311 resultados para hemicellulose hydrolyzate
Nanotiltration is a membrane separation method known for its special characteristic of rejecting multivalent ions and passing monovalent ions. Thus, it is commonly applied with dilute aqueous solutions in partial salt removal, like in drinking water production. The possibilities of nanofiltration have been studied and the technique applied in a wide branch of industries, e.g. the pulp and paper, the textile and the chemical processing industry. However, most present applications and most of the potential applications studied involve dilute solutions, the permeating stream being generally water containing monovalent salts. In this study nanotiltration is investigated more as a fractionation method. A well-known application in the dairy industry is concentration and partial salt removal from whey. Concentration and partial demineralization is beneficial for futher processing of whey as whey concentrates are used e.g. in baby foods. In the experiments of this study nanotiltration effectively reduced the monovalent salts in the whey concentrate. The main concern in this application is lactose leakage into the permeate. With the nanofiltration membranes used the lactose retentions were practically ? 99%. Another dairy application studied was the purification and reuse of cleaning solutions. This is an environmentally driven application. An 80% COD reduction by nanofiltration was observed for alkaline cleaning-in-place solution. Nanofiltration is not as commonly applied in the sugar and sweeteners industry as in the dairy industry. In this study one potential application was investigated, namely xylose purification from hemicellulose hydrolyzate. Xylose is raw material for xylitol production. Xylose separation from glucose was initially studied with xylose-glucose model solutions. The ability of nanofiltration to partially separate xylose into the permeate from rather concentrated xylose-glucose solutions (10 w-% and 30 w-%) became evident. The difference in size between xylose and glucose molecules according to any size measure is small, e.g. the Stokes diameter of glucose is 0.73 nm compared to 0.65 nm for xylose. In further experiments, xylose was purified into nanoliltration permeate from a hemicellulose hydrolyzate solution. The xylose content in the total solids was increased by 1.4—1.7 fold depending on temperature, pressure and feed composition.
Viable cells of Candida guilliermondii were immobilized by inclusion into polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel using the freezing-thawing method. Entrapment experiments were planned according to a 2(3) full factorial design, using the PVA concentration (80, 100, and 120 g L(-1)), the freezing temperature (-10, -15, and -20 degrees C), and the number of freezing-thawing cycles (one, three, and five) as the independent variables, integrated with three additional tests to estimate the errors. The effectiveness of the immobilization procedure was checked in Erlenmeyer flasks as the pellet capability to catalyze the xylose-to-xylitol bioconversion of a medium based on sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate. To this purpose, the yield of xylitol on consumed xylose, xylitol volumetric productivity, and cell retention yield were selected as the response variables. Cell pellets were then used to perform the same bioconversion in a stirred tank reactor operated at 400 rpm, 30 degrees C, and 1.04 vvm air flowrate. At the end of fermentation, a maximum xylitol concentration of 28.7 g L(-1), a xylitol yield on consumed xylose of 0.49 g g(-1) and a xylitol volumetric productivity of 0.24 g L(-1) h(-1) were obtained.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of brewer`s spent grain in three different forms: original (untreated), pretreated by dilute acid (cellulignin), and pretreated by a sequence of dilute acid and dilute alkali (cellulose pulp), was studied to verify the effect of hemicellulose and lignin on cellulose conversion into glucose. The hydrolysis was carried out using a commercial cellulase concentrate (Celluclast 1.5 L) in an enzyme/substrate ratio of 45 FPU/g, 2% (w/v) substrate concentration, 45 degrees C for 96 h. According to the results, the cellulose hydrolysis was affected by the presence of hemicellulose and/or lignin in the sample. The cellulose conversion ratio (defined as glucose yield + cellobiose yield) from cellulignin was 3.5-times higher than that from untreated sample, whereas from cellulose pulp such value was 4-times higher, correspondent to 91.8% (glucose yield of 85.6%). This best result was probably due to the strong modification in the material structure caused by the hemicellulose and lignin removal from the sample. As a consequence, the cellulose fibers were separated being more susceptible to the enzymatic attack. It was concluded that the lower the hemicellulose and lignin contents in the sample, the higher the efficiency of cellulose hydrolysis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A process has been elaborated for one-step low lignin content sugarcane bagasse hemicellulose extraction using alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide. To maximize the hemicellulose yields several extraction conditions were examined applying the 2(4) factorial design: H(2)O(2) concentration from 2 to 6% (w/v), reaction time from 4 to 16 h, temperature from 20 to 60 degrees C, and magnesium sulfate absence or presence (0.5%, w/v). This approach allowed selection of conditions for the extraction of low and high lignin content hemicellulose. At midpoint the yield of hemicellulose was 94.5% with more than 88% of lignin removed. Lignin removal is suppressed at low extraction temperatures and in the absence of magnesium sulfate. Hemicellulose in 86% yield with low lignin content (5.9%) was obtained with 6% H(2)O(2) treatment for 4 h and 20 degrees C. This hemicellulose is much lighter in color than samples obtained at the midpoint condition and was found suitable for subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study provides a preliminary contribution to the development of a bioprocess for the contintious production of xylitol from hemicellulosic hydrolyzate utilizing Candida guilliermondii cells immobilized onto natural sugarcane bagasse fibers. To this purpose, cells of this yeast were submitted to batch tests of ""in situ"" adsorption onto crushed and powdered sugarcane bagasse after treatment with 0.5 M NaOH. The results obtained on a xylose-based semi-synthetic medium were evaluated in terms of immobilization efficiency, cell retention and specific growth rates of suspended, immobilized and total cells. The first two parameters were shown to increase along the immobilization process, reached maximum values of 50.5% and 0.31 g immobilized cells/g bagasse after 21 h and then sharply decreased. The specific growth rate of suspended cells continuously increased during the immobilization tests, while that of the immobilized ones, after an initial growth, exhibited decreasing values. Under the conditions selected for cell immobilization, fermentation also took place with promising results. The yields of xylitol and biomass on consumed xylose were 0.65 and 0.18 g/g, respectively, xylitol and biomass productivities 0.66 and 0.13 g L-1 h(-1), and the efficiency of xylose-to-xylitol bioconversion was 70.8%. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a otimização da etapa de fermentação dos açúcares obtidos a partir da drêche cervejeira para produção do bioetanol através da utilização das leveduras Pichia stipitis NCYC 1541 e Kluyveromyces marxianus NCYC 2791 como agentes fermentativos. O meio de cultura usado para manter as culturas destas leveduras foi Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose (YEPD). O principal propósito deste trabalho foi o de encontrar alternativas aos combustíveis fósseis, pautando-se por soluções inofensivas para o meio ambiente e sustentáveis. Assim, o trabalho está dividido em quatro etapas: 1) caraterização química e biológica da drêche; 2) pré-tratamento ácido e hidrólise enzimática para primeiramente quebrar as moléculas de lenhina que envolvem os polímeros de celulose e hemicelulose e em seguida romper as ligações poliméricas destas macromoléculas por ação enzimática e transforma-las em açúcares simples, respetivamente, obtendo-se então a glucose, a maltose, a xilose e a arabinose; e, por último, 3) otimização da etapa de fermentação da glucose, maltose e das pentoses que constitui a condição essencial para se chegar à síntese do bioetanol de um modo eficiente e sustentável e 4) a recuperação do bioetanol produzido por destilação fracionada. A quantificação dos açúcares libertados no processo foi feita recorrendo a análises por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC). Neste estudo foram identificados e quantificados cinco açúcares: Arabinose, Glucose, Maltose, Ribose e Xilose. Na etapa de pré-tratamento e hidrólise enzimática foram usados os ácidos clorídrico (HCl) e nítrico (HNO3) com a concentração de 1% (m/m), e as enzimas Glucanex 100g e Ultraflo L. Foram testadas seis condições de pré-tratamento e hidrólise enzimática, alterando os parâmetros tempo de contacto e razão enzimas/massa de drêche, respetivamente, e mantendo a temperatura (50 ºC), velocidade de agitação (75 rpm) e concentração dos ácidos (1% (m/m)). No processamento de 25 g de drêche seca com 0,5 g de Glucanex, 0,5 mL de Ultraflo e um tempo de reação de 60 minutos para as enzimas foi obtida uma eficiência de 15%, em hidrolisado com 6% da celulose. Realizou-se a fermentação do hidrolisado resultante do pré-tratamento ácido e hidrólise enzimática de drêche cervejeira e de meios sintéticos preparados com os açúcares puros, usando as duas estirpes selecionadas para este estudo: Pichia stipitis NCYC 1541 e Kluyveromyces marxianus NYCY 2791. As eficiências de fermentação dos açúcares nos meios sintéticos foram superiores a 80% para ambas as leveduras. No entanto, as eficiências de fermentação do hidrolisado da drêche foram de 45,10% pela Pichia stipitis e de 36,58 para Kluyveromyces marxianus, para um tempo de fermentação de 72 horas e à temperatura de 30 °C. O rendimento teórico em álcool no hidrolisado da drêche é de 0,27 g/g, três vezes maior do que o real (0,0856 g/g), para Pichia stipitis e de 0,19 g/g seis vezes maior do que o real (0,0308 g/g), para a Kluyveromyces marxianus.
The transformation of a traditional pulp mill into an integrated forest biorefinery utilizing wood-derived biomass presents a promising opportunity for enterprise revival of the pulp and paper industry by offering new sources of revenue and significantly improved industry profitability. One proposed next generation process step for an integrated forest biorefinery is the extraction of hemicelluloses, allowing the co-production of pulp and ethanol or chemicals. The extraction of hemicelluloses, however, will likely have downstream effects on pulp quality. In the literature survey an overview of the integrated forest biorefinery and possible next generation technologies implementable in such facility were reviewed. Moreover, some hemicellulose extraction methods suitable for the co-production of pulp and hemicellulose products were looked into in more detail. Also, an overview on the significance of pulp’s hemicellulose content on papermaking properties of pulp fibers was made. In the literature it is stated that the hemicellulose content of pulp affects on many papermaking properties of pulp fibers, hornification and paper strength properties in particular. In the experimental part the goal was to investigate what effects alkaline hemicellulose extraction after bleaching has on the papermaking properties of birch Kraft pulp. It was discovered that tested pulps, normal and hemi-poor birch Kraft pulp, were different in many ways regarding to pulp properties. Differences were observed in both physical and chemical characteristics. Furthermore, clear distinctions were seen in tested paper properties, especially in strength properties, between the handsheets made from hemi-poor or normal birch Kraft pulp. Hemi-poor and normal birch Kraft pulps were also compared as a raw material of laboratory made copy paper. Based on this comparison, usage of hemi-poor birch pulp as the raw material of copy paper does not drastically deteriorate its quality.
The growing population on earth along with diminishing fossil deposits and the climate change debate calls out for a better utilization of renewable, bio-based materials. In a biorefinery perspective, the renewable biomass is converted into many different products such as fuels, chemicals, and materials, quite similar to the petroleum refinery industry. Since forests cover about one third of the land surface on earth, ligno-cellulosic biomass is the most abundant renewable resource available. The natural first step in a biorefinery is separation and isolation of the different compounds the biomass is comprised of. The major components in wood are cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, all of which can be made into various end-products. Today, focus normally lies on utilizing only one component, e.g., the cellulose in the Kraft pulping process. It would be highly desirable to utilize all the different compounds, both from an economical and environmental point of view. The separation process should therefore be optimized. Hemicelluloses can partly be extracted with hot-water prior to pulping. Depending in the severity of the extraction, the hemicelluloses are degraded to various degrees. In order to be able to choose from a variety of different end-products, the hemicelluloses should be as intact as possible after the extraction. The main focus of this work has been on preserving the hemicellulose molar mass throughout the extraction at a high yield by actively controlling the extraction pH at the high temperatures used. Since it has not been possible to measure pH during an extraction due to the high temperatures, the extraction pH has remained a “black box”. Therefore, a high-temperature in-line pH measuring system was developed, validated, and tested for hot-water wood extractions. One crucial step in the measurements is calibration, therefore extensive efforts was put on developing a reliable calibration procedure. Initial extractions with wood showed that the actual extraction pH was ~0.35 pH units higher than previously believed. The measuring system was also equipped with a controller connected to a pump. With this addition it was possible to control the extraction to any desired pH set point. When the pH dropped below the set point, the controller started pumping in alkali and by that the desired set point was maintained very accurately. Analyses of the extracted hemicelluloses showed that less hemicelluloses were extracted at higher pH but with a higher molar-mass. Monomer formation could, at a certain pH level, be completely inhibited. Increasing the temperature, but maintaining a specific pH set point, would speed up the extraction without degrading the molar-mass of the hemicelluloses and thereby intensifying the extraction. The diffusion of the dissolved hemicelluloses from the wood particle is a major part of the extraction process. Therefore, a particle size study ranging from 0.5 mm wood particles to industrial size wood chips was conducted to investigate the internal mass transfer of the hemicelluloses. Unsurprisingly, it showed that hemicelluloses were extracted faster from smaller wood particles than larger although it did not seem to have a substantial effect on the average molar mass of the extracted hemicelluloses. However, smaller particle sizes require more energy to manufacture and thus increases the economic cost. Since bark comprises 10 – 15 % of a tree, it is important to also consider it in a biorefinery concept. Spruce inner and outer bark was hot-water extracted separately to investigate the possibility to isolate the bark hemicelluloses. It was showed that the bark hemicelluloses comprised mostly of pectic material and differed considerably from the wood hemicelluloses. The bark hemicelluloses, or pectins, could be extracted at lower temperatures than the wood hemicelluloses. A chemical characterization, done separately on inner and outer bark, showed that inner bark contained over 10 % stilbene glucosides that could be extracted already at 100 °C with aqueous acetone.
Trees produce an enormous amount of compounds that are still scantly utilized.However, the results obtained from structurally similar biochemicals suggest that wood-derived compounds could be used for the protection of health in various applications. Polyphenols, for instance, could be extracted from wood in high quantities. Similar polyphenols to those in wood include resveratrol, found in grapes, and secoisolariciresinol, present in flaxseeds. Their consumption has been inversely associated with the incidence of various diseases, especially certain cancers and obesity-related disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the health-promoting effects of woodderived biochemicals. The effect of spruce hemicellulose on the growth of probiotic intestinal bacteria was studied. The results suggest that the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli can utilize hemicellulose and thus it has potential as a prebiotic compound. In particular, the efficacy of pine polyphenols to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer was our main interest. It was found that stilbenoids and lignans inhibited the proliferation of various cancer cells, and reduced the growth of prostate cancer xenografts in mice. The polyphenol rich pine knot extract was well tolerated in diet and extract-derived polyphenols were rapidly absorbed after intake. Furthermore, we determined the effect of the dietary pine knot extract on the weight gain and the expression of aromatase gene in reporter mouse expressing the promoter region of a human aromatase gene. It was found that dietary pine knot extract alleviated the obesity-induced inflammation in adipose tissue and downregulated the expression of a human aromatase gene. Taken together, several components of spruce and pine may have a future role as health-promoting compounds.
Extractability and recovery of cellulose from cell walls influences many industrial processes and also the utilisation of biomass for energy purposes. The utility of genetic manipulation of lignin has proven potential for optimising such processes and is also advantageous for the environment. Hemicelluloses, particularly secondary wall xylans, also influence the extractability of cellulose. UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase produces UDP-xylose, the precursor for xylans and the effect of its down-regulation on cell wall structure and cellulose extractability in transgenic tobacco has been investigated. Since there are a number of potential UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase genes, a 490 bp sequence of high similarity between members of the family, was chosen for general alteration of the expression of the gene family. Sense and antisense transgenic lines were analysed for enzyme activity using a modified and optimised electrophoretic assay, for enzyme levels by western blotting and for secondary cell wall composition. Some of the down-regulated antisense plants showed high glucose to xylose ratios in xylem walls due to less xylose-containing polymers, while arabinose and uronic acid contents, which could also have been affected by any change in UDP-xylose provision, were unchanged. The overall morphology and stem lignin content of the modified lines remained little changed compared with wild-type. However, there were some changes in vascular organisation and reduction of xylans in the secondary walls was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Pulping analysis showed a decreased pulp yield and a higher Kappa number in some lines compared with controls, indicating that they were less delignified, although the level of residual alkali was reduced. Such traits probably indicate that lignin was less available for removal in a reduced background of xylans. However, the viscosity was higher in most antisense lines, meaning that the cellulose was less broken-down during the pulping process. This is one of the first studies of a directed manipulation of hemicellulose content on cellulose extractability and shows both positive and negative outcomes.
Extractability and recovery of cellulose from cell walls influences many industrial processes and also the utilisation of biomass for energy purposes. The utility of genetic manipulation of lignin has proven potential for optimising such processes and is also advantageous for the environment. Hemicelluloses, particularly secondary wall xylans, also influence the extractability of cellulose. UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase produces UDP-xylose, the precursor for xylans and the effect of its down-regulation on cell wall structure and cellulose extractability in transgenic tobacco has been investigated. Since there are a number of potential UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase genes, a 490 bp sequence of high similarity between members of the family, was chosen for general alteration of the expression of the gene family. Sense and antisense transgenic lines were analysed for enzyme activity using a modified and optimised electrophoretic assay, for enzyme levels by western blotting and for secondary cell wall composition. Some of the down-regulated antisense plants showed high glucose to xylose ratios in xylem walls due to less xylose-containing polymers, while arabinose and uronic acid contents, which could also have been affected by any change in UDP-xylose provision, were unchanged. The overall morphology and stem lignin content of the modified lines remained little changed compared with wild-type. However, there were some changes in vascular organisation and reduction of xylans in the secondary walls was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Pulping analysis showed a decreased pulp yield and a higher Kappa number in some lines compared with controls, indicating that they were less delignified, although the level of residual alkali was reduced. Such traits probably indicate that lignin was less available for removal in a reduced background of xylans. However, the viscosity was higher in most antisense lines, meaning that the cellulose was less broken-down during the pulping process. This is one of the first studies of a directed manipulation of hemicellulose content on cellulose extractability and shows both positive and negative outcomes.
Agricultural and agro-industrial residues are often considered both an environmental and an economical problem. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed, assuming residues as biorefinery feedstocks. In this work cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) seeds, which are lipid-rich (ca. 30%) and have a significant lignocellulosic fraction, were used as an example of a residue without any current valorization. Firstly, the lipid fraction was obtained by solvent extraction. Extraction yield varied from 13% to 28%, according to the extraction method and time, and solvent purity. This oil was converted into biodiesel (by base-catalyzed transesterification), yielding 76 g FAME/100 g oil. The obtained biodiesel is likely to be incorporated in the commercial chain, according to the EN14214 standard. The remaining lignocellulosic fraction was subjected to two alternative fractionation processes for the selective recovery of hemicellulose, aiming different products. Empirical mathematical models were developed for both processes, aiming future scale-up. Autohydrolysis rendered essentially oligosaccharides (10 gL-1) with properties indicating potential food/feed/pharmacological applications. The remaining solid was enzymatically saccharified, reaching a saccharification yield of 83%. The hydrolyzate obtained by dilute acid hydrolysis contained mostly monosaccharides, mainly xylose (26 gL-1), glucose (10 gL-1) and arabinose (3 gL-1), and had low content of microbial growth inhibitors. This hydrolyzate has proven to be appropriate to be used as culture media for exopolisaccharide production, using bacteria or microbial consortia. The maximum conversion of monosaccharides into xanthan gum was 0.87 g/g and kefiran maximum productivity was 0.07 g.(Lh)-1. This work shows the technical feasibility of using cherimoya seeds, and materials as such, as potential feedstocks, opening new perspectives for upgrading them in the biorefinery framework.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE