884 resultados para hidden nodes


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To optimize the performance of wireless networks, one needs to consider the impact of key factors such as interference from hidden nodes, the capture effect, the network density and network conditions (saturated versus non-saturated). In this research, our goal is to quantify the impact of these factors and to propose effective mechanisms and algorithms for throughput guarantees in multi-hop wireless networks. For this purpose, we have developed a model that takes into account all these key factors, based on which an admission control algorithm and an end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithm are proposed. Given the necessary network information and traffic demands as inputs, these algorithms are able to provide predictive control via an iterative approach. Evaluations using analytical comparison with simulations as well as existing research show that the proposed model and algorithms are accurate and effective.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as underlying infrastructures for new classes of large-scale networked embedded systems. However, WSNs system designers must fulfill the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements imposed by the applications (and users). Very harsh and dynamic physical environments and extremely limited energy/computing/memory/communication node resources are major obstacles for satisfying QoS metrics such as reliability, timeliness, and system lifetime. The limited communication range of WSN nodes, link asymmetry, and the characteristics of the physical environment lead to a major source of QoS degradation in WSNs-the ldquohidden node problem.rdquo In wireless contention-based medium access control (MAC) protocols, when two nodes that are not visible to each other transmit to a third node that is visible to the former, there will be a collision-called hidden-node or blind collision. This problem greatly impacts network throughput, energy-efficiency and message transfer delays, and the problem dramatically increases with the number of nodes. This paper proposes H-NAMe, a very simple yet extremely efficient hidden-node avoidance mechanism for WSNs. H-NAMe relies on a grouping strategy that splits each cluster of a WSN into disjoint groups of non-hidden nodes that scales to multiple clusters via a cluster grouping strategy that guarantees no interference between overlapping clusters. Importantly, H-NAMe is instantiated in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, which currently are the most widespread communication technologies for WSNs, with only minor add-ons and ensuring backward compatibility with their protocols standards. H-NAMe was implemented and exhaustively tested using an experimental test-bed based on ldquooff-the-shelfrdquo technology, showing that it increases network throughput and transmission success probability up to twice the values obtained without H-NAMe. H-NAMe effectiveness was also demonstrated in a target tracking application with mobile robots - over a WSN deployment.


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We develop an approximate analytical technique for evaluating the performance of multi-hop networks based on beacon-less CSMA/CA as standardised in IEEE 802.15.4, a popular standard for wireless sensor networks. The network comprises sensor nodes, which generate measurement packets, and relay nodes which only forward packets. We consider a detailed stochastic process at each node, and analyse this process taking into account the interaction with neighbouring nodes via certain unknown variables (e.g., channel sensing rates, collision probabilities, etc.). By coupling these analyses of the various nodes, we obtain fixed point equations that can be solved numerically to obtain the unknown variables, thereby yielding approximations of time average performance measures, such as packet discard probabilities and average queueing delays. Different analyses arise for networks with no hidden nodes and networks with hidden nodes. We apply this approach to the performance analysis of tree networks rooted at a data sink. Finally, we provide a validation of our analysis technique against simulations.


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This paper investigates the learning of a wide class of single-hidden-layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs) with two sets of adjustable parameters, i.e., the nonlinear parameters in the hidden nodes and the linear output weights. The main objective is to both speed up the convergence of second-order learning algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), as well as to improve the network performance. This is achieved here by reducing the dimension of the solution space and by introducing a new Jacobian matrix. Unlike conventional supervised learning methods which optimize these two sets of parameters simultaneously, the linear output weights are first converted into dependent parameters, thereby removing the need for their explicit computation. Consequently, the neural network (NN) learning is performed over a solution space of reduced dimension. A new Jacobian matrix is then proposed for use with the popular second-order learning methods in order to achieve a more accurate approximation of the cost function. The efficacy of the proposed method is shown through an analysis of the computational complexity and by presenting simulation results from four different examples.


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The eng-genes concept involves the use of fundamental known system functions as activation functions in a neural model to create a 'grey-box' neural network. One of the main issues in eng-genes modelling is to produce a parsimonious model given a model construction criterion. The challenges are that (1) the eng-genes model in most cases is a heterogenous network consisting of more than one type of nonlinear basis functions, and each basis function may have different set of parameters to be optimised; (2) the number of hidden nodes has to be chosen based on a model selection criterion. This is a mixed integer hard problem and this paper investigates the use of a forward selection algorithm to optimise both the network structure and the parameters of the system-derived activation functions. Results are included from case studies performed on a simulated continuously stirred tank reactor process, and using actual data from a pH neutralisation plant. The resulting eng-genes networks demonstrate superior simulation performance and transparency over a range of network sizes when compared to conventional neural models. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conventional radial basis function (RBF) network optimization methods, such as orthogonal least squares or the two-stage selection, can produce a sparse network with satisfactory generalization capability. However, the RBF width, as a nonlinear parameter in the network, is not easy to determine. In the aforementioned methods, the width is always pre-determined, either by trial-and-error, or generated randomly. Furthermore, all hidden nodes share the same RBF width. This will inevitably reduce the network performance, and more RBF centres may then be needed to meet a desired modelling specification. In this paper we investigate a new two-stage construction algorithm for RBF networks. It utilizes the particle swarm optimization method to search for the optimal RBF centres and their associated widths. Although the new method needs more computation than conventional approaches, it can greatly reduce the model size and improve model generalization performance. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is confirmed by two numerical simulation examples.


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De nos jours, la voiture est devenue le mode de transport le plus utilisé, mais malheureusement, il est accompagné d’un certain nombre de problèmes (accidents, pollution, embouteillages, etc.), qui vont aller en s’aggravant avec l’augmentation prévue du nombre de voitures particulières, malgré les efforts très importants mis en œuvre pour tenter de les réduire ; le nombre de morts sur les routes demeure très important. Les réseaux sans fil de véhicules, appelés VANET, qui consistent de plusieurs véhicules mobiles sans infrastructure préexistante pour communiquer, font actuellement l’objet d'une attention accrue de la part des constructeurs et des chercheurs, afin d’améliorer la sécurité sur les routes ou encore les aides proposées aux conducteurs. Par exemple, ils peuvent avertir d’autres automobilistes que les routes sont glissantes ou qu’un accident vient de se produire. Dans VANET, les protocoles de diffusion (broadcast) jouent un rôle très important par rapport aux messages unicast, car ils sont conçus pour transmettre des messages de sécurité importants à tous les nœuds. Ces protocoles de diffusion ne sont pas fiables et ils souffrent de plusieurs problèmes, à savoir : (1) Tempête de diffusion (broadcast storm) ; (2) Nœud caché (hidden node) ; (3) Échec de la transmission. Ces problèmes doivent être résolus afin de fournir une diffusion fiable et rapide. L’objectif de notre recherche est de résoudre certains de ces problèmes, tout en assurant le meilleur compromis entre fiabilité, délai garanti, et débit garanti (Qualité de Service : QdS). Le travail de recherche de ce mémoire a porté sur le développement d’une nouvelle technique qui peut être utilisée pour gérer le droit d’accès aux médias (protocole de gestion des émissions), la gestion de grappe (cluster) et la communication. Ce protocole intègre l'approche de gestion centralisée des grappes stables et la transmission des données. Dans cette technique, le temps est divisé en cycles, chaque cycle est partagé entre les canaux de service et de contrôle, et divisé en deux parties. La première partie s’appuie sur TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). La deuxième partie s’appuie sur CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance) pour gérer l’accès au medium. En outre, notre protocole ajuste d’une manière adaptative le temps consommé dans la diffusion des messages de sécurité, ce qui permettra une amélioration de la capacité des canaux. Il est implanté dans la couche MAC (Medium Access Control), centralisé dans les têtes de grappes (CH, cluster-head) qui s’adaptent continuellement à la dynamique des véhicules. Ainsi, l’utilisation de ce protocole centralisé nous assure une consommation efficace d’intervalles de temps pour le nombre exact de véhicules actifs, y compris les nœuds/véhicules cachés; notre protocole assure également un délai limité pour les applications de sécurité, afin d’accéder au canal de communication, et il permet aussi de réduire le surplus (overhead) à l’aide d’une propagation dirigée de diffusion.


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A new structure of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network called the Dual-orthogonal RBF Network (DRBF) is introduced for nonlinear time series prediction. The hidden nodes of a conventional RBF network compare the Euclidean distance between the network input vector and the centres, and the node responses are radially symmetrical. But in time series prediction where the system input vectors are lagged system outputs, which are usually highly correlated, the Euclidean distance measure may not be appropriate. The DRBF network modifies the distance metric by introducing a classification function which is based on the estimation data set. Training the DRBF networks consists of two stages. Learning the classification related basis functions and the important input nodes, followed by selecting the regressors and learning the weights of the hidden nodes. In both cases, a forward Orthogonal Least Squares (OLS) selection procedure is applied, initially to select the important input nodes and then to select the important centres. Simulation results of single-step and multi-step ahead predictions over a test data set are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach.


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In this paper, we propose a novel online modeling algorithm for nonlinear and nonstationary systems using a radial basis function (RBF) neural network with a fixed number of hidden nodes. Each of the RBF basis functions has a tunable center vector and an adjustable diagonal covariance matrix. A multi-innovation recursive least square (MRLS) algorithm is applied to update the weights of RBF online, while the modeling performance is monitored. When the modeling residual of the RBF network becomes large in spite of the weight adaptation, a node identified as insignificant is replaced with a new node, for which the tunable center vector and diagonal covariance matrix are optimized using the quantum particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm. The major contribution is to combine the MRLS weight adaptation and QPSO node structure optimization in an innovative way so that it can track well the local characteristic in the nonstationary system with a very sparse model. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has significantly better performance than existing approaches.


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Background The evolutionary advantages of selective attention are unclear. Since the study of selective attention began, it has been suggested that the nervous system only processes the most relevant stimuli because of its limited capacity [1]. An alternative proposal is that action planning requires the inhibition of irrelevant stimuli, which forces the nervous system to limit its processing [2]. An evolutionary approach might provide additional clues to clarify the role of selective attention. Methods We developed Artificial Life simulations wherein animals were repeatedly presented two objects, "left" and "right", each of which could be "food" or "non-food." The animals' neural networks (multilayer perceptrons) had two input nodes, one for each object, and two output nodes to determine if the animal ate each of the objects. The neural networks also had a variable number of hidden nodes, which determined whether or not it had enough capacity to process both stimuli (Table 1). The evolutionary relevance of the left and the right food objects could also vary depending on how much the animal's fitness was increased when ingesting them (Table 1). We compared sensory processing in animals with or without limited capacity, which evolved in simulations in which the objects had the same or different relevances. Table 1. Nine sets of simulations were performed, varying the values of food objects and the number of hidden nodes in the neural networks. The values of left and right food were swapped during the second half of the simulations. Non-food objects were always worth -3. The evolution of neural networks was simulated by a simple genetic algorithm. Fitness was a function of the number of food and non-food objects each animal ate and the chromosomes determined the node biases and synaptic weights. During each simulation, 10 populations of 20 individuals each evolved in parallel for 20,000 generations, then the relevance of food objects was swapped and the simulation was run again for another 20,000 generations. The neural networks were evaluated by their ability to identify the two objects correctly. The detectability (d') for the left and the right objects was calculated using Signal Detection Theory [3]. Results and conclusion When both stimuli were equally relevant, networks with two hidden nodes only processed one stimulus and ignored the other. With four or eight hidden nodes, they could correctly identify both stimuli. When the stimuli had different relevances, the d' for the most relevant stimulus was higher than the d' for the least relevant stimulus, even when the networks had four or eight hidden nodes. We conclude that selection mechanisms arose in our simulations depending not only on the size of the neuron networks but also on the stimuli's relevance for action.


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Attractor properties of a popular discrete-time neural network model are illustrated through numerical simulations. The most complex dynamics is found to occur within particular ranges of parameters controlling the symmetry and magnitude of the weight matrix. A small network model is observed to produce fixed points, limit cycles, mode-locking, the Ruelle-Takens route to chaos, and the period-doubling route to chaos. Training algorithms for tuning this dynamical behaviour are discussed. Training can be an easy or difficult task, depending whether the problem requires the use of temporal information distributed over long time intervals. Such problems require training algorithms which can handle hidden nodes. The most prominent of these algorithms, back propagation through time, solves the temporal credit assignment problem in a way which can work only if the relevant information is distributed locally in time. The Moving Targets algorithm works for the more general case, but is computationally intensive, and prone to local minima.


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Process models define allowed process execution scenarios. The models are usually depicted as directed graphs, with gateway nodes regulating the control flow routing logic and with edges specifying the execution order constraints between tasks. While arbitrarily structured control flow patterns in process models complicate model analysis, they also permit creativity and full expressiveness when capturing non-trivial process scenarios. This paper gives a classification of arbitrarily structured process models based on the hierarchical process model decomposition technique. We identify a structural class of models consisting of block structured patterns which, when combined, define complex execution scenarios spanning across the individual patterns. We show that complex behavior can be localized by examining structural relations of loops in hidden unstructured regions of control flow. The correctness of the behavior of process models within these regions can be validated in linear time. These observations allow us to suggest techniques for transforming hidden unstructured regions into block-structured ones.


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The cybernetics revolution of the last years improved a lot our lives, having an immediate access to services and a huge amount of information over the Internet. Nowadays the user is increasingly asked to insert his sensitive information on the Internet, leaving its traces everywhere. But there are some categories of people that cannot risk to reveal their identities on the Internet. Even if born to protect U.S. intelligence communications online, nowadays Tor is the most famous low-latency network, that guarantees both anonymity and privacy of its users. The aim of this thesis project is to well understand how the Tor protocol works, not only studying its theory, but also implementing those concepts in practice, having a particular attention for security topics. In order to run a Tor private network, that emulates the real one, a virtual testing environment has been configured. This behavior allows to conduct experiments without putting at risk anonymity and privacy of real users. We used a Tor patch, that stores TLS and circuit keys, to be given as inputs to a Tor dissector for Wireshark, in order to obtain decrypted and decoded traffic. Observing clear traffic allowed us to well check the protocol outline and to have a proof of the format of each cell. Besides, these tools allowed to identify a traffic pattern, used to conduct a traffic correlation attack to passively deanonymize hidden service clients. The attacker, controlling two nodes of the Tor network, is able to link a request for a given hidden server to the client who did it, deanonymizing him. The robustness of the traffic pattern and the statistics, such as the true positive rate, and the false positive rate, of the attack are object of a potential future work.