21 resultados para hemoparasites
Os animais silvestres estão expostos a inúmeros patógenos,dentre eles estão os hemoparasitas. Podem-se destacar espécies do gênero Trypanosoma e do grupo das hemogregarinas,que ocorrem com freqüência parasitando anuros (rãs, pererecas e sapos). Normalmente, a descrição destes hemoparasitas é feita através da morfologia dos estágios observados nosangue periférico do hospedeiro e as pesquisas sobre o ciclobiológico desses hemoparasitas são escassas. Os objetivos dopresente estudo foram avaliar a presença de hemogregarinas eTrypanosoma spp. em anuros capturados nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul e fazer a caracterização morfológica e morfométrica dos seus hemoparasitas. As espécies deanuros examinadas foram: Dendropsophus nanus, D. minutus, Leptodactylus chaquensis, L. podicipinus, L. labyrinthicus, L. fuscus, Bufo granulosus, B. schneideri, Phyllomedusahypocondrialis, Trachicephalus venulosus, Scinax fuscovarius e Hypsiboas albopunctatus. Dos 40 animais estudados, foramencontrados quatro (10%) positivos para hemogregarinas e oito(20%) positivos para Trypanosoma spp. Foram observadosgamontes de hemogregarinas com morfologia variável e, alémdas formas intraeritrocíticas, também foram observados gamontes fora das hemácias. As formas de Trypanosoma encontradas eram muito polimórficas, conforme é descrito na literatura, sendo na sua maioria, larga e oval.
Although bats of the genus Pteropus are important ecologically as pollinators and natural hosts for zoonotic pathogens, little is known about their basic physiology. Hematology and plasma biochemistries were determined from wild-caught flying foxes (Pteropus giganteus) in northern India (n = 41). Mean lymphocyte differential count was higher for juveniles than adults. Mean platelet count was lower than previously reported. No hemoparasites were observed. No differences were observed between plasma biochemistry values of male and female bats, juveniles and adults, or lactating and nonlactating females. Variation in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was seen based on body condition score. Blood urea nitrogen and cholesterol concentrations were lower in P. giganteus than other mammalian groups, but were consistent with those reported from other Pteropus species. Alanine aminotransferase and AST concentrations were higher than those reported for Pteropus vampyrus, a closely related species. This study provides basic physiologic information that can be used in future health and disease studies of Indian flying foxes.
A Floresta Tropical Atlântica apresenta uma enorme biodiversidade, e está atualmente sujeita a inúmeras pressões como a perda de área pela intensa ocupação humana, agricultura, pecuária, urbanização e industrialização. Esses impactos têm provocado desmatamento e fragmentação florestal, processos que interferem na manutenção das populações animais, inclusive afetando os ciclos silvestres de parasitas e microorganismos. Didelphis aurita é um marsupial da Mata Atlântica com alta capacidade adaptativa a ambientes perturbados. Esta espécie onívora é tolerante à fragmentação florestal, podendo sobreviver em ambientes silvestres, rurais, suburbanos e urbanos, tendo importância na conexão dos ciclos silvestres e urbanos de diversos agentes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever aspectos hematológicos, bioquímicos e de hemoparasitas em Didelphis aurita de duas áreas da Serra dos Órgãos/ RJ, uma área fragmentada e outra de mata contínua. Entre julho de 2011 e fevereiro de 2012 foram capturados 61 animais que tiveram amostras de sangue avaliadas. Os resultados expressos como média desvio padrão foram: Volume Globular 38,66 % ( 4,97); Hemácias 5,40 ( 0,75) x106/mm3; Hemoglobina 12,78 ( 1,68) g/dL; VGM 71,69 ( 3,56) fl; CHGM 33,01 ( 0,63) %; Plaquetas 514,70 ( 323,10) x 103/mm3; Leucócitos 19.678,52 ( 10.152,26)/mm3; Basófilos 0,59 ( 0,72) %; Eosinófilos 13,79 ( 6,94)%; Bastonetes 0,77 ( 2,04) %; Segmentados 41,12 ( 13,95) %; Linfócitos 41,97 ( 12,97) %; Monócitos 1,75 ( 1,51)%. Para parâmetros bioquímicos encontramos os seguintes resultados: Proteínas totais 8,50 ( 1,68); albumina 3,03 ( 0,69); globulina 5,44 ( 1,66); uréia 83,57 ( 20,11); creatinina 0,44 ( 0,13); ALT 85,01 ( 65,65); AST 314,55 ( 130,58); FA 420,38 ( 371,89); GGT 19,40 ( 8,51). Os parâmetros hematócrito, hemoglobina, hematimetria, ALT, AST e FA foram maiores nos machos do que nas fêmeas. Adultos apresentaram valores de proteína plasmática total, leucócitos, hematócrito, hemoglobina, hematimetria, albumina, proteínas totais, creatinina e GGT maiores do que jovens, e o inverso ocorreu para plaquetas, globulina e FA. Animais do Fragmento apresentaram valores de massa corporal e albumina menores do que os do Garrafão, e o inverso ocorreu para GGT e globulina. Babesiasp. ocorreu em 26,6% da população, sendo mais freqüente em adultos. Estes resultados são os primeiros parâmetros de referência para Didelphis aurita na Serra dos Órgãos, contribuindo para o estudo desta espécie.
Hepatozoon species are the most abundant hemoparasites of snakes. Its identification has been based mainly on the morphologic characterization of the gamonts in the peripheral blood of the vertebrate host and also of the cysts found in the internal organs of the vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Using a computerized image analysis system, we studied five species of Hepatozoon from recently captured snakes in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, to evaluate the importance of the morphology and morphometry of the gamonts for the characterization of Hepatozoon species and to analyze the morphologic changes induced in the erythrocytes by the parasite. The studied species were H. terzii of Boa constrictor amarali, Hepatozoon sp. of Crotalus durissusterrificus, H. philodryasi of Philodryas patagoniensis, and H. migonei and H. cyclagrasi of Hydrodynastes gigas. We observed three different groups, one of them including the species H. terzii, H. philodryasi and Hepatozoon sp. of C. durissus terrificus; and the other two consisting of H. migonei and H. cyclagrasi. Degree of alterations in the erythrocytes was variable and it may be useful for characterization of Hepatozoon species.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta é a primeira descrição de um surto de Trypanosomavivax ocorrido no Estado de São Paulo, no município de Lins. Animais acometidos apresentaram febre, icterícia, diminuição da produção de leite, perda de peso, diarreia profusa, abortos, anemia, leucocitose e hiperfibrigenemia. Foram registrados 31 óbitos de vacas e bezerros em 1.080 bovinos no total. Três vacas apresentaram sintomatologia nervosa, como dismetria, ataxia e fraqueza muscular, além de ptialismo, aumento de linfonodos e edema submandibular. Hemoparasitas flagelados foram observados em esfregaços sanguíneos, e a espécie de tripanossomo foi diagnosticada como T.vivax por PCR. A cepa de T. vivax mostrou ser resistente ao tratamento com aceturato de diaminozeno e a infecção disseminou rapidamente no rebanho. Pelo ELISA, observou-se que 98,36% (599) das amostras de soro colhidas apresentaram títulos positivos para IgG anti-T.vivax. O surto ocorreu em condições de baixa precipitação pluviométrica, fato que indica que outros fatores estavam envolvidos na ocorrência desse surto, como a ausência de tabanídeos e a grande presença de Haematobia irritans e Stomoxys calcitrans, cujo aumento populacional pode ser devido ao uso de resíduos de usinas de açúcar e álcool nos canaviais que circundavam a granja leiteira.
Hepatozoon canis is a tick-borne protozoan that infects dogs and has been reported throughout the world. Manifestation of H. canis infection varies from being sub-clinical in apparently healthy dogs to severe illness. The main vector of the infection is the dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus although other species may also transmit this agent. H. canis has been reported previously in Brazil, but mostly as an occasional finding during laboratory exams and always associated with other diseases. The prevalence of H. canis in dogs of rural areas of Brazil has been little studied. For this study, 250 dogs from seven counties of Rio de Janeiro state were examined. All the dogs were from rural areas, near forest. of the dogs examined, 26 dogs were from Seropedica, 82 from Itaguai, 41 from Paracambi, 26 from Mangaratiba, 32 from Barra do Pirai, 32 from Pirai and 11 from Miguel Pereira. Blood smears from the peripheral blood of the ear were taken and ticks found on the dogs were collected for identification in the laboratory. Using blood smear evaluation, H. canis was identified in 39.2% of the animals examined. Other hemoparasites identified were Babesia canis (5.2%) and Ehrlichia canis (4.8%). Four tick species were found parasitizing the dogs: Amblyomma cajennense (23.6%), R. sanguineus (12.4%), Amblyomma aureolatum (2.8%) and Amblyomma ovale (2.0%). There was a positive correlation between the presence of A. cajennense and H. canis infection. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As ectothermic animals, snakes depend exclusively on the environment for proper temperature maintenance, which may greatly influence their activity. Twenty-five adult Boa constrictor amarali snakes maintained in captivity were used to determine the influence of seasons on their hematologic values and electrophoretic profile of hemoglobin. A complete blood cell count (CBC) and examination for hemoparasites were performed in the summer and winter of 2004. Hemoglobin was stored for later electrophoresis. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained in RBC, WBC. lymphocyte, thrombocyte, and monocyte counts, demonstrating the importance of the period of the year in the interpretation of reference values in these animals. Two snakes were detected with blood parasites (Hepatozoon sp.) in the winter and four in the summer. although it appears that their presence did not cause any significant alterations in the CBC. The electrophoretic analysis of the samples demonstrated two-four hemoglobin bands in this species.
Ehrlichiosis, an emergent tickborne disease that affects both humans and animals, may represent a threat to the survival and preservation of wild felids in Brazil There are few studies of ehrlichiosis in wild felids in Brazil, but Ehrlichia spp are present in domestic cats Antibodies to Ehrlichia canis have been reported in a puma (Puma concolor) In this study we assessed the presence of these hemoparasites in the blood of Brazilian wild captive felids of the 72 animals tested, 5 (7%) were seropositive for the E cams antigen, and L1 (15%) were positive for E emirs DNA sequences We also performed sequence alignment to establish the identity of the parasite species infecting these animals using 16S rRNA and omp-1 genes Sequences based on 16S rRNA were similar to those found in dogs and cats from Thailand, Brazil, China, and Taiwan and with E canis obtained from a single individual (human) in Venezuela Ehrlichia sp sequence from sampled felines based on omp-1. gene was similar to the p28 and p30 multigene family of E canis To our knowledge, this is the first study of molecular detection of Ehrlichia sp in Brazilian wild feline species
The accelerated growth of finfish aquaculture has resulted in a series of health problems, including blood disorders by hemoparasites; there are scarce studies about these agents and their impact in actual intensive farming. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify the hemoparasites present in monocytes and erythrocytes in the blood of tilapia and their correlation with the hematological profile. Blood samples were collected from caudal vessels of 15 cage-reared Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), with 70 ± 10 g weight on average, from Itambaracá Municipality, Parana State, Brazil. The total red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, hematocrit, total and differential white blood cells counts, and the number of thrombocytes were determined in blood smears stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa-Wright and Quick Panoptic. The results showed the presence of pleomorphic cytoplasmic inclusions with corrugated appearance and basophilic staining, mainly in monocytes, suggesting Anaplasmataceae parasitemia and inclusions with the same morphological characteristics in erythrocytes of one Nile tilapia. The hematological analysis showed no significant difference (P < 0.05) between infected and not infected fish, and therefore, there was no correlation between parasitemia and hematological profile. These observations allow us to infer that the intracytoplasmic inclusions in monocytes and erythrocytes are compatible with the family Anaplasmataceae. There was no correlation between the blood profile and low level of parasitemia. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)