995 resultados para harmful consumption


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Aims To assess the association between access to off-premises alcohol outlets and harmful alcohol consumption.
Design, setting and participants Multi-level study of 2334 adults aged 18–75 years from 49 census collector districts (the smallest spatial unit in Australia at the time of survey) in metropolitan Melbourne.
Measurements Alcohol outlet density was defined as the number of outlets within a 1-km road network of respondents’ homes and proximity was the shortest road network distance to the closest outlet from their home. Using multi-level logistic regression we estimated the association between outlet density and proximity and four measures of harmful alcohol consumption: drinking at levels associated with short-term harm at least weekly and monthly; drinking at levels associated with long-term harm and frequency of consumption.
Findings Density of alcohol outlets was associated with increased risk of drinking alcohol at levels associated with harm. The strongest association was for short-term harm at least weekly [odds ratio (OR) 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04–1.16]. When density was fitted as a categorical variable, the highest risk of drinking at levels associated with short-term harm was when there were eight or more outlets (short-term harm weekly: OR 2.36, 95% CI 1.22–4.54 and short-term harm monthly: OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.07–3.04). We found no evidence to support an association between proximity and harmful alcohol consumption.
Conclusions The number of off-premises alcohol outlets in a locality is associated with the level of harmful alcohol consumption in that area. Reducing the number of off-premises alcohol outlets could reduce levels of harmful alcohol consumption.


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A abordagem aos alimentos transgênicos (AT) tem adquirido grande importância na sociedade contemporânea, apresentando-se como um tema muito debatido e controverso. Esses debates ocorrem fundamentalmente nos campos ambiental, da saúde, da economia e da ética, entre outros. A presente pesquisa traz no seu âmbito os conhecimentos científicos dos alunos de um curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, sobre AT. Sentimos a necessidade de compreender “Quais conhecimentos científicos os discentes do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) mobilizam em relação aos alimentos transgênicos?” E, considerando tais conhecimentos “Como se posicionam quando solicitados à tomada de decisão?” Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, realizado no período que compreendeu maio a agosto de 2011, nas dependências do Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica (IEMCI) da UFPA, mediante o desenvolvimento do Curso de Extensão: “Controvérsias Sociocientíficas no Ensino de Ciências”, com o tema AT. Para o levantamento dos conhecimentos dos discentes, elaboramos um questionário no qual contemplamos também uma questão que solicitava a tomada de decisão em relação ao tema em questão. Os dados relativos aos conhecimentos dos alunos foram organizados e analisados mediante a construção de “Matriz de Cognição Comparada”. Em nossa avaliação, a maioria dos sujeitos da presente pesquisa apresenta conhecimentos pertinentes a respeito do que seja transgênico. A compreensão dos discentes sobre a produção de um AT, em geral, é apresentada de forma coerente ao que encontramos na literatura da área. Observamos quanto aos aspectos positivos da produção desses alimentos, que os argumentos utilizados pelos educandos são muito parecidos com aqueles veiculados pelos proponentes dos AT na literatura específica da área. Quando indagados sobre os aspectos negativos da produção dos AT, observamos preocupações dos sujeitos quanto aos danos ao ambiente e quanto à insuficiência de resultados de estudos conclusivos, no que diz respeito aos benefícios e/ou malefícios desses alimentos. Alguns alunos expressaram preocupações no que diz respeito ao consumo de AT, notadamente dos riscos à saúde. Eles mencionam também nessa questão, a carência de estudos conclusivos em relação à questão dos possíveis maléficos do consumo dos AT. Várias foram as justificativas apontadas pelos alunos para apoio ao consumo dos AT, tais como: o combate à fome, preços mais acessíveis, maior qualidade, durabilidade, maior teor de vitaminas, melhoria na qualidade nutricional desses alimentos e benefícios econômicos. Sobre a tomada de decisão, as respostas foram divididas em favoráveis e contrárias. Para os favoráveis, as respostas foram desde aqueles que acreditam que os transgênicos podem beneficiar a população mundial no combate a fome, até os que pensam nas melhorias nutricionais desses alimentos. Em relação aos alunos que se manifestaram contrários, destacamos os que consideraram a existência de outras formas de melhorar a produção natural de alimentos, e acreditam ser muito mais benéfico para a população o incentivo desta sem o uso de agrotóxicos e pesticidas.


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Assessed correlates of alcohol consumption (AC) in 212 undergraduates (81 "college" and 131 "noncollege" residents [COLRs and NCOLRs], mean ages 18.9 and 18.6 yrs, respectively) and studied the proportion who were drinking at potentially harmful levels (HLs). This study also examined changes in AC during the course of the 1st semester and predicted drinking levels in the 2nd semester from demographics, drug use, social variables and self-efficacy data. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. During both semesters, the COLRs reported drinking significantly more alcohol than NCOLRs, but during vacation the intake of the 2 groups was almost equal. Higher AC in the 2nd semester was best predicted by higher AC during the 1st semester, followed by more AC by friends and higher parental occupation status. Female COLRs were those most likely to be drinking at HLs. Results also showed that a significant proportion of COLRs were drinking at HLs.


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The aim of the studies reported in this thesis was to examine the feeding interactions between calanoid copepods and toxic algae in the Baltic Sea. The central questions in this research concerned the feeding, survival and egg production of copepods exposed to toxic algae. Furthermore, the importance of copepods as vectors in toxin transfer was examined. The haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, which produces extracellular toxins, was the only studied species that directly harmed copepods. Beside this, it had allelopathic effects (cell lysis) on non-toxic Rhodomonas salina. Copepods that were exposed to P. parvum filtrates died or became severely impaired, although filtrates were not haemolytic (indicative of toxicity in this study). Monospecific Prymnesium cell suspensions, in turn, were haemolytic and copepods in these treatments became inactive, although no clear effect on mortality was detected. These results suggest that haemolytic activity may not be a good proxy of the harmful effects of P. parvum. In addition, P. parvum deterred feeding, and low egestion and suppressed egg production were consequently observed in monospecific suspensions of Prymnesium. Similarly, ingestion and faecal pellet production rates were suppressed in high concentration P. parvum filtrates and in mixtures of P. parvum and R. salina. These results indicate that the allelopathic effects of P. parvum on other algal species together with lowered viability as well as suppressed production of copepods may contribute to bloom formation and persistence. Furthermore, the availability of food for planktivorous animals may be affected due to reduced copepod productivity. Nodularin produced by Nodularia spumigena was transferred to Eurytemora affinis via grazing on filaments of small N. spumigena and by direct uptake from the dissolved pool. Copepods also acquired nodularin in fractions where N. spumigena filaments were absent. Thus, the importance of microbial food webs in nodularin transfer should be considered. Copepods were able to remove particulate nodularin from the system, but at the same time a large proportion of the nodularin disappeared. This indicates that copepods may possess effective mechanisms to remove toxins from their tissues. The importance of microorganisms, such as bacteria, in the degradation of cyanobacterial toxins could also be substantial. Our results were the first reports of the accumulation of diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs) produced by Dinophysis spp. in copepods. The PTX2 content in copepods after feeding experiments corresponded to the ingestion of <100 Dinophysis spp. cells. However, no DSTs were recorded from field-collected copepods. Dinophysis spp. was not selected by the copepods and consumption remained low. It seems thus likely that copepods are an unimportant link in the transfer of DSTs in the northern Baltic Sea.


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Bangladesh, often better known to the outside world as a country of natural calamities, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Despite rapid urbanization, more than 75% of the people still live in rural areas. The density of the rural population is also one of the highest in the world. Being a poor and low-income country, its main challenge is to eradicate poverty through increasing equitable income. Since its independence in 1971, Bangladesh has experienced many ups and downs, but over the past three decades, its gross domestic product (GDP) has grown at an impressive rate. Consequently, the country s economy is developing and the country has outperformed many low-income countries in terms of several social indicators. Bangladesh has achieved the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary school enrollment. A sharp decline in child and infant mortality rates, increased per capita income, and improved food security have placed Bangladesh on the track to achieving in the near future the status of a middle-income country. All these developments have influenced the consumption pattern of the country. This study explores the consumption scenario of rural Bangladesh, its changing consumption patterns, the relationship between technology and consumption in rural Bangladesh, cultural consumption in rural Bangladesh, and the myriad reasons why consumers nevertheless feel compelled to consume chemically treated foods. Data were collected in two phases in the summers of 2006 and 2008. In 2006, the empirical data were collected from the following three sources: interviews with consumers, producers/sellers, and doctors and pharmacists; observations of sellers/producers; and reviews of articles published in the national English and Bengali (the national language of Bangladesh) daily newspapers. A total of 110 consumers, 25 sellers/producers, 7 doctors, and 7 pharmacists were interviewed and observed. In 2008, data were collected through semi-structured in-depth qualitative interviews, ethnography, and unstructured conversations substantiated by secondary sources and photographs; the total number of persons interviewed was 22. -- Data were also collected on the consumption of food, clothing, housing, education, medical facilities, marriage and dowry, the division of labor, household decision making, different festivals such as Eid (for Muslims), the Bengali New Year, and Durga puja (for Hindus), and leisure. Qualitative methods were applied to the data analysis and were supported by secondary quantitative data. The findings of this study suggest that the consumption patterns of rural Bangladeshis are changing over time along with economic and social development, and that technology has rendered aspects of daily life more convenient. This study identified the perceptions and experiences of rural people regarding technologies in use and explored how culture is associated with consumption. This study identified the reasons behind the use of hazardous chemicals (e.g. calcium carbide, sodium cyclamate, cyanide and formalin, etc.) in foods as well as the extent to which food producers/sellers used such chemicals. In addition, this study assessed consumer perceptions of and attitudes toward these contaminated food items and explored how adulterated foods and food stuffs affect consumer health. This study also showed that consumers were aware that various foods and food stuffs contained hazardous chemicals, and that these adulterated foods and food stuffs were harmful to their health.


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Through this paper. we have attempted to model the demand for different classes of antibiotics used for respiratory infections in outpatient care in Switzerland using a spatial version of the linear approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model. This model takes spatial dependency into account by means of spatial lags of antibiotic budget shares. We control for the health status of patients and the potential harmful effects of antibiotic use in terms of bacterial resistance. Elasticities to socioeconomic determinants of consumption and own- and cross-price elasticities between different groups of antibiotic have also been computed in this paper. Significant cross-price elasticities are found between newer or more expensive generations and older or less expensive generations of antibiotics. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) is more common in late adolescence and early adulthood (approximately between the ages of 16 and 30) than in any other period in life. This is also the age when young people in Switzerland and many other European countries are legally allowed to buy and drink alcohol, but they usually do not yet have adult responsibilities. This paper reviews evidence from the international literature and provides examples of studies conducted in Switzerland demonstrating that (a) RSOD is by far most prevalent on Saturday evenings followed by Friday evenings, usually because young people go out and do not have any work or study responsibilities the next day; (b) RSOD results from drinking in private before going out ("predrinking") and accelerating the pace of drinking (i.e. increasing the number of drinks consumed per hour); (c) RSOD is often not accidental but purposeful,. to seek excitement, to have fun and to feel the effects of alcohol; (d) RSOD occurs predominantly outside the home, mostly in bars, pubs, discos or at special events and festivals; (e) RSOD often results in intended and unintended injuries and other acute consequences, which are leading risk factors for mortality and morbidity in this age group. Effective prevention strategies should include attempts to reduce opportunities to engage in heavy drinking as well as strategies to reduce its harmful consequences.


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Objective: To assess time trends in the contribution of processed foods to food purchases made by Brazilian households and to explore the potential impact on the overall quality of the diet. Design: Application of a new classification of foodstuffs based on extent and purpose of food processing to data collected by comparable probabilistic household budget surveys. The classification assigns foodstuffs to the following groups: unprocessed/minimally processed foods (Group 1); processed culinary ingredients (Group 2); or ultra-processed ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat food products (Group 3). Setting: Eleven metropolitan areas of Brazil. Subjects: Households; n 13 611 in 1987-8, n 16 014 in 1995-5 and n 13 848 in 2002-3. Results: Over the last three decades, the household consumption of Group 1 and Group 2 foods has been steadily replaced by consumption of Group 3 ultra-processed food products, both overall and in lower- and upper-income groups. In the 2002-3 survey, Group 3 items represented more than one-quarter of total energy (more than one-third for higher-income households). The overall nutrient profile of Group 3 items, compared with that of Group 1 and Group 2 items, revealed more added sugar, more saturated fat, more sodium, less fibre and much higher energy density. Conclusions: The high energy density and the unfavourable nutrition profiling of Group 3 food products, and also their potential harmful effects on eating and drinking behaviours, indicate that governments and health authorities should use all possible methods, including legislation and statutory regulation, to halt and reverse the replacement of minimally processed foods and processed culinary ingredients by ultra-processed food products.


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To investigate alcohol consumption, substance use and risky and harmful behaviour among young people attending 'schoolies' week in Victoria.


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Heavy alcohol consumption may accelerate the progression of hepatitis C-related liver disease and/or limit efforts at antiviral treatment in opioid-dependent patients receiving heroin-assisted treatment (HAT). Our study aims to assess alcohol intake among HAT patients by self-reports compared to direct ethanol metabolites.


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The rate of consumption of alcoholic beverages has undergone changes as well as the factors that influence it. In order to understand the significance of drinking patterns, this study was conducted with a sample of young adults (N = 260) ages 20 to 30, in Lisbon. The instruments used were The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and the Sense of Coherence Questionnaire. The results show that 10.8% had problems with alcohol. Those who had a lower sense of coherence, especially in the dimension of investment capacity, presented with more harmful and risky consumption patterns. We conclude that health promotion behaviors should include measures to strengthen a sense of coherence


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BACKGROUND: While it is well established that alcohol can cross the placenta to the foetus and can affect an infant's development, many women continue to drink during pregnancy. For this reason it is important to determine what information is being provided, what information may be missing, and the preferred sources of information on this issue. In order to improve prevention strategies, we sought to understand the knowledge and experiences of pregnant women and their partners regarding the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. METHODS: The current study utilised a qualitative study design in order to gain insight into the views and experiences of pregnant women, newly delivered mothers and their partners. Focus groups examined the participant's knowledge about the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the sources of information on this issue, and the psycho-social influences on their drinking behaviour. Five focus groups were conducted involving a total of 21 participants (17 female). A six-stage thematic analysis framework was used to analyse all focus group discussions in a systematic way. RESULTS: Seven major themes were identified from the focus group data: 1) knowledge of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; 2) message content and sources; 3) healthcare system; 4) society and culture; 5) partner role; 6) evaluation of risk; and 7) motivation. The findings indicated that although the majority of participants knew not to drink alcohol in pregnancy they had limited information on the specific harmful effects. In addition, routine enquiry and the provision of information by health care professionals were seen as lacking. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this research provide important insights in to the relationship between pregnant women, their partners, and their healthcare providers. Several recommendations can be made on the basis of these findings. Firstly, public health messages and educational materials need to provide clear and consistent information about the effects of alcohol consumption on the developing baby. Additionally, more thorough and consistent routine enquiry for alcohol consumption in pregnant women needs to occur. Finally, it is important to ensure ongoing education for health professionals on the issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.