766 resultados para government actor
Cette recherche vise à apporter un éclairage sur les facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique. De manière spécifique, elle poursuit trois principaux objectifs. Premièrement, nous cherchons à définir la notion de dialogue social et les termes qui y sont généralement associés tels que la concertation, la consultation, le tripartisme, le partenariat, la négociation collective, etc. Deuxièmement, nous faisons le point sur l’État du dialogue social au Québec, notamment en décrivant son évolution historique, les acteurs impliqués, les objets abordés et les instances de dialogue. Certaines comparaisons entre la culture québécoise de concertation et celles caractérisant d’autres cultures (Canada, États-Unis, Europe) sont par ailleurs présentées. De plus, ce tour d’horizon des différents lieux de dialogue social permettra de mieux saisir les composantes de la concertation en lien avec le développement économique, plus particulièrement, sur les façons de planifier le développement économique d’une manière socialement responsable (Papadakis, 2010). Troisièmement, une analyse empirique des facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique est effectuée. Pour atteindre les objectifs et répondre à notre question de recherche, nous articulons cette recherche en deux phases. Dans un premier temps, une cartographie des instances de dialogue social au Québec et la collecte de données auprès d’instances québécoises sont établies. Cette première phase permet également d’identifier quels sont les facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique généralement reconnus au sein de la littérature. Afin de mieux saisir ces facteurs et par conséquent, bonifier le modèle d’analyse, l’étude s’appuie sur une série d’entretiens exploratoires réalisés au Québec, mais aussi en France où la culture de dialogue social économique semble plus développée. Ce mouvement itératif entre la littérature et les entretiens exploratoires effectués permet de construire un modèle d’analyse des facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique. Dans un second temps, ce modèle d’analyse est testé en se concentrant sur deux organismes de concertation économique au Québec. Au sein de ces organismes ont été rencontrés des acteurs syndicaux, patronaux et gouvernementaux. L’entretien a été retenu comme la méthode de collecte de données utilisée auprès des individus (Gavard-Perret, Gotteland, Haon et Jolibert, 2008) et plus spécifiquement, des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des répondants afin de leur laisser la liberté de s’exprimer de façon plus large sur les questions et possiblement apporter de nouveaux éléments pouvant enrichir le modèle. La méthode de l’appariement logique sert à analyser les réponses aux questionnaires d’entrevues (Yin, 1994) et à les comparer aux propositions de recherche. Au plan théorique, l’apport des théories néo-institutionnalistes permet d’approfondir nos constats en lien avec la naissance et le développement des institutions de dialogue social. L’analyse de nos résultats nous permet de vérifier la théorie sur la création des institutions qui se veut la prise de conscience d’une problématique par les acteurs qui perçoivent leur implication au sein des institutions comme une façon de résoudre cette situation. Nous vérifions également la notion d’acteur dominant via le double rôle de l’acteur gouvernemental comme participant et comme donneur d’argent. Finalement, notre recherche a permis de confirmer notre modèle d’analyse tout en le raffinant par l’ajout de nouveaux facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique. Les entrevues que nous avons réalisées nous ont permis d’apporter des nuances et de préciser la portée des facteurs déterminants tirés de la littérature. Notre analyse confirme trois de nos propositions de recherche telle que formulées et deux autres le sont que partiellement. Nos constats confirment en effet que la volonté réelle des parties à travailler ensemble, la présence d’intérêts communs et la participation de l’État sont tous des facteurs qui ont un impact positif sur la concertation économique. La question de la confiance est nécessaire pour la poursuite de la concertation. En appui aux travaux antérieurs sur la question, nous avons observé que la confiance entre les acteurs influence positivement le déroulement de la concertation économique. Nous avons toutefois constaté qu’un certain niveau de méfiance réside entre les acteurs qui participent à ce processus, ces derniers représentant des organisations distinctes qui ont leurs intérêts propres. Pour permettre la concertation entre acteurs, le niveau de confiance doit être plus élevé que le niveau de méfiance. Nos observations nous ont aussi permis d’établir des liens entre la présence des facteurs déterminants et l’atteinte de résultats par la concertation, mais nous ne pouvons pas déterminer leur importance relative: nous ne pouvons donc pas prétendre qu’un plus grand nombre de facteurs réunis va assurer la réussite du processus de concertation ou s’il s’agit plutôt de la présence de certains facteurs qui auraient plus d’impact sur les résultats. Notre recherche fournit un apport important à la littérature sur la concertation puisqu’elle a permis de cerner de nouveaux facteurs déterminants à la réussite de ce processus. Les entretiens réalisés ont montré que le « contrôle des égos » des acteurs de la concertation et la mise en place de mécanismes permettant une intégration réussie des nouveaux participants au processus constituent des facteurs à ne pas négliger. De plus, notre recherche a permis de raffiner notre modèle conceptuel puisque nous avons été en mesure de cerner différents sous-facteurs qui permettent d’approfondir l’analyse des facteurs déterminants de la concertation. Notre recherche comporte toutefois certaines limites puisque les institutions comparées présentent des différences importantes en termes de culture et le nombre restreint d’organisme étudié limite grandement la généralisation des résultats.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo realizar una aproximación interpretativa a la Marcha Patriótica [MP] a través de tres ejes, a saber, Partido Político, Movimiento Político y Movimiento Social. Para desarrollarlo, se realizó una caracterización del contexto con el interés de identificar las situaciones contributivas a la génesis de la MP. En este contexto, se logró establecer que la situación más importante y determinante fueron los diálogos de paz de La Habana entre el gobierno de Colombia y la guerrilla de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. Posteriormente, se realizó la descripción de los tres ejes de interpretación y la definición de cómo serían entendidos para efectos del estudio de caso. Finalmente, se procedió con una caracterización de la MP a través de los ejes y se concluyó con una explicación amplia que dio como resultado la incorporación de nuevos elementos de análisis. Lo anterior, permitió explicar a la MP a partir de sus sectores, sus reivindicaciones, su accionar, los movimientos que la componen y los actores con los que se relaciona.
Drawing upon Brazilian experience, this research explores some of the key issues to be addressed in using e-government technical cooperation designed to enhance service provision of Patent Offices in developing countries. While the development of software applications is often seen merely as a technical engineering exercise, localization and adaptation are context bounded matters that are characterized by many entanglements of human and non-humans. In this work, technical, legal and policy implications of technical cooperation are also discussed in a complex and dynamic implementation environment characterized by the influence of powerful hidden agendas associated with the arena of intellectual property (IP), which are shaped by recent technological, economic and social developments in our current knowledge-based economy. This research employs two different theoretical lenses to examine the same case, which consists of transfer of a Patent Management System (PMS) from the European Patent Office (EPO) to the Brazilian Patent Office that is locally named ‘Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial’ (INPI). Fundamentally, we have opted for a multi-paper thesis comprising an introduction, three scientific articles and a concluding chapter that discusses and compares the insights obtained from each article. The first article is dedicated to present an extensive literature review on e-government and technology transfer. This review allowed the proposition on an integrative meta-model of e-government technology transfer, which is named E-government Transfer Model (ETM). Subsequently, in the second article, we present Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a framework for understanding the processes of transferring e-government technologies from Patent Offices in developed countries to Patent Offices in developing countries. Overall, ANT is seen as having a potentially wide area of application and being a promising theoretical vehicle in IS research to carry out a social analysis of messy and heterogeneous processes that drive technical change. Drawing particularly on the works of Bruno Latour, Michel Callon and John Law, this work applies this theory to a longitudinal study of the management information systems supporting the Brazilian Patent Office restructuration plan that involved the implementation of a European Patent Management System in Brazil. Based upon the ANT elements, we follow the actors to identify and understand patterns of group formation associated with the technical cooperation between the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) and the European Patent Office (EPO). Therefore, this research explores the intricate relationships and interactions between human and non-human actors in their attempts to construct various network alliances, thereby demonstrating that technologies embodies compromise. Finally, the third article applies ETM model as a heuristic frame to examine the same case previously studied from an ANT perspective. We have found evidence that ETM has strong heuristic qualities that can guide practitioners who are engaged in the transfer of e-government systems from developed to developing countries. The successful implementation of e-government projects in developing countries is important to stimulate economic growth and, as a result, we need to understand the processes through which such projects are being implemented and succeed. Here, we attempt to improve understanding on the development and stabilization of a complex social-technical system in the arena of intellectual property. Our preliminary findings suggest that e-government technology transfer is an inherently political process and that successful outcomes require continuous incremental actions and improvisations to address the ongoing issues as they emerge.
Leaders of the EU’s institutions have to be political entrepreneurs if they are to leave a mark on history. Their decision-making power is limited, but they can often frame the choices and broker coalitions to push the existing boundaries of European integration. This Commentary by Daniel Gros finds that none of the EU’s top three new faces – Jean-Claude Juncker, Donald Tusk or Federica Mogherini – has a track record in this sense. In his view, the most sobering message from the whole appointment process is that the member states’ leaders will not suffer anyone who might rock the boat and push integration forward. That there will be little movement towards the “ever-closer union” envisioned in the Treaty of Rome might come as a relief for those fearing domination by Brussels (like many in the UK), but it can only dismay those who hope that, despite its sluggish economy and declining population, Europe can become a relevant global actor.
The loss of habitat and biodiversity worldwide has led to considerable resources being spent for conservation purposes on actions such as the acquisition and management of land, the rehabilitation of degraded habitats, and the purchase of easements from private landowners. Prioritising these actions is challenging due to the complexity of the problem and because there can be multiple actors undertaking conservation actions, often with divergent or partially overlapping objectives. We use a modelling framework to explore this issue with a study involving two agents sequentially purchasing land for conservation. We apply our model to simulated data using distributions taken from real data to simulate the cost of patches and the rarity and co-occurence of species. In our model each agent attempted to implement a conservation network that met its target for the minimum cost using the conservation planning software Marxan. We examine three scenarios where the conservation targets of the agents differ. The first scenario (called NGO-NGO) models the situation where two NGOs are both are targeting different sets of threatened species. The second and third scenarios (called NGO-Gov and Gov-NGO, respectively) represent a case where a government agency attempts to implement a complementary conservation network representing all species, while an NGO is focused on achieving additional protection for the most endangered species. For each of these scenarios we examined three types of interactions between agents: i) acting in isolation where the agents are attempting to achieve their targets solely though their own actions ii) sharing information where each agent is aware of the species representation achieved within the other agent’s conservation network and, iii) pooling resources where agents combine their resources and undertake conservation actions as a single entity. The latter two interactions represent different types of collaborations and in each scenario we determine the cost savings from sharing information or pooling resources. In each case we examined the utility of these interactions from the viewpoint of the combined conservation network resulting from both agents' actions, as well as from each agent’s individual perspective. The costs for each agent to achieve their objectives varied depending on the order in which the agents acted, the type of interaction between agents, and the specific goals of each agent. There were significant cost savings from increased collaboration via sharing information in the NGO-NGO scenario were the agent’s representation goals were mutually exclusive (in terms of specie targeted). In the NGO-Gov and Gov-NGO scenarios, collaboration generated much smaller savings. If the two agents collaborate by pooling resources there are multiple ways the total cost could be shared between both agents. For each scenario we investigate the costs and benefits for all possible cost sharing proportions. We find that there are a range of cost sharing proportions where both agents can benefit in the NGO-NGO scenarios while the NGO-Gov and Gov-NGO scenarios again showed little benefit. Although the model presented here has a range of simplifying assumptions, it demonstrates that the value of collaboration can vary significantly in different situations. In most cases, collaborating would have associated costs and these costs need to be weighed against the potential benefits from collaboration. The model demonstrates a method for determining the range of collaboration costs that would result in collaboration providing an efficient use of scarce conservation resources.
The loss of habitat and biodiversity worldwide has led to considerable resources being spent on conservation interventions. Prioritising these actions is challenging due to the complexity of the problem and because there can be multiple actors undertaking conservation actions, often with divergent or partially overlapping objectives. We explore this issue with a simulation study involving two agents sequentially purchasing land for the conservation of multiple species using three scenarios comprising either divergent or partially overlapping objectives between the agents. The first scenario investigates the situation where both agents are targeting different sets of threatened species. The second and third scenarios represent a case where a government agency attempts to implement a complementary conservation network representing 200 species, while a non-government organisation is focused on achieving additional protection for the ten rarest species. Simulated input data was generated using distributions taken from real data to model the cost of parcels, and the rarity and co-occurrence of species. We investigated three types of collaborative interactions between agents: acting in isolation, sharing information and pooling resources with the third option resulting in the agents combining their resources and effectively acting as a single entity. In each scenario we determine the cost savings when an agent moves from acting in isolation to either sharing information or pooling resources with the other agent. The model demonstrates how the value of collaboration can vary significantly in different situations. In most cases, collaborating would have associated costs and these costs need to be weighed against the potential benefits from collaboration. Our model demonstrates a method for determining the range of costs that would result in collaboration providing an efficient use of scarce conservation resources.
The Spanish transition, the political process through which Spain ceased to be a dictatorship to become a democracy, was accompanied by the dissolution of the National Movement, the institutional support for the chain of the Movement Press from its beginnings, in April 1977. This fact, among others, contributed to the /Sur/, the regional reference newspaper for the chain in Andalusia, evolving both structurally and ideologically to adapt itself to the new political regime. This study applies content analysis to editorials, articles and columns published by the newspaper between 1975 and 1978, exploring the process through which the regional newspaper edited in Málaga abandoned its propaganda function with regard to the Government, considering it undemocratic, and supported the PSOE, presenting it as the best alternative to the UCD in the Spanish Executive, thus taking on its role as a political agent.
The State Reform processes combined with the emergence and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) originated electronic government policies and initiatives in Brazil. This paper dwells on Brazilian e-government by investigating the institutional design it assumed in the state's public sphere, and how it contributed to outcomes related to e-gov possibilities. The analyses were carried out under an interpretativist perspective by making use of Institutional Theory. From the analyses of interviews with relevant actors in the public sphere, such as state secretaries and presidents of public ICT companies, conclusions point towards low institutionalization of e-gov policies. The institutional design of Brazilian e-gov limits the use of ICT to provide integrated public services, to amplify participation and transparency, and to improve public policies management.
How does knowledge management (KM) by a government agency responsible for environmental impact assessment (EIA) potentially contribute to better environmental assessment and management practice? Staff members at government agencies in charge of the EIA process are knowledge workers who perform judgement-oriented tasks highly reliant on individual expertise, but also grounded on the agency`s knowledge accumulated over the years. Part of an agency`s knowledge can be codified and stored in an organizational memory, but is subject to decay or loss if not properly managed. The EIA agency operating in Western Australia was used as a case study. Its KM initiatives were reviewed, knowledge repositories were identified and staff surveyed to gauge the utilisation and effectiveness of such repositories in enabling them to perform EIA tasks. Key elements of KM are the preparation of substantive guidance and spatial information management. It was found that treatment of cumulative impacts on the environment is very limited and information derived from project follow-up is not properly captured and stored, thus not used to create new knowledge and to improve practice and effectiveness. Other opportunities for improving organizational learning include the use of after-action reviews. The learning about knowledge management in EIA practice gained from Western Australian experience should be of value to agencies worldwide seeking to understand where best to direct their resources for their own knowledge repositories and environmental management practice. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.