938 resultados para graphic extrapolation


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A viscosimetria é um procedimento experimental simples e pouco oneroso, que pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre o volume hidrodinâmico e a conformação de macromoléculas em solução, num determinado solvente, em uma dada temperatura. Os parâmetros viscosimétricos podem ser matematicamente calculados por extrapolação gráfica, cuja execução experimental é mais demorada. Em contrapartida, é possível que a determinação seja feita por um único ponto. Neste trabalho, os dois métodos de cálculo, empregando uma série de seis equações: Huggins, Kraemer e Schulz-Blaschke, por extrapolação gráfica, e Schulz-Blaschke, Solomon-Ciuta e Deb-Chanterjee por um único ponto, foram utilizados em soluções de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e copolímeros em bloco à base de poli(glicol propilênico) e poli(glicol etilênico) (EG-b-PG), com diferentes teores de poli(glicol etilênico), tendo isopropanol, tetra-hidrofurano (THF) e tolueno como solventes puros, além das misturas em proporções iguais de THF/ isopropanol e THF/ tolueno, a 25C. Os valores de viscosidade intrínseca e de algumas constantes indicaram que os solventes puros e as misturas se apresentaram no limite entre o bom e o mau solvente. Verificou-se também que o método de cálculo por um único ponto foi válido, especialmente quando a equação de Schulz-Blaschke foi empregada, apresentando um baixo percentual de erro sendo possível assim reduzir o tempo de análise para a maioria dos sistemas estudados


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Copolímeros à base de estireno e anidrido maleico (SMA) são materiais sintéticos comercialmente disponíveis, obtidos pela reação dos dois monômeros citados em diferentes proporções, resultando em materiais versáteis, e disponíveis em diferentes graus de massas e porcentagens molares de anidrido maleico. São considerados polímeros funcionais devido à reatividade do grupamento anidrido maleico presente na cadeia polimérica. Por este motivo, esses materiais possuem vasta gama de aplicações, e elevada importância em diversas áreas, principalmente por terem baixa toxicidade, boa resistência térmica e boa estabilidade dimensional. Dessa forma, para melhor aplicação desses copolímeros, é muito importante o conhecimento dos parâmetros relativos ao seu comportamento em solução. A viscosimetria, em especial, é um método simples, útil e apropriado para fornecer essas informações. Os parâmetros viscosimétricos podem ser matematicamente calculados por extrapolação gráfica, entretanto a geração dos dados experimentais é mais demorada. Em contrapartida, é possível que a determinação experimental seja feita de forma mais rápida, por um único ponto, procedimento esse que desperta tanto o interesse acadêmico quanto o industrial. Neste trabalho, foram empregados os dois métodos de cálculo, utilizando solventes puros, misturas de solventes e três amostras de copolímeros à base de SMA. As determinações foram conduzidas a 40C. Os copolímeros utilizados possuiam teores de anidrido maleico de 50%, 45% e 40%, sendo os dois últimos esterificados com butil-metil-éster e sec-butil-metil-éster, respectivamente. Os solventes utilizados foram: N-metil-pirrolidona (NMP), tetrahidrofurano (THF) e suas respectivas misturas 1:1 com metil-etil-cetona (MEK), ou seja, (NMP:MEK) e THF:MEK, sendo a MEK um não solvente para o copolímero não esterificado. As equações utilizadas para extrapolação gráfica foram as de Huggins, Kraemer e Schulz-Blaschke. As equações empregadas em um único ponto foram as de Solomon-Ciuta, Deb-Chanterjee e novamente Schulz-Blaschke. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados e avaliou-se a possibilidade da utilização do método mais rápido, por um único ponto, para os sistemas estudados através dos desvios percentuais tendo como padrão os resultados da equação de Huggins. A equação de Deb-Chanterjee foi a mais adequada aos sistemas em NMP, que foi também o melhor solvente para as amostras. Os resultados obtidos na mistura NMP:MEK sugeriram que a viscosimetria pode ter sido um método sensível às pequenas diferenças estruturais entre os grupos pendentes nas amostras esterificadas. Paralelamente, realizou-se análises de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e ensaios dinâmico-mecânicos (DMA) para a caracterização estrutural e térmica das amostras. Somente os resultados obtidos a partir de DMA indicaram diferenças entre as amostras esterificadas


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O crescimento, a mortalidade, biometria e a reprodução do pargo Lutjanus purpureus foram estudadas a partir de amostras obtidas nos desembarques da frota comercial capturadas com pargueira na costa norte do Brasil no âmbito do programa REVIZEE e do Projeto biologia e pesca do pargo no norte do Brasil do CEPNOR/IBAMA. Dados de comprimentos total e zoológico de aproximadamente 500 indivíduos foram coletados aleatoriamente e mensalmente nos desembarques dos municípios de Belém, Vigia e Bragança, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2000. E para realizar estudos de reprodução e biometria foram obtidas subamostras mensais de 150 indivíduos em abril de 1998 a janeiro de 2000. No laboratório do CEPNOR/IBAMA foram realizadas as biometrias, sexagem e identificados os estágios de maturação gonadal. As amostras totalizaram 16.733 indivíduos com percentuais superiores a 50% de indivíduos jovens. A amplitude de classe total variou de 13 a 112 cm de comprimento e as médias de comprimentos foram de 45,72 cm e 51,91 cm, respectivamente para o ano de 1999 e 2000. As relações morfométricas e as relações peso/comprimento apresentaram alometria positiva. E a relação peso/comprimento para macho e fêmea diferem significativamente entre si, pelo teste de Student, bilateral, com alfa = 0,05. A reprodução foi estudada determinando a proporção sexual através do teste quiquadrado, o tamanho de primeira maturação e o período de desova, que foi analisado pela variação temporal das freqüências dos estágios gonadais e relação gonadossomática. Para todo o período estudado foi verificada a predominância de fêmeas e nas análises mensais apenas nos meses de abril de 1998, maio e junho de 1999 não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os sexos. Na proporção sexual por classe de comprimento a predominância de fêmeas foi altamente significativa de 28 a 45 cm. A classe de comprimento total do tamanho de primeira maturação foi estimado 43 a 46 cm para fêmeas pelo método da extrapolação gráfica e de 43,67 cm pelo ajuste da ogiva de Galton. E o período reprodutivo foi observado em dois picos, sendo um intenso no segundo trimestre, com maior amplitude no mês de maio/1998 e um mais reduzido no quarto trimestre. Os parâmetros de crescimento foram estimados pelo sistema ELEFAN I, método de Bhattacharya, Gulland & Holt e Appeldoorn no programa Fisat. O método de Appeldoorn apresentou o melhor ajuste para a espécie com o valor de L= 115 cm K= 0,091ano-1 , que determinou a equação do crescimento de von Bertalanffy Lt = 115 (1-e 0,091tto). A mortalidade natural foi estimada em 0,25 ano-1 e 0,31 ano-1 pelas equações de Pauly e Rikhter & Efanov respectivamente. A mortalidade total estimada pelos métodos do comprimento convertido em curva de captura linearizada e Berverton & Holt atingiu valores de 0,59; 0,664 respectivamente. A mortalidade por pesca e a taxa de explotação também foram calculados. Os resultados foram F = 0,34 ano 1 e E = 0,57. A longevidade estimada pela fórmula de Taylor foi de 33 anos. O pargo apresenta crescimento lento e vida longa com desova contínua e periódica. A pesca na costa norte do Brasil incide em percentuais elevados de jovens o que pode contribuir para um estado de sobrepesca de crescimento, comprometendo assim a sustentabilidade da espécie e da atividade pesqueira na região norte. É imprescindível adotar medidas de ordenamento para a pesca do pargo, principalmente no que diz respeito ao tamanho mínimo de captura.


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Mandatory numeracy tests have become commonplace in many countries, heralding a new era in school assessment. New forms of accountability and an increased emphasis on national and international standards (and benchmarks) have the potential to reshape mathematics curricula. It is noteworthy that the mathematics items used in these tests are rich in graphics. Many of the items, for example, require students to have an understanding of information graphics (e.g., maps, charts and graphs) in order to solve the tasks. This investigation classifies mathematics items in Australia’s inaugural national numeracy tests and considers the effect such standardised testing will have on practice. It is argued that the design of mathematics items are more likely to be a reliable indication of student performance if graphical, linguistic and contextual components are considered both in isolation and in integrated ways as essential elements of task design.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the pedagogical knowledge relevant to the successful completion of a pie chart item. This purpose was achieved through the identification of the essential fluencies that 12–13-year-olds required for the successful solution of a pie chart item. Fluency relates to ease of solution and is particularly important in mathematics because it impacts on performance. Although the majority of students were successful on this multiple choice item, there was considerable divergence in the strategies they employed. Approximately two-thirds of the students employed efficient multiplicative strategies, which recognised and capitalised on the pie chart as a proportional representation. In contrast, the remaining one-third of students used a less efficient additive strategy that failed to capitalise on the representation of the pie chart. The results of our investigation of students’ performance on the pie chart item during individual interviews revealed that five distinct fluencies were involved in the solution process: conceptual (understanding the question), linguistic (keywords), retrieval (strategy selection), perceptual (orientation of a segment of the pie chart) and graphical (recognising the pie chart as a proportional representation). In addition, some students exhibited mild disfluencies corresponding to the five fluencies identified above. Three major outcomes emerged from the study. First, a model of knowledge of content and students for pie charts was developed. This model can be used to inform instruction about the pie chart and guide strategic support for students. Second, perceptual and graphical fluency were identified as two aspects of the curriculum, which should receive a greater emphasis in the primary years, due to their importance in interpreting pie charts. Finally, a working definition of fluency in mathematics was derived from students’ responses to the pie chart item.


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Anomalous dynamics in complex systems have gained much interest in recent years. In this paper, a two-dimensional anomalous subdiffusion equation (2D-ASDE) is considered. Two numerical methods for solving the 2D-ASDE are presented. Their stability, convergence and solvability are discussed. A new multivariate extrapolation is introduced to improve the accuracy. Finally, numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the schemes and confirm the theoretical analysis.


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In a world of constant and rapid change there are greater demands placed on learners to not only gain content knowledge, but also to develop learning skills and to adopt new strategies that will enable them to produce better and faster learning outcomes. Especially in internationally advancing nations like Kuwait this will be a major challenge of the future. This literature review examines theoretical frameworks that enhance Kuwaiti teachers’ knowledge and skill to adopt culturally relevant reform practices across a number of disciplines and provide guidance in an exploration and use of newer pedagogical tools like graphic organisers. It analyses the effects of graphic organisers on higher order learning and evaluates how they can effect professional development and pedagogical change in Kuwait.


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Graphical tasks have become a prominent aspect of mathematics assessment. From a conceptual stance, the purpose of this study was to better understand the composition of graphical tasks commonly used to assess students’ mathematics understandings. Through an iterative design, the investigation described the sense making of 11–12-year-olds as they decoded mathematics tasks which contained a graphic. An ongoing analysis of two phases of data collection was undertaken as we analysed the extent to which various elements of text, graphics, and symbols influenced student sense making. Specifically, the study outlined the changed behaviour (and performance) of the participants as they solved graphical tasks that had been modified with respect to these elements. We propose a theoretical framework for understanding the composition of a graphical task and identify three specific elements which are dependently and independently related to each other, namely: the graphic; the text; and the symbols. Results indicated that although changes to the graphical tasks were minimal, a change in student success and understanding was most evident when the graphic element was modified. Implications include the need for test designers to carefully consider the graphics embedded within mathematics tasks since the elements within graphical tasks greatly influence student understanding.


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These notes were compiled from several authorities to be used for teaching and learning purposes here at QUT, with the focus on first and second year landscape architecture design studio units.


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Educational reforms currently being enacted in Kuwaiti Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) in response to contemporary demands for increased student-centred teaching and learning are challenging for FCS teachers due to their limited experience with student-centred learning tools such as Graphic Organisers (GOs). To adopt these reforms, Kuwaiti teachers require a better understanding of and competency in promoting cognitive learning processes that will maximise student-centred learning approaches. This study followed the experiences of four Grade 6 FCS Kuwaiti teachers as they undertook a Professional Development (PD) program specifically designed to advance their understanding of the use of GOs and then as they implemented what they had learned in their Grade 6 FCS classroom. The PD program developed for this study was informed by Nasseh.s competency PD model as well as Piaget and Ausubel.s cognitive theories. This model enabled an assessment and evaluation of the development of the teachers. competencies as an outcome of the PD program in terms of the adoption of GOs, in particular, and their capacity to use GOs to engage students in personalised, in-depth, learning through critical thinking and understanding. The research revealed that the PD program was influential in reforming the teachers. learning, understanding of and competency in, cognitive and visual theories of learning, so that they facilitated student-centred teaching and learning processes that enabled students to adopt and adapt GOs in constructivist learning. The implementation of five GOs - Flow Chart, Concept Maps, K-W-L Chart, Fishbone Diagram and Venn Diagram - as learning tools in classrooms was investigated to find if changes in pedagogical approach for supporting conceptual learning through cognitive information processing would reduce the cognitive work load of students and produce better learning approaches. The study as evidenced by the participant teachers. responses and classroom observations, showed a marked increase in student interest, participation, critical thought, problem solving skills, as a result of using GOs, compared to using traditional teaching and learning methods. A theoretical model was developed from the study based on the premise that teachers. knowledge of the subject, pedagogy and student learning precede the implementation of student-centred learning reform, that it plays an important role in the implementation of student-centred learning and that it brings about a change in teaching practice. The model affirmed that observed change in teaching-practice included aspects of teachers. beliefs, as well as confidence and effect on workplace and on student learning, including engagement, understanding, critical thinking and problem solving. The model assumed that change in teaching practice is inseparable from teachers. lifelong PD needs related to knowledge, understanding, skills and competency. These findings produced a set of preliminary guidelines for establishing student-centred constructivist strategies in Kuwaiti education while retaining Kuwait.s cultural uniqueness.


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Children are encountering more and more graphic representations of data in their learning and everyday life. Much of this data occurs in quantitative forms as different forms of measurement are incorporated into the graphics during their construction. In their formal education, children are required to learn to use a range of these quantitative representations in subjects across the school curriculum. Previous research that focuses on the use of information processing and traditional approaches to cognitive psychology concludes that the development of an understanding of such representations of data is a complex process. An alternative approach is to investigate the experiences of children as they interact with graphic representations of quantitative data in their own life-worlds. This paper demonstrates how a phenomenographic approach may be used to reveal the qualitatively different ways in which children in Australian primary and secondary education understand the phenomenon of graphic representations of quantitative data. Seven variations of the children’s understanding were revealed. These have been described interpretively in the article and confirmed through the words of the children. A detailed outcome space demonstrates how these seven variations are structurally related.


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This practice-led project has two outcomes: a collection of short stories titled 'Corkscrew Section', and an exegesis. The short stories combine written narrative with visual elements such as images and typographic devices, while the exegesis analyses the function of these graphic devices within adult literary fiction. My creative writing explores a variety of genres and literary styles, but almost all of the stories are concerned with fusing verbal and visual modes of communication. The exegesis adopts the interpretive paradigm of multimodal stylistics, which aims to analyse graphic devices with the same level of detail as linguistic analysis. Within this framework, the exegesis compares and extends previous studies to develop a systematic method for analysing how the interactions between language, images and typography create meaning within multimodal literature.