121 resultados para guar


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Yellow passion fruit pulp is unstable, presenting phase separation that can be avoided by the addition of hydrocolloids. For this purpose, xanthan and guar gum [0.3, 0.7 and 1.0% (w/w)] were added to yellow passion fruit pulp and the changes in the dynamic and steady - shear rheological behavior evaluated. Xanthan dispersions showed a more pronounced pseudoplasticity and the presence of yield stress, which was not observed in the guar gum dispersions. Cross model fitting to flow curves showed that the xanthan suspensions also had higher zero shear viscosity than the guar suspensions, and, for both gums, an increase in temperature led to lower values for this parameter. The gums showed different behavior as a function of temperature in the range of 5 - 35ºC. The activation energy of the apparent viscosity was dependent on the shear rate and gum concentration for guar, whereas for xanthan these values only varied with the concentration. The mechanical spectra were well described by the generalized Maxwell model and the xanthan dispersions showed a more elastic character than the guar dispersions, with higher values for the relaxation time. Xanthan was characterized as a weak gel, while guar presented a concentrated solution behavior. The simultaneous evaluation of temperature and concentration showed a stronger influence of the polysaccharide concentration on the apparent viscosity and the G' and G" moduli than the variation in temperature.


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The present paper reports on the structural change and rheological behavior of mixtures of macromolecular suspensions (guar and xanthan gums) in crossflow microfiltration processing. Mixtures in suspension of guar and xanthan gums at low concentrations (1,000 ppm) and different proportions were processed by microfiltration with membrane of nominal pore size of 0.4 mu m. The rheological behavior of the mixtures was investigated in rotational viscometers at two different temperatures, 25 and 40 C, at the beginning and at the end of each experiment. The shear stress (t) in function of the shear rate (gamma) was fitted and analyzed with the power-law model. All the mixtures showed flow behavior index values (n) lower than 1, characterizing non-Newtonian fluids (pseudoplastic). The samples of both mixtures and permeates were also analyzed by absorbency spectroscopy in infrared radiation. The absorbency analysis showed that there is good synergism between xanthan and guar gums without structure modifications or gel formation in the concentration process by microfiltration.


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The influence of guar and xanthan gum and their combined use on dough proofing rate and its calorimetric properties was investigated. Fusion enthalpy, which is related to the amount of frozen water, was influenced by frozen dough formulation and storage time; specifically gum addition reduced the fusion enthalpy in comparison to control formulation, 76.9 J/g for formulation with both gums and 81.2 J/g for control, at 28th day. Other calorimetric parameters, such as T(g) and freezable water amount, were also influenced by frozen storage time. For all formulations, proofing rate of dough after freezing, frozen storage time and thawing, decreased in comparison to non-frozen dough, indicating that the freezing process itself was more detrimental to the proofing rate than storage time. For all formulations, the mean value of proofing rate was 2.97 +/- 0.24 cm(3) min(-1) per 100 g of non-frozen dough and 2.22 +/- 0.12 cm(3) min(-1) per 100 g of frozen dough. Also the proofing rate of non-frozen dough with xanthan gum decreased significantly in relation to dough without gums and dough with only guar gum. Optical microscopy analyses showed that the gas cell production after frozen storage period was reduced, which is in agreement with the proofing rate results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Food foams may be defined as products containing a gaseous phase stabilized in a matrix containing water and proteins. The rheology of a foam can be altered by how the air bubbles inside are organized, its size and shape, allowing a product that was initially fluid to be molded, like marshmallow. Rheology makes possible to understand how these properties are affected using dynamic oscillatory measurements to evaluate the behavior through G` and G `, and rotational to characterize the product through stress, and viscosity curves under controlled shear stress. These two methodologies combined are useful to analyze thixotropy. Nine formulations containing albumin and gelatin, and five others containing guar gum were evaluated by oscillatory rheology focusing thixotropy determination. Replacing gelatin by guar gum elasticity and thixotropy were increased, improving film stability around the air bubbles. It is possible to say that gelatin can be replaced by guar gum at concentrations of 0.4%, creating a product with a better ability of structure recovery. PRACTICAL APPLICATION This study indicated an important role of thixotropic analysis choice to understand the behavior of structure of products like foam. It was tested with three alternatives to get information about thixotropy of the products. It is very important for those who work with rheological analysis and products formulation.


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Plantas de guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. (Taub.)) cv. Brooks foram cultivadas em quartzo e irrigadas com solução nutritiva completa e com omissão de micronutrientes, boro e zinco. Foi obtido o quadro sintomatológico das carências e avaliado o efeito da omissão sobre a produção de matéria seca das plantas. Os autores concluíram que: - A omissão de qualquer um dos elementos reduz o peso da matéria seca das plantas; - Obtiveram a sintomatologia de todos os nutrientes estudados; - A deficiência em enxofre manifesta-se inicialmente nas folhas mais velhas; - Os níveis analíticos obtidos para plantas normais e com sintomas de deficiência foram: N% 1,83-1,62; P% 0,20-0,04; K% 3,85-1,64; Ca% 2,34-0,56; Mg% 0,74-0,22; S% 0,39-0,03; B ppm 114-71; Zn ppm 17-6.


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As regiões oeste e sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul, RS, destacam-se pela ocorrência de extensas áreas com solos frágeis desenvolvidos sobre sedimentos arenosos continentais do Mesozoico da Bacia do Paraná. O uso inadequado das terras tem acelerado o processo de arenização sobre essas áreas. Nesse caso, o conhecimento dos solos é fundamental para a seleção de práticas adequadas de manejo visando a sua sustentabilidade. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram entender a evolução e estabelecer a relação, em termos de filiação, entre a rocha e sua respectiva cobertura pedológica por meio de perfis desenvolvidos sobre os arenitos da Formação Guará no RS. Foram realizadas análises químicas, físicas, mineralógicas e morfológicas em dois perfis de Cambissolos Háplicos e um perfil de Argissolo Vermelho. Verificaram-se indícios de adição externa de materiais aos perfis estudados, principalmente ilmenita, oriunda da alteração de áreas com rochas vulcânicas básicas circunvizinhas. O aporte de material alóctone nos perfis estudados é responsável pela pedogênese de horizontes B com incremento de argila, característicos de Argissolos e Cambissolos. Os dados sugerem a identificação e interpretação de um sexto componente pedogenético definido como contexto geológico do entorno.


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Certain biopolymers are capable of forming physically cross-linked gels in aqueous medium, stabilized by forces such as Coulombic, charge transfer, hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, van der Waals, and hydrophobic interactions. The mathematical description of these physical networks are difficult, but should contribute to a better understanding of the gelling process. The Clark and Ross-Murphy model was applied to experimental data for agarose-guar gum mixed systems, in which only agarose is the gelling polysaccharide. A computational routine based on the statistical maximum likehood principle was employed to estimate the f, K and a characteristic parameters. Statistical t-test and F-test were used to analyse the set of parameters.


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There is no evidence of urban civilization in Brazilian prehistory; most inhabitants lived in tribal groupings, probably with regional economic integration among several independent tribes. There is little evidence of seasonal migrations between the coast and the inland of southern Brazil. Some specialized horticulturists competed among themselves but other groups lived more isolated and probably peacefully, in the upper interfluvial regions. Chemical analysis of artifacts is a means of documenting traffic in particular materials and intraregional production and distribution, development of craft specialization and typological refinement among other issues. In this study we tested some possibilities in two different cultural contexts using the parametric k0 neutron activation analysis technique, which allowed the determination of elements: Al, As, Au, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, La, Na, Rb, Sc, Ta, Ti, V and Zn.


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The effects of guar gum derived from the endosperm of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (75% soluble fiber, 7.6% insoluble fiber, 2.16% crude protein, 0.78% total lipids, 0.54% ash and 9.55% moisture) on diabetic rats were studied concerning food intake, body weight gain, blood serum cholesterol, triacylglycerols, glucose, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol concentrations. The effect of gum on indexes of protein absorption and utilization was also investigated. Diets containing 0%, 10% and 20% (w/w) guar gum were fed to diabetic rats for 28 days. In spite of the fact that diabetes elevated blood lipids in all animals, guar gum diet significantly decreased (p <0.05) serum concentrations of cholesterol and triacylglycerols. Furthermore, a concomitant increase in HDL-cholesterol with a substancial elevation of the HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio was found. The most significant result in this assay was the drastic reduction of blood glucose in diabetic rats treated with guar gum diet. The gum promoted a general improvement in the condition of the diabetic rats, in body weight gain and indexes of protein absorption and utilization. The results of this research suggest that guar gum, at concentrations equal to or higher than 10%, should be effective in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, in humans.


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Estudos mostram que as fibras solúveis no organismo desempenham melhor controle glicêmico, redução do colesterol sérico, retardam o esvaziamento gástrico, podendo, também, ser metabolizadas no intestino, gerando energia. Empregou-se doce cremoso de goiaba com 1,89% de goma guar, como fonte de fibra solúvel, em indivíduos sadios e diabéticos. Os resultados do Teste Oral de Tolerância à Glicose (TOTG), em 50% dos indivíduos sadios, mostraram que a ingestão simultânea do produto com 4,34g de fibra solúvel ao TOTG promoveu uma significativa redução a nível de 5% (P > 0,05) na glicose plasmática aos 60, 90 e 120 minutos. Houve uma redução significativa (P > 0,05) na glicose plasmática nos indivíduos diabéticos, que receberam o produto com 4,34g de fibra solúvel no TOTG, aos 60 e 120 minutos. O doce cremoso de goiaba por conter 2,89% de fibra solúvel, apresentar baixo valor calórico, ser pronto para o consumo, pode servir como opção para indivíduos sadios e diabéticos.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar os efeitos das gomas guar e xantana sobre a estabilidade dos géis de amido de milho normal, ceroso e com alto teor de amilose submetidos aos processos de congelamento e descongelamento. Os géis desses amidos, com concentração total de sólidos de 10% e adicionados das gomas (0,15; 0,50; 0,85 e 1%), foram submetidos a 5 ciclos de congelamento (20 horas a -18 °C) e descongelamento (4 horas a 25 °C), com exceção dos géis com alto teor de amilose, que foram submetidos a apenas 1 ciclo, devido à perda da estrutura de gel. A determinação da sinérese (porcentagem de água liberada) foi realizada pela diferença entre a massa inicial e a massa final das amostras. O gel de amido de milho normal liberou 74,45% de água, sendo que a adição de 1% da goma xantana reduziu significativamente a sinérese para 66,43%. A adição de 0,85 e 1% da goma xantana também reduziu a sinérese dos géis de amido ceroso. O menor teor de sinérese foi obtido com a utilização de 1% de goma xantana ao gel de amido de milho com alto teor de amilose, evidenciando a ação crioprotetora desta goma.


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Cochin University of Science And Technology


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Yellow passion fruit pulp is unstable, presenting phase separation that can be avoided by the addition of hydrocolloids. For this purpose, xanthan and guar gum [0.3, 0.7 and 1.0% (w/w)] were added to yellow passion fruit pulp and the changes in the dynamic and steady-shear rheological behavior evaluated. Xanthan dispersions showed a more pronounced pseudoplasticity and the presence of yield stress, which was not observed in the guar gum dispersions. Cross model fitting to flow curves showed that the xanthan suspensions also had higher zero shear viscosity than the guar suspensions, and, for both gums, an increase in temperature led to lower values for this parameter. The gums showed different behavior as a function of temperature in the range of 5-35 degrees C. The activation energy of the apparent viscosity was dependent on the shear rate and gum concentration for guar, whereas for xanthan these values only varied with the concentration. The mechanical spectra were well described by the generalized Maxwell model and the xanthan dispersions showed a more elastic character than the guar dispersions, with higher values for the relaxation time. Xanthan was characterized as a weak gel, while guar presented a concentrated solution behavior. The simultaneous evaluation of temperature and concentration showed a stronger influence of the polysaccharide concentration on the apparent viscosity and the G` and G `` moduli than the variation in temperature.