986 resultados para heavy-ion storage ring


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A new gas delivery system is designed and installed for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The original blocked nozzle is replaced by a new one with the throat diameter of 0.12mm. New test of hydrogen and argon gases are performed. The stable jets can be obtained for these two operation gases. The attenuation of the jet caused by the collision with residual gas is studied. The maximum achievable H-2 target density is 1.75x10(13) atoms/cm(3) with a target thickness of 6.3x10(12) atoms/cm(2) for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The running stability of the cluster source is tested both for hydrogen and argon. The operation parameters for obtaining hydrogen jet are optimized. The results of long time running for H-2 and Ar cluster jets look promising. The jet intensity has no essential change during the test for H-2 and Ar.


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The dissociative recombination of the acetaldehyde cation, CH3CHO+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. The dependence of the absolute cross section of the reaction on the relative kinetic energy has been determined and a thermal rate coefficient of k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.70 +/- 0.02) cm(3) s(-1) has been deduced, which is valid for electron temperatures between similar to 10 and 1000 K. The branching fractions of the reaction were studied at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy and we found that breaking one of the bonds between two of the heavy atoms occurs in 72 +/- 2% of the reactions. In the remaining events the three heavy atoms stay in the same product fragment. While the branching fractions are fairly similar to the results from an earlier investigation into the dissociative recombination of the fully deuterated acetaldehyde cation, CD3CDO+, the thermal rate coefficient is somewhat larger for CH3CHO+. Astrochemical implications of the results are discussed.


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The dissociative recombination of protonated propionitrile, CH3CH2CNH+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring, CRYRING, at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden. The thermal rate coefficient has been deduced to follow k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.76) (+/-) (0.02) cm(3) s(-1) for electron temperatures ranging from similar to 10 to similar to 1000 K. Measurements of the branching fractions were performed at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy. It has been found that in 43% +/- 2% of the reactions the four heavy atoms remain in the same product fragment. An equal portion of the reactions leads to products where one of the heavy atoms is split off from the other three and 14% +/- 1% result in a breakup into two heavy fragments containing two heavy atoms each. We discuss the significance of the data to Titan's upper atmosphere.


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Aims. We determine branching fractions, cross sections and thermal rate constants for the dissociative recombination of CD3CDOD+ and CH3CH2OH2+ at the low relative kinetic energies encountered in the interstellar medium. Methods. The experiments were carried out by merging an ion and electron beam at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING, Stockholm, Sweden. Results. Break-up of the CCO structure into three heavy fragments is not found for either of the ions. Instead the CCO structure is retained in 23 +/- 3% of the DR reactions of CD3CDOD+ and 7 +/- 3% in the DR of CH3CH2OH2+, whereas rupture into two heavy fragments occurs in 77 +/- 3% and 93 +/- 3% of the DR events of the respective ions. The measured cross sections were fitted between 1-200 meV yielding the following thermal rate constants and cross-section dependencies on the relative kinetic energy: sigma(E-cm[eV]) = 1.7 +/- 0.3 x 10(-15)(Ecm[eV])(-1.23 +/- 0.02) cm(2) and k(T) = 1.9 +/- 0.4 x 10(-6)(T/300)-0.73 +/- 0.02 cm(3) s(-1) for CH3CH2OH2+ as well as k(T) = 1.1 +/- 0.4 x 10(-6)(T/300)(-0.74 +/- 0.05) cm(3) s(-1) and s(Ecm[eV]) = 9.2 +/- 4 x 10(-16)(Ecm[eV])-1.24 +/- 0.05 cm(2) for CD3CDOD+


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We present a technique for measuring the radiative lifetimes of metastable states of negative ions that involves the use of a heavy-ion storage ring. The method has been applied to investigate the radiative decay of the np3 2P1/2 levels of Te–(n=5) and Se–(n=4) and the 3p3 2D state of Si– for which the J=3/2 and 5/2 levels were unresolved. All of these states are metastable and decay primarily by emission of E2 and M1 radiation. Multi Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of rates for the transitions in Te– and Se– yielded lifetimes of 0.45 s and 4.7 s, respectively. The measured values agree well with these predicted values. In the case of the 2D state of Si–, however, our measurement was only able to set a lower limit on the lifetime. The upper limit of the lifetime that can be measured with our apparatus is set by how long the ions can be stored in the ring, a limit determined by the rate of collisional detachment. Our lower limit of 1 min for the lifetime of the 2D state is consistent with both the calculated lifetimes of 162 s for the 2D3/2 level and 27.3 h for the 2D5/2 level reported by O'Malley and Beck and 14.5 h and 12.5 h, respectively, from our Breit-Pauli calculations.


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Measurements on the dissociative recombination (DR) of protonated acrylonitrile, CH2CHCNH+, have been performed at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING located in the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. It has been found that at~2meV relative kinetic energy about 50% of the DR events involve only ruptures of X–H bonds (where X=C or N)while the rest leads to the production of a pair of fragments each containing two heavy atoms (alongside H and/or H2). The absolute DR cross section has been investigated for relative kinetic energies ranging from ~1 meV to 1 eV. The thermal rate coefficient has been determined to follow the expression k(T) = 1.78 × 10-6 (T/300)-0.80 cm3 s-1 for electron temperatures ranging from ~10 to 1000 K. Gas-phase models of the nitrile chemistry in the dark molecular cloud TMC-1 have been run and results are compared with observations. Also, implications of the present results for the nitrile chemistry of Titan’s upper atmosphere are discussed.


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In this report we show first results on dielectronic recombination (DR) measurements with H-like uranium U91+. The experiments were conducted at the heavy ion storage ring ESR of GSI. The electron cooler of the ESR was used as a target for free electrons. Stochastic pre-cooling of the stored ion beam was employed in order to accomplish high-energy resolution at the necessary high electron-ion collision energies of more than 64 keV. For the DR of U91+ this novel technique enabled us to measure for the first time the KLL-DR process and even to resolve the individual j-j' fine structure components of the KLjLj' resonances. The experimental data are compared with fully relativistic Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock (DR-MCDF) calculations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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At the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING in Stockholm, Sweden, we have investigated the dissociative recombination of DCOOD2+ at low relative kinetic energies, from ~1 meV to 1 eV. The thermal rate coefficient has been found to follow the expression k(T) = 8.43 × 10-7 (T/300)^-0.78 cm3 s-1 for electron temperatures, T, ranging from ~10 to ~1000 K. The branching fractions of the reaction have been studied at ~2 meV relative kinetic energy. It has been found that ~87% of the reactions involve breaking a bond between heavy atoms. In only 13% of the reactions do the heavy atoms remain in the same product fragment. This puts limits on the gas-phase production of formic acid, observed in both molecular clouds and cometary comae. Using the experimental results in chemical models of the dark cloud, TMC-1, and using the latest release of the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry improves the agreement with observations for the abundance of formic acid. Our results also strengthen the assumption that formic acid is a component of cometary ices.


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Absolute rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination (DR) of H-like U91+ ions have been measured. The electron-ion merged-beam technique at a heavy-ion storage ring was employed using a stochastically cooled ion beam. Thereby, the previously accessible electron-ion collision energies could be greatly extended to the range 63-90 keV. High-resolution DR spectra were measured covering all KLL and KLM resonances. For the resonance strengths, excellent agreement between relativistic theory and experiment is found only if the Breit contribution to the electron-electron interaction is included in the calculations. For the KL1/2L1/2 and KL1/2M1/2 groups the Breit contribution amounts to 44% of their total resonance strengths.


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The first direct observation of a hyperfine splitting in the optical regime is reported. The wavelength of the M1 transition between the F = 4 and F = 5 hyperfine levels of the ground state of hydrogenlike ^209 Bi^82+ was measured to be \lamda_0 = 243.87(4) nm by detection of laser induced fluorescence at the heavy-ion storage ring ESR at GSI. In addition, the lifetime of the laser excited F = 5 sublevel was determined to be \tau_0 = 0.351(16) ms. The method can be applied to a number of other nuclei and should allow a novel test of QED corrections in the previously unexplored combination of strong magnetic and electric fields in highly charged ions.


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An dem Schwerionenspeicherring TSR (MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg) wurde ein 7 Li +-Ionenstrahl geringer Dichte durch RF-Bunchen und Laserkühlung präpariert.Die Phasenraumverteilung in dem Strahl wurde durch Laser- spektroskopie an Ionen im metastabilen Zustand untersucht. Ein umlaufsynchrones, zeitaufgelöstes Meßverfahren für das Fluoreszenzlicht ermöglichte die Bestimmung der räumlichen Struktur mit dieser rein optischen Methode.Durch einen speziellen Präparationsschritt wurden die Ionen im Grundzustand aus dem Speicherring entfernt. Der sonst dominierende Heizeffekt der strahlinternen Streuung war dadurch vernachlässigbar und es konnte eine Temperatur von 160 mK erreicht werden.Der präparierte Ionenstrahl bietet besondere Eigenschaften im Hinblick auf Präzisionsexperimente, bei denen mit möglichst ungestörten Ionen gearbeitet werden soll. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Phasenraumverteilung der Ionen nicht mehr durch Ion-Ion-Wechselwirkungen bestimmt ist und daß der verbleibende Heizmechanismus durch die Streuung am Restgas erklärt werden kann.1993 wurde durch Laserspektroskopie an 7 Li + im TSR die spezielle Relativitätstheorie im Hinblick auf die relativistische Zeitdilatation experimentell getestet. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das zu erwartende Ergebnis eines Experimentes diskutiert, das, basierend auf den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Verfahren, einen erneuten Test der relativistischen Zeitdilatation mit verbesserter Genauigkeit durchführen könnte.


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Since the successful completion of the cooling storage ring (CSR) project in China at the end of 2007, high qualitative heavy ion beams with energy ranging from keV to GeV/u have been available at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). More than 1091 GeV/u C6+particles or 108235 MeV/u Xe particles can be stored in the CSR main-ring and extracted within hundred nano-seconds during the test running,the beam parameters will be improved in the coming years so that high energy density (HED) conditions could be achieved and investigated there. Recent scientific results from the experiments relevant to plasma research on HIRFL are summarized. Dense plasma research with intense heavy ion beams of CSR is proposed here.