989 resultados para green technology
Marine ecosystem can be considered a rather exploited source of natural substances with enormous bioactive potential. In Mexico macro-algae study remain forgotten for research and economic purposes besides the high amount of this resource along the west and east coast. For that reason the Bioferinery Group of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, have been studying the biorefinery concept in order to recover high value byproducts of Mexican brown macro-algae including polysaccharides and enzymes to be applied in food, pharmaceutical and energy industry. Brown macroalgae are an important source of fucoidan, alginate and laminarin which comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a wide range of important biological properties such as anticoagulant, antioxidant, antitumoral and antiviral and also as rich source of fermentable sugars for enzymes production. Additionally, specific enzymes able to degrade algae matrix (fucosidases, sulfatases, aliginases, etc) are important tools to establish structural characteristics and biological functions of these polysaccharides. The aims of the present work were the integral study of bioprocess for macroalgae biomass exploitation by the use of green technologies as hydrothermal extraction and solid state fermentation in order to produce polysaccharides and enzymes (fucoidan and fucoidan hydrolytic enzymes). This work comprises the use of the different bioprocess phases in order to produce high value products with lower time and wastes.
The UK has a target for an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 from a 1990 base. Domestic energy use accounts for around 30% of total emissions. This paper presents a comprehensive review of existing models and modelling techniques and indicates how they might be improved by considering individual buying behaviour. Macro (top-down) and micro (bottom-up) models have been reviewed and analysed. It is found that bottom-up models can project technology diffusion due to their higher resolution. The weakness of existing bottom-up models at capturing individual green technology buying behaviour has been identified. Consequently, Markov chains, neural networks and agent-based modelling are proposed as possible methods to incorporate buying behaviour within a domestic energy forecast model. Among the three methods, agent-based models are found to be the most promising, although a successful agent approach requires large amounts of input data. A prototype agent-based model has been developed and tested, which demonstrates the feasibility of an agent approach. This model shows that an agent-based approach is promising as a means to predict the effectiveness of various policy measures.
The present work aims at analyzing how the adoption of a proactive environmental management via green operational practices (GOPs) correlates to the Green Performance (GrP) of a given set of ISO 9001-certified firms in Brazil. To this end, we elaborated a conceptual framework about environmental management, GOPs, and GrP Such theoretical foundation supported the development of empirical research through quantitative analysis. For the analysis, 75 questionnaires were collected from ISO 9001 certified companies. Data was analyzed by with statistical tools such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results demonstrate that the adoption of GOPs, in fact, exerts a positive impact on the GrP of the firms. This work contributes to a better understanding of green manufacturing in Brazil's industrial sector
The present Thesis studies three alternative solvent groups as sustainable replacement of traditional organic solvents. Some aspects of fluorinated solvents, supercritical fluids and ionic liquids, have been analysed with a critical approach and their effective “greenness” has been evaluated from the points of view of the synthesis, the properties and the applications. In particular, the attention has been put on the environmental and human health issues, evaluating the eco-toxicity, the toxicity and the persistence, to underline that applicability and sustainability are subjects with equal importance. The “green” features of fluorous solvents and supercritical fluids are almost well-established; in particular supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) is probably the “greenest” solvent among the alternative solvent systems developed in the last years, enabling to combine numerous advantages both from the point of view of industrial/technological applications and eco-compatibility. In the Thesis the analysis of these two classes of alternative solvents has been mainly focused on their applicability, rather than the evaluation of their environmental impact. Specifically they have been evaluated as alternative media for non-aqueous biocatalysis. For this purpose, the hydrophobic ion pairing (HIP), which allows solubilising enzymes in apolar solvents by an ion pairing between the protein and a surfactant, has been investigated as effective enzymatic derivatisation technique to improve the catalytic activity under homogeneous conditions in non conventional media. The results showed that the complex enzyme-surfactant was much more active both in fluorous solvents and in supercritical carbon dioxide than the native form of the enzyme. Ionic liquids, especially imidazolium salts, have been proposed some years ago as “fully green” alternative solvents; however this epithet does not take into account several “brown” aspects such as their synthesis from petro-chemical starting materials, their considerable eco-toxicity, toxicity and resistance to biodegradation, and the difficulty of clearly outline applications in which ionic liquids are really more advantageous than traditional solvents. For all of these reasons in this Thesis a critical analysis of ionic liquids has been focused on three main topics: i) alternative synthesis by introducing structural moieties which could reduce the toxicity of the most known liquid salts, and by using starting materials from renewable resources; ii) on the evaluation of their environmental impact through eco-toxicological tests (Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri acute toxicity tests, and algal growth inhibition), toxicity tests (MTT test, AChE inhibition and LDH release tests) and fate and rate of aerobic biodegradation in soil and water; iii) and on the demonstration of their effectiveness as reaction media in organo-catalysis and as extractive solvents in the recovery of vegetable oil from terrestrial and aquatic biomass. The results about eco-toxicity tests with Daphnia magna, Vibrio fischeri and algae, and toxicity assay using cultured cell lines, clearly indicate that the difference in toxicity between alkyl and oxygenated cations relies in differences of polarity, according to the general trend of decreasing toxicity by decreasing the lipophilicity. Independently by the biological approach in fact, all the results are in agreement, showing a lower toxicity for compounds with oxygenated lateral chains than for those having purely alkyl lateral chains. These findings indicate that an appropriate choice of cation and anion structures is important not only to design the IL with improved and suitable chemico-physical properties but also to obtain safer and eco-friendly ILs. Moreover there is a clear indication that the composition of the abiotic environment has to be taken into account when the toxicity of ILs in various biological test systems is analysed, because, for example, the data reported in the Thesis indicate a significant influence of salinity variations on algal toxicity. Aerobic biodegradation of four imidazolium ionic liquids, two alkylated and two oxygenated, in soil was evaluated for the first time. Alkyl ionic liquids were shown to be biodegradable over the 6 months test period, and in contrast no significant mineralisation was observed with oxygenated derivatives. A different result was observed in the aerobic biodegradation of alkylated and oxygenated pyridinium ionic liquids in water because all the ionic liquids were almost completely degraded after 10 days, independently by the number of oxygen in the lateral chain of the cation. The synthesis of new ionic liquids by using renewable feedstock as starting materials, has been developed through the synthesis of furan-based ion pairs from furfural. The new ammonium salts were synthesised in very good yields, good purity of the products and wide versatility, combining low melting points with high decomposition temperatures and reduced viscosities. Regarding the possible applications as surfactants and biocides, furan-based salts could be a valuable alternative to benzyltributylammonium salts and benzalkonium chloride that are produced from non-renewable resources. A new procedure for the allylation of ketones and aldehydes with tetraallyltin in ionic liquids was developed. The reaction afforded high yields both in sulfonate-containing ILs and in ILs without sulfonate upon addition of a small amount of sulfonic acid. The checked reaction resulted in peculiar chemoselectivity favouring aliphatic substrates towards aromatic ketones and good stereoselectivity in the allylation of levoglucosenone. Finally ILs-based systems could be easily and successfully recycled, making the described procedure environmentally benign. The potential role of switchable polarity solvents as a green technology for the extraction of vegetable oil from terrestrial and aquatic biomass has been investigated. The extraction efficiency of terrestrial biomass rich in triacylglycerols, as soy bean flakes and sunflower seeds, was comparable to those of traditional organic solvents, being the yield of vegetable oils recovery very similar. Switchable polarity solvents as been also exploited for the first time in the extraction of hydrocarbons from the microalga Botryococcus braunii, demonstrating the efficiency of the process for the extraction of both dried microalgal biomass and directly of the aqueous growth medium. The switchable polarity solvents exhibited better extraction efficiency than conventional solvents, both with dried and liquid samples. This is an important issue considering that the harvest and the dewatering of algal biomass have a large impact on overall costs and energy balance.
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"1995-386-543/25604"--P. C-4.
In most of the discussions about environmental issues and policies, transportation is highlighted as one of the main sources of pollutant emissions and energy consumption. The attention given to the automotive industry is understandable in this context due to its size, expansion, presence in our daily lives, and of course its environmental impact. If we scrutinize the “greenness” of car manufacturers we will find issues of concern from the raw material use, production processes, use, and end-of-life of vehicles. The main issues for production are high consumption of energy, raw materials, water and the waste stream, which contains the four substances of concern (cadmium, lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury). In respect of carbon emissions and energy use the use of cars is the main phase of its life-cycle due to the combination of internal combustion engines with fossil fuels. The most recent pressure is aimed at the end-of-life vehicles (ELV). In addition to the pollution from vehicle use, traffic jams and car accidents continue to be part of the downside of a car culture. Landfills sites are becoming scarce and the contamination of soil and aquifers completes the picture.
This paper proposes a more profound discussion of the philosophical underpins of sustainability than currently exists in the MOT literature and considers their influence on the construction of the theories on green operations and technology management. Ultimately, it also debates the link between theory and practice on this subject area. The paper is derived from insights gained in three research projects completed during the past twelve years, primarily involving the first author. From 2000 to 2002, an investigation using scenario analysis, aimed at reducing atmospheric pollution in urban centres by substituting natural gas for petrol and diesel, provided the first set of insights about public policy, environmental impacts, investment analysis, and technological feasibility. The second research project, from 2003 to 2005, using a survey questionnaire, was aimed at improving environmental performance in livestock farming and explored the issues of green supply chain scope, environmental strategy and priorities. Finally, the third project, from 2006 to 2011, investigated environmental decisions in manufacturing organisations through case study research and examined the underlying sustainability drivers and decision-making processes. By integrating the findings and conclusions from these projects, the link between philosophy, theory, and practice of green operations and technology management is debated. The findings from all these studies show that the philosophical debate seems to have little influence on theory building so far. For instance, although ‘sustainable development’ emphasises ‘meeting the needs of current and future generation’, no theory links essentiality and environmental impacts. Likewise, there is a weak link between theory and the practical issues of green operations and technology management. For example, the well-known ‘life-cycle analysis’ has little application in many cases because the life cycle of products these days is dispersed within global production and consumption systems and there are different stakeholders for each life cycle stage. The results from this paper are relevant to public policy making and corporate environmental strategy and decision making. Most of the past and current studies in the subject of green operations and sustainability management deal with only a single sustainability dimension at any one time. Here the value and originality of this paper lies in its integration between philosophy, theory, and practice of green technology and operations management.
This paper investigates the strategic environmental decisions of a luxury car manufacturer. Through case study research, the investigation sheds light on why and how the company is adopting green technologies. Being pressured by different stakeholders to become greener, luxury car manufacturers carry significant opportunities for environmental improvement given the nature of their manufacturing processes and products. Because of their low-volume production, manufacturers may be able to increase output and still reduce overall emissions when compared to high-volume manufacturers. In the case study company this was found to be possible only because of new ideas brought by a change in ownership. Luxury manufacturers may also be a test-bed for the development and experimentation of green technologies as part of a strategic approach to environmental initiatives. This paper contributes to the fields of green technology adoption and operations strategy in automotive manufacturing groups.
O recente surgimento de nanopartículas de ferro valente-zero (nFZV), um material com elevada capacidade de remediação de solos por via de reacções de oxidação/redução pode ser uma opção viável para a remoção de fármacos do solo. A sua aplicação já é uma realidade em alguns tipos de solos contaminados por compostos específicos e, com este trabalho, procura-se estudar a sua capacidade de remediação de solos contaminados por compostos farmacêuticos, recorrendo-se a uma tecnologia “verde” de síntese destas nanopartículas. Esta tecnologia é bastante recente, ainda não aplicada no campo de trabalho, que se baseia no uso de folhas de certas árvores para produzir extratos naturais que reduzem o ferro (III) a ferro zero valente, formando nFZV. Desta forma procedeu-se, à escala laboratorial, ao estudo da eficiência das nFZV na degradação de um fármaco – paracetamol – e comparou-se com a eficiência demonstrada por oxidantes, muito utilizados hoje em dia em casos de remediação in situ como o permanganato de potássio, o peróxido de hidrogénio, o persulfato de sódio e o reagente de Fenton. O estudo foi efectuado em dois meios diferentes: solução aquosa e solo arenoso. De forma muito sucinta, o estudo baseou-se na introdução dos oxidantes/nFZV em soluções/solos contaminados com paracetamol e consequente monitorização do processo de remediação através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Nos ensaios com soluções aquosas contaminadas com paracetamol, o permanganato de potássio e o reagente de Fenton revelaram capacidade para degradar o paracetamol, atingindo mesmo um grau de degradação de 100%. O persulfato de sódio também demonstrou uma capacidade de degradação do paracetamol, chegando a atingir 99% de degradação, mas apenas recorrendo ao uso de um volume de oxidante elevado quando comparado com os outros dois oxidantes já referidos. Por outro lado, o peróxido de hidrogénio não demonstrou qualquer capacidade de degradação do paracetamol, pelo que o seu uso não passou desta fase. Verificou-se também que o uso de ferro granulado para o tratamento de água contaminada com paracetamol revelou resultados diferentes dos observados no uso de nFZV, obtendo-se eficiências de 87%. Existiram dificuldades analíticas na quantificação do paracetamol, especificamente relacionadas com o uso do extracto de folhas de amoreira, cuja composição continha substâncias que causaram dificuldades acentuadas na análise dos cromatogramas. Por fim, um pequeno teste de combinação do reagente de Fenton com os fenómenos de biodegradação resultantes dos microrganismos presentes em folhas do extracto de chá preto demonstrou que este pode ser uma área que pode e deve ser mais estudada. Desta forma, a utilização das nFZV para o tratamento de água contaminada com paracetamol não permitiu a retirada de conclusões seguras sobre a capacidade que as nFZV produzidas com extractos de folhas de amoreira e de chá preto têm de degradação do paracetamol. Nos testes de remediação de solos contaminados os resultados demonstraram que, mais uma vez, tanto o permanganato de potássio como o reagente de Fenton se revelam como os melhores oxidantes para a degradação do paracetamol, obtendo-se a degradação total do paracetamol. Por outro lado, voltou a ser necessário uma elevada quantidade de persulfato de sódio quando comparada com os dois anteriores, para que ocorra a degradação desta mesma quantidade de paracetamol, demonstrando mais uma vez que, apesar de não ideal, o persulfato demonstra capacidade de degradação do paracetamol.
Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation.
Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation
The future of the construction industry will require changes at many levels. One is the ability of companies to adapt to new challenges, converting needs to opportunities and simultaneously contributing to the solving of social and environmental problems. In the coming decades we will see a change in attitude in the industry, with a strong tendency to adopt natural and recycled materials, as well as bet on green technology and social innovation oriented to emerging countries. On the other hand, emerging countries have a high demand for housing construction on a large scale, but the current techniques in the developed countries for building requires a large amount of natural resources and skilled labor. This contextualization brings sustainability problems for the construction sector in emerging countries, often with scarce natural resources and with the construction sector underdeveloped. Through a cooperative action between the construction company Mota-Engil Engineering and the University of Minho in Portugal, a construction technology was developed based on the use of Compressed Earth Blocks as part of a social concept for innovative small houses, favoring the adoption of local and natural materials and with the main premise of being dedicated to self-construction. The HiLoTec project - Development of a Sustainable Self-Construction System for Developing Countries was based on this idea. One of the several results of this project is this construction manual. To Mota-Engil the project was a platform for incubation of knowledge about earth construction and to obtain a constructive solution validated technically and scientifically, suitable to be implemented in the markets where it operates. For the University of Minho the project was an opportunity to strengthen skills in research, laboratory and scientific development, through the development of engineering studies, architecture and sustainability, as well as supporting the doctoral scholarships and dissemination of scientific publications. May the knowledge of this project be of benefit, in the future, for the welfare of those who build a HiLoTec house.
Tässä työssä selvitetään, miten Euroopan Unionin päästökauppajärjestelmä on toiminut sen alusta vuodesta 2005 sen nykytilaan vuonna 2014. Erityisesti huomiota kiinnitetään päästöoikeuksien hintakehitykseen sekä käyttämättömien päästöoikeuksien kertymiseen. Työssä havaitaan, että ylimääräiset jaetut päästöoikeudet ovat aiheuttaneet päästöoikeuksien hinnan laskemista. Liian matalan hinnan seurauksena päästökauppa ei kannusta yrityksiä tekemään investointeja vihreään teknologiaan, vaikka se on yksi päästökauppajärjestelmän päätarkoitus YK:n ilmastosopimuksen täyttymisen varmistamisen ohella. Suurin syy käyttämättömien päästöoikeuksien kertymiseen on vuoden 2008 talouskriisi. Tätä ongelmaa korjataan väliaikaisesti siirtämällä päästöoikeuksia myöhemmin jaettavaksi. Lisää ratkaisuja odotetaan neljännelle päästökauppakaudelle.
Tässä työssä tarkastellaan kahden kansainvälisen patenttiluokitusjärjestelmän vihreiden teknologioiden luokitusjärjestelmiä autoteollisuudessa. Työn tarkoitus on tutkia, kuinka paljon vihreän teknologian patenttianalyysin tulokset eroavat toisistaan, jos tutkimuksissa käytetään eri patenttien luokitusjärjestelmiä. Vanhempi järjestelmä, International Patent Classification, on asemansa vakiinnuttanut kansainvälinen patenttienluokitusjärjestelmä. Vasta viime vuosina käyttöön otettu Cooperative Patent Classification on Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltojen patenttijärjestöjen kehittämä patenttien luokitusjärjestelmä. Tutkimusmenetelmissä hyödynnetään patenttianalyysia ja joukko-oppia. Tutkimuksessa vihreiden teknologioiden luokittelumenetelmien vertailukohteille saatiin määrällisesti samankaltaiset tulokset, mutta niiden sisältämät patentit eivät olleet pääsäännöllisesti samoja. Työssä tarkastellaan myös Toyotan, Daimlerin ja Fordin vihreiden autoteknologiapolkujen kehitystä. Varsinkin Toyota ja Daimler tulevat yhä enemmän panostamaan sähkö- ja hybridiautoihin verrattuna polttomoottoriautoihin.