1000 resultados para hole density


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The depth distribution of the hole density p in 500 nm-thick (Ga,Mn)As layers is investigated. From Raman scattering spectra, it is found that the gradients of p are opposite in the as-grown and annealed layers. At the region around the free surface, with increasing etching depth, p significantly increases in the as-grown layer; however, p decreases distinctly in the annealed layer. Then, in the bulk, p becomes almost homogeneous for both cases. The etching-depth dependence of Curie temperature obtained from magnetic measurements is in agreement with the distribution characterization of p. These results suggest that annealing induces outdiffusion of Mn interstitials towards the free surface, and incomplete outdiffusion during the growth leads to an accumulation of Mn interstitials around the free surface of the as-grown (Ga,Mn)As. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The hole-mediated Curie temperature in Mn-doped wurtzite ZnO nanowires is investigated using the k center dot p method and mean field model. The Curie temperature T-C as a function of the hole density has many peaks for small Mn concentration (x(eff)) due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires. The peaks of T-C are merged by the carriers' thermal distribution when x(eff) is large. High Curie temperature T-C > 400 K is found in (Zn,Mn)O nanowires. A transverse electric field changes the Curie temperature a lot. (Zn,Mn)O nanowires can be tuned from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic by a transverse electric field at room temperature. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose and develop here a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau-like theory of cuprate high-temperature superconductivity. The free energy of a cuprate superconductor is expressed as a functional F of the complex spin-singlet pair amplitude psi(ij) equivalent to psi(m) = Delta(m) exp(i phi(m)), where i and j are nearest-neighbor sites of the square planar Cu lattice in which the superconductivity is believed to primarily reside, and m labels the site located at the center of the bond between i and j. The system is modeled as a weakly coupled stack of such planes. We hypothesize a simple form FDelta, phi] = Sigma(m)A Delta(2)(m) + (B/2)Delta(4)(m)] + C Sigma(< mn >) Delta(m) Delta(n) cos(phi(m) - phi(n)) for the functional, where m and n are nearest-neighbor sites on the bond-center lattice. This form is analogous to the original continuum Ginzburg-Landau free-energy functional; the coefficients A, B, and C are determined from comparison with experiments. A combination of analytic approximations, numerical minimization, and Monte Carlo simulations is used to work out a number of consequences of the proposed functional for specific choices of A, B, and C as functions of hole density x and temperature T. There can be a rapid crossover of from small to large values as A changes sign from positive to negative on lowering T; this crossover temperature T-ms(x) is identified with the observed pseudogap temperature T*(x). The thermodynamic superconducting phase-coherence transition occurs at a lower temperature T-c(x), and describes superconductivity with d-wave symmetry for positive C. The calculated T-c(x) curve has the observed parabolic shape. The results for the superfluid density rho(s)(x, T), the local gap magnitude , the specific heat C-v(x, T) (with and without a magnetic field), as well as vortex properties, all obtained using the proposed functional, are compared successfully with experiments. We also obtain the electron spectral density as influenced by the coupling between the electrons and the correlation function of the pair amplitude calculated from the functional, and compare the results successfully with the electronic spectrum measured through angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). For the specific heat, vortex structure, and electron spectral density, only some of the final results are reported here; the details are presented in subsequent papers.


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The electronic structure and optical gain of wurtzite ZnO nanowires are investigated in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory. We found that as the elliptical aspect ratio e increases to be larger than a critical value, the hole ground states may change from optically dark to optically bright. The optical gain of ZnO nanowires increases as the hole density increases. For elliptical wire with large e, the y-polarized mode gain can be several thousand cm(-1), while the x-poiarized mode gain may be 26 times smaller than the former, so they can be used as ultraviolet linearly polarized lasers. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Raman scattering measurements have been performed in Ga1-xMnxAs crystals prepared by Mn ions implantation, deposition, and post-annealing. The Raman spectrum measured from the implanted surface of the sample shows some weak phonon modes in addition to GaAs-like phonon modes, where the GaAs-like LO and TO phonons are found to be shifted by approximately 4 and 2 cm(-1), respectively, in the lower frequency direction compared to those observed from the unimplanted surface of the sample. The weak vibrational modes observed are assigned to hausmannite Mn3O4 like. The coupled LO-phonon plasmon mode (CLOPM), and defects and As related vibrational modes caused by Mn ions implantation, deposition, and post-annealing are also observed. The compositional dependence of GaAs-like LO phonon frequency is developed for strained and unstrained conditions and then using the observed LOGaAs peak, the Mn composition is evaluated to be 0.034. Furthermore, by analyzing the intensity of CLOPM and unscreened LOGaAs phonon mode, the hole density is evaluated to be 1.84 x 10(18) cm(-3). (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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Raman spectra of diluted magnetic semiconductor GaMnAs alloy were reported. The coupled plamon-LO-phonon ( CPLP) mode has LO-like polarization properties. With increasing Mn concentration, the CPLP mode shifts to low frequency. The hole density in the alloy was determined from the ratio of the intensity of the CPLP mode to that of the unscreened LO mode in the depletion layer. The hole density increases with the increase of the Mn composition. The Raman spectra of GaMnAs alloy were measured at different temperature. It is confirmed that the hole density in the alloy increases with the increase of the temperature.


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The valences of Cu in Y1-xGaxBa2Cu3O6+y have been investigated by using complex chemical bond theory The results for the valences of Cu(1) and Cu(2) in the calculation suggest that the holes introduced by calcium substitution only reside in CuO2 planes, and there is a competition mechanism for the hole density in CuO2 planes between Ca doping and oxygen depletion. These conclusions are satisfactorily in agreement with experiments.


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The valences of Cu and bond covalencies in Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6+y, have been investigated using complex chemical bond theory, This theory is the generalization of Phillips, Van Vechten, Levine, and Tanaka's scheme. The results indicate that the valences of Cu(1) and Cu(2) in our calculation agree well with those obtained by the bond valence sum method. The valences of Cu(1) and Cu(2) in our calculation also suggest that the holes introduced by Ca substitution only reside in CuO2 planes and there is a competing mechanism for the hole density in CuO2 planes between,Ca doping and oxygen depletion. These conclusions are in satisfactory agreement with experiments. The calculated ordering of covalencies is Cu(1)-O(4)>Cu(1)-O(1)>Cu(2)-O(2,3)>Cu(2)-O(1)>Ca-O>Y-O similar to Ba-O, regardless of the Ca doping level and oxygen content. [S0163-1829(98)03325-6].


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En aquest treball es presenta l'ús de funcions de densitat electrònica de forat de Fermi per incrementar el paper que pren una regió molecular concreta, considerada com a responsable de la reactivitat molecular, tot i mantenir la mida de la funció de densitat original. Aquestes densitats s'utilitzen per fer mesures d'autosemblança molecular quàntica i es presenten com una alternativa a l'ús de fragments moleculars aillats en estudis de relació entre estructura i propietat. El treball es complementa amb un exemple pràctic, on es correlaciona l'autosemblanca molecular a partir de densitats modificades amb l'energia d'una reacció isodòsmica


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La present tesi, tot i que emmarcada dins de la teoria de les Mesures Semblança Molecular Quántica (MQSM), es deriva en tres àmbits clarament definits: - La creació de Contorns Moleculars de IsoDensitat Electrònica (MIDCOs, de l'anglès Molecular IsoDensity COntours) a partir de densitats electròniques ajustades. - El desenvolupament d'un mètode de sobreposició molecular, alternatiu a la regla de la màxima semblança. - Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat (QSAR, de l'anglès Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships). L'objectiu en el camp dels MIDCOs és l'aplicació de funcions densitat ajustades, ideades inicialment per a abaratir els càlculs de MQSM, per a l'obtenció de MIDCOs. Així, es realitza un estudi gràfic comparatiu entre diferents funcions densitat ajustades a diferents bases amb densitats obtingudes de càlculs duts a terme a nivells ab initio. D'aquesta manera, l'analogia visual entre les funcions ajustades i les ab initio obtinguda en el ventall de representacions de densitat obtingudes, i juntament amb els valors de les mesures de semblança obtinguts prèviament, totalment comparables, fonamenta l'ús d'aquestes funcions ajustades. Més enllà del propòsit inicial, es van realitzar dos estudis complementaris a la simple representació de densitats, i són l'anàlisi de curvatura i l'extensió a macromolècules. La primera observació correspon a comprovar no només la semblança dels MIDCOs, sinó la coherència del seu comportament a nivell de curvatura, podent-se així observar punts d'inflexió en la representació de densitats i veure gràficament aquelles zones on la densitat és còncava o convexa. Aquest primer estudi revela que tant les densitats ajustades com les calculades a nivell ab initio es comporten de manera totalment anàloga. En la segona part d'aquest treball es va poder estendre el mètode a molècules més grans, de fins uns 2500 àtoms. Finalment, s'aplica part de la filosofia del MEDLA. Sabent que la densitat electrònica decau ràpidament al allunyar-se dels nuclis, el càlcul d'aquesta pot ser obviat a distàncies grans d'aquests. D'aquesta manera es va proposar particionar l'espai, i calcular tan sols les funcions ajustades de cada àtom tan sols en una regió petita, envoltant l'àtom en qüestió. Duent a terme aquest procés, es disminueix el temps de càlcul i el procés esdevé lineal amb nombre d'àtoms presents en la molècula tractada. En el tema dedicat a la sobreposició molecular es tracta la creació d'un algorisme, així com la seva implementació en forma de programa, batejat Topo-Geometrical Superposition Algorithm (TGSA), d'un mètode que proporcionés aquells alineaments que coincideixen amb la intuïció química. El resultat és un programa informàtic, codificat en Fortran 90, el qual alinea les molècules per parelles considerant tan sols nombres i distàncies atòmiques. La total absència de paràmetres teòrics permet desenvolupar un mètode de sobreposició molecular general, que proporcioni una sobreposició intuïtiva, i també de forma rellevant, de manera ràpida i amb poca intervenció de l'usuari. L'ús màxim del TGSA s'ha dedicat a calcular semblances per al seu ús posterior en QSAR, les quals majoritàriament no corresponen al valor que s'obtindria d'emprar la regla de la màxima semblança, sobretot si hi ha àtoms pesats en joc. Finalment, en l'últim tema, dedicat a la Semblança Quàntica en el marc del QSAR, es tracten tres aspectes diferents: - Ús de matrius de semblança. Aquí intervé l'anomenada matriu de semblança, calculada a partir de les semblances per parelles d'entre un conjunt de molècules. Aquesta matriu és emprada posteriorment, degudament tractada, com a font de descriptors moleculars per a estudis QSAR. Dins d'aquest àmbit s'han fet diversos estudis de correlació d'interès farmacològic, toxicològic, així com de diverses propietats físiques. - Aplicació de l'energia d'interacció electró-electró, assimilat com a una forma d'autosemblança. Aquesta modesta contribució consisteix breument en prendre el valor d'aquesta magnitud, i per analogia amb la notació de l'autosemblança molecular quàntica, assimilar-la com a cas particular de d'aquesta mesura. Aquesta energia d'interacció s'obté fàcilment a partir de programari mecanoquàntic, i esdevé ideal per a fer un primer estudi preliminar de correlació, on s'utilitza aquesta magnitud com a únic descriptor. - Càlcul d'autosemblances, on la densitat ha estat modificada per a augmentar el paper d'un substituent. Treballs previs amb densitats de fragments, tot i donar molt bons resultats, manquen de cert rigor conceptual en aïllar un fragment, suposadament responsable de l'activitat molecular, de la totalitat de l'estructura molecular, tot i que les densitats associades a aquest fragment ja difereixen degut a pertànyer a esquelets amb diferents substitucions. Un procediment per a omplir aquest buit que deixa la simple separació del fragment, considerant així la totalitat de la molècula (calcular-ne l'autosemblança), però evitant al mateix temps valors d'autosemblança no desitjats provocats per àtoms pesats, és l'ús de densitats de Forats de fermi, els quals es troben definits al voltant del fragment d'interès. Aquest procediment modifica la densitat de manera que es troba majoritàriament concentrada a la regió d'interès, però alhora permet obtenir una funció densitat, la qual es comporta matemàticament igual que la densitat electrònica regular, podent-se així incorporar dins del marc de la semblança molecular. Les autosemblances calculades amb aquesta metodologia han portat a bones correlacions amb àcids aromàtics substituïts, podent així donar una explicació al seu comportament. Des d'un altre punt de vista, també s'han fet contribucions conceptuals. S'ha implementat una nova mesura de semblança, la d'energia cinètica, la qual consisteix en prendre la recentment desenvolupada funció densitat d'energia cinètica, la qual al comportar-se matemàticament igual a les densitats electròniques regulars, s'ha incorporat en el marc de la semblança. A partir d'aquesta mesura s'han obtingut models QSAR satisfactoris per diferents conjunts moleculars. Dins de l'aspecte del tractament de les matrius de semblança s'ha implementat l'anomenada transformació estocàstica com a alternativa a l'ús de l'índex Carbó. Aquesta transformació de la matriu de semblança permet obtenir una nova matriu no simètrica, la qual pot ser posteriorment tractada per a construir models QSAR.


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No período de outubro a novembro de 1990, foi realizado na Bacia Sergipe-Alagoas o primeiro levantamento gravimétrico de poço no Brasil, através de um programa com a participação da Universidade Federal do Pará, a PETROBRÁS e o U.S.G.S. (United States Geological Survey). Este levantamento teve como objetivos o teste do equipamento, a resposta dos perfis gravimétricos em relação aos problemas encontrados nas bacias sedimentares brasileiras e a comparação com os dados de densidade obtidos com o perfil de densidade compensada (CDL). Os levantamentos foram realizados em três poços e os dados obtidos passaram por um processo de redução, onde os valores foram transformados para miligals e corrigidos dos efeitos de maré, deriva e terreno, para obter as densidades preliminares. Porém, a região onde foram realizados os levantamentos apresenta além do embasamento muito raso, uma seqüência evaporítica com contraste de densidade grande em relação ao resto do pacote sedimentar, gerando gradientes verticais anômalos. Estes efeitos foram então corrigidos e obtidos os valores finais de densidade. Com base em uma caracterização litológica prévia, os valores de densidade foram então comparados com o perfil CDL. Verificou-se a boa qualidade dos dados, o que permitiu o cálculo de valores de porosidade, mostrando assim possíveis intervalos de interesse à exploração de hidrocarbonetos, tanto no embasamento, reservatório mais importante, quanto no intervalo sedimentar.


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In the last decades, an increasing interest in the research field of wide bandgap semiconductors was observed, mostly due to the progressive approaching of silicon-based devices to their theoretical limits. 4H-SiC is an example among these, and is a mature compound for applications. The main advantages offered 4H-SiC in comparison with silicon are an higher breakdown field, an higher thermal conductivity, a higher operating temperature, very high hardness and melting point, biocompatibility, but also low switching losses in high frequencies applications and lower on-resistances in unipolar devices. Then, 4H-SiC power devices offer great performance improvement; moreover, they can work in hostile environments where silicon power devices cannot function. Ion implantation technology is a key process in the fabrication of almost all kinds of SiC devices, owing to the advantage of a spatially selective doping. This work is dedicated to the electrical investigation of several differently-processed 4H-SiC ion- implanted samples, mainly through Hall effect and space charge spectroscopy experiments. It was also developed the automatic control (Labview) of several experiments. In the work, the effectiveness of high temperature post-implant thermal treatments (up to 2000°C) were studied and compared considering: (i) different methods, (ii) different temperatures and (iii) different duration of the annealing process. Preliminary p + /n and Schottky junctions were also investigated as simple test devices. 1) Heavy doping by ion implantation of single off-axis 4H-SiC layers The electrical investigation is one of the most important characterization of ion-implanted samples, which must be submitted to mandatory post-implant thermal treatment in order to both (i) recover the lattice after ion bombardment, and (ii) address the implanted impurities into lattice sites so that they can effectively act as dopants. Electrical investigation can give fundamental information on the efficiency of the electrical impurity activation. To understand the results of the research it should be noted that: (a) To realize good ohmic contacts it is necessary to obtain spatially defined highly doped regions, which must have conductivity as low as possible. (b) It has been shown that the electrical activation efficiency and the electrical conductivity increase with the annealing temperature increasing. (c) To maximize the layer conductivity, temperatures around 1700°C are generally used and implantation density high till to 10 21 cm -3 . In this work, an original approach, different from (c), is explored by the using very high annealing temperature, around 2000°C, on samples of Al + -implant concentration of the order of 10 20 cm -3 . Several Al + -implanted 4H-SiC samples, resulting of p-type conductivity, were investigated, with a nominal density varying in the range of about 1-5∙10 20 cm -3 and subjected to two different high temperature thermal treatments. One annealing method uses a radiofrequency heated furnace till to 1950°C (Conventional Annealing, CA), the other exploits a microwave field, providing a fast heating rate up to 2000°C (Micro-Wave Annealing, MWA). In this contest, mainly ion implanted p-type samples were investigated, both off-axis and on-axis <0001> semi-insulating 4H-SiC. Concerning p-type off-axis samples, a high electrical activation of implanted Al (50-70%) and a compensation ratio below 10% were estimated. In the work, the main sample processing parameters have been varied, as the implant temperature, CA annealing duration, and heating/cooling rates, and the best values assessed. MWA method leads to higher hole density and lower mobility than CA in equivalent ion implanted layers, resulting in lower resistivity, probably related to the 50°C higher annealing temperature. An optimal duration of the CA treatment was estimated in about 12-13 minutes. A RT resistivity on the lowest reported in literature for this kind of samples, has been obtained. 2) Low resistivity data: variable range hopping Notwithstanding the heavy p-type doping levels, the carrier density remained less than the critical one required for a semiconductor to metal transition. However, the high carrier densities obtained was enough to trigger a low temperature impurity band (IB) conduction. In the heaviest doped samples, such a conduction mechanism persists till to RT, without significantly prejudice the mobility values. This feature can have an interesting technological fall, because it guarantee a nearly temperature- independent carrier density, it being not affected by freeze-out effects. The usual transport mechanism occurring in the IB conduction is the nearest neighbor hopping: such a regime is effectively consistent with the resistivity temperature behavior of the lowest doped samples. In the heavier doped samples, however, a trend of the resistivity data compatible with a variable range hopping (VRH) conduction has been pointed out, here highlighted for the first time in p-type 4H-SiC. Even more: in the heaviest doped samples, and in particular, in those annealed by MWA, the temperature dependence of the resistivity data is consistent with a reduced dimensionality (2D) of the VRH conduction. In these samples, TEM investigation pointed out faulted dislocation loops in the basal plane, whose average spacing along the c-axis is comparable with the optimal length of the hops in the VRH transport. This result suggested the assignment of such a peculiar behavior to a kind of spatial confinement into a plane of the carrier hops. 3) Test device the p + -n junction In the last part of the work, the electrical properties of 4H-SiC diodes were also studied. In this case, a heavy Al + ion implantation was realized on n-type epilayers, according to the technological process applied for final devices. Good rectification properties was shown from these preliminary devices in their current-voltage characteristics. Admittance spectroscopy and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements showed the presence of electrically active defects other than the dopants ones, induced in the active region of the diodes by ion implantation. A critical comparison with the literature of these defects was performed. Preliminary to such an investigation, it was assessed the experimental set up for the admittance spectroscopy and current-voltage investigation and the automatic control of these measurements.


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Metal oxide protection layers for photoanodes may enable the development of large-scale solar fuel and solar chemical synthesis, but the poor photovoltages often reported so far will severely limit their performance. Here we report a novel observation of photovoltage loss associated with a charge extraction barrier imposed by the protection layer, and, by eliminating it, achieve photovoltages as high as 630mV, the maximum reported so far for water-splitting silicon photoanodes. The loss mechanism is systematically probed in metal-insulator-semiconductor Schottky junction cells compared to buried junction p(+) n cells, revealing the need to maintain a characteristic hole density at the semiconductor/insulator interface. A leaky-capacitor model related to the dielectric properties of the protective oxide explains this loss, achieving excellent agreement with the data. From these findings, we formulate design principles for simultaneous optimization of built-in field, interface quality, and hole extraction to maximize the photovoltage of oxide-protected water-splitting anodes.


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Using density functional theory calculations with HSE 06 functional, we obtained the structures of spin-polarized radicals on rutile TiO2(110), which is crucial to understand the photooxidation at the atomic level, and further calculate the thermodynamic stabilities of these radicals. By analyzing the results, we identify the structural features for hole trapping in the system, and reveal the mutual effects among the geometric structures, the energy levels of trapped hole states and their hole trapping capacities. Furthermore, the results from HSE 06 functional are compared to those from DFT + U and the stability trend of radicals against the number of slabs is tested. The effect of trapped holes on two important steps of the oxygen evolution reaction, i.e. water dissociation and the oxygen removal, is investigated and discussed.