932 resultados para green open access


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Introduction. We estimate the total yearly volume of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles published world-wide as well as the share of these articles available openly on the Web either directly or as copies in e-print repositories. Method. We rely on data from two commercial databases (ISI and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory) supplemented by sampling and Google searches. Analysis. A central issue is the finding that ISI-indexed journals publish far more articles per year (111) than non ISI-indexed journals (26), which means that the total figure we obtain is much lower than many earlier estimates. Our method of analysing the number of repository copies (green open access) differs from several earlier studies which have studied the number of copies in identified repositories, since we start from a random sample of articles and then test if copies can be found by a Web search engine. Results. We estimate that in 2006 the total number of articles published was approximately 1,350,000. Of this number 4.6% became immediately openly available and an additional 3.5% after an embargo period of, typically, one year. Furthermore, usable copies of 11.3% could be found in subject-specific or institutional repositories or on the home pages of the authors. Conclusions. We believe our results are the most reliable so far published and, therefore, should be useful in the on-going debate about Open Access among both academics and science policy makers. The method is replicable and also lends itself to longitudinal studies in the future.


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Although some services that support Open Access have developed a sustainable business model, many started as projects and continue to run on recurrent project funding or goodwill. If these are critical components of the evolving scholarly communication system the foundation of Open Access is vulnerable. Knowledge Exchange has commissioned this study as part of a larger programme of work to look at the issue of sustaining key services into the long term. This report focuses on phases one and two of the programme. Phase one was a scoping exercise, carried out mainly through a literature review and an extensive stakeholder interview exercise, to describe the services that are currently available or would be valuable in the future. It also investigated what roles stakeholders could play in this future scenario. Phase two was a stakeholder consultation and engagement exercise. The aim was to engage stakeholders with the work programme so that they could contribute their views, get involved with the work and have a voice in the thinking about future scenarios. The key services are presented for three future scenarios: ‘Gold’ Open Access, fully ‘GreenOpen Access and GreenOpen Access supplementing subscription access as ‘Gold’ OA grows. Three strategic areas are identified as having particular potential for future work. These are embedding business development expertise into service development; consideration of how to move money around the system to enable Open Access to be achieved optimally; and governance and coordination of the infrastructural foundation of Open Access. The report concludes with seven recommendations, both high-level and practical, for further work around these strategic areas.


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Researchers are experiencing intense pressures to publish and increase research outputs. Recently many research funders have introduced policies and mandates related to open access, which have contributed to the increasing popularity of open access journals. Dubbed gold open access, open access journals offer researchers another publishing option. However, some publishers with questionable practices and journals of dubious quality have emerged exploiting the ‘author pays’ open access model and researchers' need to publish. Hence an ability to publish research outputs through the most appropriate outlet for a particular field is crucial for researchers in order to maximise the impact of their research. Notwithstanding the proliferation of open access journals, the literature indicates that some researchers may not have a full understanding of the operations, implications and issues around open access and other publishing issues. This understanding is known as scholarly publishing literacy. With knowledge of scholarly publishing and access to resources and tools, academic libraries and librarians are well-positioned to play an active role in providing support to researchers. This paper argues that scholarly publishing literacy should be treated as an extension of information literacy delivered through a broader research support framework. This paper presents a research librarian's perspective, and draws on literature and the author's practice to illustrate key points. Issues for further investigation are identified.


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INTRODUCTION: Since the introduction of its QUT ePrints institutional repository of published research outputs, together with the world’s first mandate for author contributions to an institutional repository, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has been a leader in support of green road open access. With QUT ePrints providing our mechanism for supporting the green road to open access, QUT has since then also continued to expand its secondary open access strategy supporting gold road open access, which is also designed to assist QUT researchers to maximise the accessibility and so impact of their research. ---------- METHODS: QUT Library has adopted the position of selectively supporting true gold road open access publishing by using the Library Resource Allocation budget to pay the author publication fees for QUT authors wishing to publish in the open access journals of a range of publishers including BioMed Central, Public Library of Science and Hindawi. QUT Library has been careful to support only true open access publishers and not those open access publishers with hybrid models which “double dip” by charging authors publication fees and libraries subscription fees for the same journal content. QUT Library has maintained a watch on the growing number of open access journals available from gold road open access publishers and their increased rate of success as measured by publication impact. ---------- RESULTS: This paper reports on the successes and challenges of QUT’s efforts to support true gold road open access publishers and promote these publishing strategy options to researchers at QUT. The number and spread of QUT papers submitted and published in the journals of each publisher is provided. Citation counts for papers and authors are also presented and analysed, with the intention of identifying the benefits to accessibility and research impact for early career and established researchers.---------- CONCLUSIONS: QUT Library is eager to continue and further develop support for this publishing strategy, and makes a number of recommendations to other research institutions, on how they can best achieve success with this strategy.


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Fierce debates have characterised 2013 as the implications of government mandates for open access have been debated and pathways for implementation worked out. There is no doubt that journals will move to a mix of gold and green and there will be an unsettled relationship between the two. But what of books? Is it conceivable that in those subjects, such as in the humanities and social sciences, where something longer than the journal article is still the preferred form of scholarly communications that these will stay closed? Will it be acceptable to have some publicly funded research made available only in closed book form (regardless of whether print or digital) while other subjects where articles are favoured go open access? Frances Pinter is in the middle of these debates, having founded Knowledge Unlatched (see www.knowledgeunlatched.org). KU is a global library consortium enabling open access books. Knowledge Unlatched is helping libraries to work together for a sustainable open future for specialist academic books. Its vision is a healthy market that includes free access for end users. In this session she will review all the different models that are being experimented with around the world. These include author-side payments, institutional subsidies, research funding body approaches etc. She will compare and contrast these models with those that are already in place for journal articles. She will also review the policy landscape and report on how open access scholarly books are faring to date Frances Pinter, Founder, Knowledge Unlatched, UK


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo estimar la influencia del acceso abierto en los patrones de publicación de la comunidad científica argentina en diferentes campos temáticos (Medicina; Física y Astronomía; Agricultura y Ciencias biológicas y Ciencias sociales y Humanidades), a partir del análisis del modelo de acceso de las revistas elegidas para comunicar los resultados de investigación en el período 2008-2010. La producción fue recogida de la base de datos SCOPUS y los modelos de acceso de las revistas determinados a partir de la consulta a las fuentes DOAJ, e-revist@s, SCielo, Redalyc, PubMed, Romeo-Sherpa y Dulcinea. Se analizó la accesibilidad real y potencial de la producción científica nacional por las vías dorada y verde, respectivamente, así como también por suscripción a través de la Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación Argentina. Los resultados muestran que en promedio, y para el conjunto de las temáticas estudiadas, el 70 de la producción científica argentina visible en SCOPUS se publica en revistas que adhieren de una u otra forma al movimiento de acceso abierto, en una relación del 27 para la vía dorada y del 43 para las que permiten el autoarchivo por la vía verde. Entre el 16 y el 30 (según las áreas temáticas) de los artículos publicados en revistas que permiten el autoarchivo se accede vía suscripción. El porcentaje de revistas sin acceso es del orden del 30 en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, y alcanza cerca del 45 en el resto de las áreas. Se concluye que Argentina presenta condiciones muy favorables para liberar un alto porcentaje de la literatura científica generada en el país bajo la modalidad del acceso abierto a través de repositorios institucionales y de mandatos para el auto-archivo, contribuyendo además a incrementar la accesibilidad y la preservación a largo plazo de la producción científica y tecnológica nacional


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo estimar la influencia del acceso abierto en los patrones de publicación de la comunidad científica argentina en diferentes campos temáticos (Medicina; Física y Astronomía; Agricultura y Ciencias biológicas y Ciencias sociales y Humanidades), a partir del análisis del modelo de acceso de las revistas elegidas para comunicar los resultados de investigación en el período 2008-2010. La producción fue recogida de la base de datos SCOPUS y los modelos de acceso de las revistas determinados a partir de la consulta a las fuentes DOAJ, e-revist@s, SCielo, Redalyc, PubMed, Romeo-Sherpa y Dulcinea. Se analizó la accesibilidad real y potencial de la producción científica nacional por las vías dorada y verde, respectivamente, así como también por suscripción a través de la Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación Argentina. Los resultados muestran que en promedio, y para el conjunto de las temáticas estudiadas, el 70 de la producción científica argentina visible en SCOPUS se publica en revistas que adhieren de una u otra forma al movimiento de acceso abierto, en una relación del 27 para la vía dorada y del 43 para las que permiten el autoarchivo por la vía verde. Entre el 16 y el 30 (según las áreas temáticas) de los artículos publicados en revistas que permiten el autoarchivo se accede vía suscripción. El porcentaje de revistas sin acceso es del orden del 30 en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, y alcanza cerca del 45 en el resto de las áreas. Se concluye que Argentina presenta condiciones muy favorables para liberar un alto porcentaje de la literatura científica generada en el país bajo la modalidad del acceso abierto a través de repositorios institucionales y de mandatos para el auto-archivo, contribuyendo además a incrementar la accesibilidad y la preservación a largo plazo de la producción científica y tecnológica nacional


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This perspective article presents an overview of the Open Access movement in Argentina, from a global and regional (Latin American) context. The article describes the evolution and current state of initiatives by examining two principal approaches to Open Access in Argentina: golden and green roads. The article will then turn its attention to: the support that Open Access receives from governmental sources; collaboration with international projects; and the perspective of Argentine authors regarding Open Access and self-archiving. It concludes with a reflection on the outlook, the main barriers and opportunities for Open Access in Argentina


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This perspective article presents an overview of the Open Access movement in Argentina, from a global and regional (Latin American) context. The article describes the evolution and current state of initiatives by examining two principal approaches to Open Access in Argentina: golden and green roads. The article will then turn its attention to: the support that Open Access receives from governmental sources; collaboration with international projects; and the perspective of Argentine authors regarding Open Access and self-archiving. It concludes with a reflection on the outlook, the main barriers and opportunities for Open Access in Argentina


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This perspective article presents an overview of the Open Access movement in Argentina, from a global and regional (Latin American) context. The article describes the evolution and current state of initiatives by examining two principal approaches to Open Access in Argentina: golden and green roads. The article will then turn its attention to: the support that Open Access receives from governmental sources; collaboration with international projects; and the perspective of Argentine authors regarding Open Access and self-archiving. It concludes with a reflection on the outlook, the main barriers and opportunities for Open Access in Argentina


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo estimar la influencia del acceso abierto en los patrones de publicación de la comunidad científica argentina en diferentes campos temáticos (Medicina; Física y Astronomía; Agricultura y Ciencias biológicas y Ciencias sociales y Humanidades), a partir del análisis del modelo de acceso de las revistas elegidas para comunicar los resultados de investigación en el período 2008-2010. La producción fue recogida de la base de datos SCOPUS y los modelos de acceso de las revistas determinados a partir de la consulta a las fuentes DOAJ, e-revist@s, SCielo, Redalyc, PubMed, Romeo-Sherpa y Dulcinea. Se analizó la accesibilidad real y potencial de la producción científica nacional por las vías dorada y verde, respectivamente, así como también por suscripción a través de la Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación Argentina. Los resultados muestran que en promedio, y para el conjunto de las temáticas estudiadas, el 70 de la producción científica argentina visible en SCOPUS se publica en revistas que adhieren de una u otra forma al movimiento de acceso abierto, en una relación del 27 para la vía dorada y del 43 para las que permiten el autoarchivo por la vía verde. Entre el 16 y el 30 (según las áreas temáticas) de los artículos publicados en revistas que permiten el autoarchivo se accede vía suscripción. El porcentaje de revistas sin acceso es del orden del 30 en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, y alcanza cerca del 45 en el resto de las áreas. Se concluye que Argentina presenta condiciones muy favorables para liberar un alto porcentaje de la literatura científica generada en el país bajo la modalidad del acceso abierto a través de repositorios institucionales y de mandatos para el auto-archivo, contribuyendo además a incrementar la accesibilidad y la preservación a largo plazo de la producción científica y tecnológica nacional


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Open Access (OA) policies have been adopted at the national, institutional and funder levels in the UK and various infrastructural support mechanisms are available to facilitate open access. In July 2012, following an independent study on ‘Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications’ the UK Government announced its OA policy. The Government’s policy determines that ‘support for publication in open access or hybrid journals, funded by Article Processing Charges (APCs), [i]s the main vehicle for the publication of research’. At the same time that the UK Government announced its OA policy, the UK’s major research funder, the Research Councils UK (RCUK), revised its OA policy announcing its ‘preference for immediate [Gold] Open Access with the maximum opportunity for re-use’. In March 2014, the UK Funding Councils announced their OA policy for the post-2014 Research Evaluation Framework (REF). The policy requires the deposit of peer-reviewed article and conference proceedings in repositories (Green OA) and is applicable from 1 April 2016. By and large, two distinct OA routes are being promoted by the UK Government and RCUK (Gold OA) and the Funding Councils (Green OA). This scenario requires that continued efforts are made to ensure that advice and support are provided to universities, academic libraries and researchers on the distinct OA policies and on policy compliance. The UK research institutions have been adopting OA policies from as early as 2003 and there currently are 85 institutional OA policies. Despite distinct OA policies having been adopted by policymakers, national research funders and research institutions, the UK’s movement towards OA has been a result of stakeholders coordinated efforts and is considered to be a case of good practice.


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The full economic, cultural and environmental value of information produced or funded by the public sector can be realised through enabling greater access to and reuse of the information. To do this effectively it is necessary to describe and implement a policy framework that supports greater access and reuse among a distributed, online network of information suppliers and users. The objective of this study was to identify materials dealing with policies, principles and practices relating to information access and reuse in Australia and in other key jurisdictions internationally. Open Access Policies, Practices and Licensing: A review of the literature in Australia and selected jurisdictions sets out the findings of an extensive review of published materials dealing with policies, practices and legal issues relating to information access and reuse, with a particular focus on materials generated, held or funded by public sector bodies. The report was produced as part of the work program of the project “Enabling Real-Time Information Access in Both Urban and Regional Areas”, established within the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI).


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This chapter considers how open content licences of copyright-protected materials – specifically, Creative Commons (CC) licences - can be used by governments as a simple and effective mechanism to enable reuse of their PSI, particularly where materials are made available in digital form online or distributed on disk.


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This book chapter considers recent developments in Australia and key jurisdictions both in relation to the formation of a national information strategy and the management of legal rights in public sector information.