897 resultados para greater naked-tailed armadillo


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ABSTRACT Cabossous tatouay Desmarest, 1804 is considered a rare species in southern South America, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, records of the species are scarce and inaccurate. This study reports 40 localities for C. tatouay, and provides a map of the species' potential distribution using ecological niche modeling (ENM). The ENM indicated that in this region C. tatouay is associated with open grasslands, including the areas of "Pampas" and the open fields in the highlands of the Atlantic Forest. This study contributes to the information about the greater naked-tailed armadillo in southern Brazil, and provides data key to its future conservation.


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The greater naked-tailed armadillo Cabassous tatouay is one of the least-known armadillo species. Field records are rare, if not controversial, and only few specimens exist in scientific collections in Brazil. This species is listed in the Brazilian Red List of Threatened Species as well as in six official Brazilian state Red Lists. Fieldwork was performed between 2005 and 2008 to monitor wildlife in the central-western region of São Paulo State. Cabassous tatouay was registered in three opportunities, in the municipalities of Agudos, Borebi and Avare, and ecological and morphometrical data were registered. Although this species tolerates altered habitats, the scarce field records may be related to its habits and have led to the lack of basic information on greater naked-tailed armadillos. This communication provides important ecological and biogeographical information about C. tatouay.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We studied three different isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis obtained from the mesenteric lymph node (D3LY1), the spleen (D3S1) and the liver (D3LIV1) of the same armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus ).Pulmonal inflammatory area was evaluated by intravenous inoculation of 10(6) yeast cells of each isolates in young, male, ddY mice. Moreover, the partial sequence of GP43kDa gene of P. brasiliensis was analyzed. The lung inflammatory area was greater in animals inoculated with isolate D3S1. The partial sequence of GP43kDa gene indicated that isolate D3S1 is different from isolates D3LY1 and D3LIV1. This study suggested that the same armadillo might be susceptible to multiple P. brasiliensis isolates simultaneously.


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The comparative cervical skin test for antemortem diagnosis of tuberculosis was done 169 times on 116 different white-tailed deer of known Mycobacterium bovis infection status. The sensitivity and specificity were 97 and 81%, respectively. The magnitude of change in skin thickness at test sites was not significantly influenced by dosage of inoculum, dissemination of the disease process, or repeated skin testing. However, the magnitude of change in skin thickness was significantly greater in deer infected for less than 109 days than in deer infected for more than 109 days. As used in the present study, the comparative cervical skin test is a sensitive method of antemortem diagnosis of M. bovis infection in white-tailed deer.


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Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in captive Cervidae was identified as an important disease in the United States in 1990 and prompted the addition of captive Cervidae to the USDA Uniform Methods and Rules for eradication of bovine tuberculosis. As well, M. bovis infection was identified in free-ranging white-tailed deer in northeast Michigan in 1995. Tuberculosis in both captive and free-ranging Cervidae represents a serious challenge to the eradication of M. bovis infection from the United States. Currently, the only approved antemortem tests for tuberculosis in Cervidae are the intradermal tuberculin skin test and the blood tuberculosis test (BTB). At present, the BTB is not available in North America. Tuberculin skin testing of Cervidae is time-consuming and involves repeated animal handling and risk of injury to animals and humans. This study evaluated the potential of a new blood-based assay for tuberculosis in Cervidae that would decrease animal handling, stress, and losses due to injury. In addition, a blood-based assay could provide a more rapid diagnosis. Twenty 6–9-month-old white-tailed deer, male and female, were experimentally inoculated by instillation of 300 colony-forming units of M. bovis in the tonsillar crypts. Seven, age-matched uninfected deer served as controls. Blood was collected on days 90, 126, 158, 180, 210, 238, 263, and 307 after inoculation and was analyzed for the production of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in response to incubation with M. bovis purified protein derivative (PPDb), M. avium PPDa, pokeweed mitogen (PWM), or media alone. Production of IFN-g in response to PPDb was significantly greater (P < 0.05) at all time points in samples from M. bovis–infected deer as compared with uninfected control deer, whereas IFN-γ production to PWM did not differ significantly between infected and control deer. Measurement of IFN-γ production to PPDb may serve as a useful assay for the antemortem diagnosis of tuberculosis in Cervidae.


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BACKGROUND: Existing methods of non-viral airway gene transfer suffer from low levels of efficiency. Electroporation has been used to enhance gene transfer in a range of tissues. Here we assess the usefulness of electroporation for enhancing gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep. METHODS: Naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) expressing either luciferase or green fluorescent protein (GFP) was delivered to mouse lungs by instillation. Following surgical visualisation, the lungs were directly electroporated and the level and duration of luciferase activity was assessed and cell types that were positive for GFP were identified in lung cryosections. Naked pDNA was nebulised to the sheep lung and electrodes attached to the tip of a bronchoscope were used to electroporate airway segment bifurcations, Luciferase activity was assessed in electroporated and control non-electroporated regions, after 24 h. RESULTS: Following delivery of naked pDNA to the mouse lung, electroporation resulted in up to 400-fold higher luciferase activity than naked pDNA alone when luciferase was under the control of a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Following delivery of a plasmid containing the human polyubiquitin C (UbC) promoter, electroporation resulted in elevated luciferase activity for at least 28 days. Visualisation of GFP indicated that electroporation resulted in increased GFP detection compared with non-electroporated controls. In the sheep lung electroporation of defined sites in the airways resulted in luciferase activity 100-fold greater than naked pDNA alone. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that electroporation can be used to enhance gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep without compromising the duration of expression.


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Tsuga canadensis (eastern hemlock) is a highly shade-tolerant, late-successional, and long-lived conifer species found throughout eastern North America. It is most often found in pure or nearly pure stands, because highly acidic and nutrient poor forest floor conditions are thought to favor T. canadensis regeneration while simultaneously limiting the establishment of some hardwood species with greater nutrient requirements. Once a common species, T. canadensis is currently experiencing widescale declines across its range. The hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is decimating the population across its eastern distribution. Across the Upper Great Lakes region, where the adelgid is currently being held at bay by cold winter temperatures, T. canadensis has been experiencing failures in regeneration attributed, in part, to herbivory by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Deer utilize T. canadensis stands as winter habitat in areas of high snow depth. Tsuga canadensis, once a major component of these forests, currently exists at just a fraction of its pre-settlement abundance due to historic logging and contemporary forest management practices, and what remains is found in small remnant patches surrounded by second- and third-growth deciduous forests. The deer population across the region, however, is likely double that of pre-European settlement times. In this dissertation I explore the relationship between white-tailed deer use of T. canadensis as winter habitat and the effect this use is having on regeneration and forest succession. For this research I quantified stand composition and structure and abiotic variables of elevation and snow depth in 39 randomly selected T. canadensis stands from across the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I also quantified composition and the configuration of the landscapes surrounding these stands. I measured relative deer use of T. canadensis stands as pellet group piles deposited in each stand during each of three consecutive winters, 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08. The results of this research suggest that deer use of T. canadensis stands as winter habitat is influenced primarily by snow depth, elevation, and the composition and configuration of the greater landscapes surrounding these stands. Specifically, stands with more heterogeneous landscapes surrounding them (i.e., a patchy mosaic of conifer, deciduous, and open cover) had higher relative deer use than stands surrounded by homogenous deciduous forest cover. Additionally, the intensity of use and the number of stands used was greater in years with higher average snow depth. Tsuga canadensis regeneration in these stands was negatively associated with deer use and Acer saccharum (sugar maple) basal area. Of the 39 stands, 17 and 22 stands had no T. canadensis regeneration in small and large sapling categories, respectively. Acer saccharum was the most common understory tree species, and the importance of A. saccharum in the understory (stems < 10 cm dbh) of the stands was positively associated with overstory A. saccharum dominance. Tsuga canadensis establishment was associated with high-decay coarse woody debris and moss, and deciduous leaf litter inputs in these stands may be limiting access to these important microsites. Furthermore, A. saccharum is more tolerant to the effects of deer herbivory than T. canadensis, giving A. saccharum a competitive advantage in stands being utilized as winter habitat by deer. My research suggests that limited microsite availability, in conjunction with deer herbivory, may be leading to an erosion in T. canadensis patch stability and an altered successional trajectory toward one of A. saccharum dominance, an alternately stable climax species.


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Our research explored the influence of deer and gap size on nitrogen cycling, soil compaction, and vegetation trajectories in twelve canopy gaps of varying sizes in a hemlock-northern hardwood forest. Each gap contained two fenced and two unfenced plots. Gap size, soil compaction, winter deer use, and available nitrogen were measured in 2011. Vegetation was assessed in 2007 and 2011, and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling was used to determine vegetative change. Results show that winter deer use was greater in smaller gaps. Deer accessibility did not influence compaction but did significantly increase total available nitrogen in April. April ammonium, April nitrate, and May nitrate were positively related to gap size. The relationship between gap size and vegetative community change was positive for fenced plots but unrelated for unfenced plots. In conclusion, deer are positively contributing to nitrogen dynamics and altering the relationship between canopy gap size and vegetative community change.


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Two human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) molecular clones, K30p and K34p were derived from HTLV-I-infected rabbit cell lines. K30p and K34p differ by 18 bp with changes in the long terminal repeats (LTRs) as well as in the gag, pol, and rex but not tax or env gene products. Cells transfected with clone K30p were infectious in vitro and injection of the K30p transfectants or naked K30p DNA into rabbits leads to chronic infection. In contrast, K34p did not mediate infection in vitro or in vivo, although the cell line from which it was derived is fully infectious and K34p transfectants produce intact virus particles. To localize differences involved in the ability of the clones to cause infection, six chimeric HTLV-I clones were constructed by shuffling corresponding fragments containing the substitutions in the LTRs, the gag/pol region and the rex region between K30p and K34p. Cells transfected with any of the six chimeras produced virus, but higher levels of virus were produced by cells transfected with those constructs containing the K30p rex region. Virus production was transient except in cells transfected with K30p or with a chimera consisting of the entire protein coding region of K30p flanked by K34p LTRs; only the transfectants showing persistent virus production mediated in vitro infection. In vivo infection in rabbits following intramuscular DNA injection was mediated by K30p as well as by a chimera of K30p containing the K34p rex gene. Comparisons revealed that virus production was greater and appeared earlier in rabbits injected with K30p. These data suggest that several defects in the K34p clone preclude infectivity and furthermore, provide systems to explore functions of HTLV-I genes.


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We examined effects of attentional focus on swimming speed. Participants` task was to swim one length of a pool (16 m) using the front crawl stroke. In Experiment 1, intermediate swimmers were given attentional focus instructions related to the crawl arm stroke or the leg kick, respectively. Participants were instructed to focus on ""pulling your hands back"" or ""pushing the instep down"" (internal focus), or on ""pushing the water back/down"" (external focus), respectively. Swim times were significantly shorter with an external focus. In Experiment 2, a control condition was included. Times were significantly faster in the external focus compared with both the internal focus and control conditions. These findings have implications for enhancing performance in swimming.


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Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parameters in collegiate female gymnasts, a population whose training incorporates high-impact loading, which is particularly osteogenic, and to determine the discriminative capacity of this relatively new radiation-free technique compared with bone densitometry in a young healthy population. Methods: We studied 19 collegiate gymnasts and 23 healthy controls undergoing regular weight-bearing activity, matched for age (gymnasts 19.2 +/- 1.2, controls 19.9 +/- 1.6 yr) and body weight (gymnasts 56.7 +/- 3.7, controls 57.7 +/- 7.8 kg). QUS parameters of the calcaneus (broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), bone velocity (BV), and speed of sound (SOS)) were measured by a Walker Sonix UBA 575+. Bone mineral density (BMD; g.cm(-2)) of the lumbar spine, hip (Femoral neck, trochanter. Ward's triangle) and whole body was assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic QDR 1000/W). Data analysis included unpaired two-tailed Student's t-tests, analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment, and Spearman rank-order correlations. Results: Regional and whole body BMD of gymnasts was greater than controls (P < 0.001), with the difference being 7-28%. Average QUS parameters of the right and left calcaneus were also higher (P < 0.001) in the gymnasts. BUA, BV, and SOS were significantly (P < 0.001) correlated to each bone site with r = 0.54-0.79. Analysis of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves indicated no significant difference in sensitivity and specificity for QUS and DXA measures. Conclusions: These results indicate that QUS parameters of the calcaneus are higher in young women gymnasts compared to individuals who undergo regular weight-bearing activity and that QUS parameters are able to discriminate between these two groups in a similar manner as does regional and whole body BMD.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine, in highly trained cyclists, the reproducibility of cycling time to exhaustion (T-max) at the power output equal to that attained at peak oxygen uptake ((V) over dot O(2)peak) during a progressive exercise test. Forty-three highly trained male cyclists (M +/- SD; age = 25 +/- 6yrs; weight = 75 +/- 7 kg; (V) over dot(2)peak = 64.8 +/- 5.2 ml.kg(-1) . min(-1)) performed two T-max tests one week apart. While the two measures of T-max were strongly related (r = 0.884; p < 0.001), T-max from the second test (245 +/- 57 s) was significantly higher than that of the first (237 +/- 57 s; p = 0.047; two-tailed). Within-subject variability in the present study was calculated to be 6 +/- 6%, which was lower than that previously reported for Tmax in sub-elite runners (25%). The mean T-max was significantly (p < 0.05) related to both the second ventilatory turnpoint (VT2; r = 0.38) and to (V) over dot O(2)peak (r = 0.34). Despite a relatively low within-subject coefficient of variation, these data demonstrate that the second score in a series of two T-max tests may be significantly greater than the first. Moreover the present data show that T-max in highly trained cyclists is moderately related to VT2 and (V) over dot O(2)peak.