953 resultados para glyphosate-tolerant soybean


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The objective of this work was to study the occurrence and geographic distribution of phytophagous mites associated to soybean in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samplings were performed from January to May 2005 on genetically modified soybean (glyphosate-tolerant) crops, in 27 municipalities of six regions - Alto Vale do Uruguai, Campanha, Depressão Central, Planalto Médio, Missões and Serra do Sudeste. Five phytophagous mite species belonging to the family Tetranychidae - Mononychellus planki, Tetranychus desertorum, T. gigas, T. ludeni and T. urticae - occurred in 21, 12, 5, 3 and 14 municipalities, respectively. A map of Rio Grande do Sul with the geographic distribution of each species is presented, as well as an illustrated dichotomous key to help the identification of the spider mites found.


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In agricultural production systems where the glyphosate-resistant soybean crop (Glycine max) is grown and the practice of crop rotation with alternative herbicides is not adopted, the exclusive and continuous use of glyphosate has led to the occurrence of resistant weed populations that may limit or compromise the benefits of this technology. Thus, the efficacy of weed management programs, including the use of residual herbicides (sulfentrazone, flumioxazin, imazethapyr, diclosulan, chlorimuron and s-metolachlor) applied in preemergence and followed by in-crop postemergence applications of glyphosate (PRE-POST) were compared to glyphosate postemergence only programs - POST. The study was conducted across nine locations during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 growing seasons. PRE-POST programs were efficient in the control of Amaranthus viridis, Brachiaria plantaginea, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Eleusine indica, Euphorbia heterophylla and Raphanus raphanistrum, with the level of control being similar when comparing the program with two applications of glyphosate POST. Some PRE-POST programs were not efficient in controlling Cenchrus echinatus, Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea triloba. Sulfentrazone and diclosulam PRE-POST programs improved the control of Ipomoea triloba compared to sequential applications of glyphosate alone. No significant differences in soybean yield were observed between any of the herbicide treatments or study locations. The use of residual herbicides in preemergence followed by glyphosate in-crop postemergence provides consistent weed control and reducing early season weed competition. Furthermore, these programs utilize at least two herbicide modes of action for herbicide use diversity, which will be needed to stay ahead of resistance build-up, regardless of when weeds may appear.


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The loss of grains during the harvest of glyphosate tolerant corn may generate volunteer plants, which can interfere in the conventional or glyphosate crop in succession. The current work aim to evaluate the control of the volunteer corn glyphosate tolerant under two weed stages. Aimed to evaluate the control of volunteer glyphosate tolerant corn in two stages of development. There were conducted two experiments with hybrid 2B688 HR (lepidoptera and glyphosate tolerant), the application were at V5 and V8 stage. The experiment was randomized block design with four replicates, using the treatments: haloxyfop at 25, 50 and 62 g ha-1 alone and associated with 2,4-D at 670 g ha-1 or fluroxypyr at 200 g ha-1. The standard was clethodim at 84 g ha-1 with 2,4-D and fluroxypyr at same rates. The applications of haloxyfop and clethodim both isolated or in a mixture with 2,4-D and fluroxypyr at V5 stage showed total control (100%) at 32 and 39 days after the application, except for haloxyfop + 2,4-D (25 + 670 g ha-1) mixture, which did not provided adequate control. At V8 stage, haloxyfop + 2,4-D (50 + 670 g ha-1) and haloxyfop + 2,4-D (62 + 670 g ha-1) mixtures took up to 6 and 10 days or longer to reach adequate to excellent control, when compared to haloxyfop isolated applications in the same doses, respectively. Either isolated clethodim or mixed with 2, 4-D and fluroxypyr did not show adequate control. The treatments showed efficient control on volunteer corn plants at V5 stage, except for haloxyfop + 2, 4-D (25 + 670 g ha-1) mixture. At V8 stage applications, haloxyfop either isolated or mixture with fluroxypyr demonstrated excellent control on every evaluated dose. The mixture with 2, 4-D can reduce haloxyfop efficiency at low doses. Clethodim alone or mixed with 2,4-D or furoxypyr did not provide acceptable level of control.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade de variedades de soja transgênica (CD 214 RR e M-SOY 8008 RR) a diferentes herbicidas à base de glyphosate (Roundup Ready, Roundup Transorb, Roundup Original, Roundup WG, Polaris, Gliz, Glifosato Nortox e Trop), foi desenvolvido experimento em condições de campo, no ano agrícola 2005/2006, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção da UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal, SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, num esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os herbicidas foram aplicados na dose de 1,2 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido de glyphosate, quando as plantas de soja se encontravam com a segunda folha trifoliolada totalmente expandida. Não foram observados sintomas de intoxicação dos herbicidas nas plantas de soja. Quanto às demais características avaliadas, a interação variedade x herbicida não foi significativa, indicando que os fatores comportaram-se de forma independente. Entre as variedades, as plantas de M-SOY 8008 RR apresentaram maior altura e número de nós, porém obtiveram menor produtividade de grãos que as de CD 214 RR, devido ao menor número de grãos por vagem. No tocante aos herbicidas, não houve diferença significativa entre eles, ou seja, eles não influenciaram o desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo das plantas de soja.


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Os sistemas de produção transgênicos, assim como os convencionais, exigem, além do controle químico, a adoção de outras estratégias de manejo de plantas daninhas. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o controle químico de plantas daninhas, em soja geneticamente modificada (transgênica) tolerante ao herbicida glyphosate associado a coberturas vegetais, na entressafra. O experimento foi instalado em área experimental da FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal (SP). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, foram avaliadas as coberturas vegetais de Brachiaria brizantha (braquiarão cv. Marandu), Pennisetum americanum (milheto forrageiro cv. BN2) e vegetação espontânea, e, nas subparcelas, os herbicidas glyphosate, chlorimuron - ethyl + lactofen em mistura e fluazifop-p-butyl em aplicação sequencial, além de duas testemunhas sem aplicação. A cobertura com braquiarão contribuiu para o controle químico, exercendo supressão das plantas daninhas. A aplicação única de 720 g e.a. ha-1de glyphosate, independentemente da cobertura vegetal utilizada na entressafra, foi suficiente para o controle adequado de Acanthospermum hispidum, Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthus sp., Bidens pilosa, Xanthium strumarium, Cenchrus echinatus, Digitaria sp. e Eleusine indica, com resultados similares ao tratamento (chlorimuron-ethyl + lactofen) + fluazifop-p-buthyl. Comparados à testemunha capinada, os herbicidas testados não afetaram a altura das plantas, massa seca da parte aérea, massa de 100 grãos e a produtividade de grãos. As plantas de soja crescidas sobre os resíduos vegetais de braquiarão e milheto forrageiro apresentaram maior altura, porém, nenhuma outra característica avaliada na cultura foi influenciada pelas coberturas.


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O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o controle de plantas daninhas em área cultivada com soja resistente ao herbicida glyphosate, sem a utilização de práticas complementares de manejo de plantas daninhas. Foram desenvolvidos experimentos, em condições de campo, nos anos agrícolas 2005/2006 e 2006/2007 em Jaboticabal (SP). Foram avaliadas duas cultivares de soja resistentes ao glyphosate (CD 214 RR e M-SOY 8008 RR), oito tratamentos de herbicidas (glyphosate, em aplicação única, nas doses de 0,48; 0,72; 0,96 e 1,20 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido, associadas ou não a aplicação sequencial na dose de 0,48 kg ha-1), além de duas testemunhas, uma capinada e outra mantida infestada. As cultivares de soja influenciaram na infestação das espécies de plantas daninhas na área. Sem a aplicação de glyphosate, houve o predomínio de X. strumarium na área, desfavorecendo a ocorrência de outras espécies. Quando utilizado glyphosate, independentemente da dose, a infestação contabilizada aos 35 e 40 dias após a primeira aplicação, no primeiro e segundo ano, respectivamente, foi baixa. O controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da soja transgênica é diretamente influenciado pela dose de glyphosate, havendo controle satisfatório com a aplicação única de 0,96 kg ha-1 ou a sequencial de 0,48 + 0,48 kg ha-1 de glyphosate. em situação de menor infestação (2006/2007), a aplicação única de 0,48 kg ha-1 de glyphosate é suficiente para o controle das plantas daninhas. As cultivares de soja transgênica CD 214 RR e M-SOY 8008 RR influenciam diferencialmente a dinâmica das espécies de plantas daninhas, sendo o controle químico mais efetivo na situação de cultivo de M-SOY 8008 RR, em que houve menor diversidade e desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos de herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência, isolados e em misturas, na soja transgênica (cv. M-SOY 8008 RR) tolerante ao glyphosate e no controle de plântulas de Commelina benghalensis. Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos no período de janeiro a maio de 2006, em vasos, mantidos em condições de ambiente não controlado, no Departamento de Fitossanidade, UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal (SP). Os tratamentos avaliados foram: glyphosate (1,20 kg ha-1 e.a.), chlorimuron-ethyl (0,02 kg ha-1), lactofen (0,18 kg ha-1), fomesafen (0,25 kg ha-1), flumioxazin (0,025 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,10 kg ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl (0,01 kg ha-1) mais lactofen (0,096 kg ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl (0,01 kg ha-1) mais fomesafen (0,125 kg ha-1), lactofen (0,096kg ha-1) mais fomesafen (0,125 kg ha-1), as misturas de glyphosate (0,60kgha-1) com chlorimuron-ethyl (0,01 kg ha-1), lactofen (0,096 kg ha-1), fomesafen (0,125 kg ha-1), flumioxazin (0,0125 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,05 kg ha-1) e uma testemunha sem aplicação de herbicida. No experimento com C. benghalensis, testou-se também a aplicação seqüencial de glyphosate (0,96 mais 0,72 kg ha-1 e.a.). A associação de ghyphosate a herbicidas utilizados em soja convencional ocasionou danos visuais às plantas de soja. em alguns casos, como nas misturas de glyphosate com lactofen e glyphosate com flumioxazin, os sintomas foram severos, com necroses e pontos cloróticos nas folhas. Mesmo assim, essa fitointoxicação não influenciou no desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo da soja. A mistura de glyphosate a outros herbicidas, assim como a sua aplicação seqüencial, não foram eficazes no controle de C. benghalensis, nas doses testadas e quando as plantas estavam no estádio de 4 a 6 folhas totalmente expandidas.


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Glyphosate is a systemic, nonselective, postemergence herbicide that inhibits growth of both weeds and crop plants. Once inside the plant, glyphosate interferes with biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, by inhibiting the activity of 5enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), a key enzyme of the shikimate pathway. The objective of this work was to develop a simple, effective and inexpensible method for identification of transgenic soybean tolerant to glyphosate. This technique consisted in germinating soybean seeds in filter paper moistened with 100 to 200 muM of glyphosate. Transgenic soybean seeds tolerant to glyphosate germinated normally in this solution and, between 7 and 10 days, started to develop a primary root system. However non-transgenic seeds stopped primary root growth and emission of secondary roots.


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Detrimental effects of glyphosate on plant mineral nutrition have been reported in the literature, particularly on Mn uptake and redistribution. However, in most of the experiments conducted so far glyphosate-susceptible plants were used. Effects of glyphosate on Mn absorption kinetics, accumulation, and distribution within the plant, as well as soybean response to Mn as affected by glyphosate were studied in three experiments. In the first experiment, in nutrient solution, the effect of glyphosate on soybean Mn uptake kinetic parameters (Imax, Km and Cmin) was determined. In a second experiment, also in nutrient solution, differential Mn accumulation and distribution were studied for a conventional soybean cultivar and its near-isogenic glyphosate-resistant counterpart as affected by glyphosate. In a third experiment, response of glyphosate-resistant soybean cultivars to Mn application was studied in the presence of glyphosate, in pots with Mn-deficient soil. Maximum Mn influx (Imax) was higher in the herbicide-resistant (GR) cultivar than in its conventional counterpart. Glyphosate applied to nutrient solution at low rates decreased Km and Cmin. A few days after herbicide treatment, RR soybean plants developed yellowish leaves, a symptom which, in the field, could be misinterpreted as Mn deficiency, but herbicide application had no effect on Mn uptake or distribution within the plant. In the soil experiment, soybean Mn uptake was increased by Mn application, with no effect of glyphosate. Under greenhouse conditions, there was no evidence of deleterious effects of glyphosate on Mn absorption, accumulation and distribution in the plant and on soybean cultivars response to Mn application.


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Tank mixtures among herbicides of different action mechanisms might increase weed control spectrum and may be an important strategy for preventing the development of resistance in RR soybean. However, little is known about the effects of these herbicide combinations on soybean plants. Hence, two experiments were carried out aiming at evaluating the selectivity of glyphosate mixtures with other active ingredients applied in postemergence to RR soybean. The first application was carried out at V1 to V2 soybean stage and the second at V3 to V4 (15 days after the first one). For experiment I, treatments (rates in g ha-1) evaluated were composed by two sequential applications: the first one with glyphosate (720) in tank mixtures with cloransulam (30.24), fomesafen (125), lactofen (72), chlorimuron (12.5), flumiclorac (30), bentazon (480) and imazethapyr (80); the second application consisted of isolated glyphosate (480). In experiment II, treatments also consisted of two sequential applications, but tank mixtures as described above were applied as the second application. The first one in this experiment consisted of isolated glyphosate (720). For both experiments, sequential applications of glyphosate alone at 720/480, 960/480, 1200/480 and 960/720 (Expt. I) or 720/480, 720/720, 720/960 and 720/1200 (Expt. II) were used as control treatments. Applications of glyphosate tank mixtures with other herbicides are more selective to RR soybean when applied at younger stages whereas applications at later stages might cause yield losses, especially when glyphosate is mixed with lactofen and bentazon.


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An active ingredients mixture of different action mechanisms is an essential tool to prevent or manage areas with resistant weeds. However, it is important that such a mixture provides adequate selectivity to the crop. The aim of this work was to evaluate glyphosate selectivity to glyphosate-resistant (RR) soybean, and also verify if there is selectivity in mixtures with other active ingredients applied postemergence aimed at new control strategies, which might be used in RR soybean cultivation. The herbicides and respective rates (g ha-1) evaluated were: glyphosate (720, 960, 1,200, and 1,440), and the mixtures of glyphosate (960) with cloransulam-methyl (30.24), fomesafen (125), lactofen (72), chlorimuron-ethyl (12.5), flumiclorac-pentyl (30), bentazon (480), or imazethapyr (80). All treatments were applied in postemergence when the soybean crop was at V2 to V3 stage. Treatments with glyphosate or in mixtures with postemergent herbicides showed visual effects of phytotoxicity when applied to the glyphosate-resistant soybean. Effects such as reduction in plant height, crop closure, number of pods per plant, and hundred grain weight could be observed. However, the effects related to plant development were mostly transient and did not persist during the crop cycle. Among the studied treatments, only the mixture of glyphosate and lactofen was not selective to the crop, promoting negative effects on most characteristics analyzed and consequently reducing grain yield.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate glyphosate translocation in glyphosate-tolerant weed species (I. nil, T. procumbens and S. latifolia) compared to glyphosate-susceptible species (B. pilosa). The evaluations of 14C-glyphosate absorption and translocation were performed at 6, 12, 36 and 72 hours after treatment (HAT) in I. nil and B. pilosa, and only at 72 HAT in the species T. procumbens and S. latifolia. The plants were collected and fractionated into application leaf, other leaves, stems, and roots. In S. latifolia, approximately 88% of the glyphosate remained in the application leaf and a small amount was translocated to roots at 72 HAT. However, 75% of the herbicide applied on T. procumbens remained in the leaf that had received the treatment, with greater glyphosate translocation to the floral bud. It was concluded that the smaller amount of glyphosate observed in S. latifolia and T. procumbens may partly account for their higher tolerance to glyphosate. However, I. nil tolerance to glyphosate may be associated with other factors such as metabolization, root exudation or compartmentalization, because a large amount of the herbicide reached the roots of this species.


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The technology that employs genetic modifications brought a significant increase in the utilization of glyphosate. Transgenic soybean has been suffering injury, even though it possesses a resistance mechanism to glyphosate. Currently, there are only a few studies on the dynamics of glyphosate in transgenic soybean planted in soils with different textures interacting with phosphorus concentrations. This study focused on assessing the effects of glyphosate in transgenic soybean plants on different types of soil and at different phosphorus levels. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial design: 2 x 6 x 3, that being 2 soil types, 6 doses of glyphosate and 3 levels of phosphorus, and four replications. Plants were cultivated for thirty days in pots with two types of soil, one being clayey (Red-Yellow Latosol) and the other sandy (Quartzarenic Neosol). They received one, two, and three times the maintenance dose of fertilization of phosphorus, corresponding to: 170, 250 and 330 kg of P2O5 ha-1 to QN, and 380, 460 and 540 kg P2O5 ha-1 to RYL, respectively. Glyphosate was applied at six different doses: 0, 1,200, 2,400, 12,000, 60,000 and 120,000 g ha-1 of active ingredient. Plant height, a and b chlorophyll, and shoot were lower for the plants that received lower doses of glyphosate, regardless of the type of soil. Greater availability of phosphorus and lower amount of glyphosate used in Quartzarenic Neosol soil provided for less phytointoxication symptoms in transgenic soybean.


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Com base na hipótese de que a soja transgênica tolerante ao glyphosate necessitaria da adição complementar de manganês devido a alterações na absorção e no metabolismo do elemento pelas plantas, objetivou-se estudar a interação da soja transgênica pulverizada com glyphosate e a adubação foliar com manganês. Foi desenvolvido experimento em campo, no ano agrícola 2007/2008, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção da UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal, SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados quatro manejos de plantas daninhas [glyphosate (p.c. Roundup Ready) a 0,72 e 1,20 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen (p.c. Fusiflex) a 0,25 + 0,25 kg ha-1 e testemunha capinada, sem herbicida] e quatro doses (0, 42, 84 e 126 g ha-1) de manganês em aplicação foliar na soja. Os tratamentos estudados não alteraram significativamente a produtividade de grãos, os teores de manganês no solo, a altura e a matéria seca das plantas de soja. Apenas a mistura fluazifop-p-butyl mais fomesafen ocasionou injúrias visuais nas plantas, porém os sintomas ficaram restritos às folhas que interceptaram o jato de pulverização. Para massa de 100 grãos, os herbicidas estudados não diferiram da testemunha; no entanto, as plantas tratadas com 0,72 kg ha-1 de glyphosate apresentaram menor massa de grãos. A aplicação de manganês não influenciou os teores do elemento nas plantas tratadas com glyphosate e naquelas sem herbicida. Portanto, o glyphosate não prejudicou a absorção ou o metabolismo do manganês pela planta, e o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas tratadas foram estatisticamente similares aos das não tratadas com herbicidas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)