999 resultados para home movie


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Excerpts from home movies taken of various Chapman family members, including Charles C. Chapman, during the 1930s and 1940s.


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This paper describes a novel interactive media authoring framework, MediaTE, that enables amateurs to create videos of higher narrative or aesthetic quality with a completely mobile lifecycle. A novel event bootstrapping dialog is used to derive shot suggestions that yield both targetted footage and annotation enabling an automatic Computational Media Aesthetics-aware editing phase, the manual performance of which is typically a barrier to the amateur. This facilitates a move away from requiring a prior-conception of the events or locale being filmed, in the form of a template, to at-capture bootstrapping of this information. Metadata gathered as part of the critical path of media creation also has implications for the longevity and reuse of captured media assets. Results of an evaluation performed on both the usability and delivered media aspects of the system are discussed, which highlight the tenability of the proposed framework and the quality of the produced media.


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This paper describes a novel suggestive interface embedded in a smart camera prototype aimed at aiding home movie makers. We focus on the problem of generating shot capture suggestions suitable to the user's filming context, intended audience and style, and formulate a novel aesthetic measure by which to judge proposed suggestions. Tight coupling between media and software allows the aesthetic measure to be sensitive to previous footage captures, including those taken without the system's prompting, in a manner allowing flexible, end-to-end migration of the authoring task from user to machine. An approximate method is used to find timely, near-optimal solutions to the aesthetic measure. Qualitative evaluation in the form of a user study shows it to be a promising approach to the flexible home movie authoring context.


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In this paper we present an application designed to improve the quality of amateur video production. The majority of home movie material is negatively impacted by two factors: lack of narrative content- "what to shoot?", and the absence or inappropriate use of cinesthetic elements for effective reinforcement of content - "how to shoot?". We leverage the age-old communicative powers of Story to answer the what For the second problem, the how, we turn to the corpus of aesthetic principles that constitute the film profession, which impact both technical and cinematic considerations for a given project.


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This paper presents novel additions to our existing amateur media creation framework. The framework provides at-capture guidance to enable the home movie maker to realize their aesthetic and narrative goals and automation of post-production editing. A common problem with the amateur filming context is its contingent nature, which often results in the failure to gain footage vital to the user's goals, even with at-capture software embedding. Accordingly, we have modelled minimizing the difference between target and captured footage at a given time during filming as a probability distribution divergence problem. We apply two policies of feedback to the user on their performance, passive communication via a suggestion desirability measure, and active filtering of undesirable suggestions. We demonstrate the framework using each policy with a simulation of various user and filming situations with promising results.


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Ce mémoire veut démontrer que le film de famille ainsi que ses conditions de réception empruntent, et ce de façon instinctive, au fonctionnement communicatif et rassembleur de la tradition orale. La parole, l’oralité, devrait être considérée comme le catalyseur de la mise en commun du souvenir que le film de famille suscite. Elle est le véhicule de l’interprétation du message du film de famille en tant que discours familial. D’ailleurs, si l’on compare l’influence des deux registres sensoriels présents dans le médium cinématographique (le visuel et l’oralité), le film de famille reprend davantage les modalités de l’oralité. Conséquemment, son contenu, sa forme et sa finalité correspondent à la définition d’un cinéma de l’oralité, un cinéma de la parole défini par Germain Lacasse. En raison d’une absence de travaux portant spécifiquement sur le sujet, l’objectif de cette recherche est de rapprocher et de définir davantage ces liens qui se sont tissés entre la tradition orale et le film de famille. Dans ce dessein, l’approche théorique développée est basée sur les théories de la tradition orale, sur la théorie de la mémoire collective de Maurice Halbwach et sur les rapports entre le cinéma et l’oralité. Ainsi, les aspects suivants sont abordés : Le rôle de l’oralité dans la constitution de la mémoire familiale, l’apport de l’oralité dans les médias stimulateurs de mémoire familiale et finalement, la forme et le contenu du film de famille en tant qu’aspects distinctifs du cinéma oral. Quatre extraits de films de famille québécois des années 20 à aujourd’hui y sont également analysés.


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Document intégré à la collection Archives en mouvement. Cette collection vise à explorer la diffusion par l'utilisation de documents d'archives. Ce document fut préalablement réalisé dans le cadre du cours SCI6113 Description et diffusion des archives, donné à l’EBSI au trimestre d’automne 2009 par François Cartier dans le cadre du programme de maîtrise en sciences de l'infomation.


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We discuss the design goals for an integrated media creation environment (IMCE) aimed at enabling the average user to create media artifacts with professional qualities. The resulting requirements are implemented and we demonstrate the efficacy of the resulting system with the generation of two simple home movies. The significance for the average user seeking to create home movies lies in the flexible and automatic application of film principles to the task, removal of tedious low-level editing by means of well-formed media transformations in terms of high-level film constructs (e.g., tempo), and content repurposing powered by those same transformations added to the rich semantic information maintained at each phase of the process.


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This photo shows a film crew in a house with a partial image of Betty Perry leaning in the doorway. Charles Perry donated his papers of his time as president of the university to the FIU library where they are held in the archives. An interview, filmed by Richard Pabon and Elizabeth Marsh from FIU’s Broadcast Video Production team, recorded this event.


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Through the exhibition implicit conceptions of home held by the participating artists and those viewing the exhibition were externalized. Represented as images, the conceptions conveyed different as well as shared understandings categorized as physical, cognitive, emotional, instrumental and existential. Unlike written papers on the meaning of home, the exhibition enabled access to a richer understanding of home as facilitating a way of being-in-the-world.


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Videotelephony (real-time audio-visual communication) has been used successfully in adult palliative home care. This paper describes two attempts to complete an RCT (both of which were abandoned following difficulties with family recruitment), designed to investigate the use of videotelephony with families receiving palliative care from a tertiary paediatric oncology service in Brisbane, Australia. To investigate whether providing videotelephone-based support was acceptable to these families, a 12-month non-randomised acceptability trial was completed. Seventeen palliative care families were offered access to a videotelephone support service in addition to the 24 hours ‘on-call’ service already offered. A 92% participation rate in this study provided some reassurance that the use of videotelephones themselves was not a factor in poor RCT participation rates. The next phase of research is to investigate the integration of videotelephone-based support from the time of diagnosis, through outpatient care and support, and for palliative care rather than for palliative care in isolation


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This abstract provides a preliminary discussion of the importance of recognising Torres Strait Islander knowledges and home languages of mathematics education. It stems from a project involving Torres Strait Islander Teachers and Teacher Aides and university based researchers who are working together to enhance the mathematics learning of students from Years 4-9. A key focus of the project is that mathematics is relevant and provides students with opportunities for further education, training and employment. Veronica Arbon (2008) questions the assumptions underpinning Western mainstream education as beneficial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which assumes that it enables them to better participate in Australian society. She asks “how de we best achieve outcomes for and with Indigenous people conducive to our cultural, physical and economic sustainability as defined by us from Indigenous knowledge positions?” (p. 118). How does a mainstream education written to English conventions provide students with the knowledge and skills to participate in daily life, if it does not recognise the cultural identity of Indigenous students as it should (Priest, 2005; cf. Schnukal, 2003)? Arbon (2008) states that this view is now brought into question with calls for both ways education where mainstream knowledge and practices is blended with Indigenous cultural knowledges of learning. This project considers as crucial that cultural knowledges and experiences of Indigenous people to be valued and respected and given the currency in the same way that non Indigenous knowledge is (Taylor, 2003) for both ways education to work.