935 resultados para groin pain treatment,sports hernia,athletic pubalgia,groin disruption injury,hip arthroscopy
Background: il groin pain è un dolore riferito in un’area che è delimitata medialmente dalla sinfisi pubica, superiormente dal basso addome, lateralmente dalla spina iliaca antero-superiore e inferiormente dalla porzione mediale della coscia. Una sindrome composta da patologie multiple e, per quanto sia diffusa a livello di casistica di infortunio, si tratta di una delle lesioni meno comprese e poco spiegate in chirurgia generale e ortopedia. In questo scenario, colpisce prevalentemente il giovane sportivo causando dolore e interruzione della pratica sportiva. Obiettivi: valutare l’efficacia della gestione conservativa su dolore e ritorno all’attività sportiva in pazienti con problematiche e lesioni nella zona pubico- inguinale. Materiali e metodi: la ricerca è stata condotta su due banche dati: PubMed e Cochrane Library. Non è stato impostato il filtro lingua; sono stati inclusi studi di trattamento in atleti con dolore all’inguine, studi randomizzati controllati, studi clinici controllati e serie di casi. Risultati: il trattamento conservativo si è rivelato sicuro ed efficace nella gestione del dolore all’inguine con un buon numero di atleti che è riuscito a tornare all’attività sportiva. Tuttavia secondo gli studi presi in considerazione, il trattamento chirurgico risulta più efficace in termini di tempi di recupero; per cui spesso viene utilizzato dopo il fallimento della terapia conservativa nell’atleta. Conclusioni: nella gestione dei pazienti affetti da groin pain come primo approccio si deve sempre preferire l’approccio conservativo rispetto al chirurgico, in quanto meno invasivo e comunque riporta buone evidenze scientifiche per quanto riguarda l’efficacia. Qualora questo non riportasse miglioramenti evidenti al termine di un periodo di cura di qualche settimana, si può procedere all’operazione chirurgica secondo la tecnica (chirurgica) giudicata più idonea alla situazione.
Hernia repair one of the most frequently performed operations in general surgery. With the introduction of tension-free mesh repair, recurrence rates dropped well below 5% for open and laparoscopic procedures. However, chronic postoperative pain remains a widely neglected complication with a high socio-economic impact. It occurs in about 10-20% of patients after hernia repair. We review the different types of post-herniorrhaphy pain with the typical diagnostic features and we conclude with a pragmatic algorithm based on our clinical experience.
Le traitement de radiochirurgie par Gamma Knife (GK) est utilisé de plus en plus souvent comme une alternative à la microchirurgie conventionnelle pour le traitement des pathologies neurochirurgicales intracrâniennes. Il s'agit d'irradier en dose unique et à haute énergie, en condition stéréotaxique et à l'aide d'une imagerie multimodale (imagerie par résonance magnétique [IRM], tomodensitométrie et éventuellement artériographie). Le GK a été inventé par le neurochirurgien suédois Lars Leksell, qui a réalisé le premier ciblage du nerf trijumeau en 1951, sur la base d'une radiographie standard. Depuis, les progrès de l'informatique et de la robotique ont permis d'améliorer la technique de radiochirurgie qui s'effectue actuellement soit par accélérateur linéaire de particules monté sur un bras robotisé (Novalis®, Cyberknife®), soit par collimation de près de 192 sources fixes (GK). La principale indication radiochirurgicale dans le traitement de la douleur est la névralgie du nerf trijumeau. Les autres indications, plus rares, sont la névralgie du nerf glossopharyngien, l'algie vasculaire de la face, ainsi qu'un traitement de la douleur d'origine cancéreuse par hypophysiolyse. Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is widely used as an alternative to open microsurgical procedures as noninvasive treatment of many intracranial conditions. It consists of delivering a single dose of high energy in stereotactic conditions, and with the help of a multimodal imaging (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], computer tomography, and eventually angiography). The Gamma Knife (GK) was invented by the Swedish neurosurgeon Lars Leksell who was the first to treat a trigeminal neuralgia sufferer in 1951 using an orthogonal X-ray tube. Since then, the progresses made both in the field of informatics and robotics have allowed to improve the radiosurgical technique, which is currently performed either by a linear accelerator of particles mounted on a robotized arm (Novalis®, Cyberknife®), or by collimation of 192 fixed Co-60 sources (GK). The main indication of GKS in the treatment of pain is trigeminal neuralgia. The other indications, less frequent, are: glossopharyngeal neuralgia, cluster headache, and hypophysiolyse for cancer pain.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND A large cohort study recently reported high pain scores after caesarean section (CS). The aim of this study was to analyse how pain after CS interferes with patients' activities and to identify possible causes of insufficient pain treatment. METHODS We analysed pain scores, pain-related interferences (with movement, deep breathing, mood and sleep), analgesic techniques, analgesic consumption, adverse effects and the wish to have received more analgesics during the first 24 h after surgery. To better evaluate the severity of impairment by pain, the results of CS patients were compared with those of patients undergoing hysterectomy. RESULTS CS patients (n = 811) were compared with patients undergoing abdominal, laparoscopic-assisted vaginal or vaginal hysterectomy (n = 2406, from 54 hospitals). Pain intensity, wish for more analgesics and most interference outcomes were significantly worse after CS compared with hysterectomies. CS patients with spinal or general anaesthesia and without patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) received significantly less opioids on the ward (62% without any opioid) compared with patients with PCA (p < 0.001). Patients with PCA reported pain-related interference with movement and deep breathing between 49% and 52% compared with patients without PCA (between 68% and 73%; p-values between 0.004 and 0.013; not statistically significant after correction for multiple testing). CONCLUSION In daily clinical practice, pain after CS is much higher than previously thought. Pain management was insufficient compared with patients undergoing hysterectomy. Unfavourable outcome was mainly associated with low opioid administration after CS. Contradictory pain treatment guidelines for patients undergoing CS and for breastfeeding mothers might contribute to reluctance of opioid administration in CS patients.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
A significant proportion of patients experience chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) following inguinal hernia surgery. Psychological models are useful in predicting acute pain after surgery, and in predicting the transition from acute to chronic pain in non-surgical contexts. This is a prospective cohort study to investigate psychological (cognitive and emotional) risk factors for CPSP after inguinal hernia surgery. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires before surgery and 1 week and 4 months after surgery. Data collected before surgery and 1 week after surgery were used to predict pain at 4 months. Psychological risk factors assessed included anxiety, depression, fear-avoidance, activity avoidance, catastrophizing, worry about the operation, activity expectations, perceived pain control and optimism. The study included 135 participants; follow-up questionnaires were returned by 119 (88.1%) and 115 (85.2%) participants at 1 week and 4 months after surgery respectively. The incidence of CPSP (pain at 4 months) was 39.5%. After controlling for age, body mass index and surgical variables (e.g. anaesthetic, type of surgery and mesh type used), lower pre-operative optimism was an independent risk factor for CPSP at 4 months; lower pre-operative optimism and lower perceived control over pain at 1 week after surgery predicted higher pain intensity at 4 months. No emotional variables were independently predictive of CPSP. Further research should target these cognitive variables in pre-operative psychological preparation for surgery. © 2011 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters.
Evidence-based practice advocates utilising best current research evidence, while reflecting patient preference and clinical expertise in decision making. Successfully incorporating this evidence into practice is a complex process. Based on recommendations of existing guidelines and systematic evidence reviews conducted using the GRADE approach, treatment pathways for common spinal pain disorders were developed.
The aim of this study was to identify important potential facilitators to the integration of these pathways into routine clinical practice.
A 22 person stakeholder group consisting of patient representatives, clinicians, researchers and members of relevant clinical interest groups took part in a series of moderated focus groups, followed up with individual, semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed using content analysis.
Participants identified a number of issues which were categorized into broad themes. Common facilitators to implementation included continual education and synthesis of research evidence which is reflective of everyday practice; as well as the use of clear, unambiguous messages in recommendations. Meeting additional training needs in new or extended areas of practice was also recognized as an important factor. Different stakeholders identified specific areas which could be associated with successful uptake. Patients frequently defined early involvement in a shared decision making process as important. Clinicians identified case based examples and information on important prognostic indicators as useful tools to aiding decisions.
A number of potential implementation strategies were identified. Further work will examine the impact of these and other important factors on the integration of evidence-based treatment recommendations into clinical practice.
BACKGROUND: The widespread occurrence of feminized male fish downstream of some wastewater treatment works has led to substantial interest from ecologists and public health professionals. This concern stems from the view that the effects observed have a parallel in humans, and that both phenomena are caused by exposure to mixtures of contaminants that interfere with reproductive development. The evidence for a "wildlife-human connection" is, however, weak: Testicular dysgenesis syndrome, seen in human males, is most easily reproduced in rodent models by exposure to mixtures of antiandrogenic chemicals. In contrast, the accepted explanation for feminization of wild male fish is that it results mainly from exposure to steroidal estrogens originating primarily from human excretion. OBJECTIVES: We sought to further explore the hypothesis that endocrine disruption in fish is multi-causal, resulting from exposure to mixtures of chemicals with both estrogenic and antiandrogenic properties. METHODS: We used hierarchical generalized linear and generalized additive statistical modeling to explore the associations between modeled concentrations and activities of estrogenic and antiandrogenic chemicals in 30 U.K. rivers and feminized responses seen in wild fish living in these rivers. RESULTS: In addition to the estrogenic substances, antiandrogenic activity was prevalent in almost all treated sewage effluents tested. Further, the results of the modeling demonstrated that feminizing effects in wild fish could be best modeled as a function of their predicted exposure to both anti-androgens and estrogens or to antiandrogens alone. CONCLUSION: The results provide a strong argument for a multicausal etiology of widespread feminization of wild fish in U.K. rivers involving contributions from both steroidal estrogens and xeno-estrogens and from other (as yet unknown) contaminants with antiandrogenic properties. These results may add farther credence to the hypothesis that endocrine-disrupting effects seen in wild fish and in humans are caused by similar combinations of endocrine-disrupting chemical cocktails.
Antagonists of glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate subclass (NMDAR) or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) prevent nervous system plasticity. Inflammatory and neuropathic pain rely on plasticity, presenting a clinical opportunity for the use of NMDAR antagonists and NOS inhibitors in chronic pain. Agmatine (AG), an endogenous neuromodulator present in brain and spinal cord, has both NMDAR antagonist and NOS inhibitor activities. We report here that AG, exogenously administered to rodents, decreased hyperalgesia accompanying inflammation, normalized the mechanical hypersensitivity (allodynia/hyperalgesia) produced by chemical or mechanical nerve injury, and reduced autotomy-like behavior and lesion size after excitotoxic spinal cord injury. AG produced these effects in the absence of antinociceptive effects in acute pain tests. Endogenous AG also was detected in rodent lumbosacral spinal cord in concentrations similar to those previously detected in brain. The evidence suggests a unique antiplasticity and neuroprotective role for AG in processes underlying persistent pain and neuronal injury.
Electropalatography (EPG) was used as a biofeedback tool in a case study of a 30-year-old male with disordered articulation following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Based on qualitative measures of the participant's intelligibility, improved articulation of the fricatives /s/ and /integral/ were selected as treatment targets. Therapy was administered three times a week for 5 weeks. Results showed that word and sentence intelligibility increased approximately 10%, and error patterns for lingual articulation indicated that fricative -> stop and other fricative errors decreased considerably. EPG measures for /s/ exhibited a significantly more anterior main focus of articulatory contact post therapy. Consonant durations were significantly longer during weeks 3 and 4, and this finding was associated with the emergence of an articulatory contact pattern with a groove rather than complete closure. This articulatory pattern appeared inconsistently and was found to vary across articulations of /s/ but also within a single consonant production. For /integral/, the amount of contact was significantly reduced post therapy and an increase in duration was noted during week 4, similar to that occurring in the production of /s/. Spatial and timing measures were more variable than in normal speakers of English and indicated a general increase in variability across weeks for both /s/ and /integral/. It was concluded that, although the correct fricative patterns appeared only intermittently during production of the consonants, there seemed to be sufficient information for the listener to be able to classify the sound as a fricative. As a part of an intervention program, visual EPG biofeedback therapy would appear to have a definite role in assisting dysarthric speakers exhibiting difficulties with lingual articulation in understanding their errors, learning how to exploit kinesthetic, and acoustic sources of feedback, and how to make appropriate adjustments in tongue articulation to increase the level of speech intelligibility.