996 resultados para hospitalized child


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Background. The parents of a sick child likely experience situational anxiety due to their young child being unexpectedly hospitalized. The emotional upheaval may be great enough that their anxiety inhibits them in providing positive support to their hospitalized child. Because anxiety affects psychological distress as well as behavioral distress, identifying parental distress helps parents improving their coping mechanisms. ^ Purpose. The study compared situational anxiety levels between Taiwanese fathers and mothers and focused on differences between parental anxiety levels at the beginning of the child's unplanned hospitalization and at time of discharge. The study also identified factors related to the parents' distress and use of coping mechanisms. ^ Methods. A descriptive, comparative research design was used to determine the difference between the anxiety levels of 62 Taiwanese father-mother dyads during the situational crisis of their child's unexpected hospitalization. The Mandarin version (M) of Visual Analog Scale (VAS-M), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-M), and the Index of Parent Participation/Hospitalized Child (IPP/HC-M) were used to differentiate maternal and paternal anxiety levels and identify factors related to the parents' distress. Questionnaires were completed by parents within 24-36 hours of the child's hospital admission and within 24 hours prior to discharge. A paired t-test, two sample t-test, and linear mixed regression model were used to test and support the study hypothesis. ^ Results. The findings reveal that the mothers' anxiety levels did not significantly differ from the fathers' anxiety level when their child had a sudden admission to the hospital. In particular, parental state anxiety levels did not decrease during the child's hospital stay and subsequent discharge. Moreover, anxiety levels did not differ between parents regardless of whether the child's disease was acute or chronic. The most effective factor related to parental situational anxiety was parental perception of the severity of the child's illness. ^ Conclusions. Parental anxiety was found to be significantly related to changes in their perception of the severity of their child's illness. However, the study was not able to illustrate how parental involvement in the child's hospital care was related to parental perception of the severity of their child's illness. Future studies, using a qualitative approach to gamer more information as to what variables influence parental anxiety during a situational crisis, may provide a richer database from which to modify key variables as well as the instruments used to improve the quality of the data obtained. ^


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The needs of parents of hospitalized children have received some attention in the health literature, but few studies have compared parents' perceptions of needs with staff's ideas about parents' needs. The aim of this Study was to examine differences between the perceptions of the needs of parents of hospitalized children held by staff - nurses, doctors and allied health staff, and parents in a 150-bed paediatric hospital in Sweden. The convenience sample comprised 132 staff - nurses, doctors and allied health stall and 115 parents of children admitted to all the wards except intensive care. Kristjansdottir's needs of parents of hospitalized children questionnaire (NPQ) was the instrument of choice and was modified slightly for use with staff. Results indicated significant differences in perceptions of the importance of different needs of parents, of how well they were being met in the hospital arid how much help the parents needed to have them filled. Differences between parents' and staff's perceptions of the importance of parental needs were found in areas relating to psychosocial needs, but in general, in that hospital, the needs were being adequately met. The main differences between staff's and parents' results were in the degree of independence shown by parents in requiring hell) to have their needs met. This demonstrates either that parents are much more independent than appraised by staff, or, that parents are sometimes unaware of the level of assistance available.


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Aim. To 'own' a person is considered an infringement of human rights, but we suggest that concepts of ownership influence interactions between parents and staff when a child is admitted to hospital. This paper aims to stimulate debate and contains an explanation of the exploration of the literature for research and discussion of ownership of the child. Method. A wide variety of library indexes, databases and populist media were examined although it was impossible to examine all literature which may have contained references to this topic, and, apart from databases which contained abstracts in English, we could not include literature written in any language other than English, Swedish, and Icelandic. Findings. We found no research that examines how concepts of ownership of a child affects communication between health professionals and parents and, ultimately, the delivery of health care. This paper begins discussion on the issues. Discussion. Historical literature shows that ownership of humans has been a part of many cultures, and parents were once considered to own their children. Ownership of another has legal connotations, for instance in guardianship struggles of children during marriage breakup and in ethical debates over surrogacy and products of assisted conception. Within health care, it becomes a contentious issue in transplantation of body parts, in discourse on autonomy and informed consent, and for religious groups who refuse blood transfusions. In health care, models such as family centred care and partnership in care depend on positive communication between parents and staff. If a hospital staff member feels that he/she owns a child for whom he/she is caring, then conflict between the staff member and the parents over who has the 'best interests of the child' at heart is possible. Conclusion. We encourage debate about concepts of who owns the hospitalized child - the parents or the staff? Should it be argued at all? Is the whole concept of ownership of another, be it adult or child, the ethical antithesis to modern beliefs about human rights? Comment on this issue is invited.


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Lanaren helburuak haur ospitaleratu eta erizainen arteko komunikazioaren ezaugarriak eta hau hobetzeko neurriak eta haurren antsietatea eta sintomatologiaren kontrola hobetzeko komunikazioa eta honekin erlazionatutako estrategiak aztertzea dira. 6-12 urte bitarteko ume ospitaleratuek pairatzen duten antsietatea murrizteko komunikazioak duen eragina lantzen duten artikuluen berrikuspena egin da azken 10 urteetan idatzitako artikuluak bilatuz. Haurrek berez ospitalak eragindako estresa murrizteko gaitasunik ez dutenez, erizainarekin bideratzen duten komunikazioa eta honekin batera erabilitako beste teknika batzuk oso eraginkorrak direla antsietatearen murrizketan ondorioztatu da.


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O estudo emergiu da minha experiência profissional como enfermeira de um hospital especializado em oncologia, no qual me deparei com crianças internadas e consideradas fora de possibilidade de cura atual acompanhadas de um familiar. É considerado fora de possibilidade de cura atual, o paciente para o qual foram esgotados todos os recursos atuais conhecidos para sua cura, a incorporação dessa concepção de cuidar, possibilitou o desenvolvimento do cuidado paliativo. Cuidados paliativos são os cuidados ativos totais de pacientes cuja doença não responde a um tratamento curativo. O objetivo do cuidado paliativo é alcançar a melhor qualidade de vida para os pacientes e suas famílias. O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa foi à ação de cuidado do enfermeiro à criança hospitalizada portadora de doença oncológica e fora de possibilidade de cura atual. Tendo como objetivo: analisar compreensivamente o cuidado do enfermeiro à criança hospitalizada portadora de doença oncológica fora de possibilidade de cura atual. Estudo de natureza qualitativa, desenvolvido com o apoio da fenomenologia sociológica de Alfred Schutz por possibilitar a apreensão da ação desse cuidar, como uma conduta humana, num processo contínuo a partir de um projeto pré-concebido. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 12 enfermeiros que trabalham nas enfermarias de oncologia e hematologia do setor de internação pediátrica de um hospital público federal especializado em oncologia, localizado no município do Rio de Janeiro. Esta pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética (n 43-11). A apreensão das falas deu-se por meio de entrevista fenomenológica guiada pela seguinte questão orientadora: Quando você cuida da criança em tratamento oncológico fora de possibilidade de cura atual, O que você tem em vista? A análise compreensiva mostrou duas categorias concretas do vivido emergidas das falas dos sujeitos da pesquisa. São elas: conforto e minimizar a dor. O estudo possibilitou entender que ao cuidar da criança considerada fora de possibilidade de cura atual o enfermeiro desenvolve suas ações na perspectiva de confortar e minimizar a dor da criança. Neste contexto, também direciona o seu cuidar para o familiar ali presente, promovendo apoio e ajuda, estabelecendo uma relação de confiança construída em função do longo período de hospitalização que ocorre nas doenças oncológicas. Nesse sentido, o enfermeiro se volta para o familiar como foco central de sua ação de cuidar, com o intuito de apoiá-lo nesse momento especial de sofrimento pela doença de sua criança. A criança deixa de ser o centro das atenções de cuidar que passa, então, a ser o familiar de cada criança.


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The aim of this article is to consider the value of qualitative research to inform nurse education and policy for the hospitalized child and young person (CYP). The theoretical issues and tensions inherent in qualitative research with children and young people’s nursing are presented in conjunction with a discussion and analysis of how the epistemological and ontological concepts underpin and guide research. It is then followed by an exploration of their influence on enabling nurses to understand the CYP’s perspective, before finally leading to an analysis of the impact on the development of policy and research.


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As part of a large study of the care of children in Australian, British, Indonesian, and Thai hospitals, qualitative methods were used to examine differences influenced by culture. Two groups were surveyed: parents of hospitalized children, and staff caring for them. Vignettes were used to invoke discussion, and content analysis was used to examine the data. Subjects were interviewed singly, or in focus groups. These interviews were audiotaped and transcribed for analysis. This article is the second of a two-part series, and includes results of the staff's interviews and discussion. The parents' results and discussion were published in Part 1 (Shields [amp ] King, 2001). Staff in all the countries considered communication with parents to be an important part of care of the hospitalized child, and this was consistent with the parents' responses. Staff were mindful of safe practices, though more so in Australia and Britain than Indonesia and Thailand. Cost of treatment for the parents was an important consideration for staff in Indonesia and Thailand when they were planning care for the child. Cultural constructions were more likely to be considered by the Australian and British staff than the Indonesian and Thai staff, and this may have been influenced by the prevailing culture of medical dominance in those countries.


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This study had the purpose of identifying the health professional performance during the care of children victimized by violence. Its objectives were the evaluation of how health professionals diagnose violence on the hospitalized child during the care process; the identification, according to the experience of each health professional, of the types of violence on the hospitalized child, the child's aggressors and the most frequent1y injured area in the body and the analysis of conducts adopted by health professionals upon the recognition of a violence case on a hospitalized child. The study was of the descriptive-exploratory type, using a quantitative approach, performed on Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio (HCSA) in Boa Vista - RR. The population consisted of 235 health professionals, with data collected from June to August 2006. The results show a clear predominance of the female gender, (76,17%); aged 31 to 35 (26,81%); married (45,96%). As for professional formation, 63,9% were nursing auxiliaries and technicians,16,2% physicians, 14,8% nurses, 3,9% social assistants and 2,1% psychologists; 45,96% had completed middle-level education, 51,06% of which coming from private education establishments and 48,94% from public education institutions.; 97,66 % have specialization or improvement courses on their area; 32,77% among 05 to 09 years of work time; 32,06(10 worked on pediatric infirmaries; 75,74% state they have experience with children victimized by violence; 96,22% consider themselves capable of identifying the types of violence suffered by children; 29,00% consider physical violence the most common kind; 91,57% sought to identify the aggressors; 27,72% consider the mother to be the child's main aggressor, 26,36% the father, and 22,28% the stepfather; 26,55% consider the limbs and pelvic waist to be the body region most affected by violence; 26,91% take the attitude of reporting to the nurse and 20,13% to the social service; 70,79% state that the conducts were performed as a team; 26,25% of the professionals consider that the social assistants helped the most on deciding which conduct to adopt; 76,40% state there was no one opposed to the performing of these conducts; but 23,60% that stated there was no one opposed to the performing of these conducts, 77,08% reveal that the family members were against the conducts taken by the team. We conclude that, the hea1th professionals who were part of the study, apparently are not adequate prepared to diagnose and report the violence on child. The results were more drastic when we related the physicians and the nurses' answers, considering that they give directed assistance to these victims social assistants and psychologists are the ones best prepared to conduct cases of child mistreatment. However, we are conscious of our responsibility with professional education not only in upper grade institution but also on the middle-level. We believe also, that a continued education program can help to improve the professional knowledge and improve the quality of care


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Objective. To identify and analyze scientific publications on the use of music and play in pediatric nursing care in the hospital context. Method. In this bibliographic study, papers were sought that were published in Portuguese or English between 2004 and 2009 and included the descriptors: hospitalized child, childhood, child recreation, nursing team, nursing, pediatric nursing, alternatives therapies, music, music therapy, play and playthings, play therapy, playing. For the review, the bibliographic databases used were MEDLINE, ScIELO and LILACS. Results. Seventeen publications were obtained, among which: 59% adopted a quantitative method; mainly nursing developed the activities (88%); per type of article, reviews on the theme and assessments of clinical changes associated with the use of music and play were frequent (59% and 18%, respectively); and the utility of this kind of therapies in nursing care is acknowledged (94%). Conclusion. Play and music are useful therapies that can be used in nursing care for pediatric patients.


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The presence of the man with the hospitalized child is still insignificant and the relationships established in hospitals culminate in several situations that can to influence his experience. The study aimed to analyze the experiences of the parent / caregiver during the hospitalization of their child. In intention to develop the research, it was conducted an exploratory and descriptive qualitative research approach, developed with 11 fathers who accompanied sick childen at the Paediatric Hospital in metropolitan area of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. As inclusion criteria men should be aged 18 years; have favorable emotional conditions to answer the questions are be accompanying his child aged between one to five years old in clinical or surgical. Data collection occurred in March and April 2014, using an interview script. This step prior to the approval of the Health Department of state of Rio Grande do Norte, approved by Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Committee on Ethics in Research by Certificate of Presentation and Ethics Consideration No. 22821513.1.0000.5537. The data treatment occurred following the content analysis method in thematic modality proposed by Bardin. According to statements the following categories emerged: "The presence of the father in the hospitalization of a child" and "Responsibilities and parental attitudes the hospitalization of a child”, which were analyzed and discussed based on the literature on the family in the hospitalization of the child and considerations about the care of the child. It was founded that the respondents the experienced institutionalization son were inserted in a context of active participation of tasks and sharing responsibilities. Thus it was considered in the study the need of enforcing rights of the father as a family entity in practice of them child care instead of social and gender issues that are still strongly rooted in contemporary society. Given this, it is necessary that the nursing staff consider the various situations faced by man during infant hospitalization with the first fruits of this approach to the care of the son process minimizing the sequelae stemming from being away from the family nucleus


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No período de 2008 a 2010, o número de internações pediátricas, no Brasil, foi de 2.985.527. As causas desencadeadoras da hospitalização infantil podem ser biológicas, hereditárias, sociais, econômicas e ambientais. É comum o adoecimento ocorrer pela associação de causas, havendo crianças com predisposição para apresentarem múltiplos fatores de risco. Seja qual for a etiologia, a hospitalização frequentemente gera desconforto à criança e à sua família, por vivenciarem um ambiente impessoal e contraditório às condições do cotidiano. Cabe à equipe de enfermagem prestar um cuidado humanizado, singular e ampliado. Os objetivos do estudo são: compreender o significado do cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada e identificar estratégias de cuidado de enfermagem singular e multidimensional que atendam às necessidades da criança e da família no processo de hospitalização. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratório-descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio da técnica de Grupo Focal com a equipe de enfermagem que atuava em unidades pediátricas de duas instituições hospitalares do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foram realizados cinco encontros, no mês de setembro de 2013. Os dados foram analisados com base na Análise Focal Estratégica, a qual contemplou tanto as potencialidades e oportunidades, quanto as fragilidades e desafios no cuidado à criança hospitalizada, ampliando, assim, novas discussões para a busca de estratégias de cuidado de enfermagem singular e multidimensional. Os resultados foram sustentados por meio de duas produções científicas, quais sejam: “O cuidado à criança/família no processo de hospitalização na perspectiva de equipes de enfermagem”; “Ampliando estratégias de cuidado de enfermagem singular e multidimensional à criança/família em processo de hospitalização”. A primeira apresentou cinco categorias: Significando o cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada; Reconhecendo que o cuidado vai além do hospital; Relevância das figuras materna e paterna; Lidando com várias coisas; e Importância do cuidado multidimensional. A segunda produção resultou em três categorias: Encontrando estratégias criativas de cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada; Reconhecendo estratégias de cuidado à família no processo de hospitalização da criança; e Distinguindo estratégias de cuidado relacionadas à equipe de enfermagem no processo de hospitalização infantil. Foram garantidos todos os critérios que fundamentam a Resolução 466/12, que trata das pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Conclui-se que a equipe de enfermagem busca alternativas para minimizar os traumas relacionados à hospitalização, por meio do diálogo com a criança e sua família, a brinquedoteca e ludicidade para melhorar a aceitação da hospitalização, dentre outras.


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Objective: To know the mothers’ perception of the main difficulties in the care of children with special needs dependent on mechanical ventilation. Methods: A qualitative research conducted from August to November 2013 at the Dr. Waldemar Alcântara Hospital in Fortaleza, CE. Respondents were seven mothers of children under mechanical ventilation. Data were collected using sociodemographic questionnaires and guiding questions, from which emerged thematic categories that underwent content analysis, with data being discussed in the light of the relevant literature. Results: The average age of mothers ranged 18-36 years. Six were married or had formed a common-law marriage. Education level ranged from illiteracy to complete secondary education. Family income was up to one minimum wage. Mothers reported anguish and fear regarding the initial impact of the diagnosis, with little understanding of the biomedical language and a lot of questions during the whole period after diagnosis and during hospitalization. Conclusion: Difficulties involve aspects related to family abandonment, the distancing from the other children at the expense of the care of the disable child, the difficulty in engaging in social relationships, and the prognosis and care of their child. The hospital environment generates psychological repercussions on the expectation and hopelessness regarding the cure of their child, as they know they might die. Healthcare professionals can favor incredible transformations, generating a new “care”, broader and humanized, facilitating the recovery/restructuring of the family within this new universe.


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Objective: To investigate the maternal perception of the experience in the first phase of the Kangaroo Mother Care Method in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Methods: Descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, conducted in the period from August to October 2014, with 10 mothers of newborn preterm (NP) infants, who were admitted to the Maternity School Assis Chateaubriand (MEAC) in Fortaleza, Brazil, and had received skin-to-skin contact through the Kangaroo Care Method during hospitalization in the NICU. Data was collected by semi-structured interview, directed by guiding questions. Content analysis was used for processing the data, being established four categories: “The bond and the attachment”, “Maternal competence”, “The fear of losing the baby” and “The importance of the multidisciplinary team”. Results: The Kangaroo Care Method is a safe and pleasurable practice for mothers and relatives, in addition to providing social and psychoaffective benefits, found in the imagery of the method institutionalization and in the mothers’ experience when properly supported. The meanings of the maternal feelings of apprehension as a result of the first physical contact with the hospitalized child can be evidenced. Regarding the evaluation of its clinical practice, this method has provided better development of the newborn infant and a reduction in hospital stay. Conclusion: The study shows relevance, since the evidence of the maternal perception of this method supports its establishment as a mandatory practice in maternity hospitals, in view of the benefits to the mother and the neonate.


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Objective: To assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children 1-2 years after they had sustained an injury. Methods: Parents of all children who were identified by the Queensland Trauma Registry during their admission to either of the two paediatric specialty hospitals in Brisbane, Australia, for the treatment of an injury, were invited to participate in this study. Parents who consented to participation received a copy of the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) that required them to provide information regarding their child’s HRQoL following injury. The CHQ scores for the study respondents were compared with those of the Australian norms. This study was approved by the relevant ethics committees. Results: Two hundred and forty-one completed questionnaires were returned. The majority of cases were male (65%) and there was even representation across all age groups. The majority of injuries were considered to be minor (81%) and were predominantly the result of falls and cycling accidents causing mainly fractures and intracranial injury. On the majority of subscales of the CHQ, study participants recorded scores that were statistically significantly below those of the Australian norms. None of the relevant variables collected by the Queensland Trauma Registry were found to predict scores on the CHQ in this study (for those children hospitalized for >24 h). Conclusion: Injured children are worse off than their Australian counterparts in terms of HRQoL even up to 2 years following an injury. Further research needs to be undertaken to identify factors that predict lower HRQoL in order to reduce the burden of injury on children and their families.