4 resultados para gråbalans


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I detta examensarbete har gråbalansstyrning och ICC-profilers duglighet undersökts. ICC-profilernahar utvärderats utifrån den tryckkvalitet de genererat tillsammans med olika papper.Gråbalansstyrning har använts som gemensamma likare för samtliga testtryckningar. Detta tillfördeen variabel som var lika för samtliga papper i utredningen. Här med ökade sannolikheten att ICCprofilerskapade från olika papper, skulle ge en likvärdig kvalitet.I arbetet har många mätningar och beräkningar genomförts. De två främsta anledningarna till dettavar dels att utreda i vilken mån det gick att gråbalansjustera trycket och dels att inhämta jämförbaravärden på likheter och divergenser mellan olika kombinationer av ICC-profiler och papper. Mätdatahjälpte även till att ta hänsyn till de felkällor som fanns.Det var möjligt att gråbalansjustera trycket och det fanns likheter mellan en ICC-profil på olika papperoch även mellan fler ICC-profiler på samma papper. Samtliga resultat och slutsatser var beroendeav att neutral gråbalans upprätthölls under tryckningarna. Subjektiva och objektiva jämförelser visadebåda på att en ICC-profil inte kommer att påverkas av variationer mellan olika pappersleveranser,såvida dessa inte är större än skillnaden mellan de olika papperna.Med säkerhet kunde inte förutsägas från vilket papper en ICC-profil skulle skapas för att ge en högkvalitet på flera papper. Mest troligt var att likvärdigt resultat skulle kunna uppnås på G-Print, MultiArt Matt och Multi Art Silk.


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This degree theme work aims to evaluate the present ICC-profile and printing ink of Dalarnas Tidningar AB. The companyhas changed printing ink quality and wants to evaluate how the present ICC-profile work with the new printingink. Four different ICC-profiles were included in the comparison.One test printing was accomplished with two different separations. Two new ICC-profile was created, as a comparingmaterial. An densitometer was used to measure the technical parameters of the printing. IT8-charts and RGB-chartswas measured with spectrophotometer. La*b*-values, CMYK-values, graybalance curves, color deflections and colorgamuts was compared on screen and on the printed material.Materials from an earlier testprinting and evalution, made by Stora Enso Kvarnsveden AB 2003, was used to evaluatethe function of Dalarnas Tidningar AB´s ICC-profile with the present printing ink quality. The IT8-chart from todaystestprinting was oppened in a program for textediting to have access to La*b*- and CMYK values. The values from theearlier testprinting was supplied from Stora Enso Kvarnsveden AB.The result of this work shows that the ICC-profile from the company, compared with de other profiles, reproduce darkershadow regions which can make loss of details. An higher saturation is recieved in the red and yellow area while thegreen and blue area lose its intensity. The profile gave images which are some contrastless and with a flat reproduction.Today printing ink quality gives more saturation and intensity in the yellow and blue area compared with former printingink. The dark tone reproduces with decreased luminance, however.


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Adjustment to a neutral colour balance when printing was the starting point in this degree project. Onthis base ICC-profiles were evaluated and assessed. The survey was concentrated on the similarity betweenreproductions on different papers with various ICC-profiles. The colour balancing introduced aconsistent variable between four graphic papers. With raised uniformity the probability increased toreceive similarities between the various combinations of ICC-profiles and papers.Numerous of measurements and calculations have been carried out, mainly to confirm whether or notadjustment to a neutral colour balance is possible and repeatable. Further more this gained in comparablevalues corresponding to similarities and divergences between combinations of ICC-profiles andpaper.The research concluded in the fact that it was possible to reach a neutral colour balance. One ICCprofileused together with various papers and also one paper with several ICC-profiles resulted in similaritiesand formed groups of samples. Since equivalent results could be reached on different samples,it implicated that variations within one paper shouldn’t affect the ICC-profiles. This was valid when thevariations were less than the divergence between the papers.Certain predictions on the question of from which paper the ICC-profiles should be generated to createhighest quality in print hasn’t been able to assemble. It’s likely that equivalent results could begenerated on G-Print, Multi Art Matt and Multi Art Silk.


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The following degree project deals with the production of an ICC-profile, this in the form ofproducing ICC-profiles for VTAB Backa. The company previously had their own profile butthey weren’t satisfied, so earlier this year they started using the TU standard profile, but theyalso wanted a complement to this in form of a profile created for solely their printing press.The separation settings used when creating the new profiles were based on information fromTU and their profile. Two basic profiles were created and then edited to obtain a better result.The test printings made with the edited profiles showed that the less adjustments that are made,the better. It was also discovered that the TU standard profile eliminates the highlight toneswhiles the new profiles are somewhat darker. VTAB Backa has at the end of this degree projectdesided to conduct more test printings before making their decision.