950 resultados para hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin


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Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin is an uncommon, benign disorder in which the expression of gamma-globin genes persists into adult life. Several point mutations have been associated with the increased gamma-globin gene promoter activity. We evaluated the -195 (C->G) mutation by a functional in vitro assay based on the luciferase reporter gene system. The results indicated that the increased promoter activity observed in vivo could not be reproduced in vitro under the conditions employed, suggesting that other factors may be involved in the overexpression of the gamma-globin gene containing the -195 (C->G) mutation. Furthermore, this is the first time that the -195 (C->G) mutation of the Agamma-globin gene has been evaluated by in vitro gene expression.


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We describe the clinical and molecular characteristics of two unrelated Brazilian families with an association of the Sicilian form of (dß)º-thalassemia with hemoglobin S and ß-thalassemia. Direct sequencing of the ß-globin gene showed only the hemoglobin S mutation in patient 1 and the ß-thalassemia IVS1-110 in patient 2. The other allele was deleted in both patients and PCR of DNA samples of the breakpoint region of both patients showed a band of approximately 1,150 bp, expected to be observed in the DNA of carriers of Sicilian (dß)º-thalassemia. The nucleotide sequence of this fragment confirmed the Sicilian deletion. There are few reports concerning the Hb S/(dß)º-thalassemia association and patient 2 is the first reported case of Sicilian type of (dß)º-thalassemia in association with ß-thalassemia documented at the molecular level.


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Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F), formed by two alpha globin chains (α) and two gamma chains (γ) (α2 γ2), has reduced expression in adults, ranging from 0 to 1% of total hemoglobin. Increased levels of Hb F are due to mutations in the β-globin family, which cause hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) and delta-beta thalassemia (δβ-thalassemia).The control of the production takes place by the regulatory region and regions outside the β-globin family, among them 2q16, 6q23, 8q, and Xp22.2.The aims of this study were to determine the presence and frequency of two mutations for δβ-thalassemia, the XmnI polymorphism and β-globin haplotypes in healthy individuals with increased Hb F in the State of São Paulo. We analyzed 60 samples of peripheral blood of healthy adults, without complaints of anemia. The samples were separated into two groups according to Hb F level: group I - 34 samples with Hb F ranging from 2 to 15% and group II - 26 samples with Hb F over 15%. In relation to the polymorphisms examined, we found three heterozygous individuals (5%) for Spanish δβ-thalassemia, belonging to group I, whose Hb F levels were within the normal range.The Sicilian δβ-thalassemia mutation was not found, indicating the need to study other polymorphisms related to the increase of Hb F in adult life.The frequency of XmnI polymorphism was 33.3% and the mean Hb F levels were 15.48 ± 11.69%.The frequency observed in our study for this polymorphic site is higher than that found in the literature for healthy subjects.This polymorphism was more prevalent in individuals with Hb F levels below 15%. For four samples positive for this polymorphism, the Hb F levels were explained by the presence of HPFH and Spanish δβ-thalassemia mutations, so that the presence of the XmnI polymorphic site was not a determinant in the overexpression of γ-globin genes. Regarding β-globin haplotypes, 18 alleles and 27 distinct genotypic patterns were found.The pattern Atp1/Atp2 was the mostfrequent genotype (13.72%).Of the 18 alleles, 13 showed atypical patterns.The results show that the haplotype V was the most frequent (27.45%), followed by atypical Atp2 (13.72%) and Atp1 (11.76%), and that there was a higher correlation with the presence of HPFH and XmnI polymorphism.The high frequency of haplotype V in our samples and high frequency of atypical haplotypes may reflect a high rate of miscegenation in this population, suggesting an ethnic characteristic for the Brazilian population, requiring the evaluation of population genetic markers to corroborate this hypothesis. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Human hemoglobin genes are located in α and β globin gene clusters in chromosomes 16 and 11, respectively. Different types of hemoglobin are synthesized according to the stage of development with fetal hemoglobin (α2γ2) (Hb F) being the main hemoglobin in the fetal period. After birth, there is a reduction (to about 1%) in Hb F levels and adult hemoglobin, Hb A (2α2β2), increases to more than 96% of total hemoglobin. However, some genetic conditions whether linked to the β-globin gene cluster or not are associated with high Hb F levels in adults. Among those linked to β-globin are hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, delta-beta thalassemia (δβ-Thalassemia) and the XmnI polymorphism (-158 C > T). Other polymorphisms not related to β-globin gene cluster are known to influence the γ-globin gene expression in adulthood. The most relevant polymorphisms that increase concentrations of Hb F are the HMIP locus on chromosome 6, the BCL11A locus on chromosome 2, the Xp22.2 region of the X chromosome and the 8q region on chromosome 8. Findings from our research group studying genetic factors involved in γ-globin gene regulation in adults without anemia in the northwestern region of São Paulo State showed that high Hb F levels are influenced by the presence of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin mutations and the XmnI polymorphism, suggesting that both genetic alterations characterize the molecular basis of the evaluated population.


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Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) is characteristic of the fetal development period. However, in some genetic conditions, such as hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) and delta-beta thalassemia (δβ-thalassemia), Hb F continues to be produced in adulthood. We evaluated the frequency of two mutations of HPFH, HPFH-1 and HPFH-2 African, and two mutations in δβ-thalassemia, Sicilian and Spanish, in a Brazilian population. Peripheral blood samples were collected from adults from hospitals and blood centers in southeast and northeast Brazil. These individuals were healthy and without complaints of anemia, but had increased Hb F. Samples were submitted to electrophoretic and chromatographic analyses to quantify Hb F values and, subsequently, to molecular analyses to verify the mutations. In the molecular analysis, 16 of the 60 samples showed a heterozygous profile for the HPFH mutations, two for HPFH-1 and 14 for HPFH-2. In the same sample set, three were heterozygous for Spanish δβ-thalassemia and none were heterozygous for Sicilian δβ- thalassemia. The Hb F values in the HPFH-2 heterozygotes differed from those previously reported for this mutation. In this group, the HPFH mutations were more frequent than the δβ-thalassemia mutations. The finding of these mutations in this Brazilian population reflects the mixing process that occurred during its formation.


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In subjects with type 1 diabetes, persisting elevations of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) have been demonstrated. This study evaluated whether HbF levels typically seen in type 1 diabetes (up to 3%) interfere with glycohemoglobin determinations using a common immunologic method (DCA 2000).


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To test whether yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) can be used in the investigation of mammalian development, we analyzed the phenotypes of transgenic mice carrying two types of beta-globin locus YAC developmental mutants: (i) mice carrying a G-->A transition at position -117 of the A gamma gene, which is responsible for the Greek A gamma form of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), and (ii) beta-globin locus YAC transgenic lines carrying delta- and beta-globin gene deletions with 5' breakpoints similar to those of deletional HPFH and delta beta-thalassemia syndromes. The mice carrying the -117 A gamma G-->A mutation displayed a delayed gamma- to beta-globin gene switch and continued to express A gamma-globin chains in the adult stage of development as expected for carriers of Greek HPFH, indicating that the YAC/transgenic mouse system allows the analysis of the developmental role of cis-acting motifs. The analysis of mice carrying 3' deletions first provided evidence in support of the hypothesis that imported enhancers are responsible for the phenotypes of deletional HPFH and second indicated that autonomous silencing is the primary mechanism for turning off the gamma-globin genes in the adult. Collectively, our results suggest that transgenic mice carrying YAC mutations provide a useful model for the analysis of the control of gene expression during development.


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A doença falciforme é um termo genérico usado para determinar um grupo de alterações genéticas caracterizadas pelo predomínio de hemoglobina (Hb) S. Os principais genótipos que compõem o grupo de doença falciforme são os seguintes: SS, SF [S/beta0 talassemia e S/persistência hereditária de Hb fetal (PHHF)], SFA (S/beta+ talassemia), SC, SD e SH (S/alfa talassemia). O presente trabalho analisa os resultados das avaliações de produtos provenientes da oxidação da Hb S, identificados pela concentração da metemoglobina e de eritrócitos com corpos de Heinz em dois genótipos da doença falciforme (SS e S/beta0 talassemia) e no traço falcêmico (AS), em comparação com o genótipo normal (AA). A análise dos produtos da degradação oxidativa da hemoglobina, evidenciados pelo aumento dos valores das médias referentes à concentração de metemoglobina e do número de eritrócitos com corpos de Heinz, está diretamente relacionada com o aumento da concentração da Hb S. Assim, a degradação oxidativa da hemoglobina decresce entre os genótipos estudados da seguinte forma: SS>SF>AS>AA. É importante destacar que as análises indicaram que a simples presença de Hb S no eritrócito, como é o caso do genótipo AS, é capaz de causar elevação da concentração de metemoglobina em 52,62% das amostras analisadas e de induzir a precipitação de corpos de Heinz em 73,68% dos casos estudados. Explicações referentes aos processos oxidativos e redutores das hemoglobinas estudadas são apresentados no texto. Destaca-se, entre os resultados apresentados, a identificação por meio de eletroforese em agarose alcalina da fração de globina alfa-livre em todas as amostras do genótipo SF provenientes de pessoas com Hb S/beta0 talassemia. É proposto um esquema para explicar a origem da globina alfa-livre, especialmente para o genótipo S/beta0 talassemia, e a importância da sua identificação no diagnóstico laboratorial de Hb S/beta0 talassemia.


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Previous studies showed a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE), in association with monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA (a bioactive component of lipid A of LPS), could interact to induce the development of dendritic cells (DCs) which regulated production of Foxp3+ Treg. This interaction was associated with an altered gene expression both of distinct subsets of TLRs and of CD200Rs. Prior studies had suggested that major interacting components within FSLE were gamma-chain of fetal hemoglobin (Hgbgamma) and glutathione (GSH). We investigated whether differentiation/maturation of DCs in vitro in the presence of either GM-CSF or Flt3L to produce preferentially either immunogenic or tolerogenic DCs was itself controlled by an interaction between MPLA, GSH and Hgbgamma. At low (approximately 10 microg/ml) Hgbgamma concentrations, DCs developing in culture with GSH and MPLA produced optimal stimulation of allogeneic CTL cell responses in vitro (and enhanced skin graft rejection in vivo). At higher concentrations (>40 microg/ml Hgbgamma) and equivalent concentrations of MPLA and GSH, the DCs induce populations of Treg which can suppress the induction of allogeneic CTL and graft rejection in vivo. These different populations of DCs express different patterns of mRNAs for the CD200R family. Addition of anti-TLR or anti-MD-1 mAbs to DCs developing in this mixture (Hgbgamma+GSH+MPLA), suggests that one effect of (GSH+Hgbgamma) on MPLA stimulation may involve altered signaling through TLR4.


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Hydroxyurea is used for sickle-cell disease patients in order to increase fetal hemoglobin synthesis and consequently decrease the severity of pain episodes. Fetal hemoglobin, which is formed by gamma-globin chains A and G, is present in a constant composition throughout fetal development: about 75% of Ggamma and 25% of Agamma. In contrast, adult red cells contain about 40% of Ggamma and 60% of Agamma. In the present study, we analyzed the effect of hydroxyurea induction on the gamma chain composition of fetal hemoglobin in 31 sickle-cell disease patients treated with hydroxyurea. The control group was composed of 30 sickle-cell disease patients not treated with hydroxyurea in clinical steady state. The patients were older than 13 years and were not matched for age. All patients were seen at Hemocentro/UNICAMP and Boldrini Infantile Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil. The levels of total hemoglobin were significantly higher in patients treated with hydroxyurea (mean ± SD, 9.6 ± 2.16 g/dl) than in untreated patients (8.07 ± 0.91 g/dl). Fetal hemoglobin levels were also higher in treated patients (14.16 ± 8.31%) than in untreated patients (8.8 ± 4.09%), as was the Ggamma/Agamma ratio (1.45 ± 0.78 vs 0.98 ± 0.4, P < 0.005). The increase in the Ggamma/Agamma ratio in patients treated with hydroxyurea suggests the prevalence of a pattern of fetal hemoglobin synthesis, whereas patients not treated with hydroxyurea maintain the adult pattern of fetal hemoglobin synthesis. Because no correlation was observed between the Ggamma/Agamma ratio and total hemoglobin or fetal hemoglobin levels, the increase in Ggamma chain synthesis may not imply a higher production of hemoglobin.


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PURPOSE: Congenital venous malformations of the lower limbs represent a particular challenge for the vascular surgeon. Persistence of fetal veins is a rare malformation, and the most common is the persistence of the lateral marginal vein usually observed in patients with Klippel-Trenaunnay Syndrome. The persistence of this embryonic vein as an isolated venous malformation without the other characteristics of the Klippel-Trenaunnay Syndrome has not yet been reported. This paper describes two cases. METHODS: Two patients, a 17-year-old male patient and a 16-year-old female, have had since their birth a large venous trunk in the lateral aspect of the right leg and thigh. The limbs underwent duplex scanning and phlebography. The surgical removal of the lateral marginal vein was performed. RESULTS: Surgical treatment resulted in very good functional and aesthetic results. Follow-up at 26 months showed no evidence of varicose vein recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: To achieve good results, surgical intervention may be indicated in cases of orthopedic deformity, hemorrhage, symptomatic, and unaesthetic lesions.


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We have reported earlier that purified preparations of sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not adult hemoglobin, in concert with non-stimulatory doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (lipid A), act cooperatively to regulate in vitro production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha, TGFbeta and IL-6 from murine and human leukocytes. Following in vivo treatment of mice with the same combination of hemoglobin and LPS, harvested spleen or peritoneal cells showed a similar augmented capacity to release these cytokines into culture supernatants. We report below that genetically cloned gamma-chain of human or sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not cloned alpha- or beta-chains, can produce this cooperative effect, as indeed can HPLC purified, heme-free, gamma-chains derived from cord blood fetal hemoglobin, and that purified haptoglobin completely abolishes the cooperative interaction.


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A previously described extract of sheep fetal liver was reported to reverse many of the cytokine changes associated with aging in mice, including an augmented spleen cell ConA-stimulated production of IL-4 and decreased production of IL-2. Similar effects were not seen with adult liver preparations. These changes were observed in various strains of mice, including BALB/c, DBA/2 and C57BL/6, using mice with ages ranging from 8 to 110 weeks. Preliminary characterization of this crude extract showed evidence for the presence of Hb gamma chain, as well as of lipid A of LPS. We show below that purified preparations of sheep fetal Hb, but not adult Hb, in concert with suboptimally stimulating doses of LPS (lipid A), cooperate in the regulation of production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha and IL-6, in vitro. Furthermore, isolated fresh spleen or peritoneal cells from animals treated in vivo with the same combination of Hb and LPS, showed an augmented capacity to produce these cytokines on further culture in vitro. Evidence was also obtained for a further interaction between CLP, LPS and fetal Hb itself in this augmented cytokine production. These data suggest that some of the functional activities in the fetal liver extract reported earlier can be explained in terms of a novel immunomodulatory role of a mixture of LPS (lipid A) and fetal Hb.


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Hemoglobin and its structures have been described since the 1990s to enhance a variety of biological activities of endotoxins (LPS) in a dose-dependent manner. To investigate the interaction processes in more detail, the system was extended by studying the interactions of newly designed peptides from the γ-chain of human hemoglobin with the adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA), a partial structure of lipid A lacking its 1-phosphate. It was found that some selected Hbg peptides, in particular two synthetic substructures designated Hbg32 and Hbg35, considerably increased the bioactivity of MPLA, which alone was only a weak activator of immune cells. These findings hold true for human mononuclar cells, monocytes and T lymphocytes. To understand the mechanisms of action in more detail, biophysical techniques were applied. These showed a peptide-induced change of the MPLA aggregate structure from multilamellar into a non-lamellar, probably inverted, cubic structure. Concomitantly, the peptides incorporated into the tightly packed MPLA aggregates into smaller units down to monomers. The fragmentation of the aggregates was an endothermic process, differing from a complex formation but rather typical for a catalytic reaction.