7 resultados para hemogregarine


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Little is known of the blood parasites of coral reef fishes and nothing of how they are transmitted. We examined 497 fishes from 22 families, 47 genera, and 78 species captured at Lizard Island, Australia, between May 1997 and April 2003 for hematozoa and ectoparasites. We also investigated whether gnathiid isopods might serve as potential vectors of fish hemogregarines. Fifty-eight of 124 fishes caught in March 2002 had larval gnathiid isopods, up to 80 per host fish, and these were identified experimentally to be of 2 types, Gnathia sp. A and Gnathia sp. B. Caligid copepods were also recorded but no leeches. Hematozoa, found in 68 teleosts, were broadly hemogregarines of 4 types and an infection resembling Haemohormidium. Mixed infections (hemogregarine with Haemohormidium) were also observed, but no trypanosomes were detected in blood films. The hemogregarines were identified as Haemogregarina balistapi n. sp., Haemogregarina tetraodontis, possibly Haemogregarina bigemina, and an intraleukocytic hemogregarine of uncertain status. Laboratory-reared Gnathia sp. A larvae, fed experimentally on bruslitail tangs, the latter heavily infected with the H. bigemina-like hemogregarine, contained hemogregarine gamonts and possibly young oocysts up to 3 days postfeeding, but no firm evidence that gnathiids transmit hemogregarines at Lizard Island was obtained.


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Intraerythrocytic bodies identified as haemogregarine gamonts were found in 29% of 97 brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) examined during a haematological survey of reptiles in Australasia during 1994-1998. The morphological characteristics of the parasites were consistent with those of Haemogregarina boigae Mackerras, 1961, although the gamonts were slightly larger and lacked red caps but contained distinctive polar grey capsules. Gamonts did not distend host cells but laterally displaced their nuclei. They were contained within parasitophorous vacuoles and possessed typical apicomplexan organelles, including a conoid, polar rings, rhoptries and micronemes. Schizonts producing up to 30 merozoites were detected in endothelial cells of the lungs of 11 snakes. The absence of erythrocytic schizogony suggests the parasites belong to the genus Hepatozoon. Electron microscopy also revealed the presence of curious encapsulated organisms in degenerating erythrocytes. These stages did not possess apical complex organelles and were surrounded by thick walls containing circumferential junctions and interposed strips reminiscent of oocyst sutures.


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The phylogeny of representative haemozoan species of the phylum Apicomplexa was reconstructed by cladistic analyses of ultrastructural and life-cycle characteristics. The analysis incorporated 4 apicomplexans previously not included in phylogenetic reconstructions: Haemogregarina clelandi from the Brisbane River tortoise (Emydura signata), Hepatozoon sp. from the slaty grey snake (Stegonotus cucullatus), Hepatozoon (Haemogregarina) boigae from the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis), and Haemoproteus chelodina from the saw-shelled tortoise (Elseya latisternum). There was no apparent correlation between parasite phylogeny and that of their vertebrate hosts, but there appeared to be some relationship between parasites and their intermediate hosts, suggestive of parasite/vector co-evolution.


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The main object of the present paper is to furnish a brief account to the knowledgement of Protozoa parasitic in common Brazilian frog of the genus Leptodactylus for general students in Zoology and for investigators that use this frog as a laboratory animal. Hepatozoon leptodactyli (Haemogregarina leptodactyli) was found in two species of frogs - Leptodactylus ocellatus and L. pentadactylus - in which develop schizogony whereas sporogony occurs in the leech Haementeria lutzi as was obtainded in experimental conditions. Intracellular forms have been found in peripheral circulation, chiefly in erythrocytes, but we have found them in leukocytes too. Tissue stages were found in frog, liver, lungs, spleen, gut, brain and heart. The occurence of hemogregarine in the Central Nervous System was recorded by Costa & al,(13) and Ball (2). Some cytochemical methods were employed in attempt to differentiate gametocytes from trophozoites in the peripheral blood and to characterize the cystic membrane as well. The speorogonic cycle was developed in only one specie of leech. A brief description of the parasite is given.


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Os animais silvestres estão expostos a inúmeros patógenos,dentre eles estão os hemoparasitas. Podem-se destacar espécies do gênero Trypanosoma e do grupo das hemogregarinas,que ocorrem com freqüência parasitando anuros (rãs, pererecas e sapos). Normalmente, a descrição destes hemoparasitas é feita através da morfologia dos estágios observados nosangue periférico do hospedeiro e as pesquisas sobre o ciclobiológico desses hemoparasitas são escassas. Os objetivos dopresente estudo foram avaliar a presença de hemogregarinas eTrypanosoma spp. em anuros capturados nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul e fazer a caracterização morfológica e morfométrica dos seus hemoparasitas. As espécies deanuros examinadas foram: Dendropsophus nanus, D. minutus, Leptodactylus chaquensis, L. podicipinus, L. labyrinthicus, L. fuscus, Bufo granulosus, B. schneideri, Phyllomedusahypocondrialis, Trachicephalus venulosus, Scinax fuscovarius e Hypsiboas albopunctatus. Dos 40 animais estudados, foramencontrados quatro (10%) positivos para hemogregarinas e oito(20%) positivos para Trypanosoma spp. Foram observadosgamontes de hemogregarinas com morfologia variável e, alémdas formas intraeritrocíticas, também foram observados gamontes fora das hemácias. As formas de Trypanosoma encontradas eram muito polimórficas, conforme é descrito na literatura, sendo na sua maioria, larga e oval.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a presença de hemogregarina em boídeos mantidos em cativeiro no Estado do Pará, bem como, relacionar a hemoparasitose com pre-disposição sexual, alterações clínicas e hematológicas e a presença de ectoparasitos. Esta pesquisa teve autorização do Sistema de Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis para ser realizado. Utilizaram-se 19 serpentes da família Boidae mantidas em cativeiro, pertencentes ao "Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi" (Belém/PA) e "Sítio Xerimbabo" (Santo Antônio do Tauá/PA). A pesquisa de hemogregarina foi realizada em esfregaços sanguíneos examinados no aumento de 400x, enquanto que a parasitemia foi determinada contando- se 550 hemácias em aumento de 1000x. Do total de animais estudados (n=19), nove encontraram-se parasitados (47,36%), não havendo correlação entre presença de hemogregarina, pré-disposição sexual, alterações clínicas e hematológicas nas serpentes hospedeiras. A correlação da hemoparasitose foi detectada apenas quanto à presença de ectoparasitas nas serpentes, no entanto, estudos adicionais são necessários para verificar a prevalência de hemogregarinas em animais mantidos em cativeiro no Estado do Pará, visto que, existe grande lacuna de dados na literatura veterinária especializada no que diz respeito à fauna da região amazônica.