978 resultados para halo neutron


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We study the average property of the isospin effect of reaction induced by halo-neutron nuclei He-8 and He-10 in the intermediate energy heavy ion collisions using the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). This study is based on the extended neutron density distribution for the halo-neutron nuclei, which includes the average property of the isospin effect-of reaction mechanism and loose inner structure. The extended neutron density distribution brings an important isospin. effect into the average property of reaction mechanism because the interaction potential and nucleon-nucleon(N-N) cross section in IQMD model depend sensitively on the density distribution of colliding system. In order to see clearly the average properties of reaction mechanism induced by halo-neutron nuclei we also compare the results for the neutron-halo colliding systems with those for the corresponding stable colliding systems under the same incident channel condition. We found that the extended density distribution for the neutron-halo projectile brings an important isospin effect to the reaction mechanism, which leads to the decrease of nuclear stopping R, yet induces obvious increase of the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions and isospin fractionation ratio for all beam energies studied in this work, compared to the corresponding stable colliding system. In this case, nuclear stopping, the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions and isospin fractionation ratio induced by halo-neutron nuclei can be used as possible probes for studying the average property of the isospin effect of reaction mechanism and extracting the information of symmetry potential and in-medium N-N cross section by the neutron-halo nuclei in heavy ion collisions.


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In terms of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD), important isospin effect in the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism is. investigated, and consequently, the symmetrical potential form is extracted in the intermediate energy heavy ion collision. Because the interactive potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon (N-N) cross section in the IQMD model sensitively depend on the density distribution of the colliding system, this type of study is much more based on the extended density distribution with a looser inner nuclear structure of the halo-neutron nucleus. Such a density distribution includes averaged characteristics of the isospin effect of the reaction mechanism and the looser inner nuclear structure. In order to understand clearly the isospin effect of the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism, the effects caused by the neutron-halo nucleus and by the stable nucleus with the same mass are compared under the same condition of the incident channel. It is found that in the concerned beam energy region, the ratio of the emitted neutrons and protons and the ratio of the isospin fractionations in the neutron-halo nucleus case are considerably larger than those in the stable nucleus case. Therefore, the information of the symmetry potential in the heavy ion collision can be extracted through such a procedure.


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We present model results for the two-halo-neutron correlation functions, C-nn, for the dissociation process of light exotic nuclei modelled as two neutrons and a core. A minimum is predicted for C-nn as a function of the relative momentum of the two neutrons, p(nn), due to the coherence of the neutrons in the halo and final state interaction. Studying the systems Be-14, Li-11, and He-6 within this model, we show that the numerical asymptotic limit, C-nn-> 1, occurs only for p(nn)greater than or similar to 400 MeV/c, while such limit is reached for much lower values of p(nn) in an independent particle model as the one used in the analysis of recent experimental data. Our model is consistent with data once the experimental correlation function is appropriately normalized.


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It was based on the comparisons of the variance properties of fragment multiplicities FM's and nuclear stoppings R's for the neutron-halo colliding system with those of FZ's and R's for the proton-halo colliding system with the increases of beam energy in more detail, the closely correlations between the reaction mechanism and the inner structures of halo-nuclei is found. From above comparisons it is found that the variance properties of fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping with the increases of beam energy are quite different for the neutron-halo and proton-halo colliding systems, such as the effects of loosely bound neutron-halo structure on the fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping are obviously larger than those for the proton-halo colliding system. This is due to that the structures of halo-neutron nucleus Li-11 is more loosely than that of the proton-halo nucleus Al-23 in this paper. In this case, the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping of halo nuclei may be used as a possible probe for studying the reaction mechanism and the correlation between the reaction mechanism and the inner structure of halo-nuclei.


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Elastic scattering of (8)B and (7)Be on a (58)Ni target has been measured at energies near the Coulomb barrier. The total reaction cross sections were deduced from Optical-model fits to the experimental angular distributions. Comparison with other systems shows evidence for proton-halo effects on (8)B, as well as for neutron-halo on (6)He reactions. While the enhancement in the cross section observed for (8)B is explained in terms of projectile breakup, in the case of (6)He reactions, the particle transfer proces explains the observed enhancement.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Probing in-medium nucleon-nucleon (NN) cross section sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) in heavy ion collisions has been investigated by means of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics (IQMD) with the isospin- and momentum- dependent interaction (IMDI(tau)). It is found that there are the very obvious medium effect and the sensitive isospin- dependence of nuclear stopping R on the in-medium NN cross section sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) in the nuclear reactions induced by halo-neutron projectile and the same-mass stable projectile. However, R induced by the neutron-halo projectile is obviously lower than that induced by the corresponding stable projectile. In particular, there is a very obvious dependence of R on the medium effect of sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) in the whole beam energy region for the above two kinds of projectiles. Therefore, the comparison between the results of R's in the reactions induced by the neutron-halo projectile and the corresponding same-mass stable projectile is a more favourable probe for extracting the information of sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) because of adding a new judgement.


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We study the average property of the isospin effects of reaction mechanism induced by neutron-halo nuclei within the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model. We find that the extended neutron density distribution for the neutron-halo projectile brings an important isospin effect into the reaction mechanism, which induces the decrease of nuclear stopping R; however, it induces the obvious increases of the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions (n/p)(nucl) for all of the beam energies in this work, compared to the same mass stable colliding system.


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The tunneling of composite systems, where breakup may occur during the barrier penetration process, is considered in connection with the fusion of halo-like radioactive, neutron- and proton-rich nuclei, on heavy targets. The large amount of recent and new data clearly indicates that breakup hinders the fusion at energies near and below the Coulomb barrier. However, clear evidence for enhancement due to halo properties seems to over ride the breakup hindrance at lower energies, owing, to a large extent, to the extended matter density distribution. In particular we report here that at sub-barrier energies the fusion cross section of the Borromean two-neutron halo nucleus (6)He with the actinide nucleus (238)U is significantly enhanced as compared to the fusion of a similar projectile with no halo. This conclusion differs from that of the original work, where it was claimed that no such enhancement ensues. This sub-barrier fusion enhancement is also observed in the (6)He + (209)Bi system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The only nuclear model independent method for the determination of nuclear charge radii of short-lived radioactive isotopes is the measurement of the isotope shift. For light elements (Z < 10) extremely high accuracy in experiment and theory is required and was only reached for He and Li so far. The nuclear charge radii of the lightest elements are of great interest because they have isotopes which exhibit so-called halo nuclei. Those nuclei are characterized by a a very exotic nuclear structure: They have a compact core and an area of less dense nuclear matter that extends far from this core. Examples for halo nuclei are 6^He, 8^He, 11^Li and 11^Be that is investigated in this thesis. Furthermore these isotopes are of interest because up to now only for such systems with a few nucleons the nuclear structure can be calculated ab-initio. In the Institut für Kernchemie at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz two approaches with different accuracy were developed. The goal of these approaches was the measurement of the isotope shifts between (7,10,11)^Be^+ and 9^Be^+ in the D1 line. The …first approach is laser spectroscopy on laser cooled Be^+ ions that are trapped in a linear Paul trap. The accessible accuracy should be in the order of some 100 kHz. In this thesis two types of linear Paul traps were developed for this purpose. Moreover, the peripheral experimental setup was simulated and constructed. It allows the efficient deceleration of fast ions with an initial energy of 60 keV down to some eV and an effcient transport into the ion trap. For one of the Paul traps the ion trapping could already be demonstrated, while the optical detection of captured 9^Be^+ ions could not be completed, because the development work was delayed by the second approach. The second approach uses the technique of collinear laser spectroscopy that was already applied in the last 30 years for measuring isotope shifts of plenty of heavier isotopes. For light elements (Z < 10), it was so far not possible to reach the accuracy that is required to extract information about nuclear charge radii. The combination of collinear laser spectroscopy with the most modern methods of frequency metrology …finally permitted the …first-time determination of the nuclear charge radii of (7,10)^Be and the one neutron halo nucleus 11^Be at the COLLAPS experiment at ISOLDE/ CERN. In the course of the work reported in this thesis it was possible to measure the absolute transition frequencies and the isotope shifts in the D1 line for the Be isotopes mentioned above with an accuracy of better than 2 MHz. Combination with the most recent calculations of the mass effect allowed the extraction of the nuclear charge radii of (7,10,11)^Be with an relative accuracy better than 1%. The nuclear charge radius decreases from 7^Be continuously to 10^Be and increases again for 11^Be. This result is compared with predictions of ab-initio nuclear models which reproduce the observed trend. Particularly the "Greens Function Monte Carlo" and the "Fermionic Molecular Dynamic" model show very good agreement.