811 resultados para holistic nursing
Sexuality is recognized as part of holistic nursing care, but its inclusion in clinical practice and nursing training is inconsistent. Based on the question "How students and teachers acknowledge sexuality in teaching and learning?", we developed a study in order to characterize the process of teaching and learning sexuality in a micro perspective of cur- riculum development. We used a mixed methods design with a sequential strategy: QUAN → qual of descriptive and explanatory type. 646 students and teachers participated. The quantitative component used ques- tionnaire surveys. Document analysis was used in the additional component. A curricular dimension of sexuality emerges guided by a behaviourist line and based on a biological vision. The issues considered safe are highlighted and framed in steps of adolescence and adulthood and more attached to female sexuality and the procreative aspect. There is in emergence a hidden curriculum by reference to content from other dimensions of sexuality but less often expressed. Theoretical learning follows a communicational model of reality through ab- straction strategies, which infers a deductive method of learning, with a behaviourist approach to assessment. Clinical teaching ad- dresses sexuality in combination with reproductive health nursing. The influencing factors of teaching and learning of sexuality were also explored. We conclude that the vision of female sexuality taught and learned in relation to women has a projection of care in clinical practice based on the same principles.
Spirituality is considered a dimension of nursing care, which is often recognized as being neglected, mainly due to a lack of education. Several studies have addressed nursing students’ perceptions and skills for providing spiritual care, but there is little evidence on how spirituality is addressed in undergraduate nursing curricula. This study comprised Portuguese and Brazilian nursing schools (from São Paulo) and describes how spirituality is addressed in undergraduate nursing curricula. It is descriptive and the survey research was performed in 2014–2015. The questionnaire was composed of closed and open-ended questions and was sent by e-mail. A total of 129 answers were obtained, mostly from Portugal. Results indicated that several curricular units include spirituality, although having different contents. The learning outcomes are consistent with improving nursing students’ integral education, developing the clinical reasoning regarding spirituality, and improving the assessment of the patient across the life span. Nevertheless, it seems that spirituality is poorly addressed in clinical practice. Few nursing schools have courses or curricular units specifically dealing with spirituality, but they do provide some form of teaching on the subject. No standard curriculum exists, but teachers believe that it is a very important subject that should be included in the courses taught.
Sexuality is recognized as part of holistic nursing care, but its inclusion in clinical practice and nursing training is inconsistent. Based on the question "How students and teachers acknowledge sexuality in teaching and learning?", we developed a study in order to characterize the process of teaching and learning sexuality in a micro perspective of curriculum development. We used a mixed methods design with a sequential strategy: QUAN-qual of descriptive and explanatory type. 646 students and teachers participated. The quantitative component used questionnaire surveys. Document analysis was used in the additional component. A curricular dimension of sexuality emerges guided by a behaviourist line and based on a biological vision. The issues considered sage are highlighted and framed in steps of adolescence and adulthood and more attacghed to female sexuality and procreative aspect. There is in emeergence a hidden curriculum by reference to content from other dimensions of sexuality but less often expressed. Theoretical learning follows a communicational model of reality through abstraction strategies, which infers a deductive method of learning, with a behaviourist approach to assessment. Clinical teaching adresses sexuality in combination with reproductive lealth nursing. The influencing factors of teaching and learning of sexuality were also explored. We conclude that the vision of female sexuality taught and learned in relation to women has a projection of care in clinical practice based on the same principles
El propósito de este trabajo es describir una reflexión originada a partir de una vivencia. En ella, la interpretación del mensaje fue indispensable. El primer paso de la asistencia sanitaria es la entrevista con el paciente. Tras ello, podemos detectar sus necesidades y empezar a actuar adecuadamente. La interpretación inadecuada de los datos obtenidos mediante la entrevista puede conducir a resultados diferentes de los esperados. Con cierta frecuencia, los pacientes reinterpretan o incluso reinventan los nombres de los fármacos, de las enfermedades, etc. En ocasiones puede suceder también con la descripción de la patología subyacente. Estos hechos suelen estar influenciados por diversos factores (culturales, geográficos, etc.). Descifrar su verdadero significado puede llegar a suponer un verdadero reto en algunas ocasiones. Una conversación reciente con mi abuela me condujo a la reflexión sobre la relación profesional sanitario-paciente presentada en este trabajo.
To evaluate how individuals at different stages of infection with HIV perceive their health status and its association with mood states. With the introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in 1996, the quality of life of people living with HIV has improved. However, the literature emphasises the negative effects of the disease on the mental health of individuals suffering from this condition and the high incidence of depression among infected individuals. Although people diagnosed and living with HIV are overwhelmed by emotions, we found that various emotional manifestations are understudied within this group of patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted in an outpatient unit of a University Hospital (antiretroviral therapy clinic), with a consecutive sample composed of 152 patients. Data were collected through a questionnaire used to assess the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, the Short Form (36) Health Survey, and the Profile of Mood States scale. The health status negatively affects the role at the emotional and mental health dimensions. The participants showing a worse health condition than in the previous year had higher levels of tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, fatigue/inertia and confusion/bewilderment. The stage of disease and the profile of mood state emerged as independent phenomena. The results of this study indicate that nurses worldwide should be aware of the emotional aspects (negative emotions strongly impact health) related to the subjective perception of a worsening health status, regardless of the stage of the disease.
Purpose The aim of this case study is to describe clinical staff perceptions of implementing a person-centred model of nursing in an outpatient radiotherapy treatment department, using a Primary Nursing/Collaborative Practice framework. The questions are: 1) what are the nursing and radiotherapy staff perspectives of the changed model of care, 2) what factors impacted on aspects of the evolving model?, and 3) how was interdisciplinary collaboration influenced by the new model? Methods An instrumental case study addressed the multiple perspectives of several radiotherapy health professionals, within a qualitative approach, to assess the new model of nursing care. Interview data were obtained from thirteen clinical staff over a six month period approximately one year after the model was implemented. Results The new model supports nurses to work more closely with the individual patient, with some perceived positive patient outcomes. Nurses reported increased satisfaction with their work, more autonomy and responsibility, and improved working relationships with medical staff. They also became more aware of the holistic approach to support positive patient outcomes. However, this study acknowledged that education was required for nurses to provide holistic care, especially in the context of complex interdisciplinary relationships. Conclusions A person-centred nursing approach in radiotherapy represents a radical change to the functional approach, providing some benefits for patients. However, the challenges of providing holistic care in the context of complex interdisciplinary relationships are evident, and this study acknowledges the importance of a team approach to addressing changes in practice in the future.
Aim The aim of this paper was to explore the concept of expertise in nursing from the perspective of how it relates to current driving forces in health care in which it discusses the potential barriers to acceptance of nursing expertise in a climate in which quantification of value and cost containment run high on agendas. Background Expert nursing practice can be argued to be central to high quality, holistic, individualized patient care. However, changes in government policy which have led to the inception of comprehensive guidelines or protocols of care are in danger of relegating the ‘expert nurse’ to being an icon of the past. Indeed, it could be argued that expert nurses are an expensive commodity within the nursing workforce. Consequently, with this change to the use of clinical guidelines, it calls into question how expert nursing practice will develop within this framework of care. Method The article critically reviews the evidence related to the role of the Expert Nurse in an attempt to identify the key concepts and ideas, and how the inception of care protocols has implications for their role. Conclusion Nursing expertise which focuses on the provision of individualized, holistic care and is based largely on intuitive decision making cannot, should not be reduced to being articulated in positivist terms. However, the dominant power and decision-making focus in health care means that nurses must be confident in articulating the value of a concept which may be outside the scope of knowledge of those with whom they are debating. Relevance to clinical practice The principles of abduction or fuzzy logic may be useful in assisting nurses to explain in terms which others can comprehend, the value of nursing expertise.
Findings from numerous quantitative studies suggest that spouses of patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass (CAB) surgery experience both physical and emotional stress before and after their partner's surgery. Such studies have contributed to our understanding of the spouses' experiences, however they have largely failed to capture the qualitative experience of what it is like to be a spouse of a partner who has undergone CAB surgery. The objective of this study was to describe the experience of spouses of patients who had recently undergone CAB surgery. This study was guided by Husserl's phenomenological approach to qualitative research. In accordance with the nature of phenomenological research the number of participants necessarily needs to be small because phenomenology values the unique experience of individuals. Therefore this study gathered data from four participants utilising open ended indepth interviews. The method of analysis was adapted from Amedeo Giorgi's five step empirical phenomenological process which brackets preconceived notions, reducing participants' accounts to the essential essence or meanings. Numerous themes common to each of the spouses emerged. These included: seeking information; the necessity for rapid decision making; playing guardian; a desire to debrief with their partner and lastly, uncertainty of their future role. This study has attempted to understand the phenomena of the spouse's experience and in doing so, believe that we now have a better understanding and insight into the needs of spouses of CAB surgery patients. This has added another dimension to our existing body of knowledge and further facilitates holistic patient care.
Care Planning in Children and Young People's Nursing addresses a selection of the most common concerns that arise when planning care for infants, children and young people within the hospital and community setting. Clear and detailed, this text reflects both the uniqueness and diversity of contemporary children's nursing and utilizes images and case studies to provide a holistic insight into the practice of care planning through the reporting of best available evidence and current research, policy and education.
Divided into sections for ease of reference, Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing explores both the theory and practice of care planning. Chapters on the principles of care planning include issues such as managing risk, safeguarding children, ethical and legal implications, integrated care pathways, interprofessional assessment, and invaluable parent perspectives. Additional chapters on the application of planning care examine the practical aspects of a wide range of specific conditions including cystic fibrosis, obesity, cardiac/renal failure and HIV/AIDS. Each chapter is interactive, with questions, learning activities and points for discussion creating an engaging and enquiry-based learning approach.
Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing is a definitive resource, reflecting innovative practice which is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate nurse education.
Due to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment, increasing numbers of people can be expected to live with and beyond cancer. Yet for many, survival might be characterised by physical and psychological morbidity, decreased functional status and disability, which may increase as the length of time from the completion of treatment extends. However, careful integrated assessment and relevant and acceptable care planning can mitigate these effects; people can be helped and supported in self-management and ultimately enabled to live full and productive lives in a manner that is acceptable to them.
Many people are living with or beyond a cancer diagnosis in the UK. The vision of the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative is that they are supported to live as healthy and as active a life as possible for as long as possible. To realise this vision, a recovery package has been developed, a component of which is holistic needs assessment (HNA) and care planning. This article presents the background and rationale for HNA and offers some practical suggestions for implementation in the current health climate.
This study aims to investigate the role assigned to the holistic nurse and the education she receives to perform her role with maximum efficiency within the Brazilian Holistic Action (Acao Integralista Brasileira), a right-wing political party that emerged in Brazil in the 1930s. It uses holistic newspapers, the "Holistic Encyclopedia" collection, and records about the Holistic School of Nursing which compose the criminal collection by the Political Police, organized by the Special Police of Political and Social Safety as source material. As a result, the study presents a significant investment of holistic thinking in formally educating nurses, women who took the opportunity of the moment to expand their social arenas. It concludes that, although holistic thinking strengthened social roles described as female, the women's relationship with the movement was innovative because it enabled new practices and representations that they also started to develop in the public sphere, for example, working as nurses.
The purpose of this investigation was to develop a reliable scale to measure the social environment of hospital nursing units according to the degree of humanistic and dehumanistic behaviors as perceived by nursing staff in hospitals. The study was based on a conceptual model proposed by Jan Howard, a sociologist. After reviewing the literature relevant to personalization of care, analyzing interviews with patients in various settings, and studying biological, psychological, and sociological frames of reference, Howard proposed the following necessary conditions for humanized health care. They were the dimensions of Irreplaceability, Holistic Selves, Freedom of Action, Status Equality, Shared Decision Making and Responsibility, Empathy, and Positive Affect.^ It was proposed that a scale composed of behaviors which reflected Howard's dimensions be developed within the framework of the social environment of nursing care units in hospitals. Nursing units were chosen because hospitals are traditionally organized around nursing care units and because patients spend the majority of their time in hospitals interacting with various levels of nursing personnel.^ Approximately 180 behaviors describing both patient and nursing staff behaviors which occur on nursing units were developed. Behaviors which were believed to be humanistic as well as dehumanistic were included. The items were classified under the dimensions of Howard's model by a purposively selected sample of 42 nurses representing a broad range of education, experience, and clinical areas. Those items with a high degree of agreement, at least 50%, were placed in the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 169 items including six items from the Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Short Form).^ The questionnaire, the Social Environment Scale, was distributed to the entire 7 to 3 shift nursing staff (603) of four hospitals including a public county specialty hospital, a public county general and acute hospital, a large university affiliated hospital with all services, and a small general community hospital. Staff were asked to report on a Likert type scale how often the listed behaviors occurred on their units. Three hundred and sixteen respondents (52% of the population) participated in the study.^ An item analysis was done in which each item was examined in relationship to its correlation to its own dimension total and to the totals of the other dimensions. As a result of this analysis, three dimensions, Positive Affect, Irreplaceability, and Freedom of Action were deleted from the scale. The final scale consisted of 70 items with 26 in Shared Decision Making and Responsibility, 25 in Holistic Selves, 12 in Status Equality, and seven in Empathy. The alpha coefficient was over .800 for all scales except Empathy which was .597.^ An analysis of variance by hospital was performed on the means of each dimension of the scale. There was a statistically significant difference between hospitals with a trend for the public hospitals to score lower on the scale than the university or community hospitals. That the scale scores should be lower in crowded, understaffed public hospitals was not unexpected and reflected that the scale had some discriminating ability. These differences were still observed after adjusting for the effect of Social Desirability.^ In summary, there is preliminary evidence based on this exploratory investigation that a reliable scale based on at least four dimensions from Howard's model could be developed to measure the concept of humanistic health care in hospital settings. ^
El propósito del artículo es el análisis de las organizaciones transcomplejas desde la perspectiva de la Enfermería, en el contexto del paradigma de la complejidad. Todos los cuestionamientos realizados a las ciencias de la modernidad fueron necesarios para dar al mundo desarrollos de enorme significación, como es el paradigma de la complejidad donde se rescata la idea de la totalidad universal y con ella el holismo dentro de las organizaciones, si se consideran estas como organismos vivo; y este aplicado al campo de la salud donde los profesionales del cuidado de la salud entre ellos la enfermería ha aceptado la perspectiva de salud holística como, más que la ausencia de enfermedad, como la realización individual. La humanidad vive una crisis de fragmentación que conduce a sentimientos y emociones destructivas de la armonía y del arte de vivir en equilibrio. La perspectiva holistica se preocupa de promover la salud mediante la prevención y se aplica a las personas que se recuperan de una enfermedad y desean aprender a prevenir su repetición y mejorar su estatus de salud futura. Así, la enfermería estudia la totalidad o la salud de los humanos, reconociendo que los humanos están en continua interacción con su medio ambiente
El propósito del artículo es el análisis de las organizaciones transcomplejas desde la perspectiva de la Enfermería, en el contexto del paradigma de la complejidad. Todos los cuestionamientos realizados a las ciencias de la modernidad fueron necesarios para dar al mundo desarrollos de enorme significación, como es el paradigma de la complejidad donde se rescata la idea de la totalidad universal y con ella el holismo dentro de las organizaciones, si se consideran estas como organismos vivo; y este aplicado al campo de la salud donde los profesionales del cuidado de la salud entre ellos la enfermería ha aceptado la perspectiva de salud holística como, más que la ausencia de enfermedad, como la realización individual. La humanidad vive una crisis de fragmentación que conduce a sentimientos y emociones destructivas de la armonía y del arte de vivir en equilibrio. La perspectiva holistica se preocupa de promover la salud mediante la prevención y se aplica a las personas que se recuperan de una enfermedad y desean aprender a prevenir su repetición y mejorar su estatus de salud futura. Así, la enfermería estudia la totalidad o la salud de los humanos, reconociendo que los humanos están en continua interacción con su medio ambiente