936 resultados para heory of constraints


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This thesis aimed to compare the effects of constraints-led and traditional coaching approaches on young cricket spin bowlers, with a specific research focus on increasing spin rates (i.e., Revolutions per Minute). Participants were 22 spin bowlers from either an Australia state youth squad or an academy in England. Results indicate that adopting a constraints-led approach can benefit younger, inexperienced bowlers, whilst a traditional approach may assist more skilled, older bowlers. The findings are discussed with regards to how they may inform the learning design of training programs by cricket coaches.


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Proline plays an important role in the secondary structure of proteins. In the pursuit of understanding its structural role, Proline containing helices with constraints have been studied by employing molecular dynamics (MD) technique. In the present study, the constraint introduced is a threonine residue, whose sidechain has intramolecular hydrogen bond interaction with the backbone oxygen atom. The three systems that have been chosen for characterization are: (1) Ace-(Ala)12−Thr-Pro-(Ala)10−NHMe, (2) Ace-(Ala)13-Pro-Ala-Thr- (Ala)8-NHMe and (3) Ace-(Ala)13-Pro-(Ala)3-Thr-(Ala)6-NHMe. The equilibrium structures and structural transitions have been identified by monitoring the backbone dihedral angles, bend related parameters and the hydrogen bond interactions. The MD averages and root mean square (r.m.s.) fluctuations are compared and discussed. Energy minimization has been carried out on selected MD simulated points in order to analyze the characteristics of different conformations.


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With the advances in technology, seismological theory, and data acquisition, a number of high-resolution seismic tomography models have been published. However, discrepancies between tomography models often arise from different theoretical treatments of seismic wave propagation, different inversion strategies, and different data sets. Using a fixed velocity-to-density scaling and a fixed radial viscosity profile, we compute global mantle flow models associated with the different tomography models and test the impact of these for explaining surface geophysical observations (geoid, dynamic topography, stress, and strain rates). We use the joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics approach of Ghosh and Holt (2012) to compute the full lithosphere stresses, except that we use HC for the mantle circulation model, which accounts for the primary flow-coupling features associated with density-driven mantle flow. Our results show that the seismic tomography models of S40RTS and SAW642AN provide a better match with surface observables on a global scale than other models tested. Both of these tomography models have important similarities, including upwellings located in Pacific, Eastern Africa, Iceland, and mid-ocean ridges in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean and downwelling flows mainly located beneath the Andes, the Middle East, and central and Southeast Asia.


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El incumplimiento reiterado de la normatividad y políticas relacionadas con los tiempos de respuesta del proceso de contratación minera del país, desarrollado actualmente por la recién creada Agencia Nacional de Minería ANM, ha suscitado que la administración del recurso minero no se realice bajo los principios de eficiencia, eficacia, economía y celeridad. Estas debilidades manifiestas provocan represamientos en la resolución de trámites, congelación de áreas para contratar, sobrecostos, demoras en los tiempos de respuesta establecidos por la normatividad vigente y trae como consecuencia incertidumbre en los inversionistas mineros y pérdidas por concepto de recaudo de canon superficiario, entre otras. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación consiste en analizar el proceso de titulación minera de Colombia a partir de la filosofía de mejora continua desarrollado en la teoría de restricciones TOC (Theory Of Constraints), para poder identificar cuáles son los cuellos de botella que no permiten que el proceso fluya de manera adecuada y proponer alternativas de mejora, que con su implementación exploten y subordinen la limitaciones al sistema.


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The direction and speed of motion of a one-dimensional (1-D) stimulus, such as a grating, presented within a circular aperture is ambiguous. This ambiguity, referred to as the Aperture Problem (Fennema & Thompson, 1979) results from (i) the inability to detect motion parallel to grating orientation, and (ii) the occlusion of border information, such as the ‘ends’ of the grating, by the surface forming the aperture, Adelson and Movshon's (1982) intcrsection-of-constraints (IOC) model of motion perception describes a two-stage method of disambiguating the motion of 1-D moving stimuli (e.g., gratings) to produce unambiguous motion of two-dimensional (2-D) objects (e.g., plaid patterns) made up of several 1-D components. Specifically, in the IOC model ambiguous 1-D motions extracted by Stage 1 component-selective mechanisms are integrated by Stage 2 pattern-selective mechanisms to produce unambiguous 2-D motion signals. ‘Integration’ in the context of the IOC model involves determining the single motion vector (i.e., combination of direction and speed) which is consistent with the I-D components of a 2-D object. Since the IOC model assumes that 2-D objects undergo pure translation (i.e., without distortion, rotation, etc.), the motion vector consistent with all 1-D components describes the motion of the 2-D object itself. Adelson and Movshon (1982) propose that neural implementation of the computation underlying the IOC model is reflected in the perception of coherent 2-D plaid motion reported when two separately-moving ‘component’ gratings are superimposed. Using these plaid patterns the present thesis assesses the IOC model in terms of its ability to account for the perception of 2-D motion in a variety of circumstances. In the first series of experiments it is argued that the unambiguous motion perceived for a single grating presented within a rectangular aperture (i.e., the Barberpole illusion; Wallach, 1976) reflects application of the IOC computation to the moving 1-D grating and the stationary boundary of the aperture. While contrary to the assumption which underlies the IOC model (viz., that integration occurs between moving 1-D stimuli), evidence consistent with the involvement of the IOC computation in mediating the Barberpole illusion (in which there is only one moving stimulus) is obtained by measuring plaid coherence as a function of aperture shape. It is found that rectangular apertures which bias perceived component motions in directions consistent with plaid direction facilitate plaid coherence, while rectangular apertures which bias perceived component motions in directions inconsistent with plaid direction disrupt plaid coherence. In the second series of experiments, perceived directions of motion of type I symmetrical, type I asymmetrical, and type II plaids are measured with the aim of investigating the deviations in plaid directions reported by Ferrera and Wilson (1990) and Yo and Wilson (1992). Perceived directions of both asymmetrical and type II plaids are shown to deviate away from lOC-predicted directions and towards mean component direction. Furthermore, the magnitude of these deviations is being proportional to the difference between lOC-predicted plaid direction and mean component direction. On the basis of these directional deviations, modification to the IOC model is proposed. In the modified IOC model it is argued that plaid perception involves (i) the activity of Stage 2 pattern-selective mechanisms (and the Stage 1 component-selective mechanisms which input into these pattern-selective mechanisms) involved in implementing the IOC computation, and (ii) component-selective mechanisms which influence plaid perception directly, and ‘extraneously’ to the IOC computation. In the third series of experiments the validity of this modified IOC model, as well as the validity of alternative one-stage models of plaid perception are assessed in relation to perceived directions of plaid-induced MAEs as a function of both plaid direction and mean component direction. It is found that plaid-induced MAEs are shifted away from directions opposite to lOC-predicted plaid direction towards the direction opposite to mean component direction. This pattern of results is taken to be consistent with the modified IOC model which predicts the activity, and adaptation both of mechanisms signalling plaid direction (via implementation of the IOC computation), and ‘extraneous-type’ component-selective mechanisms signalling component directions. Alternative one-stage models which predict the adaptation of only mechanisms signalling plaid direction (the feature-tracking model), or the adaptation only of mechanisms signalling component directions (the distribution-of-activity model), cannot account for the directions of plaid-induced MAEs reported. The ability of the modified IOC model to account for the perceived directions of (i) gratings in rectangular apertures, (ii) various types of plaid in circular apertures, and (iii) directions of plaid-induced MAEs, is interpreted as supporting the proposition that human motion perception is based on a parallel and distributed process involving Stage 2 pattern-selective mechanisms (and the Stage 1 component-selective mechanisms which input into these mechanisms) taken to implement the IOC computation, and component-selective mechanisms taken to provide an 'extraneous' direct contribution to motion perception.


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This article documents an action research (AR) project aimed at identifying the practical steps needed to become an agile manufacturer through a combination of the theory of constraints (TOC) and resource- based view (RBV) approaches in a small to medium enterprise (SME) in the Australian manufacturing sector. To date, lean production has been highlighted as a possible catalyst for creating an agile manufacturer, despite the evidence suggesting that lean manufacturing lacks the responsiveness and adaptability to effectively handle a rapidly changing market place and only works well in a stable environment. A more flexible system of production is required to fully encompass the agile characteristics needed to attain a competitive advantage. This research provides empirical evidence that the TOC perspective can be used as a practical approach for becoming an agile manufacturer. The study provides a workable approach for small firms to achieve ‘Agility’ in practice.


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A dynamical systems approach to the study of locomotor intralimb coordination in those with hemiparesis led to an examination of the utility of the shank-thigh relative phase (RP) as a collective variable and the identification of potential constraints that may shape this coordination. Eighteen non-disabled individuals formed three groups matched to the age and gender of six participants with chronic right hemiparesis. The three groups differed in the constraints imposed on their walking: (1) walking at their preferred walking speed; (2) walking as slowly as those with hemiparesis; and, (3) walking slowly with a right ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). The results revealed an asymmetry in intralimb coordination between the unaffected and affected leg of those with hemiparesis localized to the latter third of the gait cycle when the limb is advanced from the end of stance to the reestablishment of a new stance. Walking slowly with or without an AFO resulted in no measureable effect in the non-disabled, but accounts for 22% of the variance in the intralimb coordination of the hemiplegic's affected limb and 16% in the unaffected limb. The AFO offered little additional contribution. These results derive from shank-thigh RP that is shown to provide more information about intralimb coordination than knee angle displacement. Implications for these results and the use of RP for rehabilitation are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved. PsycINFO classification. 3297. 2330.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to systematically describe the key practical contributions of the theory of constraints (TOC) to outbound (distribution) logistics. Design/methodology/approach: Based on theoretical research, this paper presents the main practical aspects of the approach suggested by TOC to outbound logistics and discusses the assumptions upon which it is based. Findings: This paper corroborates the thesis defended by TOC, according to which the current ways of managing outbound logistics, based mainly on sales forecasts lead to difficulties in handling trade-offs between logistics (stock and transportation) costs and stock-out levels. Research limitations/implications: The reported research is of a theoretical nature. Practical implications: TOC offers a proposal that is complementary in many aspects and very distinguishable in others about the way some key processes and elements of supply chain management (SCM) are managed, especially outbound logistics. Originality/value: Considering the dearth of papers dealing with the conceptual articulation and organization of this subject, the paper contributes to systematize the knowledge currently available about the contributions of the TOC to outbound logistics, highlighting the practical implications of applying TOC to outbound logistics. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Perhaps due to its origins in a production scheduling software called Optimised Production Technology (OPT), plus the idea of focusing on system constraints, many believe that the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has a vocation for optimal solutions. Those who assess TOC according to this perspective indicate that it guarantees an optimal solution only in certain circumstances. In opposition to this view and founded on a numeric example of a production mix problem, this paper shows, by means of TOC assumptions, why the TOC should not be compared to methods intended to seek optimal or the best solutions, but rather sufficiently good solutions, possible in non-deterministic environments. Moreover, we extend the range of relevant literature on product mix decision by introducing a heuristic based on the uniquely identified work that aims at achieving feasible solutions according to the TOC point of view. The heuristic proposed is tested on 100 production mix problems and the results are compared with the responses obtained with the use of Integer Linear Programming. The results show that the heuristic gives good results on average, but performance falls sharply in some situations. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.