58 resultados para gnaisses


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O trabalho consta do estudo do meio físico geotécnico do município de Porto Alegre visando a identificação e caracterização de unidades geotécnias, formadas por associações de solos com características físico-morfológicas e origem semelhantes. As unidades geotécnicas são definidas por um estudo de escritório baseado em levantamentos geológicos, pedológicos, topográficos e geográficos e também com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas, acompanhado de uma investigação de campo com a amostragem de perfis das diferentes unidades estimadas. Uma carta com a ocorrência das unidades geotécnicas e com a representação das estruturas geológicas de maior importância geotécina é construída. Destaque é dado ás unidades geotécnicas de solos subtropicais oriundos dos granitos, gnaisses e migmatitos. E executada uma avaliação das características físicas (mineralogia, granulometria, plasticidade, e índices físicos) e propriedades geotécnicas (compressibilidade, colapsividade e resistência ao cisalhamento) dos solos dos principais horizontes de perfis típicos destas unidades. São utilizados ensaios de caracterização, análises mineralógicas de rochas por lâminas delgadas, análises mineralógicas de argilas por meio de difratograma de raio X, ensaios de compressão confinada e ensaios de cisalhamento direto. Os resultados são apresentados em função dos principais horizontes de solos das unidades geotécnicas , são eles horizontes saprolíticos, formados por solo residual que ainda apresentam minerais primários e vestígios estruturais da rocha de origem e horizontes superficiais muitas das vezes laterizados. A análise foi feita à luz dos processos de formação e dos decorrentes fatores que determinam o comportamento geotécnico destes solos de intemperismo subtropical.


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Granitic to trondhjemitic gneisses from the Pontalina region in the southern part of Goiás State, Central Brazil, have calcic to calc-alkaline, metaluminous to peraluminous compositions. They have low concentrations of alkaline elements, and are enriched in Ba, Sr, K, Rb in relation to Nb, Y, Zr and REE, and have negative anomalies of Nb and Ti, features which are similar to those of magmas generated in magmatic arc environments. Those rocks were previously interpreted as part of the basement of the Brasília Belt, attributed to the Archean to Paleoproterozoic, but new Sm - Nd isotopic data indicate a neoproterozoic age (TDM = 0,9 a 1,2 Ga), and the preliminary geochemical data reveal compositions similar to the gneisses of the other regions belonging to the Goiás Magmatic Arc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A bacia do Guaratuba situa-se no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar com cabeceiras no Planalto Atlântico. Apresenta rochas gnáissicas em relevo de morros paralelos, declives acentuados e vegetação de Mata Atlântica, localmente de porte baixo, com clima tropical úmido e precipitação maior que 2.000 mm ano-1, sem estação seca. Há predomínio de Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos (Podzólicos) e Cambissolos Háplicos (Cambissolos), com indícios de hidromorfismo. Nesse setor, em uma seqüência transversal à linha de maior declive de uma vertente, estudou-se uma associação Espodossolo Ferrocárbico hidromórfico típico álico (podzol hidromórfico) (ESg) e Gleissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico álico ou não (glei pouco húmico) (GXbd), assentada sobre seixos rolados e alteração do gnaisse, por meio de estudos detalhados em uma toposseqüência, definindo-se um sentido de evolução para esses solos. Os solos da área em posição elevada e paralela ao fundo do vale, bem como sua composição de seixos e areias de quartzo/quartzito, levam a propor origem de deposição fluvial em antiga várzea, hoje suspensa como terraço. Nessa associação, ocorre uma transformação Espodossolo em Gleissolo, evidenciando que os solos desenvolveram-se dependentes de ambientes sucessivos, relacionados com a presença de vegetação florestal densa (matéria orgânica ácida) e de clima quente e úmido em um clima anterior, provavelmente com estação seca de início (formação do ESg), seguido de clima atual sem estação seca (maior umidade-gleização, formação do GXbd), sendo pouco relacionados com modificações dos materiais originários (seixos e gnaisses).


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Alguns aspectos dos processos de alteração superficial e seus reflexos na pedogeomorfologia Quaternária na sub-bacia do alto Ribeirão Maracujá, no Complexo Bação, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG, são aqui caracterizados. São investigados caracteres relativos à dinâmica evolutiva de três vertentes (toposseqüências 1, 2 e 3), situadas sobre gnaisses, mas com graus de erodibilidade diferenciados. Nos segmentos de alta vertente das toposseqüências 1 e 2, os perfis de solos são pouco desenvolvidos e autóctones. Na toposseqüência 3, no mesmo segmento, ocorre um Latossolo com feições de aloctonia. Nos segmentos de meia vertente, das três toposseqüências ocorrem perfis latossólicos espessos, desenvolvidos a partir de sedimentos coluviais provindos da alta vertente. Nos segmentos de baixa vertente, há ruptura nos processos de transporte e deposição dos sedimentos, sendo o perfil de solo da toposseqüência 2 um Latossolo Câmbico autóctone e, nas toposseqüências 1 e 3, perfis desenvolvidos a partir de materiais alúvio-coluviais depositados sobre o saprolito gnáissico. Apesar de a dinâmica evolutiva das três vertentes corroborar os modelos geomorfológicos tropicais até o segmento de meia vertente, a jusante, a ruptura do coluvionamento na baixa vertente evidencia um recente desequilíbrio morfodinâmico. Além disso, as evidências micromorfológicas e mineralógicas não sinalizam correlação com susceptibilidade erosiva diferenciada verificada na área.


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O acúmulo e a estabilidade da matéria orgânica do solo estão relacionados com a declividade de vertentes. Por essa razão, foram avaliadas quantitativamente relações entre a declividade e o grau de humificação de ácidos húmicos, o conteúdo de fragmentos de carvão e suas idades radiocarbônicas. Foram amostrados quatro Latossolos situados nas posições de topo, ombro, meia encosta e sopé de uma toposseqüência com pastagens, de uma área cratônica do Sul de Minas Gerais. Os Latossolos são originados de gnaisses do Complexo Cristalino, da Era Pré-Cambriana, e apresentam regime hídrico údico e regime térmico isotérmico. Foram coletadas amostras de horizontes e sub-horizontes dos quatro perfis, para caracterização química e física, extração de ácidos húmicos e determinação do conteúdo dos radicais livres do tipo semiquinona. Fragmentos de carvão foram coletados nesses mesmos sub-horizontes, para quantificação gravimétrica, avaliação dos teores de C e N e para datações radiocarbônicas. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que, em toposseqüências de Latossolos do Sul de Minas Gerais, a acumulação e o grau de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo estão fortemente correlacionados com a declividade da vertente, enquanto a quantidade e a idade radiocarbônica de fragmentos de carvão estão relacionadas a processos de gênese dos solos e à posição na vertente.


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A região semiárida do Nordeste estende-se por aproximadamente 750 mil km², e em suas áreas Pré-Cambrianas predominam solos rasos e pouco desenvolvidos. Grande parte desses solos é classificada, de acordo com o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, como Neossolos Litólicos, Luvissolos e Planossolos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e classificar 12 perfis de solos dispostos em quatro topossequências que representam a ocorrência comum de Luvissolos na região semiárida do Nordeste brasileiro, visando averiguar se podem ser adequadamente classificados no SiBCS. Para isso, foram selecionadas duas topossequências com solos desenvolvidos de gnaisse na região dos Cariris Velhos (PB) e duas no Sertão de Pernambuco, sendo uma com solos desenvolvidos de micaxisto e outra de filito. Após a descrição dos perfis, foram coletadas amostras para a realização das análises físicas e químicas de caracterização. As modificações nos critérios para identificação do caráter crômico introduzidas na segunda edição do SiBCS parecem ter surtido o efeito desejado, pois permitiram a classificação dos dez perfis de solos Brunos Não Cálcicos estudados como Luvissolos Crômicos. Dessa forma, os solos estudados foram adequadamente classificados no SiBCS até o quarto nível categórico, com exceção do perfil de Luvissolo, que apresentou caráter sódico, não contemplado na atual versão do sistema como subgrupo. Com isso, propõe-se a inclusão de um subgrupo sódico dentro da classe dos Luvissolos Crômicos órticos para enquadrar os solos desta classe, que, diferentemente dos solos típicos, apresentam caráter sódico dentro de 100 cm a partir da superfície.


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Mapeamentos geológicos feitos pelo autor na região do Arroio Cambaizinho - são Gabriel/RS, resultaram na definição do Complexo Cambaizinho, representado pelas seqüências meta-sedimentar e máfica-ultramáfica, intimamente associadas ao longo de toda a extensão da associação supracrustal. A seqüência meta-se dimentar é constitu1da por gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos dominan tes, anfibolitos bandados e quartzitos subordinados, derivados de sedimentos areno-pelítico-carbonatados estruturados, de forma ritmica em ambiente subaquoso. Niveis composicionais de ocorrência restrita contendo estaurolita, definem o grau metamórfico (médio) para esta região. Intercalações de serpentinitos, xistos magnesianos variados e anfibolitos a granulação fina, na forma de camadas e/ou lentes interestratificadas nos meta-sedimentos indicam suas derivações a partir de derrames e/ou intrusões , ígneas de pequena profundidade de composição básica-ultrabásica. Este juntamente com níveis de sedimentos qu1micos intercalados e corpos de gabros, constituem a seqüência máfica-ultramáfica. O complexo, representa o segmento norte de um cintu rão supracrustal polideformado de forma geométrica aproximadamente linear, com orientação NNE, que se extende desde a localidade de Passo do Ivo, situado mais a sul, até a região objeto deste trabalho. Quatro fases de deformação dúcteis foram das para a área, estando as duas primeiras (Dl e D2) identifica associadas xx aos eventos metamórficos regionais Ml e M2. O metamorfismo mais antigo (Ml), assinalado por paragêneses diagnósticas em metapelitos alcançou o fácies anfibolito (zona da estaurolita), estando representado em outras litologias pela ocorrência de olivina metamórfica em paragênese com tremolita e/ou talco (meta-serpentinitos) e hornblenda mais oligoclásio/andesina em meta-básicas. O M2, mais jovem, atingiu o fácies xistos verdes, cujas assembléias mineralógicas se associam à foliação S2, de distribuição ir regular ao longo do cinturão. As condições fisicas de Ml foram de média P/T, similares às do metamorfismo Dalradiano. Intrusões graniticas na forma de lâminas (corpos ta bulares) durante a segunda fase de deformação D2, datados pelo mé todo Rb/Sr em 661 :: 29 Ma e agrupados sob a denominação de Granatóides Sanga do Jobim, fornecem idades mínimas para o complexo. Os vários grupos composiciconais da seqüência máfic~ -ultramáfica, individualizados com base em critérios petrográf~ cos e conteúdo de elementos maiores correspondem a: serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos (cumulados komatilticos); xis tos magnesianos à talco e clorita e anfibólio xistos (komatiitos); clorita-hornblenda xistos (basaltos komatiiticos), litos e metagabros (basaltos e gabros tolelticos). anfibo Estes vários tipos litológicos foram originados através de diferentes graus de fusão parcial do manto como indicado pelo hiato composicional de MgO (11 à 17%) e os diferentes padrões de ETR existentes entre os anfibolitos/metagabros (toleitos) e os serpentinitos/xistos magnesianos (komatiltos).As variações composicionais no interior de cada grupo, foram controladas pelo fracionamento (acumulação ou extração) de olivina e pouco ortopiroxênio (serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos)clinopiroxênios (clorita e anfibólios xistos, clorita hornblenda xistos), clinopiroxênio e plagioclásio (anfibolitos e metagabros). As abundâncias e os padrões de ERTL (elementos terras raras leves) enriquecidos, juntamente com os baixos valores das razões A1203/Ti02 e CaO/Ti02 das amostras de xistos magnesiinos das camadas A e B sugerem derivações deste material a partir de baixas percentagens de fusão de um manto enriquecido em mentos incompatíveis. As anomalias negativas de Ce e Eu na ele maio ria das rochas da seqüência máfica-ultramáfica indicam que protólitos ígneossofreram alterações em ambiente submarino.


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The sharp consumption of natural resources by the construction industry has motivated numerous studies concerning the application of waste to replace partially or fully, some materials, such as aggregates, thereby reducing the environmental impact caused by the extraction of sand and crushing process. The application of stone dust from crushing process arising as an aggregate for the production of Portland cement concrete is a viable alternative in view of the high cost of natural sands, in addition to the environmental damage which causes its operation to the environment. The stone dust has reduced cost compared to natural sand because it is produced in the beds of their own quarries, which are usually located close to major urban centers. This study examined the feasibility of using stone dust from the crushing of rock gneisses in the state of Bahia, replacing natural quartz sand. In the development of scientific study was conducted to characterize physical and chemical raw materials applied and molded cylindrical specimens , using as reference values Fck 20, Fck 25 and Fck 30 MPa ( resistance characteristic of the concrete after 28 days) in following compositions stone powder: 10%, 30%, 50 %, 100% and 100% with additive. The specimens were cured and subjected to the tests of compressive strength and water absorption, then the samples were subjected to the tests of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results obtained showed that the composition with 10% stone powder showed the best results regarding the physical and mechanical tests performed, confirming the reduction in compressive strength and increased water uptake increased as the content of the powder stone in the concrete composition


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This thesis aims to advance in the geological knowledge of the region comprising the Piancó-Alto Brígida (TPAB) and Alto pajeú (TAP) terranes, in the Transversal Zone Domain (Borborema Province, NE Brazil), with the main objective of understanding the geodynamic evolution and the structural framework of these units. To reach this objective, and besides field work and interpretation of traditional aerial photographs, other tools were employed like of remote sensing products (Landsat 7 ETM+, aeroradiometrics, aeromagnetics and topographical images), lithogeochemical (whole rock) analyses and geochronological dating (U-Pb in zircon), besides integration with literature data. In the area, several precambrian geological units outcrop, represented in the TAP by the paleoproterozoic Serra Talhada and Afogados da Ingazeira complexes, Riacho Gravatá Complex (metavolcano-sedimentary sequence of Stenian-Tonian age) and Cariris Velhos orthogneisses (of Tonian age). The TPAB comprises the Santana do Garrote (lower unit) and Serra do Olho d'Água (upper unit) formations of the Cachoeirinha Group (Neoproterozoic III), besides the Piancó orthogneisses and Bom Jesus paragneisses; the latter correspond to an older (basement ?) block and a possible high grade equivalent of the Cachoeirinha Group (or Seridó Group ?), respectively. Several Brasiliano-age plutons occur in both terranes.The aeromagnetic data show the continuity, at depth, of the main shear zones mapped in the region. The Patos, Pernambuco, Boqueirão dos Cochos, Serra do Caboclo, Afogados da Ingazeira/Jabitacá and Congo-Cruzeiro do Nordeste shear zones reach depths greater than to 6-16 km. The aeromagnetic signature of other shear zones, like the Juru one, suggests that these structures correspond to shallower crustal features. The satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM+) and aerogamaspectrometric images discriminate different geological units, contributing to the mapping of the structural framework of the region. The Serra do Caboclo Shear Zone was characterized as the boundary/suture between the TPAB and TAP. This structure is an outstanding, pervasive feature that separates contrasting geological units, such as the Neoproterozoic III Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB and the Riacho Gravatá Complex and the Cariris Velhos metaplutonics, of Stenian-Tonian age, in the TAP. Occupying different blocks, these units are not found in authoctonous relations, like unconformities and intrusive contacts. Concerning the Cariris Velhos (ca. 1,0 Ga old) event is recorded by radiometric ages of the Riacho Gravatá Complex metavolcanics and intrusive augen and orthogneisses, all of them displaying geochemical affinities of arc or collisional settings. A structural signature of this event was not recorded in the region, possibly due to its low grade/low strain style, obliterated by the overprinting of younger, higher grade/high strain Brasiliano-age fabrics.The first tectonic event (D1) observed in the Cariris Velhos lithotypes presents contractional kinematics with transport to the NW. Neoproterozoic III geochronologic dates, obtained in late-D1 granitoids, imply a Brasiliano age (ca. 610-600 Ma) for this deformation event. The second tectonic event (D2) characterized in the region corresponds to the Brasiliano transcurrent kinematics of the outstanding shear zones and associated granitoid plutons. The geochronological (U-Pb in zircon) data obtained during this thesis also confirms the occurrence of the Cariris Velhos magmatic suite in the TAP, as well as the Neoproterozoic III age to the Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB. The TAP (Riacho Gravatá Complex, augen and orthogneisses) is interpreted as a continental arc possibly accreted to a microcontinent during the Cariris Velhos (Stenian-Tonian) event. Later on, this terrane collided with the TPAB at the beginning of the Brasiliano orogeny (D1 contractional deformation), and both domins were reworked by the transcurrent shear deformation of the D2 event


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The studied area is geologically located in the Northern Domain of the Borborema Province (Northeast Brazil), limited to the south by the Patos shear zone. Terranes of the Jaguaribeano system are dominant, flanked by the Piranhas (E and S sides) and Central Ceará (NE side) terranes. Its basement comprises gneiss -migmatite terrains of Paleoproterozoic to Archean age (2.6 to 1.9 Ga old), overprinted by neoproterozoic to cambrian tectonotherma l events. Narrow supracrustal belts ( schist belts) display a 1.6 to 1.8 Ga age, as shown by whole - rock Rb-Sr and zircon U-Pb and Pb/Pb dates in acid metavolcanics which dominate in the lower section of these sequences, and in coeval metaplutonics (granitic augen gneisses). From the stratigraphic point of view, three Staterian belts are recognized: 1. Orós Belt - made up by the Orós Group, subdivided in the Santarém (predominantly pure to impure quartzites, micaschists and metacarbonates) and Campo Alegre (metandesites, metabasalts, metarhyolites and metarhyodacites, interlayered with metatuffs and metasediments) formations, and by the Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite (granitic augen gneisses). 2. Jaguaribe Belt - its lithostratigrahic-lithodemic framework is similar to the one of the Orós Belt, however with a greater expression of the volcano -plutonic components (Campo Alegre Formation and Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite). The Peixe Gordo Sequence, separately described, is also related to this belt and contain s metasedimentary, metavolcanic (with subordinated volcanoclastics) and metaplutonic units. The first one correlated to the Orós Group and the latter the Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite. 3. Western Potiguar Belt - represented by the Serra de São José Gro up, subdivided in the Catolezinho (biotite -amphibole gneisses with intercalations of metacarbonates, calcsilicate rocks, amphibolites and quartzite beds to the top) and Minhuins (quartzites, micaschists, metaconglomerates, calcsilicate rocks, acid to the b asic metavolcanics and metatuffs) formations. Its late Paleoproterozoic (Staterian) age was established by a Pb/Pb date on zircons from a granitic orthogneiss of the Catolezinho Formation. The petrographic characteristics and sedimentary structures of the Santarém Formation of the Orós Group point to deltaic to shallow marine depositional systems, overlain by deep water deposits (turbidites). The geodynamic setting of this region encompassed a large depositional basin, probably extending to the east of the Portalegre shear zone and west of the Senador Pompeu shear zone, with possible equivalents in the Jucurutu Formation of the Seridó Belt and in the Ceará Group of central Ceará. The Arneiróz Belt, west Ceará, displays some stratigraphic features and granito ids geochemically akin to the ones of the Orós Belt. The evolutionary setting started with an extensional phase which was more active in the eastern part of this domain (Western Potiguar and part of the Jaguaribe belts), where the rudite and psamite sedime ntation relates to a fluviatile rift environment which evolved to a prograding deltaic system to the west (Orós Group). The basaltic andesitic and rhyolitic volcanics were associated to this extensional phase. During this magmatic event, acid magmas also crystallized at plutonic depths. The Orós Group illustrates the environmental conditions in the western part of this domain. Later on, after a large time gap (1.6 to 1.1 Ga), the region was subjected to an extensional deformational episode marked by 900 Ma old (Sm-Nd data) basic rocks, possibly in connection with the deposition of the Cachoeirinha Group south of the Patos shear zone. In the 800 to 500 Ma age interval, the region was affected by important deformational and metamorphic events coupled with in trusion of granitic rocks of variable size (dykes to batholiths), related to the Brasiliano/Pan -African geotectonic cycle. These events produced structural blocks which differentiate, one from the other, according to the importance of anatectic mobilizatio n, proportion of high-grade supracrustals and the amount of neoproterozoic -cambrian granitoid intrusions. On this basis, a large portion of the Jaguaretama Block/Terrane is relatively well preserved from this late overprint. The border belts of the Jagua retama Block (Western Potiguar and Arneiroz) display kyanite-bearing (medium pressure) mineral associations, while in the inner part of the block there is a north-south metamorphic zoning marked by staurolite or sillimanite peak metamorphic conditions. Regarding the deformations of the Staterian supracrustal rocks, second and third phases were the most important, diagnosed as having developed in a progressive tectonic process. In the general, more vigorous conditions of PT are related to the interval tardi - phase 2 early-phase 3, whose radiometric ages and regional structuring indicators places it in the Brasiliano/Pan-African Cycle. In the Staterian geodynamic setting of Brazilian Platform , these sequences are correlated to the lower Espinhaço Supergroup (p.ex., Rio dos Remédios and Paraguaçu groups, a paleproterozoic rift system in the São Francisco Craton), the Araí and Serra da Mesa groups (north of Goiás, in the so -called Goiás Central Massif), and the Uatumã Group (in the Amazonian Craton). Granitic ( augen gneisses) plutonics are also known from these areas, as for example the A-type granites intrusive in the Araí and Serra da Mesa groups, dated at 1.77 Ga. Gravimetric and geological data place the limits of the Jaguaribeano System (terranes) along the Senador Pompeu Shear Zone (western border) and the Portalegre- Farias Brito shear zone (eastern and southern). However, the same data area not conclusive as regards the interpretation of those structures as suture of the terrane docking process. The main features of those shear zones and of involved lothological associations, appear to favour an intracontinental transpressional -transcurrent regime, during Neoproterozoic-Cambrian times, marking discontinuities along which different crustal blocks were laterally dispersed. Inside of this orogenic system and according to the magnetic data (total field map), the most important terrane boundary appears to be the Jaguaribe shear zone. The geochronological data, on some tectonostratigraphic associations (partly represented by the Ceará and Jucurutu groups), still at a preliminary level, besides the lack of granitic zonation and other petrotectonic criteria, do not allow to propose tectonic terrane assembly diagrams for the studied area


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The Brasiliano Cycle in the Seridó Belt (NE Brazil) is regarded mostly as a crustal reworking event, characterized by transcurrent or transpressional shear zones which operated under high temperature and low pressure conditions. In the eastern domain of this belt- the so-called São José de Campestre Massif (SJCM), a transtensional deformation regime is evidenced by extensional components or structures associated to the strikeslip shear zones. The emplacement of the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano granitoids is strongly controled by these discontinuities. Located in the southern border of the SJCM, the Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone (RPSZ) displays, in its northern half, top to the SW extensional movement which progressively grade, towards its southern half, to a dextral strike-slip kinematics, defining a negative semi-flower structure. This shear zone is overprinted upon allocthonous metasediments of the Seridó Group and an older gneiss-migmatite complex, both of which containing metamorphic parageneses from high amphibolite to granulite facies (the latter restricted to the strike-slip zone), defining the peak conditions of deformation. Several granitoid plutons are found along this structure, emplaced coeval with the shearing event. Individually, such bodies do not exceed 30 km2 in outcropping area and are essentially parallel to the trend of the shear zone. Petrographic, textural and geochemical data allow to recognize five different granitoid suites along the RPSZ: porphyritic granites (Serra da Boa Vista and Jandaíra), alkaline granites (Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão) and medium to coarse-grained granites (Olivedos) as major plutons, while microgranite and aluminous leucogranite sheets occur as minor intrusions. The porphyritic granites are surrounded by metasediments and present sigmoidal or en cornue shapes parallel to the trend of the RPSZ, corroborating the dextral kinematics. Basic to intermediate igneous enclaves are commonly associated to these bodies, frequently displaying mingling textures with the host granitoids. Compositionally these plutons are made up by titanite-biotite monzogranites bearing amphibole and magnetite; they are peraluminous and show affinities to the monzonitic, subalkaline series. Peraluminous, ilmenite-bearing biotite monzogranites and titanite-biotite monzogranites correspond, respectivally, to the Olivedos pluton and the microgranites. The Olivedos body is hosted by metasediments, while the microgranites intrude the gneiss-migmatite complex. Being highly evolved rocks, samples from these granites plot in the crustal melt fields in discrimination diagrams. Nevertheless, their subtle alignment also looks consistent with a monzonitic, subalkaline affinity. These chemical parameters make them closer to the I-type granites. Alkaline, clearly syntectonic granites are also recognized along the RPSZ. The Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão bodies display elongated shapes parallel to the mylonite belt which runs between the northern, extensional domain and the southern strike-slip zone. The Serra do Algodão pluton shows a characteristic isoclinal fold shape structure. Compositionally they encompass aegirine-augite alkali-feldspar granites and quartz-bearing alkaline syenite bearing garnet (andradite) and magnetite plus ilmenite as opaque phases. These rocks vary from meta to peraluminous, being correlated to the A-type granites. Aluminous leucogranites bearing biotite + muscovite ± sillimanite ± garnet (S-type granites) are frequent but not volumetrically important along the RPSZ. These sheet-like bodies may be folded or boudinaged, representing partial melts extracted from the metasediments during the shear zone development. Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotope studies point to a minimum 554��10 Ma age for the crystalization of the porphyritic granites. The alkaline granites and the Olivedos granite produced ca. 530 Ma isochrons which look too young; such values probably represent the closure of the Rb-Sr radiometric clock after crystallization and deformation of the plutons, at least 575 Ma ago (Souza et al. 1998). The porphyritic and the alkaline granites crystallized under high oxygen fugacity conditions, as shown by the presence of both magnetite and hematite in these rocks. The presence of ilmenite in the Olivedos pluton suggests less oxidizing conditions. Amphibole and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometers point to minimum conditions, around 750°C and 6 Kbars, for the crystallization of the porphyritic granites. The zirconium geothermometer indicates higher temperatures, in the order of 800°C, for the porphyritic granites, and 780°C for the Olivedos pluton. Such values agree with the thermobarometric data optained for the country rocks (5,7 Kbar and 765°C; Souza et al. 1998). The geochemical and isotope data set point to a lower crustal source for the porphyritic and the alkaline granites. Granulite facies quartz diorite to tonalite gneisses, belonging or akin to the gneiss-migmatite complex, probably dominate in the source regions. In the case of the alkaline rocks, subordinate contributions of mantle material may be present either as a mixing magma or as a previously added component to the source region. Tonalite to granodiorite gneisses, with some metasedimentary contribution, may be envisaged for the Olivedos granite. The diversity of granitoid rocks along the RPSZ is explained by its lithospheric dimension, allowing magma extraction at different levels, from the middle to lower crust down to the mantle. The presence of basic to intermediate enclaves, associated to the porphyritic granites, confirm the participation of mantle components in the magma extraction system along the RPSZ. This mega-structure is part of the network of Brasiliano-age shear zones, activated by continental collision and terrane welding processes at the end of the Neoproterozoic


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The main purpose of the present study is to integrate a geological and technological investigation of ornamental rocks of the Flores and Jacarandá granites, which are located near the Afonso Bezerra city, in the north central part of the Rio Grande do Norte State. The study area encompasses four litho-stratigrafic units: a Gneiss-Migmatitic Complex(cristalline basement), which is mainly composed of banded gneisses, usually deformed as mylonitic rocks and with several migmatic features, an Augen Gneiss, which occurs as an elongated body that constitutes the Jacarandá granite, a small granite stock, which presents a semi-circular form, named Flores granite, composed of pink, fine to medium coarse rocks, and fine to coarse alluvial sediments, which form extensive areas of large fluvial deposits. The technological characterization of the Flores and Jacarandá granites, carried out through several tests, has as the main purpose the determination of petrographic, physical, and mechanic parameters that allowed the characterization of these rocks. The test followed procedures recommended by Brazilian (ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) and foreigner institutions (ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials). The petrografhic analysis indicated that the rocks investigated are granite sensu estrictu, summing an average 85-90% modal. The Flores granite is the more felsic rock, which presents mafic content ∼ 10% and monzonitic composition. The Jacarandá granite is an Augen Gneiss rock that presents sienogranitic composition and mafic modal content ∼ 15%. Several technological tests carried out (alterability, physical indices, velocity of ultrasonic wave propagation, uniaxial compression, flection resistence, Amsler desgaste, and resistence to freezing and heating) indicated that parameters and values were identical for both granites investigated. These parameters and values are consistent with the Brazilian and international standards for siliciclastic rocks of ornamental use, as well as other Brazilian ornamental granites. The analysis of all results indicates that both the Flores and Jacarandá granites present good quality, and that they are indicated for ornamental use of revetment interior and exterior of buildings


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The study area is located at the eastern-central portion of the Seridó Belt, on the interface between the Seridó Group Metasediments and the crystalline basement rocks of the Caicó Complex (RN). Petrographic and geochemical data allow us to define aspects related to the genesis and evolution of the Serra Verde Pluton magmas, which composes the goal of this dissertation The Serra Verde Pluton is a stock with outcropping area of about 25 km², which is intrusive into metasedimentary sequence and the basement gneisses. The pluton intrusion is sintectonic to the Brasiliano event, elongated along the NE direction, developing a cornue geometry. The rock is a monzogranite mainly composed by K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, which usually compose more than 85% of the modal analisys. The main mafic mineral is the biotite, while amphibole, sphene, epidote, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite occur as accessory minerals. It features still a latemagmatic paragenesis composed by chlorite, granular epidote, carbonates and muscovite, developed through the percolation of late CO2 and H2O rich fluids. Chemically, the Serra Verde Pluton rocks may be classified as metaluminous, of calc-alkaline affiliation, sometimes showing trondhjemític characteristics, with high Na2O (>4,5%), Sr (>400ppm) and Ba (>800ppm) and low K2O (≤3,0%), MgO (<1,0%), TiO2 (<0,5%), Rb (<90ppm), Y (≤16ppm) and Zr (≤13ppm). Micropetrographic evidences (mineral assembly and microtextures) indicate that the magma evolution occurred in moderated to high fO2 conditions, above the FMQ buffer. Thermo-barometric data obtained by minor elements geochemistry and the CIPW data, suggest a final/minimal pressure crystallization for the Serra Verde Pluton samples of about 3 to 5 kbar, liquidus temperature around 800o C, solidus temperature between 680o and 660o C. This data is compatible with those observed by many authors for the Neoproterozoic granites of the Seridó Belt. The group of analyzed data (Petrographic, microtextural and geochemical), suggests that the dominant process of the generation and evolution of the Serra Verde Granite magma was the fractional crystallization, probably from basement quartz-dioritic and tonalitic orthogneisses source