916 resultados para global control


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Distributed quantum information processing (QIP) is a promising way to bypass problems due to unwanted interactions between elements. However, this strategy presupposes the engineering of protocols for remote processors. In many of them, pairwise entanglement is a key resource. We study a model which distributes entanglement among elements of a delocalized network without local control. The model is efficient both in finite- and infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. We suggest a setup of electromechanical systems to implement our proposal.


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Sexually transmitted infections other than HIV are important global health issues. They have, however, been neglected as a public-health priority and control efforts continue to fail. Sexually transmitted infections, by their nature, affect individuals, who are part of partnerships and larger sexual networks, and in turn populations. We propose a framework of individual, partnership, and population levels for examining the effects of sexually transmitted infections and interventions to control them. At the individual level we have a range of effective diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. These options are unavailable or inaccessible in many resource-poor settings, where syndromic management remains the core intervention for individual case management. At the partnership level, partner notification and antenatal syphilis screening have the potential to prevent infection and re-infection. Interventions delivered to whole populations, or groups in whom the risks of infection and onward transmission are very high, have the greatest potential effect. Improvements to the infrastructure of treatment services can reduce the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhoea or urethritis. Strong evidence for the effectiveness of most other interventions on population-level outcomes is, however, scarce. Effective action requires a multifaceted approach including better basic epidemiological and surveillance data, high quality evidence about effectiveness of individual interventions and programmes, better methods to get effective interventions onto the policy agenda, and better advocacy and more commitment to get them implemented properly. We must not allow stigma, prejudice, and moral opposition to obstruct the goals of infectious disease control.


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We propose a scheme for quantum information processing based on donor electron spins in semiconductors, with an architecture complementary to the original Kane proposal. We show that a naive implementation of electron spin qubits provides only modest improvement over the Kane scheme, however through the introduction of global gate control we are able to take full advantage of the fast electron evolution timescales. We estimate that the latent clock speed is 100-1000 times that of the nuclear spin quantum computer with the ratio T-2/T-ops approaching the 10(6) level.


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In this paper, the optimal design of an active flow control device; Shock Control Bump (SCB) on suction and pressure sides of transonic aerofoil to reduce transonic total drag is investigated. Two optimisation test cases are conducted using different advanced Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs); the first optimiser is the Hierarchical Asynchronous Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm (HAPMOEA) based on canonical Evolutionary Strategies (ES). The second optimiser is the HAPMOEA is hybridised with one of well-known Game Strategies; Nash-Game. Numerical results show that SCB significantly reduces the drag by 30% when compared to the baseline design. In addition, the use of a Nash-Game strategy as a pre-conditioner of global control saves computational cost up to 90% when compared to the first optimiser HAPMOEA.


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Global amphibian decline by chytridiomycosis is a major environmental disaster that has been attributed to either recent fungal spread or environmental change that promotes disease. Here, we present a population genetic comparison of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis isolates from an intensively studied region of frog decline, the Sierra Nevada of California. In support of a novel pathogen, we find low diversity, no amphibian-host specificity, little correlation between fungal genotype and geography, local frog extirpation by a single fungal genotype, and evidence of human-assisted fungus migration. In support of endemism, at a local scale, we find some diverse, recombining populations. Therefore neither epidemic spread nor endemism alone explains this particular amphibian decline. Recombination raises the possibility of resistant sporangia and a mechanism for rapid spread as well as persistence that could greatly complicate global control of the pathogen.


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I present a novel design methodology for the synthesis of automatic controllers, together with a computational environment---the Control Engineer's Workbench---integrating a suite of programs that automatically analyze and design controllers for high-performance, global control of nonlinear systems. This work demonstrates that difficult control synthesis tasks can be automated, using programs that actively exploit and efficiently represent knowledge of nonlinear dynamics and phase space and effectively use the representation to guide and perform the control design. The Control Engineer's Workbench combines powerful numerical and symbolic computations with artificial intelligence reasoning techniques. As a demonstration, the Workbench automatically designed a high-quality maglev controller that outperforms a previous linear design by a factor of 20.


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This report addresses the problem of achieving cooperation within small- to medium- sized teams of heterogeneous mobile robots. I describe a software architecture I have developed, called ALLIANCE, that facilitates robust, fault tolerant, reliable, and adaptive cooperative control. In addition, an extended version of ALLIANCE, called L-ALLIANCE, is described, which incorporates a dynamic parameter update mechanism that allows teams of mobile robots to improve the efficiency of their mission performance through learning. A number of experimental results of implementing these architectures on both physical and simulated mobile robot teams are described. In addition, this report presents the results of studies of a number of issues in mobile robot cooperation, including fault tolerant cooperative control, adaptive action selection, distributed control, robot awareness of team member actions, improving efficiency through learning, inter-robot communication, action recognition, and local versus global control.


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El artículo analiza la crisis que atraviesa el Estado-nación como producto de la agudización, profundización y aceleramiento de los procesos de globalización. En primer lugar, se abordan los cambios que se producen en su estructura, sus funciones y sus atribuciones soberanas de decisión, las cuales son sometidas a presiones en lo internacional y lo subnacional. Desde esta perspectiva, se hace énfasis en su lucha por sobrevivir a través de la diversificación de sus escenarios y de la cooperación con otros actores nacionales o internacionales. En consecuencia, el análisis nos conduce a constatar que el Estado-nación, en vez de desempeñar su papel jerárquico y autoritario tradicional, ha comenzado a jugar un rol negociador y de mediador entre los grandes problemas y los actores, o la combinación de actores, que más se adecuen a cada circunstancia. En este contexto, se evalúa la función integradora del Estado-nación, así como su capacidad para seguir siendo una pieza clave en un mundo globalizado y en momentos de fraccionamiento y pluralización de las sociedades actuales. Por último, se llega a la conclusión de que el Estadonación, a pesar de su crisis, sigue siendo la institución más importante del control global.-----This article analises the crisis affecting the Nation-State, which is a product of the aggravation, profundization and acceleration of the processes of globalization. In the first place the article deals with the changes of its structure, its functions and its decision-making power, all submitted to new international and sub-national pressures. From this perspective, emphasis is being placed on its struggle for survival through diversification of its scenarios and cooperation with other national and international actors. As a consequence, the analysis leads us to realize that the Nation-State, instead of being the hierarchical and authoritarian traditional entity, has started to play a new role as a negotiator and mediator of the big problems and their actors involved. In this context the integrating function of the Nation-State is being evaluated, as well as its capacity to stay a key player in a globalized world at times of the fragmentation and pluralization of modern societies. Finally the article concludes that the Nation-State, in spite of its current crisis, continues to be the most important institution of global control.


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Iron is essential to virtually all organisms, but poses problems of toxicity and poor solubility. Bacteria have evolved various mechanisms to counter the problems imposed by their iron dependence, allowing them to achieve effective iron homeostasis under a range of iron regimes. Highly efficient iron acquisition systems are used to scavenge iron from the environment under iron-restricted conditions. In many cases, this involves the secretion and internalisation of extracellular ferric chelators called siderophores. Ferrous iron can also be directly imported by the G protein-like transporter, FcoB. For pathogens, host-iron complexes (transferrin, lactoferrin, haem, haemoglobin) are directly used as iron sources. Bacterial iron storage proteins (ferritin, bacterioferritin) provide intracellular iron reserves for use when external supplies are restricted, and iron detoxification proteins (Dps) are employed to protect the chromosome from iron-induced free radical damage. There is evidence that bacteria control their iron requirements in response to iron availability by downregulating the expression of iron proteins during iron-restricted growth. And finally, the expression of the iron homeostatic machinery is subject to iron-dependent global control ensuring that iron acquisition, storage and consumption are geared to iron availability and that intracellular levels of free iron do not reach toxic levels. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work a modification on ANFIS (Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System) structure is proposed to find a systematic method for nonlinear plants, with large operational range, identification and control, using linear local systems: models and controllers. This method is based on multiple model approach. This way, linear local models are obtained and then those models are combined by the proposed neurofuzzy structure. A metric that allows a satisfactory combination of those models is obtained after the structure training. It results on plant s global identification. A controller is projected for each local model. The global control is obtained by mixing local controllers signals. This is done by the modified ANFIS. The modification on ANFIS architecture allows the two neurofuzzy structures knowledge sharing. So the same metric obtained to combine models can be used to combine controllers. Two cases study are used to validate the new ANFIS structure. The knowledge sharing is evaluated in the second case study. It shows that just one modified ANFIS structure is necessary to combine linear models to identify, a nonlinear plant, and combine linear controllers to control this plant. The proposed method allows the usage of any identification and control techniques for local models and local controllers obtaining. It also reduces the complexity of ANFIS usage for identification and control. This work has prioritized simpler techniques for the identification and control systems to simplify the use of the method


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The hypermodified, hydrophobic 2-methylthio-N$\sp6$-(dimethylallyl)-adenosine (ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A) residue occurs $3\sp\prime$ to the anticodon in tRNA species that read codons beginning with U. The first step (i$\sp6$A37 formation) of this modification is catalyzed by dimethylallyl diphosphate:tRNA dimethyallyltransferase (EC, which is the product of the miaA gene. Subsequent steps were proposed to be catalyzed by MiaB and MiaC enzymes to complete the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification. The study of functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 is very important because this modified base is one of the best candidates for a role in global control in response to environmental stress. This dissertation describes the further delineation of functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification in E. coli K-12 cells. This work provides significant information on functions of tRNA modifications in E. coli cells to adapt to stressful environmental conditions. Three hypotheses were tested in this work.^ The first hypothesis tested was that non-optimal translation processes cause increased spontaneous mutagenesis by the induction of SOS response in starving cells. To test this hypothesis, I measured spontaneous mutation rates of wild type cells and various mutant strains which are defective in tRNA modification, SOS response, or oxidative damage repair. I found that the miaA mutation acts as a mutator that increased Lac$\sp+$ reversion rates and Trp$\sp+$ reversion frequencies of the wild-type cells in starving conditions. However, the lexA3(Ind)(which abolishes the induction of SOS response) mutation abolished the mutator phenotype of the miaA mutant. The recA430 mutation, not other identified SOS genes, decreased the Lac$\sp+$ reversion to a less extent than that of the lexA3(Ind) mutation. These results suggest that RecA together with another unidentified SOS gene product are responsible for the process.^ The second hypothesis tested was that MiaA protein binds to full-length tRNA$\sp{\rm Phe}$ molecules in form of a protein dimer. To test this hypothesis, three versions of the MiaA protein and seven species of tRNA substrates were purified. Binding studies by gel mobility shift assays, filter binding assays and gel filtration shift assays support the hypothesis that MiaA protein binds to full-length tRNA$\sp{\rm Phe}$ as a protein dimer but as a monomer to the anticodon stem-and-loop. These results were further supported by using steady state enzyme kinetic studies.^ The third hypothesis tested in this work was that the miaB gene in E. coli exists and is clonable. The miaB::Tn10dCm insertion mutation of Salmonella typhimurium was transduced to E. coli K-12 cells by using P$\sb1$ and P$\sb{22}$ bacteriophages. The insertion was confirmed by HPLC analyses of nucleotide profiles of miaB mutants of E. coli. The insertion mutation was cloned and DNA sequences adjacent to the transposon were sequenced. These DNA sequences were 86% identical to the f474 gene at 14.97 min chromosome of E. coli. The f474 gene was then cloned by PCR from the wild-type chromosome of E. coli. The recombinant plasmid complemented the mutant phenotype of the miaB mutant of E. coli. These results support the hypothesis that the miaB gene of E. coli exists and is clonable. In summary, functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification in E. coli cells are further delineated in this work in perspectives of adaptation to stressful environmental conditions and protein:tRNA interaction. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Sequence boundary ages determined in shallow-water sediments obtained from ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 189 Site 1171 (South Tasman Rise) compare well with other stratigraphic records (New Jersey, United States, and northwestern Europe) and d18O increases from deep-sea records, indicating that significant (>10 m) eustatic changes occurred during the early to middle Eocene (51-42 Ma). Sequence boundaries were identified and dated using lithology, bio- and magnetostratigraphy, water-depth changes, CaCO3 content, and physical properties (e.g., photospectrometry). They are characterized by a sharp bioturbated surface, low CaCO3 content, and an abrupt increase in glauconite above the surface. Foraminiferal biofacies and planktonic/benthic foraminiferal ratios were used to estimate water-depth changes. Ages of six sequence boundaries (50.9, 49.2, 48.5-47.8, 47.1, 44.5, and 42.6 Ma) from Site 1171 correlate well to the timings of d18O increases and sequence boundaries identified from other Eocene studies. The synchronous nature of sequence boundary development from globally distal sites and d18O increases indicates a global control and that glacioeustasy was operating in this supposedly ice-free world. This is supported by previous modeling studies and atmospheric pCO2 estimates showing that the first time pCO2 levels decreased below a threshold that would support the development of an Antarctic ice sheet occurred at ca. 51 Ma. Estimates of sea-level amplitudes range from ~20 m for the early Eocene (51-49 Ma) and ~25 m to ~45 m for the middle Eocene (48-42 Ma) using constraints established for Oligocene d18O records.


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 A novel consensus approach to biological reagent design was developed to establish a test for detection of infection of livestock animals with Foot-and-mouth disease virus in a type-independent manner. This test has potential as a readily available diagnostic suitable for use in the global control of this disease.