973 resultados para hexavalent chromium
A rapid and low cost method to determine Cr(VI) in soils based upon alkaline metal extraction at room temperature is proposed as a semi-quantitative procedure to be performed in the field. A color comparison with standards with contents of Cr(VI) in the range of 10 to 150 mg kg-1 was used throughout. For the different types of soils studied, more than 75% of the fortified soluble Cr(VI) were recovered for all levels of spike tested for both the proposed and standard methods. Recoveries of 83 and 99% were obtained for the proposed and the standard methods, respectively, taking into account the analysis of a heavily contaminated soil sample.
This study evaluates the possibility of replacing the hexavalent chromium passivation treatment used as a sealer after phosphating of carbon steel (SAE 1010) by a treatment with niobium ammonium oxalate (Ox). Samples of carbon steel (SAE 1010) after being phosphated in a zinc phosphate bath (PZn + Ni) were immersed in solution of niobium ammonium oxalate (250 mg L(-1) of Nb) either at pH 3.0 or pH 8.0. A passivation treatment with a solution with CrO(3) (200 mg L(-1) of Cr(6+)) was also used for reference. The corrosion resistance of the phosphated samples after passivation treatments was analyzed in a NaCl 0.5 mol L(-1) solution using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and anodic polarization curves. Salt spray tests were also performed to evaluate their corrosion resistance. The results showed that the highest corrosion resistance was obtained by passivation in a solution with (250 mg L(-1) of Nb) at pH 8.0. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A rapid and low cost method to determine Cr(VI) in soils based upon alkaline metal extraction at room temperature is proposed as a semi-quantitative procedure to be performed in the field. A color comparison with standards with contents of Cr(VI) in the range of 10 to 150 mg kg-1 was used throughout. For the different types of soils studied, more than 75% of the fortified soluble Cr(VI) were recovered for all levels of spike tested for both the proposed and standard methods. Recoveries of 83 and 99% were obtained for the proposed and the standard methods, respectively, taking into account the analysis of a heavily contaminated soil sample.
This study explored the reduction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in L-02 hepatocytes by hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) using chi-square analysis. Cells were treated with 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 μM Cr(VI) for 12, 24, or 36 h. Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) experiments and measurements of intracellular ATP levels were performed by spectrophotometry or bioluminescence assays following Cr(VI) treatment. The chi-square test was used to determine the difference between cell survival rate and ATP levels. For the chi-square analysis, the results of the MTT or ATP experiments were transformed into a relative ratio with respect to the control (%). The relative ATP levels increased at 12 h, decreased at 24 h, and increased slightly again at 36 h following 4, 8, 16, 32 μM Cr(VI) treatment, corresponding to a "V-shaped" curve. Furthermore, the results of the chi-square analysis demonstrated a significant difference of the ATP level in the 32-μM Cr(VI) group (P < 0.05). The results suggest that the chi-square test can be applied to analyze the interference effects of Cr(VI) on ATP levels in L-02 hepatocytes. The decreased ATP levels at 24 h indicated disruption of mitochondrial energy metabolism and the slight increase of ATP levels at 36 h indicated partial recovery of mitochondrial function or activated glycolysis in L-02 hepatocytes.
Aquatic macrophytes Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes were chosen to investigate the Cr(VI) reduced by root-based biosorption in a chromium uptake experiment, using a high-resolution XRF technique. These plants were grown in hydroponics medium supplied with non-toxic Cr concentrations during a 27-day metal uptake experiment. The high-resolution Cr-K beta fluorescence spectra for dried root tissues and Cr reference material (100% Cr, Cr(2)O(3), and CrO(3)) were measured using an XRF spectrometer. For all species of aquatic plant treated with Cr(VI), the energy of the Cr-K beta(2,5) line was shifted around 8 eV below the same spectral line identified for the Cr(VI) reference, but it was also near to the line identified for the Cr(III) reference. Moreover, there was a lack of the strong Cr-K beta"" line assigned to the Cr(VI) reference material within the Cr(VI)-treated plant spectra, suggesting the reduction of Cr(VI) for other less toxic oxidation states of Cr. As all Cr-K beta spectra of root tissue species were compared, the peak energies and lineshape patterns of the Cr-K beta(2,5) line are coincident for the same aquatic plant species, when they were treated with Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Based on the experimental evidence, the Cr(VI) reduction process has happened during metal biosorption by these plants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of Cr(6+) on Allium cepa root length was studied using both clean and polluted river waters. Seven series of Cr(6+)-doped polluted and non-polluted river waters were used to grow onions. Chromium concentration (Cr(6+)) of 4.2 mg L(-1)(EC(50) value), doped in clean river water caused a 50% reduction of root length, while in organically polluted samples similar root growth inhibition occurred at 12.0 mg Cr(6+) L(-1). The results suggested that there was a dislocation to higher values in toxic chromium concentration in polluted river water due to the eutrophization level of river water.
During the last years, the emission of heavy metals to the environment has increased, causing a severe negative impact to the ecosystems and seriously compromising human health due to their mutagenic potential. Tri- (III) and hexavalent (VI) chromium (Cr) constitute the oxidative states of the metal chromium that are active in living organisms. These two oxidation states of the chromium differ with regards to their cellular effects, mainly due to the different abilities they possess in relation to easy of transport through biological membranes. Cr VI is transported into the cell through transference channels of endogenous anions that are isostructural and isoelectronical to Cr VI, such as SO 4 -2 and HPO 4 -2. On the other hand, Cr III is unable to diffuse through the cell membrane. Its existence inside the cells is generally due to the reduction of Cr VI, the endocytosis, or the absortion by the cells via phagocytosis. Cr III acts directly on the DNA molecule, while Cr VI reacts little with this molecule. In the ecosystem, however, Cr VI is more dangerous since this is the form that presents greater reactivity with biological membranes, crossing them and being easily incorporated into the cell. In the cell it is biotransformed to Cr III, a potentially mutagenic molecule. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that organisms exposed to Cr VI present greater induction to a variety of damages to the DNA molecule. Among the damages induced by Cr, changes in the structure of the DNA molecule have been reported, with breaks of the major chain and base oxidation. In the organisms, these alterations generate chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus formation, sister chromatid exchanges, and errors in DNA synthesis.
"Project Officer, Robert W. Puls, Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division."
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leather industries which promote hide stabilization by the conventional chrome-tanning process are a major source of pollution because of the resultant chromium-rich wastes. In this work, an extensive characterization of such a chromium-rich waste sludge is presented, regarding its chemical composition (XRF), crystalline phase contents (XRD), organic carbon content (TOC), thermal behavior by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as its stability under chemical attack (the concentration of important ions in the leachates being determined by capillary electrophoresis) and when submitted to temperatures as high as 1100 degrees C, in air. The material showed the tendency to produce some undesirable, and previously non-detected hexavalent chromium when exposed to high temperatures, but after washing off the soluble salts and the elimination of the organic matter by firing, the resultant material was succesfully tested as a ceramic pigment in a conventional glaze composition usually employed in the ceramic the industry. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
The batch removal of hexavalent chromium (Cr(Vl)) from wastewater under different experimental conditions using economic adsorbents was investigated in this study. These adsorbents were produced from the pyrolysis and activation of the waste tyres (TAC) and from the pyrolysis of sawdust (SPC). The performance of these adsorbents against commercial activated carbon F400 (CAC) has also been carried out. The removal was favoured at low pH, with maximum removal at pH = 2 for all types of carbon. The effects of concentration, temperature and particle size have been reported. All sorbents were found to efficiently remove Cr(VI) from solution. The batch sorption kinetics have been tested for a first-order reversible reaction, a first-order and second-order reaction. The rate constants of adsorption for all these kinetic models have been calculated. The applicability of the Langmuir isotherm for the present system has been tested at different temperatures. The thermodynamic parameters (AGO, K,) obtained indicate the endothermic nature of Cr(Vl) adsorption on TAC, SPC and CAC. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Chromium copper arsenate(CCA)was used for the protection of wood building material suntil the restriction by EPA in2002. During a short period of time 14–24h,a comparative nephrotoxicity study was performed regarding the effects of CCA and its compounds per se. Histopathological and histochemical features were correlated with the concentration of the total arsenic and chromium in mice kidney. Animals were subcutaneously injected with CCA(7.2mg/kg arsenic and 10.2mg/kg chromium per body weight), CrO3 (10.2 mg/kg),As2O5 (7.2 mg/kg)andNaCl(0.9%) per se. The histopathological examination of the renal sections evidenced acute tubular necrosis in the groups of animals exposed to CCA(in both periods of time). Although the same contents of pentavalent arsenic and hexavalent chromium were injected in treated animals with CCA and with the prepared solutions of As2O5 and CrO3, the arsenic concentration on kidneys of CCA-exposed animals was much higher than those in animals exposed to As2O5 (32- and28-fold higher at 14 and 24h,respectively). However,the elimination of chromium seems to occur similarly in the kidneys of animals treated with CCA and CrO3 per se. Interactions among the components of CCA result in a marked decrease of the ability of kidney to eliminate simultaneously both analytes.The nephrotoxicity of CCA was higher than its components per se, evidencing a possible synergetic effect.
Kuudenarvoista kromia käytetään natriumkloraatin valmistuksessa prosessin tuotantotehokkuuden ja turvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Kromia kuitenkin poistuu prosessista muutamaa reittiä pitkin. Koska kuuudenarvoisella kromilla on syöpää aiheuttavia, mutageenisiä sekä lisääntymiselle myrkyllisiä ominaisuuksia, olisi tärkeää ymmärtää, miten kromi kulkeutuu prosessin eri osiin, ja kuinka paljon sitä poistuu prosessista. Tämä on tärkeää, jotta osataan hallita kromin käytöstä aiheutuvat riskit, sekä toisaalta myös tehostaa kromin käyttöä prosessissa. Työn tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa kromin käytöstä natriumkloraattiprosessissa. Työssä tutkittiin kromitasetta prosessin keskeisimmissä yksikköoperaatioissa. Myös kromin saostumista katodien pinnalle arvioitiin määrällisesti. Eri prosessinäytteistä tutkittiin lisäksi kromin hapetusasteita. Edellä mainittuja tutkimuskohteita varten määritettiin prosessinäytteiden kromipitoisuus. Eri prosessioperaatioille suoritettiin lisäksi taselaskelmat. Työn tuloksena esitettiin kromitase sekä yksikköoperaatioille että koko prosessille. Erinäisten epätarkkuustekijöiden vuoksi tasetta ei kuitenkaan pystytty määrittämään halutulla tarkkuudella, ja siksi työssä esitettyä tasetta voidaan pitää vain suuntaa antavana laskelmana. Katodien pinnalle saostunutta kromin määrää pidettiin kuitenkin oikean suuruusluokan tuloksena. Prosessinäytteiden hapetusasteita ei voitu arvioida, sillä saadut kokonaiskromitulokset eivät olleet täysin luotettavia. Huolimatta tulosten epätarkkuudesta, työ tuotti tärkeää tietoa prosessin toiminnasta kromin suhteen. Työtä voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa monin tavoin prosessin kromitaseen seurannassa.
The uptake of hexavalent chromium in free living floating aquatic macrophytes Eicchornia crassipes cultivated in non-toxic chromium-doped hydroponic solutions is presented. A Cr-uptake bioaccumulation experiment was carried out using healthy macrophytes grown in a temperature controlled greenhouse. Six samples of nutrient media and plants were collected during the 23 day experiment. Roots and leaves were acid digested with the addition of an internal Gallium standard, for thin film sample preparation and quantitative Cr analysis by PIXE method. The Cr(6+) mass uptake by the macrophytes reached up to 70% of the initial concentration, comparable to former results and literature data. The Cr-uptake data were described using a non-structural first order kinetic model. Due to low cost and high removal efficiency, living aquatic macrophytes E. crassipes are a viable biosorbent in an artificial wetland of a water effluent treatment plant. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present work, the trivalent and hexavalent chromium phytoaccumulation by three living free floating aquatic macrophytes Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes, and Eicchornia crassipes was investigated in greenhouse. These plants were grown in hydroponic solutions supplied with non-toxic Cr3+ and Cr6+ chromium concentrations, performing six collections of nutrient media and plants in time from a batch system. The total chromium concentrations into Cr-doped hydroponic media and dry roots and aerial parts were assayed, by using the Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence technique. The aquatic plant-based chromium removal data were described by using a nonstructural kinetic model, obtaining different bioaccumulation rate, ranging from 0.015 to 0.837 1 mg(-1) d(-1). The Cr3+ removal efficiency was about 90%, 50%, and 90% for the E. crassipes, P. stratiotes, and S. auriculata, respectively; while it was rather different for Cr6+ one, with values about 50%, 70%, and 90% for the E. crassipes, P. stratiotes, and S. auriculata.