516 resultados para histochemical
PURPOSE: To study morphologic and histochemical alterations arising at the ileocystoplasty site. METHODS: Sixteen Wistar female rats were subjected to ileocystoplasty and sacrificed after eight weeks. Material collected was divided into four groups for histological and histochemical studies: Group I (control) - isolated ileum segment removed during ileocystoplasty; Group II - ileoileal anastomosis; Group III - ileovesical anastomosis and Group IV - ileal segment from the neobladder. Histological and histochemical study assessed dysplasia, metaplasia, acute and chronic inflammation, fibrosis, atrophy, hypertrophy, total mucins, sialomucins and sulfomucins. The non-parametric Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were employed in statistical analysis. RESULTS: None of the groups presented dysplasia. Acute inflammation and atrophy occurred in Groups II, III and IV, not reaching statistical significance. Metaplasia was significant only in Group III (p=0.012). Chronic inflammation, fibrosis and hypertrophy were significant in Groups II, III and IV. There was a significant increase in total mucin content in Group IV (p=0.014) and a reduction in Group III (p=0.016). Increases in sialomucins were observed in samples for Groups III (p=0.003) and IV (p=0.002) along with reduced sulfomucins in samples from Groups III (p=0.013) and IV (p=0.008). CONCLUSION: Ileocystoplasty in female rats caused squamous metaplasia, chronic inflammatory infiltration, fibrosis, hypertrophy, increase in sialomucin content, reduction in sulfomucins, and alterations in total mucin content with statistical significance, as well acute inflammatory infiltration and muscular atrophy with less intensity.
Although it is currently believed that the vocal ligament of humans undergoes considerable development postnatally, there is no consensus as to the age at which it first emerges. In the newborn infant, the lamina propria has been described as containing a sparse collection of relatively unorganized fibres. In this study we obtained larynges from autopsy of human fetuses aged 7-9 months and used light and electron microscopy to study the collagenous and elastic system fibres in the lamina propria of the vocal fold. Collagen fibres were viewed using the Picrosirius polarization method and elastic system fibres were stained using Weigert`s resorcin-fuchsin after oxidation with oxone. The histochemical and electron microscopic observations were consistent, showing collagen populations with an asymmetric distribution across different compartments of the lamina propria. In the central region, the collagen appeared as thin, weakly birefringent, greenish fibres when viewed using the Picrosirius polarization method, whereas the superficial and deep regions contained thick collagen fibres that displayed a strong red or yellow birefringence. These findings suggest that the thin fibres in the central region consist mainly of type III collagen, whereas type I collagen predominates in the superficial and deep regions, as has been reported in studies of adult vocal folds. Similarly, elastic system fibres showed a differential distribution throughout the lamina propria. Their distribution pattern was complementary to that of collagen fibres, with a much greater density of elastic fibres apparent in the central region than in the superficial and deep regions. This distribution of collagen and elastic fibres in the fetal vocal fold mirrors that classically described for the adult vocal ligament, suggesting that a vocal ligament has already begun to develop by the time of birth. The apparently high level of organization of connective tissue components in the newborn is in contrast to current hypotheses that argue that the mechanical stimuli of phonation are essential to the determination of the layered structure of the lamina propria and suggests that genetic factors may play a more significant role in the development of the vocal ligament than previously believed.
Traditional Periodic Acid Schiff has been extensively used, coupled with immunohistochemistry for epithelia or mesenchymal cells, to highlight renal tubular basement membrane (TBM). We recently tried to perform such technique in a 5/6 nephrectomy model of progressive renal fibrosis to demonstrate TBM disruption as an evidence for epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation. Despite excellent basement membrane staining with traditional fuchsin-Periodic Acid Schiff, the interface between epithelial and mesenchymal cells was frequently blurred when revealed with 3`3 diaminobenzidine tetrachloride-peroxidase. Also, it was inadequate when revealed with alkaline phosphatase-fast red. We devised a triple staining method with Periodic Acid-Thionin Schiff to highlight basement membrane in blue, after double immunostaining for epithelium and mesenchymal cells. Blue basement membrane rendered a brisk contrast and highlighted boundaries between epithelial-mesenchymal interfaces. This method was easy to perform and useful to demonstrate the TBM, yield a clear demonstration of the very focal TBM disruption found in this model of progressive renal fibrosis.
The dorsal surface of the tongue of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, has simple columnar epithelium with a few ciliated cells and goblet cells. The entire surface is covered with numerous filiform papillae and few fungiform. Filiform papillae have a simple columnar epithelium with secretory cells, while the fungiform have a sensory disc on their upper surface the lined by a stratified columnar epithelium with basal, peripheral, glandular and receptor cells. Over the dorsal lingual surface there are numerous winding tubular glands, which penetrate deeply into the muscle of the tongue, mingling with the fibers. The gland epithelium is cylindrical with secretory and supporting cells. The first are absolute on the basis of the gland and the latter are rare in the upper third. The ventral surface of the tongue is lined by a stratified epithelium, with the presence of goblet cells, with ciliated cells among them. Morphometrically, lingual glands varies in length, according to their location: shorter in the anterior region of the tongue (330 mu m) than in the posterior region (450 mu m). Secretory cells of the anterior lingual glands are smaller (1457.7 mm(3)) than the posterior ones (2645.9 mu m(3)). The same can be said of the cell nuclei, 130.0 mu m(3) for the anterior glands and 202.3 mu m(3) for the posterior ones. Secretory cells of the lingual glands contain substances rich in protein and neutral mucopolysaccharides, which characterize the seromucous type. Goblet cells of the dorsal and ventral surface epithelia secrete neutral mucopolysaccharides and proteins, and can be characterized as type G1 cells, and the supporting cells of the superficial glands of the fungiform papillae secrete a mucus rich in neutral mucopolysaccharides, sulfomucins and sialomucins.
According to the new KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines, the term of renal osteodystrophy, should be used exclusively in reference to the invasive diagnosis of bone abnormalities. Due to the low sensitivity and specificity of biochemical serum markers of bone remodelling,the performance of bone biopsies is highly stimulated in dialysis patients and after kidney transplantation. The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an iso-enzyme of the group of acid phosphatases, which is highly expressed by activated osteoclasts and macrophages. TRACP in osteoclasts is in intracytoplasmic vesicles that transport the products of bone matrix degradation. Being present in activated osteoclasts, the identification of this enzyme by histochemistry in undecalcified bone biopsies is an excellent method to quantify the resorption of bone. Since it is an enzymatic histochemical method for a thermolabile enzyme, the temperature at which it is performed is particularly relevant. This study aimed to determine the optimal temperature for identification of TRACP in activated osteoclasts in undecalcified bone biopsies embedded in methylmethacrylate. We selected 10 cases of undecalcified bone biopsies from hemodialysis patients with the diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Sections of 5 μm were stained to identify TRACP at different incubation temperatures (37º, 45º, 60º, 70º and 80ºC) for 30 minutes. Activated osteoclasts stained red and trabecular bone (mineralized bone) was contrasted with toluidine blue. This approach also increased the visibility of the trabecular bone resorption areas (Howship lacunae). Unlike what is suggested in the literature and in several international protocols, we found that the best results were obtained with temperatures between 60ºC and 70ºC. For technical reasons and according to the results of the present study, we recommended that, for an incubation time of 30 minutes, the reaction should be carried out at 60ºC. As active osteoclasts are usually scarce in a bone section, the standardization of the histochemistry method is of great relevance, to optimize the identification of these cells and increase the accuracy of the histomosphometric results. Our results, allowing an increase in osteoclasts contrast, also support the use of semi-automatic histomorphometric measurements.
At present not only is the site of fertilization in ticks still unknown but it is also unclear as to how this mystery can be solved. Signs of fertilization can be observed throughout the female genital tract and these can be clues for the elucidation of the unsolved questions relating to ticks fertilization. In Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887) the most important signs are the following: the final eversion of the acrosomal canal in females ready for oviposition; the presence of small tubules, resembling the subplasmalemal process of the spermatozoon between the oviduct cells; budding nuclei throughout the female genital tract; and the two Feulgen and DAPI positive areas in the oocyte at vitelogenesis. These morphological characteristics suggest that fertilization takes place in the internal cylinder which extends from the uterus to the ovary itself.
Reconstruction of large oral mucosa defects is often challenging, since the shortage of healthy oral mucosa to replace the excised tissues is very common. In this context, tissue engineering techniques may provide a source of autologous tissues available for transplant in these patients. In this work, we developed a new model of artificial oral mucosa generated by tissue engineering using a fibrin-agarose scaffold. For that purpose, we generated primary cultures of human oral mucosa fibroblasts and keratinocytes from small biopsies of normal oral mucosa using enzymatic treatments. Then we determined the viability of the cultured cells by electron probe quantitative X-ray microanalysis, and we demonstrated that most of the cells in the primary cultures were alive and had high K/Na ratios. Once cell viability was determined, we used the cultured fibroblasts and keratinocytes to develop an artificial oral mucosa construct by using a fibrin-agarose extracellular matrix and a sequential culture technique using porous culture inserts. Histological analysis of the artificial tissues showed high similarities with normal oral mucosa controls. The epithelium of the oral substitutes had several layers, with desmosomes and apical microvilli and microplicae. Both the controls and the oral mucosa substitutes showed high suprabasal expression of cytokeratin 13 and low expression of cytokeratin 10. All these results suggest that our model of oral mucosa using fibrin-agarose scaffolds show several similarities with native human oral mucosa.
The objective of this study was to investigate reserve mobilization in Caesalpinia peltophoroides seeds during germination and initial seedling growth. The variation in these compounds was analyzed from the pre-germination period (0 to 5 days after sowing - DAS) to the total cotyledon senescence and abscission at 35 DAS. For this histochemical tests were made on cotyledons fixed in FAA50 or included in glycol-metacrylate. To follow the mobilization of the main reserve compounds, sudan III was used to detect total lipids, xylidine Ponceau to detect total proteins, lugol to detect starch and polarized light to visualize the crystals. The lipids, present in a great quantity in the cotyledon, gradually decreased in the period studied. A greater quantity of starch was observed on the 10th DAS than in the previous periods and it was totally consumed by 30 DAS. The distribution pattern and the morphology of the protein material were very modified by 10 DAS, a period during which it was intensely consumed, remaining only parietally fragments distributed, that practically disappeared at 25 DAS. The calcium oxalate druses were not consumed during the period studied, there was only crystal agglutination.
The objective of this work was to correlate data on light microscopy observations through histochemical analysis and polarized light techniques and investigations in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to characterize the reserve materials in C. peltophoroides Benth. (Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae) cotyledons, popularly known as "sibipiruna", a tropical tree species with wide distribution in Brazil. The cotyledon mesophyll, especially in the abaxial face, is rich in unsaturated neutral lipids contained in numerous lipid bodies dispersed in the cytoplasm. Proteins, more concentrated in the adaxial face of the cotyledons, occur in all the mesophyll and are stored in protein bodies containing globoids, with variable number and size, responsible for accumulation of mineral reserves. Calcium oxalate druses have distribution restricted to the cotyledons adaxial face and are associated with protein bodies. Starch, also distributed all over the cotyledon mesophyll, occurs in small amounts in plastids with developed lamellar system. Secretory cavities rich in phenolic compounds occur among procambial strands.
The composition and distribution of the glycoconjugates (GCs) secreted by the epithelium of ovarian lamellae with reference to the reproductive biology of Genypterus blacodes (Schneider, 1801) through lectin hi stochemistry is here discussed. In this species, the epithelial cells that line the ovarian cavity presented sharp morphological variations along the reproductive cycle related to the mucus secretion that accompanies oocyte ma turation. During sp awning season, residues of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine were detected in the glycocalyx of those cells using lectinhistochemistry. N- acetylgalactosamine and fucose were also observed in the same zone. The greatest variations in the lectinhistochemical pattern were found in the apical cytoplasm composition in comparison to the basal zone of the cells. The results of the present study were discussed by comparing their possible functional implications.
Abstract: The paired oviducal glands of immature and mature females of Mustelus schmitti were examined macro and microscopically. Findings indicate that these glands possessed the same zonation as in most chondrichthyans from anterior to posterior: club, papillary, baffle and terminal zones. The whole gland is composed by simple tubular glands that connect with transverse grooves all along the organ. The club zone presents a typical indian club shape with a simple columnar and ciliated epithelium including secretory cells PAS (+) and AB (+). The papillary zone is characterized by lamella forming small and long cones in numbers of three. The epithelium of this zone contains ciliated cells with apical nuclei and secretory cells with basal nuclei that stain AB (+)The baffle zone consists of apically flattened lamellae alternating with spinnerets which are small projections disposed by both sides of the plateau. This whole structure is present in number of 8 or 9 units. A simple columnar ciliated epithelium covers the plateau and spinnerets and no AB or PAS staining is observed. The epithelium of the terminal zone is PAS (-) and AB (+), and elongated tubules, that run adjacent to the baffle zone are the site where groups of spermatozoa are clearly observed in the lumen. The epithelium of the sperm storage tubules do not stain with any of the dyes tested. Sperm was also observed in the baffle zone, presumably in its way to the fecundation in the oviduct because it displays no aggregation pattern and was between the folds of the epithelium. By scanning electron microscopy sperm was observed in the club and baffle zones in a gland which belonged to a pregnant female.
The ten-celled biseriate glandular trichome of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bert.-Asteraceae, found on both leaf surfaces, originates from a single protruding, protodermal cell undergoing an anticlinal division. A subsequent series of periclinal divisions, occurring in acropetal sequence, leads to the formation of the trichome, composed of five pairs of cells, one pair of basal cells, another of stalk cells and three pairs of secretory head cells. Developing, still two-celled glandular trichomes already occur on leaf primordia of the second pair (these primordia measuring, in some cases, ca. 0.30 mm in length), and most of the glandular trichomes are at the mature phase on very young, expanding leaves, for example on those of the sixth pair. The secretory material released by the head cells is stored in the trichome cavity (subcuticular space). Basic histochemical tests reveal that such material is lipophilic (mainly) and hydrophilic in nature.
The effects of methylmercury (MeHg) on histochemical demonstration of the NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity in the striate cortex were studied in 4 adult cats. Two animals were used as control. The contaminated animals received 50 ml milk containing 0.42 µg MeHg and 100 g fish containing 0.03 µg MeHg daily for 2 months. The level of MeHg in area 17 of intoxicated animals was 3.2 µg/g wet weight brain tissue. Two cats were perfused 24 h after the last dose (group 1) and the other animals were perfused 6 months later (group 2). After microtomy, sections were processed for NADPHd histochemistry procedures using the malic enzyme method. Dendritic branch counts were performed from camera lucida drawings for control and intoxicated animals (N = 80). Average, standard deviation and Student t-test were calculated for each data group. The concentrations of mercury (Hg) in milk, fish and brain tissue were measured by acid digestion of samples, followed by reduction of total Hg in the digested sample to metallic Hg using stannous chloride followed by atomic fluorescence analysis. Only group 2 revealed a reduction of the neuropil enzyme activity and morphometric analysis showed a reduction in dendritic field area and in the number of distal dendrite branches of the NADPHd neurons in the white matter (P<0.05). These results suggest that NADPHd neurons in the white matter are more vulnerable to the long-term effects of MeHg than NADPHd neurons in the gray matter.
Division of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology