15 resultados para hallelujah


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Mode of access: Internet.


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HALLELUJAH SHOES is a collection of poems, many grounded in the landscape and vernacular of rural and coastal North Florida, and steeped in a sense of place, loss, and the difficulties and mysteries of the human condition. Written mainly in free verse, the collection also contains poems written in traditional and nontraditional forms: abecedarian, haiku, sonnet, noun, and theatrical play. Section one is dominated by the narrator’s relationships with family and culture—their demands, dramas, and allures—and the conflict they create with the narrator’s desire for autonomy. Section two focuses on the narrator as she makes her own way in the world, exercising independence yet still subject to the emotional undertow of childhood experiences. Section three locates the narrator in the present, back in Florida after many years away, with knowledge of the transience of life, but taking joy where she can find it.


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Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l’évolution du discours critique et théorique sur le cinéma développé par les écrivains français de l’entre-deux-guerres (1918-1939). À une époque où le cinéma prend de plus en plus de place dans la société, les écrivains s’intéressent à cette nouveauté, y réfléchissent et tentent d’élaborer des canevas à partir desquels peut se former une cinéologie, c’est-à-dire, une écriture sur le cinéma. De très nombreux textes (articles, chroniques, essais, manifestes, préfaces, biographies), issus de publications diverses (revues de cinéma, revues littéraires, revues d’art, presse quotidienne, édition), témoignent de l’engouement pour ce qui sera rapidement présenté comme un art. S’inscrivant dans un vaste réseau de diffusion, ces textes aux prémisses essayistiques laissent une place centrale à la réflexion et sont représentatifs des tendances et des enjeux de l'époque. Ainsi, ils montrent les débats autour de l’acceptation du cinéma comme art tout comme les prises de position au sujet du parlant, ils abordent les relations avec la forme de représentation rivale qu’est le théâtre, ils témoignent de la modernité du nouveau média et en proposent des définitions mettant l’accent sur certains de ses aspects – thématiques (comme le rêve et l’inconscient), pratiques (comme la dépendance vis-à-vis de l’industrie et de la finance) et techniques (comme la photogénie et le rythme). Cette production textuelle doit également être abordée comme une mémoire du cinéma où se côtoient des figures (Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, ou encore Erich von Stroheim) et des films (The Cheat, Le Cabinet du Docteur Caligari, ou Hallelujah!) dont les seules évocations fonctionnent comme des citations et des arguments appuyant les propos. En plus de la richesse des idées proposées, l'étude de la posture, l’analyse des renvois intertextuels et des inventions lexicales montrent que des écrivains comme Louis Aragon, Blaise Cendrars, Pierre Mac Orlan, Jean Prévost ou encore Marcel Pagnol, ont largement contribué à l'élaboration d’un pan du savoir cinématographique et au développement d'un discours qui place l’expérience du cinéma et celle du spectateur au centre des préoccupations cinéphiliques.


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Television’s long-form storytelling has the potential to allow the rippling of music across episodes and seasons in interesting ways. In the integration of narrative, music and meaning found in The O.C. (Fox, FOX 2003-7), popular song’s allusive and referential qualities are drawn upon to particularly televisual ends. At times embracing its ‘disruptive’ presence, at others suturing popular music into narrative, at times doing both at once. With television studies largely lacking theories of music, this chapter draws on film music theory and close textual analysis to analyse some of the programme's music moments in detail. In particular it considers the series-spanning use of Jeff Buckley’s cover of ‘Hallelujah’ (and its subsequent oppressive presence across multiple televisual texts), the end of episode musical montage and the use of recurring song fragments as theme within single episodes. In doing so it highlights music's role in the fragmentation and flow of the television aesthetic and popular song’s structural presence in television narrative. Illustrating the multiplicity of popular song’s use in television, these moments demonstrate song’s ability to provide narrative commentary, yet also make particular use of what Ian Garwood describes as the ability of ‘a non-diegetic song to exceed the emotional range displayed by diegetic characters’ (2003:115), to ‘speak’ for characters or to their feelings, contributing to both teen TV’s melodramatic affect and narrative expression.


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Allelujah Dance Version is a dance piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp, drums and bass.


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Allelujah Loop 01 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included or any other religious celebration where Allelujah gives praise. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp and 2 synths and bells at the very end.


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Allelujah Short 02 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp and 2 synths and bells at the very end.


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Allelujah is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano.


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Allelujah Short 05 is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello harp and 2 synths.


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Allelujah is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia.


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Allelujah is a cinematic and New Age piece that also fits well with projects of a religious or spiritual theme; Christmas and Easter included. It centers on a female vocal singing Alleluia, with violin, cello, piano, harp.


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The "Juvenilia is a reprint of the edition of 1622, with reproduction of the original title-pages.


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“American Manna: Religious Responses to the American Industrial Food System” is an investigation of the religious complexity present in religious food reform movements. I conducted ethnographic fieldwork at four field sites. These field sites are a Jewish organic vegetable farm where the farmers begin their days with meditation, a Christian raw vegan diet center run by Messianic Jews, a Christian family that raises their cattle on pastures and sends them to a halal processing plant for slaughter, and a Jewish farm where Christian and Buddhist farm staff helped to implement shmita, the biblical agricultural sabbatical year.

The religious people of America do not exist in neatly bound silos, so in my research I move with the religious people to the spaces that are less clearly defined as “Christian” or “Jewish.” I study religious food reformers within the framework of what I have termed “free-range religion” because they organize in groups outside the traditional religious organizational structures. My argument regarding free-range religion has three parts. I show that (1) perceived injustices within the American industrial food system have motivated some religious people to take action; (2) that when they do, they direct their efforts against the American food industry, and tend to do so outside traditional religious institutions; and finally, (3) in creating alternatives to the American food industry, religious people engage in inter-religious and extra-religious activism.

Chapter 1 serves as the introduction, literature review, and methodology overview. Chapter 2 focuses on the food-centered Judaism at the Adamah Environmental Fellowship at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, CT. In Chapter 3, I discuss the Hallelujah Diet as prescriptive literature and as it is put into practice at the Hallelujah Diet Retreat Center in Lake Lure, NC. Chapter 4 follows cows as they move from the grassy hills of Baldwin Family Farms in Yanceyville, NC to the meat counter at Whole Foods Markets. In Chapter 5, I consider the shmita year, the biblical agricultural sabbatical practice that was reimagined and implemented at Pearlstone Center in Baltimore, MD during 2014-2015. Chapter 6 will conclude this dissertation with a discussion of where religious food reform has been, where it is now, and a glimpse of what the future holds.