993 resultados para heat pipe
Experimental results on a loop heat pipe, using R134a as the working fluid, indicates that the liquid inventory in the compensation chamber can significantly influence the operating characteristics. The large liquid inventory in the compensation chamber, under terrestrial conditions, can result in loss of thermal coupling between the compensation chamber and the evaporator core. This causes the operating temperature to increase monotonically. This phenomenon, which has been experimentally observed, is reported in this paper. A theoretical model to predict the steady-state performance of a loop heat pipe with a weak thermal link between the compensation chamber and the core, as observed in the experiment, is also presented. The predicted and the experimentally determined temperatures correlate well.
An ammonia loop heat pipe (LHP) with a flat plate evaporator is developed and tested. The device uses a nickel wick encased in an aluminum-stainless steel casing. The loop is tested for various heat loads and different sink temperatures, and it demonstrated reliable startup characteristics. Results with the analysis of the experimental observation indicate that the conductance between the compensation chamber and the heater plate can significantly influence the operating temperatures of the LHP. A mathematical model is also presented which is validated against the experimental observations.
Capillary pumped loop (CPL) and loop heat pipe (LHP) are passive two-phase heat transport devices. They have been gaining importance as a part of the thermal control system of spacecraft. The evaporation heat transfer coefficient at the tooth-wick interface of an LHP or CPL has a significant impact on the evaporator temperature. It is also the main parameter in sizing of a CPL or LHP. Experimentally determined evaporation heat transfer coefficients from a three-port CPL with tubular axially grooved (TAG) evaporator and a TAG LHP with acetone, R-134A, and ammonia as working fluids are presented in this paper. The influences of working fluid, hydrodynamic blocks in the core, evaporator configuration (LHP or CPL), and adverse elevation (evaporator above condenser) on the heat transfer coefficient are presented.
The performance of a two-phase heat transport device such as the loop heat pipe is influenced by the evaporative heat transfer coefficient in the evaporator. From previous experiments with loop heat pipes, it has been observed that fluids with a high heat pipe figure of merit have a high heat transfer coefficient. Considering an evaporating extended thin film, this paper theoretically corroborates this experimental observation by deriving a direct link between the evaporative heat flux at the interface and the fluid figures of merit (namely interline heat flow parameter and heat pipe figure of merit) in the thin film. Numerical experiments with different working fluids clearly show that a fluid with high figure of merit also has a high cumulative heat transfer in the microregion encompassing the evaporating thin film. Thus, a loop heat pipe or heat pipe that uses a working fluid with a high interline heat flow parameter and heat pipe figure of merit will lead to a high evaporative heat transfer coefficient.
Un caloducto en bucle cerrado o Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) es un dispositivo de transferencia de calor cuyo principio de operación se basa en la evaporación/condensación de un fluido de trabajo, que es bombeado a través de un circuito cerrado gracias a fuerzas de capilaridad. Gracias a su flexibilidad, su baja masa y su mínimo (incluso nulo) consumo de potencia, su principal aplicación ha sido identificada como parte del subsistema de control térmico de vehículos espaciales. En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado un LHP capaz de funcionar eficientemente a temperaturas de hasta 125 oC, siguiendo la actual tendencia de los equipos a bordo de satélites de incrementar su temperatura de operación. En la selección del diseño optimo para dicho LHP, la compatibilidad entre materiales y fluido de trabajo se identificó como uno de los puntos clave. Para seleccionar la mejor combinación, se llevó a cabo una exhaustiva revisión del estado del arte, además de un estudio especifico que incluía el desarrollo de un banco de ensayos de compatibilidad. Como conclusión, la combinación seleccionada como la candidata idónea para ser integrada en el LHP capaz de operar hasta 125 oC fue un evaporador de acero inoxidable, líneas de titanio y amoniaco como fluido de trabajo. En esa línea se diseñó y fabricó un prototipo para ensayos y se desarrolló un modelo de simulación con EcosimPro para evaluar sus prestaciones. Se concluyó que el diseño era adecuado para el rango de operación definido. La incompatibilidad entre el fluido de trabajo y los materiales del LHP está ligada a la generación de gases no condensables. Para un estudio más detallado de los efectos de dichos gases en el funcionamiento del LHP se analizó su comportamiento con diferentes cantidades de nitrógeno inyectadas en su cámara de compensación, simulando un gas no condensable formado en el interior del dispositivo. El estudio se basó en el análisis de las temperaturas medidas experimentalmente a distintos niveles de potencia y temperatura de sumidero o fuente fría. Adicionalmente, dichos resultados se compararon con las predicciones obtenidas por medio del modelo en EcosimPro. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas fueron dos. La primera indica que una cantidad de gas no condensable más de dos veces mayor que la cantidad generada al final de la vida de un satélite típico de telecomunicaciones (15 años) tiene efectos casi despreciables en el funcionamiento del LHP. La segunda es que el principal efecto del gas no condensable es una disminución de la conductancia térmica, especialmente a bajas potencias y temperaturas de sumidero. El efecto es más significativo cuanto mayor es la cantidad de gas añadida. Asimismo, durante la campaña de ensayos se observó un fenómeno no esperado para grandes cantidades de gas no condensable. Dicho fenómeno consiste en un comportamiento oscilatorio, detectado tanto en los ensayos como en la simulación. Este efecto es susceptible de una investigación más profunda y los resultados obtenidos pueden constituir la base para dicha tarea. ABSTRACT Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) are heat transfer devices whose operating principle is based on the evaporation/condensation of a working fluid, and which use capillary pumping forces to ensure the fluid circulation. Thanks to their flexibility, low mass and minimum (even null) power consumption, their main application has been identified as part of the thermal control subsystem in spacecraft. In the present work, an LHP able to operate efficiently up to 125 oC has been developed, which is in line with the current tendency of satellite on-board equipment to increase their operating temperatures. In selecting the optimal LHP design for the elevated temperature application, the compatibility between the materials and working fluid has been identified as one of the main drivers. An extensive literature review and a dedicated trade-off were performed, in order to select the optimal combination of fluids and materials for the LHP. The trade-off included the development of a dedicated compatibility test stand. In conclusion, the combination of stainless steel evaporator, titanium piping and ammonia as working fluid was selected as the best candidate to operate up to 125 oC. An LHP prototype was designed and manufactured and a simulation model in EcosimPro was developed to evaluate its performance. The first conclusion was that the defined LHP was suitable for the defined operational range. Incompatibility between the working fluid and LHP materials is linked to Non Condensable Gas (NCG) generation. Therefore, the behaviour of the LHP developed with different amounts of nitrogen injected in its compensation chamber to simulate NCG generation, was analyzed. The LHP performance was studied by analysis of the test results at different temperatures and power levels. The test results were also compared to simulations in EcosimPro. Two additional conclusions can be drawn: (i) the effects of an amount of more than two times the expected NCG at the end of life of a typical telecommunications satellite (15 years) is almost negligible on the LHP operation, and (ii) the main effect of the NCG is a decrease in the LHP thermal conductance, especially at low temperatures and low power levels. This decrease is more significant with the progressive addition of NCG. An unexpected phenomenon was observed in the LHP operation with large NCG amounts. Namely, an oscillatory behaviour, which was observed both in the tests and the simulation. This effect provides the basis for further studies concerning oscillations in LHPs.
The heat pipe is an innovative engineering structure characterized by its capacity to transfer large quantities of heat through relatively small cross-sectional areas with very small temperature differences; it also possesses high thermal conductance and low thermal impedance. In recent times, heat pipes in various forms and designs have found a wide variety of applications. This paper briefly presents the basic concepts of heat pipes, recent innovations in design and their applications.
Loop heat pipe is a passive two-phase heat transport device that is gaining importance as a part of spacecraft thermal control systems and also in applications (such as in avionic cooling and submarines). Hard fill of a loop heat pipe occurs when the compensation chamber is full of liquid. A theoretical study is undertaken to investigate the issues underlying the loop beat pipe hard-fill phenomenon. The results of the study suggest that the mass of charge and the presence of a bayonet have significant impact on the loop heat pipe operation. With a largern mass of charge, a loop heat pipe hard fills at a lower heat load. As the heat load increases, there is a steep rise in the loop heat pipe operating temperature. In a loop heat pipe with a saturated compensation chamber, and also in a hard-filled loop heat pipe without a bayonet, the temperature of the compensation chamber and that of the liquid core are nearly equal. When a loop heat pipe with a bayonet hard fills, the compensation chamber and the evaporator core temperatures are different.
The loop heat pipe (LHP) is a passive two-phase heat transport device that is gaining importance as a part of spacecraft thermal control systems and also in applications such as in avionics cooling and submarines. A major advantage of a loop heat pipe is that the porous wick structure is confuned to the evaporator section, and connection between the evaporator and condenser sections is by smooth tubes, thus minimizing pressure drop. A brief overview of loop heat pipes with respect to basic fundamentals, construction details, operating principles, and typical operating characteristics is presented in this paper. Finally, the paper presents the current developments in modeling of thermohydraulics and design methodologies of LHPs.
Chaotic behavior of closed loop pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) was studied. The PHPs were fabricated by capillary tubes with outer and inner diameters of 2.0 and 1.20 mm. FC-72 and deionized water were used as the working fluids. Experiments cover the following data ranges: number of turns of 4, 6, and 9, inclination angles from 5 degrees (near horizontal) to 90, (vertical), charge ratios from 50% to 80%, heating powers from 7.5 to 60.0 W. The nonlinear analysis is based on the recorded time series of temperatures on the evaporation, adiabatic, and condensation sections. The present study confirms that PHPs are deterministic chaotic systems. Autocorrelation functions (ACF) are decreased versus time, indicating prediction ability of the system is finite. Three typical attractor patterns are identified. Hurst exponents are very high, i.e., from 0.85 to 0.95, indicating very strong persistent properties of PHPs. Curves of correlation integral versus radius of hypersphere indicate two linear sections for water PHPs, corresponding to both high frequency, low amplitude, and low frequency, large amplitude oscillations. At small inclination angles near horizontal, correlation dimensions are not uniform at different turns of PHPs. The non-uniformity of correlation dimensions is significantly improved with increases in inclination angles. Effect of inclination angles on the chaotic parameters is complex for FC-72 PHPs, but it is certain that correlation dimensions and Kolmogorov entropies are increased with increases in inclination angles. The optimal charge ratios are about 60-70%, at which correlation dimensions and Kolmogorov entropies are high. The higher the heating power, the larger the correlation dimensions and Kolmogorov entropies are. For most runs, large correlation dimensions and Kolmogorov entropies correspond to small thermal resistances, i.e., better thermal performance, except for FC-72 PHPs at small inclination angles of theta < 15 degrees.
The objective of this paper is to present a generalized analytical-numerical model of the internal flow in heat pipes. The model formulation is based on two-dimensional formulation of the energy and momentum equations in the vapour and liquid regions and also in the metallic tube. The numerical solution of the model is obtained by using the descretization scheme LOAD and the SIMPLE numerical code. The flow fields, as well as the pressure fields, for different geometries were obtained and discussed. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
El enfriamiento tradicional de los LEDs, mediante disipadores térmicos, se ve muchas veces comprometido al tener que disponer estos elementos refrigeradores justo en el punto de generación de la luz. Para evitar, en la medida de lo posible, este hecho, se presenta como una de las posibles alternativas el empleo de los ?Heat Pipes?. Los Heat Pipes son unos dispositivos autónomos, que permiten refrigerar los focos calientes, trasladando el calor generado por ellos a disipadores térmicos situados en zonas más accesibles y menos comprometidas. Los Heat Pipe, basados en técnicas termodinámicas, tienen un uso muy extendido en la tecnología aeroespacial. Son actualmente la solución ideal en aplicaciones de bombeo de calor y refrigeración de componenetes electricos y electrónicos. Con tamaños reducidos, pueden alcanzar flujos de refrigeración de 300 - 400 W/cm2. En esta comunicación se presenta y analiza este tipo de refrigeración aplicada a LED¿s utilizados en iluminación y alumbrado. La refrigeración de LEDs propuesta está compuesta por el Heat Pipe adosado por un extremo a la cara posterior del diodo LED, y por el otro, a una cierta distancia, al disipador térmico. La temperatura alcanzada por el LED dependerá del tipo y características del Heat Pipe así como de las cualidades del disipador térmico utilizado. También se utilizan en combinación con refrigeradores termoeléctricos (células de Peltier) cuando se desea controlar la temperatura de los dispositivos por debajo de la temperatura ambiental.
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