913 resultados para glucose transporter 3
We previously demonstrated that distinct facilitative glucose transporter isoforms display differential sorting in polarized epithelial cells. In Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, glucose transporter 1 and 2 (GLUT1 and GLUT2) are localized to the basolateral cell surface whereas GLUTs 3 and 5 are targeted to the apical membrane. To explore the molecular mechanisms underlying this asymmetric distribution, we analyzed the targeting of chimeric glucose transporter proteins in MDCK cells. Replacement of the carboxy-terminal cytosolic tail of GLUT1, GLUT2, or GLUT4 with that from GLUT3 resulted in apical targeting. Conversely, a GLUT3 chimera containing the cytosolic carboxy terminus of GLUT2 was sorted to the basolateral membrane. These findings are not attributable to the presence of a basolateral signal in the tails of GLUTs 1, 2, and 4 because the basolateral targeting of GLUT1 was retained in a GLUT1 chimera containing the carboxy terminus of GLUT5. In addition, we were unable to demonstrate the presence of an autonomous basolateral sorting signal in the GLUT1 tail using the low-density lipoprotein receptor as a reporter. By examining the targeting of a series of more defined GLUT1/3 chimeras, we found evidence of an apical targeting signal involving residues 473 - 484 (DRSGKDGVMEMN) in the carboxy tail. We conclude that the targeting of GLUT3 to the apical cell surface in MDCK cells is regulated by a unique cytosolic sorting motif.
Frogs have been used as an alternative model to study pain mechanisms. Since we did not find any reports on the effects of sciatic nerve transection (SNT) on the ultrastructure and pattern of metabolic substances in frog dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells, in the present study, 18 adult male frogs (Rana catesbeiana) were divided into three experimental groups: naive (frogs not subjected to surgical manipulation), sham (frogs in which all surgical procedures to expose the sciatic nerve were used except transection of the nerve), and SNT (frogs in which the sciatic nerve was exposed and transected). After 3 days, the bilateral DRG of the sciatic nerve was collected and used for transmission electron microscopy. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect reactivity for glucose transporter (Glut) types 1 and 3, tyrosine hydroxylase, serotonin and c-Fos, as well as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase). SNT induced more mitochondria with vacuolation in neurons, satellite glial cells (SGCs) with more cytoplasmic extensions emerging from cell bodies, as well as more ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, intermediate filaments and mitochondria. c-Fos immunoreactivity was found in neuronal nuclei. More neurons and SGCs surrounded by tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity were found. No change occurred in serotonin- and Glut1- and Glut3-like immunoreactivity. NADPH-diaphorase occurred in more neurons and SGCs. No sign of SGC proliferation was observed. Since the changes of frog DRG in response to nerve injury are similar to those of mammals, frogs should be a valid experimental model for the study of the effects of SNT, a condition that still has many unanswered questions.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Excess glucose transport to embryos during diabetic pregnancy causes congenital malformations. The early postimplantation embryo expresses the gene encoding the high-Km GLUT2 (also known as SLC2A2) glucose transporter. The hypothesis tested here is that high-Km glucose transport by GLUT2 causes malformations resulting from maternal hyperglycaemia during diabetic pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Glut2 mRNA was assayed by RT-PCR. The Km of embryo glucose transport was determined by measuring 0.5-20 mmol/l 2-deoxy[3H]glucose transport. To test whether the GLUT2 transporter is required for neural tube defects resulting from maternal hyperglycaemia, Glut2+/- mice were crossed and transient hyperglycaemia was induced by glucose injection on day 7.5 of pregnancy. Embryos were recovered on day 10.5, and the incidence of neural tube defects in wild-type, Glut2+/- and Glut2-/- embryos was scored. RESULTS: Early postimplantation embryos expressed Glut2, and expression was unaffected by maternal diabetes. Moreover, glucose transport by these embryos showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics of 16.19 mmol/l, consistent with transport mediated by GLUT2. In pregnancies made hyperglycaemic on day 7.5, neural tube defects were significantly increased in wild-type embryos, but Glut2+/- embryos were partially protected from neural tube defects, and Glut2-/- embryos were completely protected from these defects. The frequency of occurrence of wild-type, Glut2+/- and Glut2-/- embryos suggests that the presence of Glut2 alleles confers a survival advantage in embryos before day 10.5. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATIONS: High-Km glucose transport by the GLUT2 glucose transporter during organogenesis is responsible for the embryopathic effects of maternal diabetes.
In pancreatic beta-cells, the high Km glucose transporter GLUT2 catalyzes the first step in glucose-induced insulin secretion by glucose uptake. Expression of the transporter has been reported to be modulated by glucose either at the protein or mRNA levels. In this study we used the differentiated insulinoma cell line INS-1 which expresses high levels of GLUT2 and show that the expression of GLUT2 is regulated by glucose at the transcriptional level. By run-on transcription assays we showed that glucose induced GLUT2 gene transcription 3-4-fold in INS-1 cells which was paralleled by a 1.7-2.3-fold increase in cytoplasmic GLUT2 mRNA levels. To determine whether glucose regulatory sequences were present in the promoter region of GLUT2, we cloned and characterized a 1.4-kilobase region of mouse genomic DNA located 5' of the translation initiation site. By RNase protection assays and primer extension, we determined that multiple transcription initiation sites were present at positions -55, -64, and -115 from the first coding ATG and which were identified in liver, intestine, kidney, and beta-cells mRNAs. Plasmids were constructed with the mouse promoter region linked to the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT), and transiently and stably transfected in the INS-1 cells. Glucose induced a concentration-dependent increase in CAT activity which reached a maximum of 3.6-fold at 20 mM glucose. Similar CAT constructs made of the human GLUT2 promoter region and the CAT gene displayed the same glucose-dependent increase in transcriptional activity when transfected into INS-1 cells. Comparison of the mouse and human promoter regions revealed sequence identity restricted to a few stretches of sequences which suggests that the glucose responsive element(s) may be conserved in these common sequences.
Glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome is caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene in the majority of patients and results in impaired glucose transport into the brain. From 2004-2008, 132 requests for mutational analysis of the SLC2A1 gene were studied by automated Sanger sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Mutations in the SLC2A1 gene were detected in 54 patients (41%) and subsequently in three clinically affected family members. In these 57 patients we identified 49 different mutations, including six multiple exon deletions, six known mutations and 37 novel mutations (13 missense, five nonsense, 13 frame shift, four splice site and two translation initiation mutations). Clinical data were retrospectively collected from referring physicians by means of a questionnaire. Three different phenotypes were recognized: (i) the classical phenotype (84%), subdivided into early-onset (<2 years) (65%) and late-onset (18%); (ii) a non-classical phenotype, with mental retardation and movement disorder, without epilepsy (15%); and (iii) one adult case of glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome with minimal symptoms. Recognizing glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome is important, since a ketogenic diet was effective in most of the patients with epilepsy (86%) and also reduced movement disorders in 48% of the patients with a classical phenotype and 71% of the patients with a non-classical phenotype. The average delay in diagnosing classical glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome was 6.6 years (range 1 month-16 years). Cerebrospinal fluid glucose was below 2.5 mmol/l (range 0.9-2.4 mmol/l) in all patients and cerebrospinal fluid : blood glucose ratio was below 0.50 in all but one patient (range 0.19-0.52). Cerebrospinal fluid lactate was low to normal in all patients. Our relatively large series of 57 patients with glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome allowed us to identify correlations between genotype, phenotype and biochemical data. Type of mutation was related to the severity of mental retardation and the presence of complex movement disorders. Cerebrospinal fluid : blood glucose ratio was related to type of mutation and phenotype. In conclusion, a substantial number of the patients with glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome do not have epilepsy. Our study demonstrates that a lumbar puncture provides the diagnostic clue to glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome and can thereby dramatically reduce diagnostic delay to allow early start of the ketogenic diet.
Following a former immunohistochemical study in the rat brain [Arluison, M., Quignon, M., Nguyen, P., Thorens, B., Leloup, C., Penicaud, L. Distribution and anatomical localization of the glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) in the adult rat brain. I. Immunohistochemical study. J. Chem. Neuroanat., in press], we have analyzed the ultrastructural localization of GLUT2 in representative and/or critical areas of the forebrain and hindbrain. In agreement with previous results, we observe few oligodendrocyte and astrocyte cell bodies discretely labeled for GLUT2 in large myelinated fibre bundles and most brain areas examined, whereas the reactive glial processes are more numerous and often localized in the vicinity of nerve terminals and/or dendrites or dendritic spines forming synaptic contacts. Only some of them appear closely bound to unlabeled nerve cell bodies and dendrites. Furthermore, the nerve cell bodies prominently immunostained for GLUT2 are scarce in the brain nuclei examined, whereas the labeled dendrites and dendritic spines are relatively numerous and frequently engaged in synaptic junctions. In conformity with the observation of GLUT2-immunoreactive rings at the periphery of numerous nerve cell bodies in various brain areas (see previous paper), we report here that some neuronal perikarya of the dorsal endopiriform nucleus/perirhinal cortex exhibit some patches of immunostaining just below the plasma membrane. However, the presence of many GLUT2-immunoreactive nerve terminals and/or astrocyte processes, some of them being occasionally attached to nerve cell bodies and dendrites, could also explain the pericellular labeling observed. The results here reported support the idea that GLUT2 may be expressed by some cerebral neurones possibly involved in glucose sensing, as previously discussed. However, it is also possible that this transporter participate in the regulation of neurotransmitter release and, perhaps, in the release of glucose by glial cells.
Previous studies have shown that glucose increases the glucose transporter (GLUT2) mRNA expression in the liver in vivo and in vitro. Here we report an analysis of the effects of glucose metabolism on GLUT2 gene expression. GLUT2 mRNA accumulation by glucose was not due to stabilization of its transcript but rather was a direct effect on gene transcription. A proximal fragment of the 5' regulatory region of the mouse GLUT2 gene linked to a reporter gene was transiently transfected into liver GLUT2-expressing cells. Glucose stimulated reporter gene expression in these cells, suggesting that glucose-responsive elements were included within the proximal region of the promoter. A dose-dependent effect of glucose on GLUT2 expression was observed over 10 mM glucose irrespective of the hexokinase isozyme (glucokinase K(m) 16 mM; hexokinase I K(m) 0.01 mM) present in the cell type used. This suggests that the correlation between extracellular glucose and GLUT2 mRNA concentrations is simply a reflection of an activation of glucose metabolism. The mediators and the mechanism responsible for this response remain to be determined. In conclusion, glucose metabolism is required for the proper induction of the GLUT2 gene in the liver and this effect is transcriptionally regulated.
The aim of this work was to study the distribution and cellular localization of GLUT2 in the rat brain by light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, whereas our ultrastructural observations will be reported in a second paper. Confirming previous results, we show that GLUT2-immunoreactive profiles are present throughout the brain, especially in the limbic areas and related nuclei, whereas they appear most concentrated in the ventral and medial regions close to the midline. Using cresyl violet counterstaining and double immunohistochemical staining for glial or neuronal markers (GFAp, CAII and NeuN), we show that two limited populations of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes cell bodies and processes are immunoreactive for GLUT2, whereas a cross-reaction with GLUT1 cannot be ruled out. In addition, we report that the nerve cell bodies clearly immunostained for GLUT2 were scarce (although numerous in the dentate gyrus granular layer in particular), whereas the periphery of numerous nerve cells appeared labeled for this transporter. The latter were clustered in the dorsal endopiriform nucleus and neighboring temporal and perirhinal cortex, in the dorsal amygdaloid region, and in the paraventricular and reuniens thalamic nuclei, whereas they were only a few in the hypothalamus. Moreover, a group of GLUT2-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies was localized in the dorsal medulla oblongata while some large multipolar nerve cell bodies peripherally labeled for GLUT2 were scattered in the caudal ventral reticular formation. This anatomical localization of GLUT2 appears characteristic and different from that reported for the neuronal transporter GLUT3 and GLUT4. Indeed, the possibility that GLUT2 may be localized in the sub-plasmalemnal region of neurones and/or in afferent nerve fibres remains to be confirmed by ultrastructural observations. Because of the neuronal localization of GLUT2, and of its distribution relatively similar to glucokinase, it may be hypothesized that this transporter is, at least partially, involved in cerebral glucose sensing.
Glucose exerts inverse effects upon the secretory function of islet alpha- and beta-cells, suppressing glucagon release and increasing insulin release. This diverse action may result from differences in glucose transport and metabolism between the two cell types. The present study compares glucose transport in rat alpha- and beta-cells. beta-Cells transcribed GLUT2 and, to a lesser extent, GLUT 1; alpha-cells contained GLUT1 but no GLUT2 mRNA. No other GLUT-like sequences were found among cDNAs from alpha- or beta-cells. Both cell types expressed 43-kDa GLUT1 protein which was enhanced by culture. The 62-kDa beta-cell GLUT2 protein was converted to a 58-kDa protein after trypsin treatment of the cells without detectable consequences upon glucose transport kinetics. In beta-cells, the rates of glucose transport were 10-fold higher than in alpha-cells. In both cell types, glucose uptake exceeded the rates of glucose utilization by a factor of 10 or more. Glycolytic flux, measured as D-[5(3)H]glucose utilization, was comparable in alpha- and beta-cells between 1 and 10 mmol/liter substrate. In conclusion, differences in glucose transporter gene expression between alpha- and beta-cells can be correlated with differences in glucose transport kinetics but not with different glucose utilization rates.
Mutations in Na+-glucose transporters (SGLT)-2 and hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1 alpha genes have been related to renal glycosuria and maturity-onset diabetes of the young 3, respectively. However, the expression of these genes have not been investigated in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here in kidney of diabetic rats, we tested the hypotheses that SGLT2 mRNA expression is altered; HNF-1 alpha is involved in this regulation; and glycemic homeostasis is a related mechanism. The in vivo binding of HNF-1 alpha into the SGLT2 promoter region in renal cortex was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. SGLT2 and HNF-1 alpha mRNA expression (by Northern and RT-PCR analysis) and HNF-1 binding activity of nuclear proteins (by EMSA) were investigated in diabetic rats and treated or not with insulin or phlorizin (an inhibitor of SGLT2). Results showed that diabetes increases SGLT2 and HNF-1 alpha mRNA expression (similar to 50%) and binding of nuclear proteins to a HNF-1 consensus motif (similar to 100%). Six days of insulin or phlorizin treatment restores these parameters to nondiabetic-rat levels. Moreover, both treatments similarly reduced glycemia, despite the differences in plasma insulin and urinary glucose concentrations, highlighting the plasma glucose levels as involved in the observed modulations. This study shows that SGLT2 mRNA expression and HNF-1 alpha expression and activity correlate positively in kidney of diabetic rats. It also shows that diabetes-induced changes are reversed by lowering glycemia, independently of insulinemia. Our demonstration that HNF-1 alpha binds DNA that encodes SGLT2 supports the hypothesis that HNF-1 alpha, as a modulator of SGLT2 expression, may be involved in diabetic kidney disease.
PLACENTAL GLUCOSE TRANSPORTER (GLUT)-1 REGULATION IN PREECLAMPSIA Camilla Marini a,b, Benjamin P. Lüscher a,b, Marianne J€orger-Messerli a,b, Ruth Sager a,b, Xiao Huang c, Jürg Gertsch c, Matthias A. Hediger c, Christiane Albrecht c, Marc U. Baumann a,c, Daniel V. Surbek a,c a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland; b Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland; c Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland Objectives: Glucose is a primary energy source for the fetus. The absence of significant gluconeogenesis in the fetus means that the fetal up-take of this vital nutrient is dependent on maternal supply and subsequent transplacental transport. Altered expression and/or function of placental transporters may affect the intrauterine environment and could compromise fetal and mother well-being. We speculated that pre-eclampsia (PE) impairs the placental glucose transport system. Methods: Placentae were obtained after elective caesarean sections following normal pregnancies and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Syncytial basal membrane (BM) and apical microvillus membrane (MVM) fractions were prepared using differential ultra-centrifugation and magnesium precipitation. Protein expression was assessed by western blot analysis. mRNA levels in whole villous tissue lysate were quantified by real-time PCR. To assess glucose transport activity a radiolabeled substrate up-take assay and a transepithelial transport model using primary cytotrophoblasts were established. Results: GLUT1 mRNA expression was not changed in PE when compared to control, whereas protein expression was significantly down-regulated. Glucose up-take into syncytial microvesicles was reduced in PE compared to control. In a transepithelial transport model, phloretinmediated inhibition of GLUT1 at the apical side of primary cytotrophoblasts showed a 44% of reduction of transepithelial glucose transport at IC50. Conclusions: GLUT1 is down-regulated on protein and functional level in PE compared to control. Altering glucose transport activity by inhibition of apical GLUT-1 indicates that transplacental glucose transport might be regulated on the apical side of the syncytiotrophoblast. These results might help to understand better the regulation of GLUT1 transporter and maybe in future to develop preventive strategies to modulate the fetal programming and thereby reduce the incidence of disease for both the mother and her child later in life.
Placental Uric Acid Transport System: Glucose Transporter 9 (SLC2A9). INTRODUCTION: Pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy-specific disease, contributes substantially to perinatal morbidity and mortality of both the mother and her child. Pre-eclampsia is often associated with high maternal urate serum levels, which in turn has been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of this disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the glucose transporter GLUT9-mediated placental uric acid transport system. METHODS: In this study western blot, immunofluorescence techniques as well as a transepithelial transport (Transwell) model were used to assess GLUT9 protein expression and, respectively, uric acid transport activity. Electrophysiological techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize the properties and the structure of GLUT9. RESULTS: Uric acid is transported across a BeWo choriocarcinoma cell monolayer with 530 pmol/min. We could successfully overexpress and for the first time purify the GLUT9b isoform using the Xenopus laevis oocytes expression system. Chloride seems to modulate the urate transport system. TEM revealed that GLUT9b isoform is present as monomer and dimmer in the Xenopus laevis overexpression model. A class average of all the particles allowed us to develop a first model of human GLUT9b structure, which was derived from the published crystal structure of the bacterial homologue of GLUT1-4. CONCLUSIONS: In vitro the “materno-fetal” transport of uric acid is slow indicating that in vivo the fetus might be protected from short-term fluctuations of maternal urate serum levels. The low-resolution structure obtained from TEM validates the proposed homology model regarding the structure of human GLUT9b. In ongoing studies this model is used to perform virtual screening to identify novel modulators of the urate transport system enabling the development of novel therapies in pregnancy complications.
Placental Glucose Transporter (GLUT1) Expression in Pre- Eclampsia. INTRODUCTION: Glucose is the most important substrate for fetal growth. Indeed, there is no significant de novo glucose synthesis in the fetus and the fetal up-take of glucose rely on maternal supply and transplacental transport. Therefore, a defective placental transporter system may affect the intrauterine environment compromising fetal as well as mother well-being. On this line, we speculated that the placental glucose transport system could be impaired in pre-eclampsia (PE). METHODS: Placentae were obtained after elective caesarean sections following normal pregnancies and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Syncytial basal membrane (BM) and apical microvillus membrane (MVM) fractions were prepared using differential ultra-centrifugation and magnesium precipitation. Protein expression was assessed by western blot. mRNA levels were quantified by quantitative real-time PCR. A radiolabeled substrate up-take assay was established to assess glucose transport activity. FACS analysis was performed to check the shape of MVM. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA test. RESULTS: GLUT1 protein levels were down-regulated (70%; P<0.01) in pre-eclamptic placentae when compared to control placentae. This data is in line with the reduced glucose up-take in MVM prepared from preeclamptic placentae. Of note, the mRNA levels of GLUT1 did not change between placentae affected by PE and normal placentae, suggesting that the levels of GLUT1 are post-transcriptionally regulated. FACS analysis on MVM vesicles from both normal placentae and pre-eclamptic placentae showed equal heterogeneity in the complexes formed. This excluded the possibility that the altered glucose up-take observed in pre-eclamptic MVM was caused by a different shape of these vesicles. CONCLUSIONS: Protein and functional studies of GLUT1 in MVM suggest that in pre-eclampsia the glucose transport between mother and fetus might be defective. To further investigate this important biological aspect we will increase the number of samples obtained from patients and use primary cells to study trans epithelial transport system in vitro.
Insulin and guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) both stimulate glucose transport and translocation of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane in adipocytes. Previous studies suggest that these effects may be mediated by different mechanisms. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that these agonists recruit GLUT4 by distinct trafficking mechanisms, possibly involving mobilization of distinct intracellular compartments. We show that ablation of the endosomal system using transferrin-HRP causes a modest inhibition (∼30%) of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. In contrast, the GTPγS response was significantly attenuated (∼85%) under the same conditions. Introduction of a GST fusion protein encompassing the cytosolic tail of the v-SNARE cellubrevin inhibited GTPγS-stimulated GLUT4 translocation by ∼40% but had no effect on the insulin response. Conversely, a fusion protein encompassing the cytosolic tail of vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 had no significant effect on GTPγS-stimulated GLUT4 translocation but inhibited the insulin response by ∼40%. GTPγS- and insulin-stimulated GLUT1 translocation were both partially inhibited by GST-cellubrevin (∼50%) but not by GST-vesicle-associated membrane protein-2. Incubation of streptolysin O-permeabilized 3T3-L1 adipocytes with GTPγS caused a marked accumulation of Rab4 and Rab5 at the cell surface, whereas other Rab proteins (Rab7 and Rab11) were unaffected. These data are consistent with the localization of GLUT4 to two distinct intracellular compartments from which it can move to the cell surface independently using distinct sets of trafficking molecules.