22 resultados para homepages


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The World Wide Web constitutes one of the most important inventions of the late 20th century: it has changed culture, society, business, communication, politics, and many other fields of human endeavour, not least also by providing a more user-friendly pathway of access to its major underlying technology, the Internet itself. Key phases in its development can be charted, especially by how it has been used to present and share information – and here, the personal or professional, private or official homepage stands in as a useful representation of wider Web trends overall. From hand-coded beginnings through several successive stages of experimentation and standardisation, to the shifting balance between personal sites and social networks, the homepage demonstrates how the Web itself, and its place in our lives, have changed.


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Poor student engagement and high failure rates in first year units were addressed at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) with a course restructure involving a fresh approach to introducing programming. Students’ first taste of programming in the new course focused less on the language and syntax, and more on problem solving and design, and the role of programming in relation to other technologies they are likely to encounter in their studies. In effect, several technologies that have historically been compartmentalised and taught in isolation have been brought together as a breadth-first introduction to IT. Incorporating databases and Web development technologies into what used to be a purely programming unit gave students a very short introduction to each technology, with programming acting as the glue between each of them. As a result, students not only had a clearer understanding of the application of programming in the real world, but were able to determine their preference or otherwise for each of the technologies introduced, which will help them when the time comes for choosing a course major. Students engaged well in an intensely collaborative learning environment for this unit which was designed to both support the needs of students and meet industry expectations. Attrition from the unit was low, with computer laboratory practical attendance rates for the first time remaining high throughout semester, and the failure rate falling to a single figure percentage.


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This paper examines a practically ubiquitous, yet largely overlooked, source of city marketing, the official city homepage. The extent to which local governments use the Web as a marketing tool is explored through a comparative analysis of the images featured on the city, convention, and visitors bureau homepages in large and medium-sized U.S. cities. The article goes on to analyze the ways in which the city homepages reflect the population, geography, and built environment of a city and, through a typology of marketing themes found on the city homepages, to suggest the range of ways they may package images of city spaces to communicate a brand identity. The research contributes to an understanding of the ways in which municipalities may attempt to represent the city and suggests that most city homepage imagery is oriented toward marketing goals of tourism and attracting and retaining residents and businesses.


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Websites of academic institutions are the prime source of information about the institution. Libraries, being the main provider of information for the academics, need to be represented in the respective homepages with due importance. Keeping this in mind, this study is an attempt to understand and analyze the presence and presentation of libraries of Engineering Colleges (EC) in Kerala in their respective websites. On the basis of the reviewed literature and an observation of libraries of nationally important institutions imparting technical education in India, a set of criteria were developed for analyzing the websites/web pages. Based on this an extensive survcy of the websites of ECs were done. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The library websites were then ranked on the basis of this analysis. It was observed that majority of the websites of ECs in Kerala have least representation of their respective libraries. Another important observation is that even the highest scoring libraries satisfy only half of the criteria listed for analysis.


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Our employer, Gaddad, is a tattoo and piercing community that was created in 2006 with the basic idea to make it easier for people to get in touch with the tattoo artists and piercers from all over Sweden. With the homepage’s popularity at 2009 they decided to expand with the news page Inkzine. 2011 they contacted us with a plan to expand the homepage to Europe and then merge their two sites under the name Inkzine.The goal of this project was to create design suggestions for Gaddad / Inkzine that both the administration and the current users liked and would consider implementing on the website. In order to evaluate the current design and our suggestions we decided to use two questionnaires . The first questionnaire evaluated the currentdesign to provide us with information for the redesign. The second questionnaire evaluated our new suggestions.With these questionnaire we also carried out an analysis to see the differences in opinions among the users and also between the administration and the users.We also investigated other community homepages, company homepages that had been internationalized, and other tattoo homepages. To see what others had done to adapt to the international market and to investigate the design of tattoo homepages.We also did literary studies in redesign and internationalization, in order to obtain a theoretical foundation for our work.The results of the investigation of other homepages showed that in order to perform an internationalization of a web site no major changes to the looks were necessary, only linguistic changes. The results of our questionnairesshowed that users had in most cases put the majority of their votes on


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Reader-Response Criticism and the Internet: A Methodological Discussion This article explores connections between Internet-based research and reader-response criticism, aiming to critically discuss the methodologies used in this particular field of research. First, the history of reader-response studies is briefly presented, with reference to theorists such as Richards, Rosenblatt, Robbe-Grillet, Iser and Jauss. It is noted that, for the past 15 years, people have utilised the Internet as a basis for the discussion of literary and reading-related topics. Researchers in this field may access reviews and commentaries on open web-based venues such as personal homepages, blogs and online forums (i.e. message boards and discussion sites). The material available on these sites is interesting because of its "spontaneous" nature; that is, such material has been formulated and uploaded without the interference of the researcher. The article presents one concrete example of an Internet-based reader-response study, discussing a number of pros and cons of the chosen methodology– including some important ethical considerations that arise when the researcher’s corpus is composed of material taken from the Internet. One of the conclusions of the paper is that many aspects of the general public’s web-based responses to literature are yet to be explored by the research community.


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A medicina preventiva objetiva, em princípio, melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas, por meio de ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças e suas complicações. No entanto, suas práticas produzem impactos variados, desde financeiros até mercadológicos, os quais podem ser levados em conta no processo decisório referente a sua implantação. Historicamente relacionadas à saúde pública, as práticas de medicina preventiva vêm sendo progressivamente incorporadas pelo setor de planos privados de saúde. O presente trabalho buscou identificar e descrever os programas e ações de medicina preventiva presentes no setor suplementar de saúde brasileiro, explorando as motivações das operadoras de planos de saúde para a implantação de tais práticas. Por meio da análise do que se divulga nas homepages das maiores operadoras brasileiras e do estudo de caso em quatro delas, concluímos que o setor suplementar aplica práticas de medicina preventiva, ainda que de maneira incipiente, estando as mesmas representadas principalmente por ações educativas. Identificamos quatro principais motivações, cuja influência no processo decisório varia de acordo com a prática de medicina preventiva considerada.


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A partir do entendimento de que as grandes corporações são poderosos agentes políticos, econômicos e sociais e que suas missões organizacionais sintetizam a sua razão de ser e existir, o estudo tem como objetivo desvelar o conteúdo político e ideológico subjacente ao discurso empresarial das missões das maiores empresas do Brasil. Assim, foram analisadas as missões divulgadas nas homepages institucionais e/ ou de relações com investidores das 64 empresas que compõem a carteira teórica do Ibovespa, principal indicador do desempenho médio das cotações do mercado de ações brasileiro. Os dados foram analisados à luz das tendências de apropriação do simbolismo pela cultura organizacional, da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), instrumento teórico transdisciplinar que busca compreender a relação entre linguagem, poder, ideologia e sociedade e da perspectiva foucaultiana de discurso, entendendo-o como um espaço de luta pela estabilização dos sentidos, que se pretendem hegemônicos. Os dados foram tratados de forma quantitativa, em busca das palavras de uso mais frequente e, consequentemente de maior relevância, e qualitativa, agrupando-as em categorias lexicais em função de seu significado e de seu papel na declaração de missão organizacional. Os resultados revelam a estrutura subjacente do discurso das missões, permitindo a identificação de perfis específicos de empresas segundo suas características discursivas. Além disso, o trabalho discute como o discurso empresarial se apropria da dimensão simbólica com o propósito de controlar e manipular os trabalhadores, legitimar a atuação das empresas perante a sociedade e naturalizar os preceitos da ideologia neoliberal, apresentando o sistema capitalista atual como a única, melhor e inexorável forma de organização e de produção societária.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Konzeption, den Funktionsumfang und Erfahrungswerte der Open-Source-eLearning-Plattform Stud.IP. Der Funktionsumfang umfasst für jede einzelne Veranstaltung Ablaufpläne, das Hochladen von Hausarbeiten, Diskussionsforen, persönliche Homepages, Chaträume u.v.a. Ziel ist es hierbei, eine Infrastruktur des Lehrens und Lernens anzubieten, die dem Stand der Technik entspricht. Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen finden zudem eine leistungsstarke Umgebung zur Verwaltung ihres Personals, Pflege ihrer Webseiten und der automatischer Erstellung von Veranstaltungs- oder Personallisten vor. Betreiber können auf ein verlässliches Supportsystem zugreifen, dass sie an der Weiterentwicklung durch die Entwickler- und Betreiber-Community teilhaben lässt.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.