5 resultados para governmentalisation


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Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of territorial techniques and their relation to larger socio-political projects, that would be enriched if combined with other discursive traditions. This article proposes to conceptualise English parliamentary enclosureea favourite episode for Marxist historiography, frequently read in a strictly materialist fashioneas a precedent of a new form of sociospatial governmentality, a political technology that inaugurates a strategic manipulation of territory for social change on the threshold between feudal and capitalist spatial rationalities. I analyse the sociospatial dimensions of parliamentary enclosure’s technical and legal innovations and compare them to the forms of communal self-regulation of land use customs and everyday regionalisations that preceded it. Through a systematic, replicable mechanism of reterritorialisation, enclosure acts normalised spatial regulations, blurred regional differences in the social organisation of agriculture and erased the modes of autonomous social reproduction linked to common land. Their exercise of dispossession of material resources, social capital and community representations is interpreted therefore as an inaugural logic that would pervade the emergent spatial rationality later known as planning.


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Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of territorial techniques and their relation to larger socio-political projects, that would be enriched if combined with other discursive traditions. This article proposes to conceptualise English parliamentary enclosureea favourite episode for Marxist historiography, frequently read in a strictly materialist fashioneas a precedent of a new form of sociospatial governmentality, a political technology that inaugurates a strategic manipulation of territory for social change on the threshold between feudal and capitalist spatial rationalities. I analyse the sociospatial dimensions of parliamentary enclosure’s technical and legal innovations and compare them to the forms of communal self-regulation of land use customs and everyday regionalisations that preceded it. Through a systematic, replicable mechanism of reterritorialisation, enclosure acts normalised spatial regulations, blurred regional differences in the social organisation of agriculture and erased the modes of autonomous social reproduction linked to common land. Their exercise of dispossession of material resources, social capital and community representations is interpreted therefore as an inaugural logic that would pervade the emergent spatial rationality later known as planning.


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Youth and risk are artefacts of expertise, constructed at the intersection of a wide range of knowledges about Youth and so-called Youth issues: an intersection marked by institutionalised, scientific representations of education, family, the life course, risk, and so on. In this paper I suggest that the messiness of human experiences and existence requires knowledge practices in the social sciences that can rethink what counts as truth. These interests – which are grounded in the knowledge practices that frame the work being undertaken in a large scale, qualitative investigation of the cultural drivers shaping the alcohol practices of 14 to 24 year old Australian’s - will be addressed through a discussion of the ways in which Tim Winton’s (2008) new novel Breath can be read as an allegorical tale about the terror of being ordinary: and of the teenage years as being a time in a life in which the fear of being ordinary compels Winton’s key characters to seek out, sometimes stumble upon, and embrace that which promises to make their’s a life less ordinary. In these recollections risk is something that breathes energy and purpose into lifeworlds that are dominated by the institutionalised ordinariness of family, school, and work.


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The ways that we have invented for knowing young people are governmentalised. This governmentalisation produces powerful incentives to conform to the rule-bound and institutionalised knowledge practices that institutions, government departments, corporations, and NGOs understand as being capable of telling truths about young people and about risk. I argue that knowledge practices in the social sciences should trouble what counts as truth, as evidence, and the ways in which these truths can be produced.

These interests will be examined through a discussion of the ways in which Tim Winton's novel Breath can be read as an allegorical tale about the terror of being ordinary: and of the teenage years as being a time in a life in which the fear of being ordinary compels Winton's key characters to seek out, sometimes stumble upon that which promises to make their's a life less ordinary. Here risk is something that breathes energy and purpose into lifeworlds that are dominated by the institutionalised ordinariness of family, school, and work. As an allegorical tale told from the vantage point of hindsight, Breath unsettles what it is that the social sciences can tell us about youth (as becoming) and risk (as mitigated by prudential foresight).


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O modelo de formação de professores brasileiro refere-se à democratização do país e as mudanças sociais alavancadas na década de 1980, tendo como marco legal a Constituição de 1988 e as reformas educacionais e curriculares que a sucederam. Este trabalho constitui-se em uma análise arqueogenealógica foucaultiana das práticas discursivas arquitetadas sobre o curso de Pedagogia do Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica (PARFOR) do Campus Universitário de Bragança – Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Partimos do estudo arqueológico das emergências históricas da formação de professores para localizarmos e darmos visibilidade a arena da formação docente como contingência contemporânea advinda de forças capilares que objetivam e, ao mesmo tempo, subjetivam o professor em formação. Sustentamo-nos na hipótese de que habitam, nesse jogo de saber-poder, tramas de subjetivação corporificadas no currículo sob em práticas de governamentalização. Tais tramas, por sua vez, culminam na produção de documentos dentre os quais alguns foram escolhidos para compor a análise crítica desse trabalho. Desse modo, objetivamos problematizar a formação enquanto fabricação do aluno PARFOR-Pedagogia, com ênfase no currículo elaborado pelo Campus de Bragança/UFPA visando percebê-lo em sua articulação com determinadas urgências de formação e regulação de professores. A pesquisa teve como fonte documentos que instalam a política de formação de professores no país, encarando-os como monumentos com efeitos na objetivação e subjetivação dos sujeitos, e formação de professores como prática histórica e dispositivo estratégico de governamentalidade. Organizando-se os documentos em subarquivos, a análise foi conduzida pela problematização – arqueológica e genealógica de Michel Foucault, articulada aos dispositivos de Gilles Deleuze e às práticas históricas de Paul Veyne. Fincado como ação afirmativa e conectado ao rol das políticas educacionais contemporâneas, o PARFOR apesar de ter impulsionado a formação em serviço, os sujeitos que dele fazem parte são objetivados ainda por prescrições curriculares destacadamente disciplinares e generalistas, descritas paradoxalmente no Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia e nos Planos de Curso como estratégia interdisciplinar de formação de professores. Concomitante a isso, os sujeitos são subjetivados por um devir minoritário em função do modelo estrutural que a política foi arquitetada, exercendo seu poder por práticas de resistência. De acordo com as práticas analisadas nesse estudo, o PARFOR-Pedagogia do Campus de Bragança/UFPA é fabricado por tramas históricas de subjetivação, as quais se sustentam tanto na govenamentalidade quanto em estratégias biopolíticas acionadas por dispositivos curriculares que forjam e ao mesmo tempo são forjados pelos jogos de saber-poder-resistência.