223 resultados para hiatus
The differential effects of climate change, sea level, and water mass circulation on deposition/erosion of marine sediments can be constrained from the distribution of unconformities in the world's oceans. I identified temporal and depth patterns of hiatuses ("hiatus events") from a large and chronologically well constrained stratigraphic database of deep-sea sediments. The Paleogene is characterized by few, several million year long hiatuses. The most significant Cenozoic hiatus event spans most of the Paleocene. The Neogene is characterized by short, frequent hiatus events nearly synchronous in shallow and deep water sediments. Epoch boundaries are characterized by peaks in deep water hiatuses possibly caused by an increased circulation of corrosive bottom water and sediment dissolution. The Plio-Pleistocene is characterized by a gradual decrease in the frequency of hiatuses. Future studies will focus on the regional significance of the hiatus events and their possible causes.
This article examines social, cultural and technological change in the systems and economies of educational information management. Since the Sumerians first collected, organized and supervised administrative and religious records some six millennia ago, libraries have been key physical depositories and cultural signifiers in the production and mediation of social capital and power through education. To date, the textual, archival and discursive practices perpetuating libraries have remained exempt from inquiry. My aim here is to remedy this hiatus by making the library itself the terrain and object of critical analysis and investigation. The paper argues that in the three dominant communications eras—namely, oral, print and digital cultures—society’s centres of knowledge and learning have resided in the ceremony, the library and the cybrary respectively. In a broad-brush historical grid, each of these key educational institutions—the ceremony in oral culture, the library in print culture and the cybrary in digital culture—are mapped against social, cultural and technological orders pertaining to their era. Following a description of these shifts in society’s collective cultural memory, the paper then examines the question of what the development of global information systems and economies mean for schools and libraries of today, and for teachers and learners as knowledge consumers and producers?
In a letter to a close friend dated April 1922 Le Corbusier announced that he was to publish his first major book, Architecture et révolution, which would collect “a set ofarticles from L’EN.”1—L’Esprit nouveau, the revue jointly edited by him and painter Amédée Ozenfant, which ran from 1920 to 1925.2 A year later, Le Corbusier sketched a book cover design featuring “LE CORBUSIER - SAUGNIER,” the pseudonymic compound of Pierre Jeanneret and Ozenfant, above a square-framed single-point perspective of a square tunnel vanishing toward the horizon. Occupying the lower half of the frame was the book’s provisional title in large handwritten capital letters, ARCHITECTURE OU RÉVOLUTION, each word on a separate line, the “ou” a laconic inflection of Paul Laffitte’s proposed title, effected by Le Corbusier.3 Laffitte was one of two publishers Le Corbusier was courting between 1921 and 1922.4 An advertisement for the book, with the title finally settled upon, Vers une architecture, 5 was solicited for L’Esprit nouveau number 18. This was the original title conceived with Ozenfant, and had in fact already appeared in two earlier announcements.6 “Architecture ou révolution” was retained as the name of the book’s crucial and final chapter—the culmination of six chapters extracted from essays in L’Esprit nouveau. This chapter contained the most quoted passage in Vers une architecture, used by numerous scholars to adduce Le Corbusier’s political sentiment in 1923 to the extent of becoming axiomatic of his early political thought.7 Interestingly, it is the only chapter that was not published in L’Esprit nouveau, owing to a hiatus in the journal’s production from June 1922 to November 1923.8 An agitprop pamphlet was produced in 1922, after L’Esprit nouveau 11-12, advertising an imminent issue “Architecture ou révolution” with the famous warning: “the housing crisis will lead to the revolution. Worry about housing.”9
This contribution describes two mass movement deposits (total volume ~0.5 km3) identified in seven marine cores located 8 to 15 km offshore southern Montserrat, West Indies. The deposits were emplaced in the last 35 ka and have not previously been recognised in either the subaerial or distal submarine records. Age constraints, provided by radiocarbon dating, show that an explosive volcanic eruption occurred at ca 8–12 ka, emplacing a primary eruption-related deposit that overlies a large (~0.3 km3) reworked bioclastic and volcaniclastic flow deposit, formed from a shelf collapse between 8 and 35 ka. The origin of these deposits has been deduced through the correlation of marine sediment cores, component analysis and geochemical analysis. The 8–12 ka primary volcanic deposit was likely derived from a highly-erosive pyroclastic flow from the Soufrière Hills volcano that entered the ocean and mixed with the water column forming a water-supported density current. Previous investigations of the eruption record suggested that there was a hiatus in activity at the Soufrière Hills volcano between 16 and 6 ka. The ca 8–12 ka eruptive episode identified here shows that this hiatus was shorter than previously hypothesised, and thus highlights the importance of obtaining an accurate and completemarine record of events offshore from volcanic islands and incorporating such data into eruption history reconstructions. Comparisons with the submarine deposit characteristics of the 2003 dome collapse also suggests that the ~8–12 ka eruptive episode was more explosive than eruptions from the current eruptive episode.
It is increasingly apparent that sea-level data (e.g. microfossil transfer functions, dated coral microatolls and direct observations from satellite and tidal gauges) vary temporally and spatially at regional to local scales, thus limiting our ability to model future sea-level rise for many regions. Understanding sealevel response at ‘far-field’ locations at regional scales is fundamental for formulating more relevant sea-level rise susceptibility models within these regions under future global change projections. Fossil corals and reefs in particular are valuable tools for reconstructing past sea levels and possible environmental phase shifts beyond the temporal constraints of instrumental records. This study used abundant surface geochronological data based on in situ subfossil corals and precise elevation surveys to determine previous sea level in Moreton Bay, eastern Australia, a far-field site. A total of 64 U-Th dates show that relative sea level was at least 1.1 m above modern lowest astronomical tide (LAT) from at least ˜6600 cal. yr BP. Furthermore, a rapid synchronous demise in coral reef growth occurred in Moreton Bay ˜5800 cal. yr BP, coinciding with reported reef hiatus periods in other areas around the Indo-Pacific region. Evaluating past reef growth patterns and phases allows for a better interpretation of anthropogenic forcing versus natural environmental/climatic cycles that effect reef formation and demise at all scales and may allow better prediction of reef response to future global change.
Lake Purrumbete maar is located in the intraplate, monogenetic Newer Volcanics Province in southeastern Australia. The extremely large crater of 3000. m in diameter formed on an intersection of two fault lines and comprises at least three coalesced vents. The evolution of these vents is controlled by the interaction of the tectonic setting and the properties of both hard and soft rock aquifers. Lithics in the maar deposits originate from country rock formations less than 300. m deep, indicating that the large size of the crater cannot only be the result of the downwards migration of the explosion foci in a single vent. Vertical crater walls and primary inward dipping beds evidence that the original size of the crater has been largely preserved. Detailed mapping of the facies distributions, the direction of transport of base surges and pyroclastic flows, and the distribution of ballistic block fields, form the basis for the reconstruction of the complex eruption history,which is characterised by alternations of the eruption style between relatively dry and wet phreatomagmatic conditions, and migration of the vent location along tectonic structures. Three temporally separated eruption phases are recognised, each starting at the same crater located directly at the intersection of two local fault lines. Activity then moved quickly to different locations. A significant volcanic hiatus between two of the three phases shows that the magmatic system was reactivated. The enlargement of especially the main crater by both lateral and vertical growth led to the interception of the individual craters and the formation of the large circular crater. Lake Purrumbete maar is an excellent example of how complicated the evolution of large, seemingly simple, circular maar volcanoes can be, and raises the question if these systems are actually monogenetic.
Barrett's esophagus is an increasingly common disease that is strongly associated with reflux of stomach acid and usually a hiatus hernia, and it strongly predisposes to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), a tumor with a very poor prognosis. We report the first genome-wide association study on Barrett's esophagus, comprising 1,852 UK cases and 5,172 UK controls in the discovery stage and 5,986 cases and 12,825 controls in the replication stage. Variants at two loci were associated with disease risk: chromosome 6p21, rs9257809 (P combined = 4.09 × 10-9; odds ratio (OR) = 1.21, 95% confidence interval (CI) =1.13-1.28), within the major histocompatibility complex locus, and chromosome 16q24, rs9936833 (P combined = 2.74 × 10-10; OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.10-1.19), for which the closest protein-coding gene is FOXF1, which is implicated in esophageal development and structure. We found evidence that many common variants of small effect contribute to genetic susceptibility to Barrett's esophagus and that SNP alleles predisposing to obesity also increase risk for Barrett's esophagus. © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Nesta tese, considerando as críticas e as queixas ao distanciamento entre as políticas públicas, a formação docente e a prática profissional, problematizamos a produção / circulação de expectativas sobre o trabalho do professor. Investimos numa dupla perspectiva teórica: a da psicologia social e a da linguística. A partir de uma compreensão da subjetividade como produção, recorremos a noções como as de governamentalização neoliberal (FOUCAULT, 2008a; FOUCAULT, 2008b) para encaminhar uma análise das formas de controle (DELEUZE, 2006a) e o desafio de constituir a experiência (BENJAMIN, 1996) como um plano (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2005). Do ponto de vista dos estudos da linguagem, priorizam-se os debates em torno interdiscurso (BAKHTIN, 2004; MAINGUENEAU, 2005), conceito que é responsável por descartar aportes baseados estritamente no conteudismo e ressignifica os planos da enunciação e da pragmática. Em nossas análises, colocamos em confronto textos de prescrição à atividade docente e discussão de professores e estagiários apontando o que ganha consistência ou não em seu cotidiano profissional. As análises desdobram-se em três momentos. No primeiro deles, discutimos o Decreto do PDE como gênero do discurso (BAKHTIN, 2000), analisando as tarefas atribuídas ao professor nas metas e as estratégias de poder instauradas pelo IDEB. No segundo momento, observamos as dicas ao professor divulgadas no portal eletrônico Todos pela Educação, considerando como marca linguística os pressupostos (DUCROT, 1987; MAINGUENEAU, 2005). A análise dos pressupostos nos conduziu a ocorrências de enunciados em afirmação polêmica. No terceiro momento, constituímos uma discussão em grupo com professores e com estagiários, colocando em análise temas como trabalho, formação, práticas de si e relação com a pesquisa. Os resultados das análises apontam para uma desqualificação da análise coletiva das demandas do cotidiano, gerando a redução do trabalho do professor como execução de tarefas e transmissão de saberes. As políticas públicas agem por mecanismos de competição e recompensa, colocando a ênfase sobre a performance. Fortalece-se a figura de um professor empreendedor, como alguém que pretende apenas atingir as metas, sem discutir sua eficácia e seus efeitos. Ao lado disso, o vetor precarização indica lutas por melhores condições e reconhecimento de trabalho. Para além das metas propostas, o percurso com o conhecimento surge como possibilidade de experiência singular, compartilhada entre professores e alunos.
A proposta dessa pesquisa é apontar possibilidades de escrita da história do município de Queimados, na Baixada Fluminense, a partir das memórias das lideranças que defenderam sua emancipação política, durante a década de 1980. Essas memórias, coletadas por meio de narrativas orais, se constituem no documento chave para essa análise, dado o caráter recente da emancipação desse município. A partir do estudo da transcrição dessas narrativas, coloca-se em discussão o processo de construção das memórias das lideranças da emancipação. No decurso desse processo, evidenciam-se as estratégias adotadas no sentido de afirmar a legitimidade da narrativa e reivindicação do reconhecimento pelas ações realizadas no passado. Da mesma forma, identificam-se silêncios, negações e hiatos, como aspectos que perpassam os discursos dos oito líderes políticos da Associação dos Amigos para o Progresso de Queimados, a AAPQ, especialmente quando são convidados a abordar as questões político-partidárias subjacentes ao campo político local que se configurou no período. Nesse intrincado cenário, evidencia-se o esforço pela construção das memórias da emancipação de Queimados, mais de duas décadas decorridas desde a conquista de sua autonomia política. Tais constatações nos permitiu trilhar alguns caminhos que inserem essa pesquisa no âmbito da História Pública, possibilitando um retorno de nosso trabalho a essa comunidade, sem perder de vista a ancoragem nos referenciais teóricos de Michael Pollak, de acordo com nossa prática enquanto historiadores.