735 resultados para grain refinement of magnesium alloys
Carbon inoculation has no effect on magnesium alloys that do not contain aluminium. The hypothesis proposed in a recent article [Scripta Materialia 49 (2003) 1129] that segregation of carbon plays a major role in the grain refinement of magnesium alloys by carbon inoculation is inconsistent with many of the observed facts. The Al4C3 or Al-C-O hypothesis, which is supported by experimental observations, is still the most reasonable mechanism proposed to date for the grain refinement of magnesium alloys by carbon inoculation. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
High purity Mg-Al type alloys have a naturally fine grain size compared to commercial purity alloys with the same basic composition. This is referred to as native grain refinement. It is shown that native grain refinement occurs only in magnesium alloys containing aluminium. The mechanism is attributed to the Al4C3 particles existing in these alloys. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Factors that influence alloying zirconium to magnesium with a Mg-33.3Zr master alloy and the subsequent grain refinement are discussed based on a large number of experiments conducted at the laboratory scale (up to 30 kg of melt). It is shown that the zirconium particles released from the Zirmax(R) master alloy must be brought into thorough contact with the melt by an appropriate stirring process in order to attain a good dissolution of zirconium. The influence of alloying temperature on the recovery of zirconium was found to be negligible in the range from 680 to 780 degreesC. An ideal zirconium alloying process should end up with both high soluble and high total zirconium in the melt in order to achieve the best grain refinement in the final alloy. The distribution of zirconium in the final alloy microstructure is inhomogeneous and almost all of the zirconium in solution is concentrated in zirconium-rich cores in the microstructure.
A new zirconium-rich magnesium-zirconium master alloy (designated AM-cast) has been developed by the CRC for Cast Metals Manufacturing in collaboration with Australian Magnesium Corporation for use as a grain refiner for magnesium alloys that do not contain aluminium. This work describes the microstructural characteristics of this new grain refiner and its grain refining ability when added to different magnesium alloys under various conditions (alloying temperature from 680 °C to 750 °C; weight of melt from 1 kg to 150 kg and sample thickness from 7 mm to 62 mm). Owing to its highly alloyable microstructure, AM-cast can be readily introduced into molten magnesium at any temperature when assisted by a few minutes of stirring or puddling. Little sludge has been found at the bottom of the alloying vessel in these trials due to the fine zirconium particles contained in the master alloy. The recovery of zirconium is normally in the range from 40% to 60% with respect to 1% zirconium addition as the master alloy. It is shown that this new master alloy is an excellent grain refiner for aluminium-free magnesium alloys.
A trace of beryllium can lead to dramatic grain coarsening in Mg-Al alloys at normal cooling rates. It is, however, unclear whether this effect applies to aluminium-free magnesium alloys or not. This work shows that a trace of beryllium also causes considerable grain coarsening in Mg-Zn, Mg-Ca, Mg-Ce and Mg-Nd alloys and hinders grain refinement of magnesium alloys by zirconium as well. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of iron on the grain refinement of high-purity Mg-3%Al and Mg-91%Al alloys has been investigated using anhydrous FeCl3 as an iron additive at 750degreesC in carbon-free aluminium titanite crucibles. It was shown that grain refinement was readily achievable for both alloys. Fe- and Al-rich intermetallic particles were observed in many magnesium grains. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The addition of SiC particles effectively grain refined a range of Mg-Al alloys. The greatest reductions in grain size were found for the alloys with lower Al contents. The presence of Mg2Si in the microstructure after that SiC addition, and consideration of phase equilibria suggested that the SiC transforms to Al4C3, and this is the actual nucleant. The addition of Mn poisoned the grain refining effect of the SiC addition, probably due to the formation of less potent Al-Mn-carbides. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The edge-to-edge matching model for describing the interfacial crystallographic characteristics between two phases that are related by reproducible orientation relationships has been applied to the typical grain refiners in aluminum alloys. Excellent atomic matching between Al3Ti nucleating substrates, known to be effective nucleation sites for primary Al, and the Al matrix in both close packed directions and close packed planes containing these directions have been identified. The crystallographic features of the grain refiner and the Al matrix are very consistent with the edge-to-edge matching model. For three other typical grain refiners for Al alloys, TiC (when a = 0.4328 nm), TiB2 and AIB(2), the matching only occurs between the close packed directions in both phases and between the second close packed plane of the Al matrix and the second close packed plane of the refiners. According to the model, it is predicted that Al3Ti is a more powerful nucleating substrate for Al alloy than TiC, TiB2 and AlB2. This agrees with the previous experimental results. The present work shows that the edge-to-edge matching model has the potential to be a powerful tool in discovering new and more powerful grain refiners for Al alloys. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Manganese is a grain refiner for high purity Mg-3%Al, Mg-6%Al, Mg-9%Al, and commercial AZ31 (Mg-3%Al-1%Zn) alloys when introduced in the form of an Al-60%Mn master alloy splatter but the use of pure Mn flakes and ALTAB (TM) Mn75 tablets shows no grain refinement. Long time holding of the melt at 730 degrees C leads to an increase in grain size. The mechanism is attributed to the presence of all epsilon-AlMn phase (hexagonal close-packed) in the master alloy splatter. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.