997 resultados para habitat choice


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In most species, some individuals delay reproduction or occupy inferior breeding positions. The queue hypothesis tries to explain both patterns by proposing that individuals strategically delay breeding (queue) to acquire better breeding or social positions. In 1995, Ens, Weissing, and Drent addressed evolutionarily stable queuing strategies in situations with habitat heterogeneity. However, their model did not consider the non - mutually exclusive individual quality hypothesis, which suggests that some individuals delay breeding or occupy inferior breeding positions because they are poor competitors. Here we extend their model with individual differences in competitive abilities, which are probably plentiful in nature. We show that including even the smallest competitive asymmetries will result in individuals using queuing strategies completely different from those in models that assume equal competitors. Subsequently, we investigate how well our models can explain settlement patterns in the wild, using a long-term study on oystercatchers. This long-lived shorebird exhibits strong variation in age of first reproduction and territory quality. We show that only models that include competitive asymmetries can explain why oystercatchers' settlement patterns depend on natal origin. We conclude that predictions from queuing models are very sensitive to assumptions about competitive asymmetries, while detecting such differences in the wild is often problematic.


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Background: A small pond, c. 90 years old, near Bern, Switzerland contains a population of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with two distinct male phenotypes. Males of one type are large, and red, and nest in the shallow littoral zone. The males of the other are small and orange, and nest offshore at slightly greater depth. The females in this population are phenotypically highly variable but cannot easily be assigned to either male type. Question: Is the existence of two sympatric male morphs maintained by substrate-associated male nest site choice and facilitated by female mate preferences? Organisms: Male stickleback caught individually at their breeding sites. Females caught with minnow traps. Methods: In experimental tanks, we simulated the slope and substrate of the two nesting habitats. We then placed individual males in a tank and observed in which habitat the male would build his nest. In a simultaneous two-stimulus choice design, we gave females the choice between a large, red male and a small, orange one. We measured female morphology and used linear mixed effect models to determine whether female preference correlated with female morphology. Results: Both red and orange males preferred nesting in the habitat that simulated the slightly deeper offshore condition. This is the habitat occupied by the small, orange males in the pond itself. The proportion of females that chose a small orange male was similar to that which chose a large red male. Several aspects of female phenotype correlated with the male type that a female preferred.


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Understanding habitat selection and movement remains a key question in behavioral ecology. Yet, obtaining a sufficiently high spatiotemporal resolution of the movement paths of organisms remains a major challenge, despite recent technological advances. Observing fine-scale movement and habitat choice decisions in the field can prove to be difficult and expensive, particularly in expansive habitats such as wetlands. We describe the application of passive integrated transponder (PIT) systems to field enclosures for tracking detailed fish behaviors in an experimental setting. PIT systems have been applied to habitats with clear passageways, at fixed locations or in controlled laboratory and mesocosm settings, but their use in unconfined habitats and field-based experimental setups remains limited. In an Everglades enclosure, we continuously tracked the movement and habitat use of PIT-tagged centrarchids across three habitats of varying depth and complexity using multiple flatbed antennas for 14 days. Fish used all three habitats, with marked species-specific diel movement patterns across habitats, and short-lived movements that would be likely missed by other tracking techniques. Findings suggest that the application of PIT systems to field enclosures can be an insightful approach for gaining continuous, undisturbed and detailed movement data in unconfined habitats, and for experimentally manipulating both internal and external drivers of these behaviors.


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We tried to unravel the possible links between the skewed predation risk in Uca tangeri (where large individuals are more at risk from avian predators) and size-dependent changes in the physiology and habitat choice of this fiddler crab species. Over a transect running from low to high in the tidal zone of a beach in Mauritania, the temperature profile at various depths in the substrate, the water-table level of seep water, salt concentration of seep water, depth of the aerobic level, operative temperatures on the surface, and size distribution of crabs were assessed. In addition, resting metabolic rates, Q10 and thermal and starvation tolerances were estimated. Going from low to high in the tidal zone, crab size and burrow depth increased. At the preferred burrowing depth, microclimatological conditions appeared to be equally favourable at all sites. At the surface, conditions were more favourable low in the tidal zone, where also food availability is sufficient to enable small crabs to forage in the vicinity of their burrows. Large crabs have higher energy requirements and are thereby forced to forage in flocks low in the tidal zone where food is probably more abundant. Low in the tidal zone, digging deeply is impossible as the aerobic layer is rather thin. Large crabs prefer living high in the tidal zone as (1) deep burrows ensure better protection against predators, (2) more time is available for digging holes and (3) the substrate is better suited for reproduction. Energy reserves in late summer ensured an average of 34 days of survival. It is argued that the allotment of energy to growth must be considerable even in reproducing animals; the rewards of growth being the disproportional increase in reproductive output with size.


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A series of studies on the ecology of the bullhead, Cottus gobio is described. Habitat choice, growth rate and longevity, population density, biomass and production, reproduction, life history and feeding is compared at 8 sites in England and 1 site in Wales. Evidence suggests that in Cottus gobio the prevailing environmental conditions result in considerable modifications in longevity, growth rate and egg production. It also indicates that the advantages of fast growth and high reproductive effort in favourable habitats are offset, at least partially by increases in mortality.


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Os girinos são organismos diversos e abundantes nos pequenos riachos de cabeceira de florestas tropicais e constituem importantes componentes da diversidade biológica, da trófica e funcional dos sistemas aquáticos. Diferentes características estruturais e limnológicas dos ambientes aquáticos influenciam a organização das assembleias de girinos. Embora o estágio larvar dos anuros seja o mais vulnerável de seu ciclo de vida, sujeito a elevadas taxas de mortalidade, as pesquisas sobre girinos na região neotropical ainda são pouco representativas diante da elevada diversidade de anfíbios desta região e ferramentas que permitam a sua identificação ainda são escassas. Nesta tese, dividida em três capítulos, apresento uma compilação das informações relacionadas aos principais fatores que afetam as assembleias de girinos na região tropical (Capítulo 1), a caracterização morfológica dos girinos encontrados nos riachos durante o estudo e uma proposta de chave dicotômica de identificação (Capítulo 2) e avalio a importância relativa da posição geográfica e da variação temporal de fatores ambientais locais sobre as assembleias de girinos, assim como a correlação entre as espécies de girinos e as variáveis ambientais de 10 riachos, ao longo de 15 meses, nas florestas da REGUA (Capítulo 3). Há pelo menos oito tendências relacionadas à distribuição das assembleias de girinos: (1) o tamanho dos riachos e a diversidade de microhabitats são importantes características abióticas influenciando a riqueza e a composição de espécies; (2) em poças, o gradiente de permanência (e.g., hidroperíodo) e a heterogeneidade do habitat são os principais fatores moldando as assembleias de girinos; (3) a composição de espécies parece ser um parâmetro das assembleias mais relevante do que a riqueza de espécies e deve ser primeiramente considerado durante o planejamento de ações conservacionistas de anuros associados a poças e riachos; (4) a predação parece ser a interação biótica mais importante na estruturação das assembleias de girinos, com predadores vertebrados (e.g. peixes) sendo mais vorazes em habitats permanentes e predadores invertebrados (e.g. larvas de odonata) sendo mais vorazes em ambientes temporários; (5) os girinos podem exercer um efeito regulatório, predando ovos e girinos recém eclodidos; (6) o uso do microhabitat varia em função da escolha do habitat reprodutivo pelos adultos, presença de predadores, filogenia, estágio de desenvolvimento e heterogeneidade do habitat; (7) os fatores históricos restringem os habitats reprodutivos que uma espécie utiliza, impondo restrições comportamentais e fisiológicas; (8) a variação temporal nos fatores bióticos (e.g., fatores de risco), abióticos (e.g., distribuição de chuvas), e no padrão de reprodução das espécies pode interferir na estrutura das assembleias de girinos tropicais. A variação temporal na heterogeneidade ambiental dos riachos da REGUA resultou na previsibilidade das assembleias locais de girinos, sendo que os parâmetros ambientais explicaram 23% da variação na sua composição. Os parâmetros espaciais explicaram uma porção menor da variação nas assembleias (16%), enquanto uma porção relativamente elevada da variação temporal da heterogeneidade ambiental foi espacialmente estruturada (18%). As variáveis abióticas que apresentaram as maiores correlação com a composição das assembleias de girinos foram a proporção de folhiço e de rochas no fundo do riacho, e secundariamente a profundidade, a condutividade e a temperatura. O gradiente gerado pela proporção de folhiço e de rochas representou a transição entre riachos permanentes e intermitentes. Este gradiente proporcionou o turnover de espécies, o qual também seguiu um gradiente de condutividade, temperatura, profundidade, e em menor extensão, de hidroperíodo e largura, que estiveram fortemente associado ao grau de permanência dos riachos. Estes resultados corroboram tanto a hipótese do controle ambiental, como do controle biótico de comunidades e indicam que a variação temporal da heterogeneidade ambiental e a variação na posição geográfica são importantes para a estruturação local de assembleias de girinos da REGUA. Os resultados também permitiram distinguir entre assembleias de girinos exclusivas de riachos permanentes, exclusivas de riachos intermitentes e aquelas registradas nos dois tipos de riachos. Os resultados deste capítulo são relevantes para compreender em que extensão os efeitos da variação temporal na heterogeneidade ambiental e de processos espaciais afetam localmente a estruturação de assembleias de girinos.


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The spatial pattern of the small fish community was studied seasonally in 1996 in the Biandantang Lake. Based on plant cover, the lake was divided into five habitats, arranged in the order by plant structure complexity from complex to simple: Vallisneria spiralis habitat (V habitat), Vallisneria spiralis-Myriophyllum spicatum habitat (V-M habitat), Myriophyllum spicatum habitat (M habitat), Nelunbo nucefera habitat (N habitat), and no vegetation habitat (NV habitat). A modified popnet was used for quantitative sampling of small fishes. A total of 16 fish species were collected; Hypseleotris swinhonis, Ctenogobius giurinus, Pseudorasbora parva, Carassius auratus and Paracheilognathus imberis were the five numerically dominant species. In both summer and autumn, the total density of small fishes was about 10 ind m(-2). Generally, Ctenogobius giurinus, a sedatory, benthic fish, was distributed more or less evenly among the five habitats, while the other four species had lower densities in the N habitat and NV habitat, which had the simplest structures. The distribution of the small fish species showed seasonal variations. In winter, most species concentrated in the V habitat, which had the most complex structure. In spring, the fish had low densities in the N and NV habitat, and were more or less evenly distributed in the other habitats. In summer, the fish had a low density in the NV habitat, and were evenly distributed in the other habitats. In autumn, the fish had higher densities in the V-M and M habitats than in the others. Generally, spatial overlaps between the dominant species were higher in winter than in the other seasons. It was suggested that the variations in the importance of predation risk and resource competition in habitat choice determined the seasonal changes of spatial patterns in the small fishes in the Biandantang Lake.


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We develop a theory for the food intake of a predator that can switch between multiple prey species. The theory addresses empirical observations of prey switching and is based on the behavioural assumption that a predator tends to continue feeding on prey that are similar to the prey it has consumed last, in terms of, e.g., their morphology, defences, location, habitat choice, or behaviour. From a predator's dietary history and the assumed similarity relationship among prey species, we derive a general closed-form multi-species functional response for describing predators switching between multiple prey species. Our theory includes the Holling type II functional response as a special case and makes consistent predictions when populations of equivalent prey are aggregated or split. An analysis of the derived functional response enables us to highlight the following five main findings. (1) Prey switching leads to an approximate power-law relationship between ratios of prey abundance and prey intake, consistent with experimental data. (2) In agreement with empirical observations, the theory predicts an upper limit of 2 for the exponent of such power laws. (3) Our theory predicts deviations from power-law switching at very low and very high prey-abundance ratios. (4) The theory can predict the diet composition of a predator feeding on multiple prey species from diet observations for predators feeding only on pairs of prey species. (5) Predators foraging on more prey species will show less pronounced prey switching than predators foraging on fewer prey species, thus providing a natural explanation for the known difficulties of observing prey switching in the field. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The wood mouse is a common and abundant species in agricultural landscape and is a focal species in pesticide risk assessment. Empirical studies on the ecology of the wood mouse have provided sufficient information for the species to be modelled mechanistically. An individual-based model was constructed to explicitly represent the locations and movement patterns of individual mice. This together with the schedule of pesticide application allows prediction of the risk to the population from pesticide exposure. The model included life-history traits of wood mice as well as typical landscape dynamics in agricultural farmland in the UK. The model obtains a good fit to the available population data and is fit for risk assessment purposes. It can help identify spatio-temporal situations with the largest potential risk of exposure and enables extrapolation from individual-level endpoints to population-level effects. Largest risk of exposure to pesticides was found when good crop growth in the “sink” fields coincided with high “source” population densities in the hedgerows. Keywords: Population dynamics, Pesticides, Ecological risk assessment, Habitat choice, Agent-based model, NetLogo


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We examined the variation in foraging movements in a population of young-of-the-year (YOY) brook charr living in the near-shore littoral zone of a lake. By repeating the methodology of an earlier stream study, we made direct comparisons between data from lake and stream populations. In general, the pattern of variation in foraging movements was similar between the two sites with greater variability and activity observed in the lake population. The dichotomous nature of the proportion of time spent moving in the stream was also observed in the lake population but in a reversal of the stream pattern. Charr that moved constantly while foraging represented the largest movement category in the lake. In general, variation in foraging movements were more strongly related to the rate of prey rejection, whereas environmental factors, such as distance from shore, submerged objects, and the amount of overhead riparian cover, were more strongly related to prey ingestion. This last finding directly contrasts with that found in the stream literature for YOY charr in still water where ingestion rate, as estimated using feeding attempt rate, increases with the mobility of YOY charr.