same time as oral contraceptive users. Results showed no significant difference in the level of DNA damage among the three moments of the menstrual cycle either in nonsmoking and smoking women, or between them. No significant difference in DNA damage was also observed among oral contraceptive users, nonusers, and men. Together, these data indicate lack of genotoxicity induced by the physiological level of the female sex hormones and OC as assessed by the alkaline Comet assay. In conclusion, normal fluctuation in endogenous sex hormones and use of low-doses of oral contraceptive should not interfere with Comet assay data when this technique is used for human biomonitoring.
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an ideal tool for evaluating toxicant exposure in health risk assessment. Chemical substances or their metabolites related to environmental pollutants can be detected as biomarkers of exposure using a wide variety of biological fluids. Individual exposure to aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (benzene, toluene, and o-xylene –“BTX”) were analysed with a liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (μHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantitative detection of the BTX exposure biomarker SPMA, SBMA and o-MBMA in human urine. Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) is a biomarker proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) for assessing occupational exposure to benzene (Biological Exposure Index of 25 microg/g creatinine). Urinary S-benzylmercapturic (SBMA) and o-methyl S-benzyl mercapturic acid (o-MBMA) are specific toluene and o-xylene metabolites of glutathione detoxicant pathways, proposed as reliable biomarkers of exposure. To this aim a pre-treatment of the urine with solid phase extraction (SPE) and an evaporation step were necessary to concentrate the mercapturic acids before instrumental analysis. A liquid chromatography separation was carried out with a reversed phase capillary column (Synergi 4u Max-RP) using a binary gradient composed of an acquous solution of formic acid 0.07% v/v and methanol. The mercapturic acids were determinated by negative-ion-mass spectrometry and the data were corrected using isotope-labelled analogs as internal standards. The analytical method follows U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance and was applied to assess exposure to BTX in a group of 396 traffic wardens. The association between biomarker results and individual factors, such as age, sex and tobacco smoke were also investigated. The present work also included improvements in the methods used by modifying various chromatographic parameters and experimental procedures. A partial validation was conducted to evaluate LOD, precision, accuracy, recovery as well as matrix effects. Higher sensitivity will be possible in future biological monitoring programmes, allowing evaluation of very low level of BTX human exposure. Keywords: Human biomonitoring, aromatic hydrocarbons, biomarker of exposure, HPLC-MS/MS.
A biomonitorização humana ou biomonitoramento (BH) é definido como a medida periódica de determinada substância química ou seu metabólito em fluidos biológicos, principalmente sangue e urina, de uma população com o objetivo de avaliar a exposição e os riscos à saúde. Tal método tem se tornado comum em países desenvolvidos, porém ainda é uma prática pouco utilizada no Brasil. Isso ocorre pela dificuldade de coleta, armazenamento e transporte das amostras, principalmente em regiões sem infraestrutura e de difícil acesso. Diante disso, alguns procedimentos alternativos de coleta de amostra vêm sendo propostos. Um destes procedimentos é o Dried Blood Spot (DBS) ou coleta e armazenamento de amostra em papel-cartão. Este método oferece uma série de vantagens sobre os procedimentos de coleta convencionais, principalmente por reduzir consideravelmente o volume de amostra coletada. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a estabilidade dos analitos após a deposição da amostra no cartão e do risco de contaminação da amostra pelo substrato sólido. Além disso, procedimentos de extração dos analitos do papel, para posterior quantificação, ainda não estão totalmente estabelecidos. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou de forma sistemática o procedimento de coleta de sangue por DBS visando sua futura aplicação em programas de biomonitoramento no Brasil para determinação dos elementos químicos As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se e Zn por espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). Para isso, no estudo foram utilizadas três diferentes marcas comerciais de cartão coletor: Whatman 903(TM), Munktell(TM), e DMPK-C(TM). Todas as marcas de cartão apresentaram baixas concentrações dos elementos químicos. Após a deposição da amostra no papel cartão verificou-se que a concentração dos elementos químicos manteve-se estável por um período de pelo menos 60 dias (temperatura ambiente e ao abrigo da luz). Foi otimizado o método de extração dos analitos do substrato, com melhor condição obtida após a imersão do papel (corte circular de diâmetro de 1/2´´) por 60 minutos em solução extratora (0,5% v/v HNO3 e 0,01% v/v Triton(TM) X-100) na proporção de 1:50 v/v, seguida de 10 segundos de agitação por vortex. Após a extração, a solução resultante contendo os analitos foi diretamente injetada no ICP-MS. Cabe também destacar que não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas nas concentrações dos elementos químicos com coleta de sangue da veia do antebraço (sangue venoso) ou do dedo (sangue capilar). Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo, devem contribuir para a implementação deste procedimento em análises de elementos químicos (biomonitoramento da população brasileira), principalmente considerando as dificuldades de coleta, armazenamento e transporte de amostras clínicas em nosso país por sua extensão territorial. Além disso, este procedimento pode facilitar estudos com populações vulneráveis e que vivem em áreas remotas e de difícil acesso.
Human saliva mirrors body’s health and well-being and many of the biomolecules present in blood or urine can also be found in salivary secretions. However, biomolecular concentrations in saliva are usually one tenth to one thousandth of the levels in blood (Pfaffe et al., 2011). Sensitive detection technology platforms are therefore required to detect biomolecules in saliva. Another road block to the advancement of salivary diagnostics is the lack of information related to healthy state saliva vs. a diseased saliva, baseline levels and reference ranges and diurnal variations. Saliva has numerous advantages over blood or urine as a diagnostic fluid: (a) the non-invasive nature of sample collection and the simple, safe, painless and cost-effective methods to collect it; (b) unskilled personnel can collect saliva samples at multiple time points; and (c) the total protein concentration is approximately a quarter of that is present in plasma, which makes it easier to investigate low abundance proteins (Pfaffe et al., 2011). Currently, saliva assays are routinely used to determine, diseases such as HIV, drugs and substances of abuse to provide information on exposure and give qualitative information on the type of illicit drug used (Kintz et al., 2009), cortisol levels for diagnosing Cushing’s syndrome (Doi et al., 2008), and use for biomonitoring of exposure to chemicals (Caporossi et al., 2010) to measure hormones (Gröschl, 2009)....