994 resultados para glycopeptide antigens
Synthese von tumor-assoziierten MUC1-Mucin-Glycopeptid-Vakzinen und deren immunologische Evaluierung
Eine alternative Methode zur Therapie von Tumorerkrankungen bestünde in einer Immuntherapie ausgelöst durch synthetische Antitumor-Vakzine. Ein vielversprechendes Zielmolekül für eine solche Aktivimmunisierung ist das Glycoprotein MUC1, das auf nahezu allen Epithelgeweben exprimiert und auf Tumorgeweben stark überexprimiert wird. Seine extrazelluläre Domäne enthält eine Vielzahl von Tandem-Repeat-Sequenzen der Art: HGVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPA mit fünf potentiellen O-Glycosylierungs-Positionen. Da die Form der Glycosylierung des MUC1 in Tumorzellen stark von der auf normalen Zellen abweicht, liegen auf Tumorzellen eine Reihe tumor-assoziierter Saccharidantigene und Peptidepitope vor.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden tumor-assoziierte Glycopeptidantigene aus der MUC1-Tandem-Repeat-Region hergestellt. Die synthetisierten MUC1-Glycopeptide tragen in verschiedenen Positionen eine Glycosylierung mit den tumor-assoziierten Tn- und STn-Saccharid-Antigenen. Zur Gewinnung von Vakzinen wurden diese Glycopeptid-Antigene über einen Spacer mit immunstimulierenden Komponenten verknüpft. Als Immunstimulanzien wurden ein T-Zell-Epitop aus dem Ovalbumin (OVA323-339) sowie die Carrier-Proteine Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) und Tetanus-Toxoid (TTox) verwendet. rnDie synthetischen MUC1-Glycopeptide wurden durch Immunisierung von Mäusen einer immunologischen Evaluierung unterzogen. Insbesondere die synthetischen MUC1-Glycopeptid-TTox-Vakzine lösen sehr starke Immunantworten aus. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die induzierten Antikörper stark an Tumorzellen und auch an Mammakarzinom-Gewebe binden, was für die Entwicklung von Antitumor-Vakzinen als vielversprechend einzustufen ist.
In epithelialen Tumorzellen zeigen Membranglycoproteine ein charakteristisch verändertes Glycosylierungsmuster, das durch eine veränderte Aktivität von Glycosyltransferasen hervorgerufen wird. Diese veränderte Aktivität führt zur Expression von stark verkürzten und frühzeitig sialylierten Kohlenhydratseitenketten der mucinartigen Glycoproteine auf Tumorzellen, welche als tumorassoziierte Antigene bezeichnet werden. Die tumorassoziierten Peptidepitope stellen eine wichtige Zielstruktur für eine potentielle selektive Immuntherapie dar. Das Ziel ist es, dass das Immunsystem zwischen den tumorassoziierten und den normal exprimierten Glycoproteinen unterscheiden kann, und damit in der Lage ist, eine selektiv gegen Tumorzellen gerichtete Immunantwort auszulösen. Daher ist eine Synthese von strukturell exakt definierten synthetischen Glycopeptiden und deren Einbau in Vakzine ein entscheidender Schritt für eine angestrebte Immuntherapie gegen Krebs. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war in diesem Zusammenhang die Synthese exakt definierter tumorassoziierter Glycopeptide, wobei Peptide aus der Tandem Repeat-Domäne des MUC1 synthetisiert wurden. Die verschiedenen Saccharidantigene wurden als glycosylierte Aminosäurebausteine in die immundominante Domäne der MUC1-Peptidsequenz eingebaut (TN-Antigen sowie das Sialyl-TN-Antigen, das (2,6)-Sialyl-T- und das (2,3)-Sialyl-T-Antigen). Zum einen wurden die MUC1-Glycopeptide anschließend über einen nicht immunogenen Triethylenglycol-Spacer an Carrier-Proteine wie Ovalbumin-OVA323-339-Sequenz und Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) konjugiert, so dass potenzielle Tumorvakzine erhalten wurden. Diese wurden in ersten ELISA-Experimenten untersucht und haben gezeigt, dass mit den synthetischen Glycopeptidantigenen feine Strukturunterschiede immunologisch differenziert werden können, was für die Unterscheidung zwischen Tumorzellen und gesunden Zellen bedeutsam ist. rnFür Immunisierungen ohne Freunds Adjuvanz wurde der TLR2-Agonist Pam3CSKKKK synthetisiert, der in einer Fragmentkondensation mit einem OVA-Spacer-MUC1-Glycopeptid konjugiert wurde. Die immunologischen Evaluierungen stehen noch aus.rnrn
Krebserkrankungen gehen oft mit der Überexpression von mucinartigen Glycoproteinen auf der Zelloberfläche einher. In vielen Krebserkrankungen wird aufgrund der fehlerhaften Expression verschiedener Glycosyltransferasen das transmembranständige Glycoprotein MUC1, mit verkürzten Glycanstrukturen, überexprimiert. Das Auftreten der verschiedenen tumor-assoziierten Antigene (TACA) korreliert meist mit dem Fortschreiten des Krebs und der Metastasierung. Daher stellen TACAs interessante Zielmoleküle für die Entwicklung einer aktiven Tumorimmuntherapie zur spezifischen Behandlung von Adenokarzinomen dar. In dieser Arbeit galt das Interesse dem epithelialen Mucin MUC1, auf Basis dessen ein synthetischer Zugang zu einheitlichen Antitumorvakzinen, welche aus mucinanalogen Glyco-peptid¬konjugaten des MUC1 und Carrierproteinen bestehen, hergestellt werden sollten.rnUm eine tumorspezifische Immunantwort zu erhalten, müssen die selbst schwach immunogenen MUC1-Antigene über einen nicht-immunogenen Spacer mit einem geeigneten Trägerprotein, wie Tetanus Toxoid oder Rinderserumalbumin (BSA), verbunden werden. rnDa ein Einsatz von Glycokonjugaten in Impfstoffen durch die metabolische Labilität der O-glycosidischen Bindungen eingeschränkt ist, wurden hierzu erstmals fluorierte Vetreter von MUC1-analogen Glycopeptiden verwendet, in denen das Kohlenhydrat-Epitop durch den strategischen Einbau von Fluor¬atomen gegenüber einem raschen Abbau durch Glycosidasen geschützt werden soll. Dazu wurden auf Basis des literaturbekannten Thomsen-Friedenreich-Antigens Synthesestrategien zur Herstellung eines 2’F- und eines 2’,6’-bisfluorierten-Analogons erarbeitet. rnSchlüsselschritte in der Synthese stellten neben der elektrophilen Fluorierung eines Galactalvorläufers auch die -selektive 3-Galactosylierung des TN-Antigen-Bausteins zum 2’F- und 2’,6’-bisfluorierten-Analogons des TF-Disaccharids dar. Durch entsprechende Schutzgruppentransformationen wurden die beiden Derivate in entsprechende Glycosyl¬amino-säure-Bausteine für die Festphasensynthese überführt.rnNeben den beiden Analoga des TF-Antigens wurde auch erstmals ein 2F-Analogon des 2,6-Sialyl-T-Antigens hergestellt. Dazu wurde der entsprechende 2’F-TF-Baustein mit Sialinsäure-xanthogenat nach bereits bekannten Syntheseprotokollen umgesetzt. Aufgrund von Substanzmangel konnte die Verbindung nicht zur Synthese eines MUC1-Glycopeptid-Analogons herangezogen werden.rnDer Einbau der hergestellten Glycosylaminosäure-Bausteine erfolgte in die aus 20 Amino-säuren bestehende vollständige Wiederholungseinheit aus der tandem repeat-Sequenz des MUC1, wobei die entsprechenden Glycanseitenketten stets in Position 6 eingeführt wurden. Um die erhaltenen Glycopeptide für immunologische Studien an Carrier-Proteine anbinden zu können und so ggf. zu funktionsfähigen Impfstoff-Konjugaten zu gelangen, wurden diese stets N-terminal mit einem nicht-immunogenen Triethylenglycol-Spacer verknüpft. Die anschließende Funktionalisierung mit Quadratsäurediethylester erlaubte die spätere chemoselektive Konjugation an Trägerproteine, wie Tetanus Toxoid oder BSA.rnIn ersten immunologischen Bindungsstudien wurden die synthetisierten BSA-Glycopeptid-Konjugate mit Serum-Antikörpern aus Vakzinierungsstudien von MUC1-Tetanus Toxoid-Konjugaten, die (i) eine natürliche TF-Antigenstruktur und (ii) ein entsprechendes TF-Antigenderivat mit Fluorsubstituenten an C-6 des Galactosamin-Bausteins und C-6’ des Galactoserests tragen, untersucht.rn
Rheumatic fever (RF) is a post-infectious autoimmune disease due to sequel of group A streptococcus (GAS) pharyngitis. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD), the major manifestation of RF, is characterized by inflammation of heart valves and myocardium. Molecular mimicry between GAS antigens and host proteins has been shown at B and T cell level. However the identification of the autoantigens recognized by B and T cells within the inflammatory microenvironment of heart tissue in patients with RHD is still incompletely elucidated. In the present study, we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry to identify valvular tissue proteins target of T cells from chronic RHD patients. We could identify three proteins recognized by heart infiltrating and peripheral T cells as protein disulfide isomerase ER-60 precursor (PDIA3), 78 kD glucose-regulated protein precursor (HSPA5) and vimentin, with coverage of 45%, 43 and 34%, respectively. These proteins were recognized in a proliferation assay by peripheral and heart infiltrating T cells from RHD patients suggesting that they may be involved in the autoimmune reactions that leads to valve damage. We also observed that several other proteins isolated by 2-DE but not identified by mass spectrometry were also recognized by T cells. The identified cardiac proteins are likely relevant antigens involved in T cell-mediated autoimmune responses in RF/RHD that may contribute to the development of RHD
The thermally dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) is the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), one of the most frequent systemic mycosis that affects the rural population in Latin America. PCM is characterized by a chronic inflammatory granulomatous reaction, which is consequence of a Th1-mediated adaptive immune response. In the present study we investigated the mechanisms involved in the immunoregulation triggered after a prior contact with cell-free antigens (CFA) during a murine model of PCM. The results showed that the inoculation of CFA prior to the infection resulted in disorganized granulomatous lesions and increased fungal replication in the lungs, liver and spleen, that paralleled with the higher levels of IL-4 when compared with the control group. The role of IL-4 in facilitating the fungal growth was demonstrated in IL-4-deficient- and neutralizing anti-IL-4 mAb-treated mice. The injection of CFA did not affect the fungal growth in these mice, which, in fact, exhibited a significant diminished amount of fungus in the tissues and smaller granulomas. Considering that in vivo anti-IL-4-application started one week after the CFA-inoculum, it implicates that IL-4-CFA-induced is responsible by the mediation of the observed unresponsiveness. Further, the characterization of CFA indicated that a proteic fraction is required for triggering the immunosuppressive mechanisms, while glycosylation or glycosphingolipids moieties are not. Taken together, our data suggest that the prior contact with soluble Pb antigens leads to severe PCM in an IL-4 dependent manner.
Repeated exposure of rabbits and other animals to ticks results in acquired resistance or immunity to subsequent tick bites and is partially elicited by antibodies directed against tick antigens. In this study we demonstrate the utility of a yeast surface display approach to identify tick salivary antigens that react with tick-immune serum. We constructed an Ixodes scapularis nymphal salivary gland yeast surface display library and screened the library with nymph-immune rabbit sera and identified five salivary antigens. Four of these proteins, designated P8, P19, P23 and P32, had a predicted signal sequence. We generated recombinant (r) P8, P19 and P23 in a Drosophila expression system for functional and immunization studies. rP8 showed anti-complement activity and rP23 demonstrated anti-coagulant activity. Ixodes scapularis feeding was significantly impaired when nymphs were fed on rabbits immunized with a cocktail of rP8, rP19 and rP23, a hall mark of tick-immunity. These studies also suggest that these antigens may serve as potential vaccine candidates to thwart tick feeding.
Background: A family of hydrophilic acylated surface (HASP) proteins, containing extensive and variant amino acid repeats, is expressed at the plasma membrane in infective extracellular (metacyclic) and intracellular (amastigote) stages of Old World Leishmania species. While HASPs are antigenic in the host and can induce protective immune responses, the biological functions of these Leishmania-specific proteins remain unresolved. Previous genome analysis has suggested that parasites of the sub-genus Leishmania (Viannia) have lost HASP genes from their genomes. Methods/Principal Findings: We have used molecular and cellular methods to analyse HASP expression in New World Leishmania mexicana complex species and show that, unlike in L. major, these proteins are expressed predominantly following differentiation into amastigotes within macrophages. Further genome analysis has revealed that the L. (Viannia) species, L. (V.) braziliensis, does express HASP-like proteins of low amino acid similarity but with similar biochemical characteristics, from genes present on a region of chromosome 23 that is syntenic with the HASP/SHERP locus in Old World Leishmania species and the L. (L.) mexicana complex. A related gene is also present in Leptomonas seymouri and this may represent the ancestral copy of these Leishmania-genus specific sequences. The L. braziliensis HASP-like proteins (named the orthologous (o) HASPs) are predominantly expressed on the plasma membrane in amastigotes and are recognised by immune sera taken from 4 out of 6 leishmaniasis patients tested in an endemic region of Brazil. Analysis of the repetitive domains of the oHASPs has shown considerable genetic variation in parasite isolates taken from the same patients, suggesting that antigenic change may play a role in immune recognition of this protein family. Conclusions/Significance: These findings confirm that antigenic hydrophilic acylated proteins are expressed from genes in the same chromosomal region in species across the genus Leishmania. These proteins are surface-exposed on amastigotes (although L. (L.) major parasites also express HASPB on the metacyclic plasma membrane). The central repetitive domains of the HASPs are highly variant in their amino acid sequences, both within and between species, consistent with a role in immune recognition in the host.
Neospora caninum excreted/secreted antigens trigger CC-chemokine receptor 5-dependent cell migration
Neospora caninum, the causative agent of neosporosis, is an obligate intracellular parasite considered to be a major cause of abortion in cattle throughout the world. Most studies concerning N. caninum have focused on life cycle, seroepidemiology, pathology and vaccination, while data on host-parasite interaction, such as host cell migration, mechanisms of evasion and dissemination of this parasite during the early phase of infection are still poorly understood. Here we show the ability of excreted/secreted antigens from N. caninum (NcESAs) to attract monocytic cells to the site of primary infection in both in vitro and in vivo assays. Molecules from the family of cyclophilins present on the NcESAs were shown to work as chemokine-like proteins and NcESA-induced chemoattraction involved G(i) protein signaling and participation of CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5). Additionally, we demonstrate the ability of NcESAs to enhance the expression of CCR5 on monocytic cells and this increase occurred in parallel with the chemotactic activity of NcESAs by increasing cell migration. These results suggest that during the first days of infection, N. caninum produces molecules capable of inducing monocytic cell migration to the sites of infection, which will consequently enhance initial parasite invasion and proliferation. Altogether, these results help to clarify some key features involved in the process of cell migration and may reveal virulence factors and therapeutic targets to control neosporosis. (C) 2010 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glycoproteins from the total vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (VF-Tc) were prepared using three different purification methods, consisting of ConA-lectin affinity chromatography (ConA-Tc), preparative electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (14gp-Tc), and monoclonal antibody immunoaffinity chromatography (18/14-Tc). The complex composition represented by the VF-Tc and ConA-Tc antigens revealed peptides ranging from 101 - to 14-kDa and from 92- to 12-kDa, respectively. Immunoblotting using lectins confirmed glucose/mannose (glc/man) residues in the 18- and 14-kDa peptides, which are considered specific and immunodominant for the diagnosis of cysticercosis, and indicated that these fractions are glycoproteins. Serum antibodies from a patient with neurocysticercosis that reacted to the 14gp band from T. crassiceps (Tc) were eluted from immunoblotting membranes and showed reactivity to 14gp from Taenia solium. In order to determine the similar peptide sequence, the N-terminal amino acid was determined and analyzed with sequences available in public databases. This sequence revealed partial homology between T. crassiceps and T solium peptides. In addition, mass spectrometry along with theoretical M(r) and pI of the 14gp-Tc point suggested a close relationship to some peptides of a 150-kDa protein complex of the T solium previously described. The identification of these common immunogenic sites will contribute to future efforts to develop recombinant antigens and synthetic peptides for immunological assays. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The role of individual viral proteins in the immune response to bluetongue virus (BTV) is not clearly understood. To investigate the contributions of the outer capsid proteins, VP2 and VP5, and possible interactions between them, these proteins were expressed from recombinant vaccinia viruses either as individual proteins or together in double recombinants, or with the core protein VP7 in a triple recombinant. Comparison of the immunogenicity of the vaccinia expressed proteins with BTV expressed proteins was carried out by inoculation of rabbits and sheep. Each of the recombinants was capable of stimulating an anti-BTV antibody response, although there was a wide range in the level of response between animals and species. Vaccinia-expressed VP2 was poorly immunogenic, particularly in rabbits. VP5, on the whole, stimulated higher ELISA titers in rabbits and sheep and in some animals in both species was able to stimulate virus neutralizing antibodies. When the protective efficacy of VP2 and VP5 was tested in sheep, vaccinia-expressed VP2, VP5 and VP2 + VP5 were protective, with the most consistent protection being in groups immunized with both proteins. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Immunolabeling is commonly used to localize antigens within frozen or paraffin tissue sections. We modified existing immunolabeling techniques to allow the detection of three antigens simultaneously within the one tissue section. The approach relies on the use of three monoclonal antibodies in sequential immunoperoxidase staining steps, each with colored substrates, resulting in the deposition of black, brown, and rose stains. The method is rapid and does not require novel techniques or materials. In this report, we demonstrate the colocalization of mast cell tryptase, neurofilament protein, and CD31 (platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule) or laminin in normal human skin and normal buccal mucosa, as an illustration of the power and simplicity of the multiple antigen localization technique.
An increased degree of utilization of the potential N-glycosylation site In the fourth repeat unit of the human tau protein may be involved in the inability of tau to bind to the corresponding tubulin sequence(s) and in the subsequent development of the paired helical filaments of Alzheimer's disease. To model these processes, we synthesized the octadecapeptide spanning this region without sugar, and with the addition of an N-acetyl-glucosamine moiety. The carbohydrate-protected, glycosylated asparagine was incorporated as a building block during conventional Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis. While the crude non-glycosylated analog was obtained as a single peptide, two peptides with, the identical, expected masses, in approximately equal amounts, were detected after the cleavage of the peracetylated glycopeptide. Surprisingly, the two glycopeptides switched positions on the reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatogram after removal of the sugar-protecting acetyl groups. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and peptide sequencing identified the more hydrophobic deprotected peak as the target peptide, and the more hydrophilic deprotected peak as a peptide analog in which the aspartic acid-bond just preceding the glycosylated asparagine residue was isomerized resulting in the formation of a beta-peptide. The anomalous chromatographic behavior of the acetylated beta-isomer could be explained on the basis of the generation of an extended hydrophobic surface which is not present in any of the other three glycopeptide variants. Repetition of the syntheses, with altered conditions and reagents, revealed reproducibly high levels of aspartic acid-bond isomerization of the glycopeptide as well as lack of isomerization for the non-glycosylated parent analog. If similar increased aspartic acid-bond isomerization occurs in vivo, a protein modification well known to take place for both the amyloid deposits and the neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease, this process may explain the aggregation of glycosylated tau into the paired helical filaments in the affected brains. Copyright (C) 1999 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This study describes a simple method for long-term establishment of human ovarian tumor lines and prediction of T-cell epitopes that could be potentially useful in the generation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), Nine ovarian tumor lines (INT.Ov) were generated from solid primary or metastatic tumors as well as from ascitic fluid, Notably all lines expressed HLA class I, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM) and cytokeratin (CK), but not HLA class II, B7.1 (CD80) or BAGE, While of the 9 lines tested 4 (INT.Ov1, 2, 5 and 6) expressed the folate receptor (FR-alpha) and 6 (INT.Ov1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9) expressed the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR); MAGE-1 and p185(HER-2/neu) were only found in 2 lines (INT.Ov1 and 2) and GAGE-1 expression in 1 line (INT.Ov2). The identification of class I MHC ligands and T-cell epitopes within protein antigens was achieved by applying several theoretical methods including: 1) similarity or homology searches to MHCPEP; 2) BIMAS and 3) artificial neural network-based predictions of proteins MACE, GAGE, EGFR, p185(HER-2/neu) and FR-alpha expressed in INT.Ov lines, Because of the high frequency of expression of some of these proteins in ovarian cancer and the ability to determine HLA binding peptides efficiently, it is expected that after appropriate screening, a large cohort of ovarian cancer patients may become candidates to receive peptide based vaccines. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.