997 resultados para homologous sequence


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The expressed sequence tags (EST) has been proved to be a useful tool for discovering and identifying functional genes, especially in some species whose genetic information is unavailable. A total of 180 ESTs have been generated from a cDNA library of gametophytic Gracilaria lemaneiformis in this study. These clones are clustered into 151 groups, among which 8 groups are highly homologous to chloroplast genes and are abundant in the library. After searching for matches in the EST database of red alga, 22 groups are found to match with the registered ESTs of Rhadophyta and 6 with Gracilaria. Searching in the protein database reveal that 73 non-redundant clones have significant similarity to some known sequences, the majority of which are involved in photosynthesis, DNA transcription or translation, and 6, 4 and 3 clones are associated with growth or development, signal transduction and stress or defense response, respectively.


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In plants and less-advanced animal species, such as C.elegans, introduction of exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into cells would trigger degradation of the mRNA with homologous sequence and interfere with the endogenous gene expression. It might represent an ancient anti-virus response which could prevent the mutation in the genome that was caused by virus infection or mobile DNA elements insertion. This phenomenon was named RNA interference, or RNAi. In this study, RNAi was used to investigate the function of basonuclin gene during oogenesis. Microinjection of dsRNA directed towards basonuclin into mouse germinal-vesicle-intact (GV) oocytes brought down the abundance of the cognate mRNA effectively in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. This reduction effect was sequence-specific and showed no negative effect on other non-homologous gene expression in oocytes, which indicated that dsRNA can recognize and cause the degradation of the transcriptional products of endogenous basonuclin gene in a sequence-specific manner. Immunofluorescence results showed that RNAi could reduce the concentration of basonuclin protein to some extent, but the effect was less efficient than the dsRNA targeting towards tPA and cMos which was also expressed in oocytes. This result might be due to the long half life of basonuclin protein in oocytes and the short reaction time which was posed by the limited life span of GV oocytes cultured in vitro. In summary, dsRNA could inhibit the expression of the cognate gene in oocytes at both mRNA and protein levels. The effect was similar to Knock-out technique which was based on homologous recombination. Furthermore, hairpin-style dsRNA targeting basonuclin gene could be produced by transcription from a recombinant plasmid and worked efficiently to deplete the cognate mRNA in oocytes. This finding offered a new way to study the function of basonuclin in the early stage of oogenesis by infection of primordial oocytes with the plasmid expressing hairpin-style basonuclin dsRNA.


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The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Chinese hook snout carp, Opsariichthys bidens, was newly determined using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction method. The 16,611-nucleotide mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes (12S, 16S) 22 tRNA genes, and a noncoding control region. We use these data and homologous sequence data from multiple other ostariophysan fishes in a phylogenetic evaluation to test hypothesis pertaining to codon usage pattern of O. bidens mitochondrial protein genes as well as to re-examine the ostariophysan phylogeny. The mitochondrial genome of O. bidens reveals an alternative pattern of vertebrate mitochondrial evolution. For the mitochondrial protein genes of O. bidens, the most frequently used codon generally ends with either A or C, with C preferred over A for most fourfold degenerate codon families; the relative synonymous codon usage of G-ending codons is greatly elevated in all categories. The codon usage pattern of O. bidens mitochondrial protein genes is remarkably different from the general pattern found previously in the relatively closely 9 related zebrafish and most other vertebrate mitochondria. Nucleotide bias at third codon positions is the main cause of codon bias in the mitochondrial protein genes of O. bidens, as it is biased particularly in favor of C over A. Bayesian analysis of 12 concatenated mitochondrial protein sequences for O. bidens and 46 other teleostean taxa supports the monophyly of Cypriniformes and Otophysi and results in a robust estimate of the otophysan phylogeny. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The gene targeting technique is a powerful tool for analyzing functions of cloned genes and for generating transgenic animals with site-directed integration of foreign genes. In order to develop this technique in fish, positive-negative selection (PNS) and homologous recombination vectors were constructed, and their expression was examined in fish cells. A vector (pNK) for PNS consists of the neomycin resistance gene (neo) as a positive selectable marker gene and the herpes simplex virus (HSV) thymidine kinase (tk) gene as a negative selectable marker gene. Positive selection with geneticin (G418) of epithelioma papulosum of carp (EPC) cells transfected with linearized pNK vector yielded 350 colonies, while double selection of transfected EPC cells with G418 and gancyclovir (Gc) resulted in nearly complete cell death, demonstrating that the PNS procedure is effective in fish cells. Homologous recombination vectors consist of the Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase (X mrk(Y)) gene as homologous sequence in addition to the neo and tk genes. Conditions for homologous recombination vector transfection and drug selection were established. After verification of the feasibility of expression of homologous recombination vectors in EPC cells, the first gene targeting experiments were attempted in the Xiphophorus melanoma cell line, PSM. Positive-negative selection of the targeting vector-transfectants led to a low enrichment in this particular cell line. The reasons for the low enrichment in PSM cells were discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In protein sequence alignment, residue similarity is usually evaluated by substitution matrix, which scores all possible exchanges of one amino acid with another. Several matrices are widely used in sequence alignment, including PAM matrices derived from homologous sequence and BLOSUM matrices derived from aligned segments of BLOCKS. However, most matrices have not addressed the high-order residue-residue interactions that are vital to the bioproperties of protein.With consideration for the inherent correlation in residue triplet, we present a new scoring scheme for sequence alignment. Protein sequence is treated as overlapping and successive 3-residue segments. Two edge residues of a triplet are clustered into hydrophobic or polar categories, respectively. Protein sequence is then rewritten into triplet sequence with 2 · 20 · 2 = 80 alphabets. Using a traditional approach, we construct a new scoring scheme named TLESUMhp (TripLEt SUbstitution Matrices with hydropobic and polar information) for pairwise substitution of triplets, which characterizes the similarity of residue triplets. The applications of this matrix led to marked improvements in multiple sequence alignment and in searching structurally alike residue segments. The reason for the occurrence of the ‘‘twilight zone,’’ i.e., structure explosion of lowidentity sequences, is also discussed.


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The regenerating urodele limb is a useful model system in which to study, in vivo, the controls of cell proliferation and differentiation. Techniques are available which enable one to experimentally manipulate mitogenic influences upon the blastema, as well the morphogenesis of the regenerating 11mb. Although classical regeneration studies have generated a wealth of knowledge concerning tissue interactions, little 1s known about the process at the level of gene expression. The aim of this project was to clone potentially developmentally regulated genes from a newt genomic library for use in future studies of gene expression during limb regeneration. We decided to clone the cytoskeletal actin gene for the following reasons: 1. its expression reflects the proliferative and differentiatlve states of cells in other systems 2. the high copy number of cytoplasmic actin pseudogenes in other vertebrates and the high degree of evolutionary sequence conservation among actin genes increased the chance of cloning one of the newt cytoplasmic actin genes. 3. Preliminary experiments indicated that a newt actin could probably be identified using an available chick ~-actln gene for a molecular probe. Two independent recombinant phage clones, containing actin homologous inserts, were isolated from a newt genomic library by hybridization with the chick actin probe. Restriction mapping identified actin homologous sequences within the newt DNA inserts which were subcloned into the plasmid pTZ19R. The recombinant plasmids were transformed into the Escherichia coli strain, DHsa. Detailed restriction maps were produced of the 5.7Kb and 3.1Kb newt DNA inserts in the plasmids, designated pTNAl and pTNA2. The short «1.3 Kb) length of the actin homologous sequence in pTNA2 indicated that it was possibly a reverse transcript pseudogene. Problems associated with molecular cloning of DNA sequences from N. viridescens are discussed with respect to the large genome size and abundant highly repetitive DNA sequences.


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The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of a central segment of the previously annotated severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-unique domain (SUD-M, for "middle of the SARS-unique domain") in SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nonstructural protein 3 (nsp3) has been determined. SUD-M(513-651) exhibits a macrodomain fold containing the nsp3 residues 528 to 648, and there is a flexibly extended N-terminal tail with the residues 513 to 527 and a C-terminal flexible tail of residues 649 to 651. As a follow-up to this initial result, we also solved the structure of a construct representing only the globular domain of residues 527 to 651 [SUD-M(527-651)]. NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments showed that SUD-M(527-651) binds single-stranded poly(A) and identified the contact area with this RNA on the protein surface, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays then confirmed that SUD-M has higher affinity for purine bases than for pyrimidine bases. In a further search for clues to the function, we found that SUD-M(527-651) has the closest three-dimensional structure homology with another domain of nsp3, the ADP-ribose-1 ''-phosphatase nsp3b, although the two proteins share only 5% sequence identity in the homologous sequence regions. SUD-M(527-651) also shows three-dimensional structure homology with several helicases and nucleoside triphosphate-binding proteins, but it does not contain the motifs of catalytic residues found in these structural homologues. The combined results from NMR screening of potential substrates and the structure-based homology studies now form a basis for more focused investigations on the role of the SARS-unique domain in viral infection.


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The NMR structure of a central segment of the previously annotated "SARS-unique domain" (SUD-M; "middle of the SARS-unique domain") in the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) non-structural protein 3 (nsp3) has been determined. SUD-M(513-651) exhibits a macrodomain fold containing the nsp3-residues 528-648, and there is a flexibly extended N-terminal tail with the residues 513-527 and a C-terminal flexible tail of residues 649-651. As a follow-up to this initial result, we also solved the structure of a construct representing only the globular domain of residues 527-651 [SUD-M(527-651)]. NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments showed that SUD-M(527-651) binds single-stranded poly-A and identified the contact area with this RNA on the protein surface, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays then confirmed that SUD-M has higher affinity for purine bases than for pyrimidine bases. In further search for clues to the function, we found that SUD-M(527-651) has the closest three-dimensional structure homology with another domain of nsp3, the ADP-ribose-1''-phosphatase nsp3b, although the two proteins share only 5% sequence identity in the homologous sequence regions. SUD-M(527-651) also shows 3D structure homology with several helicases and NTP-binding proteins, but it does not contain the motifs of catalytic residues found in these structural homologues. The combined results from NMR screening of potential substrates and the structure-based homology studies now form a basis for more focused investigations on the role of the SARS-unique domain in viral infection.


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Overexpression and amplification of HER2/neu have been documented in many primary tumors, most notably in breast. Not only do approximately 30% of breast cancer patients carry tumors that overexpress the gene, but those that do generally have shorter overall and disease-free survival times than patients with tumors expressing low levels of HER2/neu. Thus, overexpression of HER2/neu plays an important role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. We have examined the mechanisms that result in HER2/neu overexpression in breast cancer by using, as a model system, established breast cancer cell lines that express much higher levels of HER2/neu mRNA than normal breast tissue while maintaining a near normal HER2/neu gene copy number. Nuclear run-on experiments indicate that the breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB453, BT483, and BT474 have an increased HER2/neu gene transcription rate. By using HER2/neu promoter-CAT constructs, we have found that the enhanced HER2/neu transcription rate in MDA-MB453 cells is due to activation of the gene in trans, while the enhanced transcription rate in BT483 cells is due to activation of the gene in either trans or cis. In BT474 cells, transcriptional upregulation is primarily due to gene amplification. Since the levels of increased transcription are not as high as the levels of HER2/neu mRNA in any of these three lines, post-transcriptional deregulation that increases HER2/neu expression must also be functioning in these cells. The half-life of HER2/neu mRNA was measured and found to be equivalent in these lines as in a control. Thus, the post-transcriptional deregulation is not increased stability of the HER2/neu transcript.^ Much work has been performed in characterizing the altered trans-acting factor involved in increased HER2/neu transcription in MDA-MB453 cells. Using promoter deletion constructs linked to a reporter gene, the region responsive to this factor was localized in the rat neu promoter. When human HER2/neu promoter constructs were used, the homologous sequence in the human promoter was identified. Furthermore, a number of protein/DNA complexes are detected when these promoter regions are used in gel mobility shift assays. UV-crosslinking experiments indicate DNA-binding proteins of roughly 110 kDa, 70 kDa, and 35 kDa are capable of interacting with the human promoter element. ^


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We purified from pea (Pisum sativum) tissue an ≈40 kDa reversibly glycosylated polypeptide (RGP1) that can be glycosylated by UDP-Glc, UDP-Xyl, or UDP-Gal, and isolated a cDNA encoding it, apparently derived from a single-copy gene (Rgp1). Its predicted translation product has 364 aminoacyl residues and molecular mass of 41.5 kDa. RGP1 appears to be a membrane-peripheral protein. Immunogold labeling localizes it specifically to trans-Golgi dictyosomal cisternae. Along with other evidence, this suggests that RGP1 is involved in synthesis of xyloglucan and possibly other hemicelluloses. Corn (Zea mays) contains a biochemically similar and structurally homologous RGP1, which has been thought (it now seems mistakenly) to function in starch synthesis. The expressed sequence database also reveals close homologs of pea Rgp1 in Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa). Rice possesses, in addition, a distinct but homologous sequence (Rgp2). RGP1 provides a polypeptide marker for Golgi membranes that should be useful in plant membrane studies.


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We have used a PCR-based technology to study the V beta 5 and V beta 17 repertoire of T-cell populations in HLA-DR2 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. We have found that the five MS DR2 patients studied present, at the moment of diagnosis and prior to any treatment, a marked expansion of a CD4+ T-cell population bearing V beta 5-J beta 1.4 beta chains. The sequences of the complementarity-determining region 3 of the expanded T cells are highly homologous. One shares structural features with that of the T cells infiltrating the central nervous system and of myelin basic protein-reactive T cells found in HLA-DR2 MS patients. An homologous sequence was not detectable in MS patients expressing DR alleles other than DR2. However, it is detectable but not expanded in healthy DR2 individuals. The possible mechanisms leading to its in vivo proliferation at the onset of MS are discussed.


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Aldose reductase (EC catalyzes the NADPH-mediated conversion of glucose to sorbitol. The hyperglycemia of diabetes increases sorbitol production primarily through substrate availability and is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of many diabetic complications. Increased sorbitol production can also occur at normoglycemic levels via rapid increases in aldose reductase transcription and expression, which have been shown to occur upon exposure of many cell types to hyperosmotic conditions. The induction of aldose reductase transcription and the accumulation of sorbitol, an organic osmolyte, have been shown to be part of the physiological osmoregulatory mechanism whereby renal tubular cells adjust to the intraluminal hyperosmolality during urinary concentration. Previously, to explore the mechanism regulating aldose reductase levels, we partially characterized the human aldose reductase gene promoter present in a 4.2-kb fragment upstream of the transcription initiation start site. A fragment (-192 to +31 bp) was shown to contain several elements that control the basal expression of the enzyme. In this study, we examined the entire 4.2-kb human AR gene promoter fragment by deletion mutagenesis and transfection studies for the presence of osmotic response enhancer elements. An 11-bp nucleotide sequence (TGGAAAATTAC) was located 3.7 kb upstream of the transcription initiation site that mediates hypertonicity-responsive enhancer activity. This osmotic response element (ORE) increased the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene product 2-fold in transfected HepG2 cells exposed to hypertonic NaCl media as compared with isoosmotic media. A more distal homologous sequence is also described; however, this sequence has no osmotic enhancer activity in transfected cells. Specific ORE mutant constructs, gel shift, and DNA fragment competition studies confirm the nature of the element and identify specific nucleotides essential for enhancer activity. A plasmid construct containing three repeat OREs and a heterologous promoter increased expression 8-fold in isoosmotic media and an additional 4-fold when the transfected cells are subjected to hyperosmotic stress (total approximately 30-fold). These findings will permit future studies to identify the transcription factors involved in the normal regulatory response mechanism to hypertonicity and to identify whether and how this response is altered in a variety of pathologic states, including diabetes.


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Aims: Isolation and characterization of Streptococcus bovis from the dromedary camel and Rusa deer. Methods and Results: Bacteria were isolated from the rumen contents of four camels and two deer fed lucerne hay by culturing on the semi-selective medium MRS agar. Based on Gram morphology and RFLP analysis seven isolates, MPR1, MPR2, MPR3, MPR4, MPR5, RD09 and RD11 were selected and putatively identified as Streptococcus. The identity of these isolates was later confirmed by comparative DNA sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene with the homologous sequence from S. bovis strains, JB1, C14b1, NCFB2476, SbR1, SbR7 and Sb5, from cattle and sheep, and the Streptococcus equinus strain NCD01037T. The percentage similarity amongst all strains was >99%, confirming the identification of the camel isolates as S. bovis. The strains were further characterized by their ability to utilize a range of carbohydrates, the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and lactate and the determination of the doubling time in basal medium 10 supplemented with glucose. All the isolates produced L-lactate as a major fermentation end product, while four of five camel isolates produced VFA. The range of carbohydrates utilized by all the strains tested, including those from cattle and sheep were identical, except that all camel isolates and the deer isolate RD11 were additionally able to utilize arabinose. Conclusions: Streptococcus bovis was successfully isolated from the rumen of camels and deer, and shown by molecular and biochemical characterization to be almost identical to S. bovis isolates from cattle and sheep. Significance and Impact of the Study: Streptococcus bovis is considered a key lactic acid producing bacterium from the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants, and has been implicated as a causative agent of lactic acidosis. This study is the first report of the isolation and characterization of S. bovis from the dromedary camel and Rusa deer, and suggests a major contributive role of this bacterium to fermentative acidosis.


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The nucleotide sequence of genes 4 and 9, encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 of a serotype 10 tissue culture-adapted strain, 1321, representative of asymptomatic neonatal rotaviruses isolated from neonates in Bangalore, India, were determined. Comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of 1321 VP4 and VP7 with previously published sequences of various serotypes revealed that both genes were highly homologous to the respective genes of serotype 10 bovine rotavirus, B223. The VP4 of 1321 represents a new human P serotype and the 1321 and related strains represent the first description of neonatal rotaviruses that appear to derive both surface proteins from an animal rotavirus.


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Comparison of multiple protein structures has a broad range of applications in the analysis of protein structure, function and evolution. Multiple structure alignment tools (MSTAs) are necessary to obtain a simultaneous comparison of a family of related folds. In this study, we have developed a method for multiple structure comparison largely based on sequence alignment techniques. A widely used Structural Alphabet named Protein Blocks (PBs) was used to transform the information on 3D protein backbone conformation as a ID sequence string. A progressive alignment strategy similar to CLUSTALW was adopted for multiple PB sequence alignment (mulPBA). Highly similar stretches identified by the pairwise alignments are given higher weights during the alignment. The residue equivalences from PB based alignments are used to obtain a three dimensional fit of the structures followed by an iterative refinement of the structural superposition. Systematic comparisons using benchmark datasets of MSTAs underlines that the alignment quality is better than MULTIPROT, MUSTANG and the alignments in HOMSTRAD, in more than 85% of the cases. Comparison with other rigid-body and flexible MSTAs also indicate that mulPBA alignments are superior to most of the rigid-body MSTAs and highly comparable to the flexible alignment methods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.